
Home > Other > Rejected > Page 17
Rejected Page 17

by Amelia Rademaker

  She tried to turn around but it took so much energy to subdue the force driving her deeper into the woods. The freedom never lasted long enough to do anything.

  Grace shook her head. She didn’t want to remember that. “Did we beat the rogues?”

  Jack brushed his hand through her hair stalling. “No.” He said finally. “We didn’t come close to beating the rogues. The casting that Ivy did distracted everyone and the rogues took the chance to run. If she hadn’t been there, we would have lost. We weren’t able to track any of them.”

  Tears pricked her eyes. She knew they had lost people even though Jack didn’t say anything. He didn’t need to. And it was all her fault.

  “Grace,” Jack wrapped his arms around her. She turned into his warmth and broke down.

  “It’s all my fault. I’m the reason all those people died.” She cried until her sobbing became hoarse.

  Jack sat her up handing her more water. “It’s not your fault, Grace.” His voice was reassuring. “They were coming for us. They’d been targeting Black Bird long before you moved back into your cabin.”

  “But if I haven’t moved into the cabin they wouldn’t have attacked.”

  “Yeah, they would have,” Jack contradicted. “They would have cast their immortality spell and surprised us all during the new moon. We would have been slaughtered.” Jack drew her back against his chest. “You gave us the warning we needed to get everyone to safety.”

  Jack and Grace embraced each other not saying anything. Grace’s mind tried to wrap around the things that had happened in the last few days. There were so many impossible forces that they had to fight against.

  “How are we going to defend against magic and armies of rogues?” Grace asked voicing her fear.

  Jack shook his head. “I don’t know. Ben has already started planning though. Ivy Stevens is working to learn as much as she can about the witches who made that spell originally. He’s hoping that we can stay one step ahead of them if we know more.”

  He brushed her hair absentmindedly as he went on. “Ben has almost made enforcer training mandatory for anyone who is physically able. A lot of the wolves who fought were untrained and unprepared to go up against rogues.” Jack shook his head. “Our people don’t have the stamina to fight rogues. Right now, any training will help. Ben officially called on Holly to be an enforcer so she could help train people.”

  Grace huffed an amused breath. “I’m sure Holly loved that. She gets to be an enforcer and hand the Henry and Patrick their asses. That might be her dream job.”

  Jack poked her ribs. “Don’t laugh too hard. Once you aren’t injured you are going to start training too.”

  Grace made a face. “Is there any way to be put on the disabled list indefinitely?”

  Jack snorted. “You’ve gotten beat up, cursed and been at ground zero of an explosion. There is no way in hell you’re missing defense training.”

  He twisted to face her, jostling Grace. “I almost forgot. Betsy and Anne have adopted Ivy. She’s living with Betsy right now and Anne is trying to hire her at the store.”

  If Ivy was staying with Betsy and working for Anne it meant that she had now joined the ranks of their group of friends. Grace would be seeing her a lot if that were true. She hoped Ivy was an open minded and forgiving person because Grace had not made the best first impression.

  “How is that going?” She asked

  “Ivy is too sweet to say anything. She doesn’t stand a chance against Anne and Betsy. They’ve already given her a makeover and dragged her to Miller’s.” He shook his head. “Between Ben and the girls, she doesn’t have time for anything else. Namely, Ezra and Ezekiel.”

  “Oh,” Grace hummed knowingly. “I’m guessing that it causing problems.”

  “The brothers have started hanging out around Betsy’s apartment. It’s only a matter of time before everything boils over.”

  “Who would have guessed?” She was excited to get out of bed and join the fun. The Tate brothers chasing a woman around town was sure to be a blast to watch.

  “I caught them sneaking into Monroe Springs a while ago.” Jack admitted. “I bet they’ve been going to see Ivy for, who knows how long.”

  “Well, we will have to place bets on which couple gets mated first: them or Betsy and Paul.”

  Jack looked down at his hand going quiet.

  “Jack?” She got concerned by the concentrated expression on his face.

  “I know I said I would give you a choice but I don’t think I can wait, Grace.” His eyes were wide begging her to understand. “After that explosion, I saw you lying on the ground and I thought you were dead. And,” his eyes stared blankly ahead, “in that moment there wasn’t anything I wouldn’t give to have you back.”

  He shifted so he was sitting next to her on the bed. “Grace, I want a life with you. I want to come home knowing you’ll be there. I want to have dinner on the table when you walk in. I want to hold your hand while sit at the diner.” His face lit up. “I want you. However you’ll take me.”

  Grace felt her body go hot and cold. She felt her heart pound in her chest. She couldn’t help herself, she started smiling. This was a dream come true.

  “I want all of those things too Jack, with you.” She looked down at her lap suddenly feeling embarrassed. “I know we’ve already said this,” she cleared her throat, “but I don’t think it really counted.” Jack looked confused. “So, before we can move on with our lives there’s something I wanted to say.” She took a deep breath. “I love you, Jack Taylor.”

  He smiled the expression warming his face. “I love you, Grace Copeland.”

  Grace leaned in kissing him softly. Jack put a hand around her neck drawing her in. They explored each other with their mouths and hands.

  Jack pulled back. “I want to make love to you, Grace. But we can wait until you’re better.”

  “As long as we go slowly,” she blushed.

  “That is exactly the speed I want to go.”

  Jack lowered Grace to the bed, smoothing her hair around her face. He inhaled deeply. “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” He kissed her again.

  Grace pushed her hands under the shirt he wore. Jack’s body was hot and hard. She ran her nails over the dips and peaks along his chest and stomach. She felt his muscles jump as she explored.

