Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2) Page 9

by Jennise K

If I only regarded Abigail’s first try as nothing of importance, her attempt today left me more curious than ever. I watched my agitated best friend curiously.

  What did she want to tell me? What would she want to tell me that I don’t know?

  “Olivia…I’m pregnant?”

  “Olivia…I’m gay?”

  “Olivia…I’m moving back home?”

  “Olivia, I’m a—” I shook my head. No, she would never say that; she’s an idiot.


  “Oi, you zhere?”

  Blinking myself back to reality, I turned towards Madame Crawfort and mumbled, “Yes, Madame Crawfort. Sorry, Madame.” I drew my attention back to the counter, where a girl was waiting with a bag load of clothes in front of me.

  Smiling at the girl, I began scanning each article of clothing. After which, I gave her a good discount when I thought Madame Crawfort, who was standing beside me, nodded.

  While watching the girl exit the store happily, Madame Crawfort patted me on my shoulder and said, “You are so sweet, Olivia. Sometimes I vonder vhy you aren’t a packet of bonbon.”


  The crisp afternoon air cut against my skin sharper than usual, and I felt a shudder pass through my back as I got out of the car and made my way towards the small restaurant I had come to love ever since I moved to Berlin.

  Pulling the door open, I grinned at Drew and took a step in, the delicious warmth immediately swallowing me whole.

  “Hello, Drew!” I said up cheerfully as I reached the main counter.

  The tall blond boy smiled back at me. “Hey, Olivia, what can I do for you?”

  “Just get me a Three Bird Burger please, chips and all—”


  Turning around to see who called me, I almost flew back when a heavy weight of somebody crashed against me.

  “S—Sorry! I didn’t mean to. Sorry!”

  Shaking my head, I groaned as I straightened myself out, thankful that Michael had reached out and held my arm despite his panic.

  I suddenly felt very weak.

  “It’s okay,” I whispered as I looked up at a panic-stricken Michael. Looking around the restaurant, I noticed everyone’s attention was on us. I put my