  Leaning back, Jack slowly lifted his shirt off of his body. Grace sighed as he exposed his gorgeous body. She could see a few new scars from their battle with the rogues. Grace wished to hell that he hadn’t been hurt.

  “Hey, hey, hey,” he chided. “None of that right now.”

  Grace grabbed the ends of her shirt and pulled it over her head in response. Jack’s eyes turned predatory. Grace cupped her breasts between her hands. She squeezed and teased them pinching each nipple. Jack dove just like she knew he would.

  Wet heat enveloped her right nipple. Grace moaned loving the feeling of Jack sucking on her. Cream gushed between her thighs making her clench them together.

  She put her hands into Jack’s hair pressing him into her. Jack growled around the nipple he was sucking. Grace growled in response.

  Wanting to make Jack feel good she reached between their bodies. His cock was trapped in the boxers he was wearing. Grace pushed the fabric down as far as she could reach. Jack sat back on his heel taking off his boxers the rest of the way.

  His cock stood up, angled towards Jack’s belly. It was gorgeous. Grace’s mouth watered. She pushed pillows behind her and gestured Jack forward. “Come here.”

  He gave her a devilish smile knowing what was coming. Jack crawled over her body, dragging his hot member over her exposed skin. Grace loved it. When he got close enough, Grace wrapped both hands around his cock.

  Jack’s breath caught. Grace smiled. She pumped the hard length slowly watching the skin give and take with her movement. Jack’s hips jerked trying to get her hands to move faster. He was going mad.

  Taking pity on him Grace kis
sed the tip. It jumped. Grace put the head of Jack’s cock into her mouth sucking hard.

  “Oh God, Grace,” Jack heaved.

  Grace continued to pump his shaft while her mouth lavished his cockhead with her tongue. She licked the slit, tasting precum. She tongued the skin at the base.

  When Jack grabbed her head, she was ready. He thrust into her mouth making her gag. He pulled out, spit clinging to his cock. Breath wheezed out of him at the sight.

  “I want to fuck your mouth so hard you can taste me for days,” Jack confessed.

  Grace purred. “That sounds lovely.”

  “Oh lord,” Jack breathed. “But if we don’t stop right now, I will cum down your throat and I want to be inside you.”

  Grace shifted back. With Jack straddling her, she shimmied out of the shorts she was wearing. She opened her arms, “Then come here.”

  Jack lowered himself over her. She could feel the heat coming off of her body and it felt exquisite. Jack kissed her forehead. “I love you, Grace.”

  She placed her hands on either side of Jack’s face. “I love you too.”

  Jack gripped his cock and teased the wetness between her legs. Grace moaned as his hard cock brushed her clit. Jack smiled. He put himself right against her entrance and thrust.

  Grace gasped. His cock stretched her pussy and for a second, the sharp sting made Grace’s body flare into awareness. Arousal had her fingers digging into Jack’s back. Her back arched into his body. She felt his cock pressing at the entrance of her womb.

  Grace gave herself over to the pleasure. She became wild. She bucked her hips, fucking Jack from below. She loved feeling his cock slam home. She lived for the feeling of his body inside her, the heat filling her.

  Grace growled and snarled at every scratch that Jack gave her needing more. She reached between their sweaty bodies and started rubbing her swollen clit.

  “That’s it,” Jack praised, “that’s my girl. Make yourself climax.”

  Grace bit her lip pinching her clit. The sudden jolt sent her reeling. Grace felt her muscles tense as pleasure exploded through her body. All she could do was cling to Jack as her orgasm throbbed through her body.

  Jack started fucking her hard. He pressed her into the mattress thrusting into her with wild abandon. The noises coming from his throat weren’t human. Grace felt his body tense. He thrust into her howling.

  Jack dropped onto his elbow sinking his teeth into her neck.

  Grace screamed a second orgasm hitting her. She struck, biting Jack, making him growl into her throat.

  They stayed like that for a long time, long enough for Grace’s aftershocks to fade. Licking the bite mark she had left on Jack, Grace sighed in contentment.

  When Jack rolled next to her, Grace traced a finger over the mate mark. “What happened to letting it be my choice?” She teased.

  “If you think I was going to pass up marking you for a second time, you’re crazy.” He nuzzled the curve of her neck. “And don’t think I didn’t notice you bite me right back.

  Grace chuckled. “I couldn’t help myself.”

  “Neither could I. You realize this means that you’re moving in with me?”

  Grace craned her neck until she was looking at Jack. “And why wouldn’t you move in with me?”

  Jack just shook his head. “After everything that’s happened, you’re still throwing sass about that cabin.” He gave her a stern look. “You’re moving in with me. Until we chase the rogues from our valley, we are staying here.” Jack nodded like that was that. “Afterwards, we can visit the cabin.” He compromised.

  Grace rolled her eyes. She wasn’t going to complain too much. Jack’s house had central heating anyways. Living in the cabin in winter would have been a nightmare. “I guess I better call to Dane to finish fixing the roof.”

  Jack growled the sound vibrating through Grace. “No, you won’t. There is no way I am letting that South Creek wolf fix our cabin. I can do the repairs.”

  “Our cabin?” Grace asked, an eyebrow raised.

  “Our cabin.”

  About the Author

  Amelia Rademaker is a writer from Seattle. Growing up listening to scary stories in the woods led to a lifelong interest in fantasy, reading and things that go bump in the night. Currently, she lives in the South with her husband, her son, two cats, and massive dog.

  Other books by Amelia Rademaker

  The Wolves of Black Bird Series


  Resented (Coming Soon)

  Connect with Amelia Rademaker

  Thank you so much for ready Rejected, the first book in the Wolves of Black Bird series. If you’re interested in the next book or seeing other projects I’m working on, check out any of the links below.

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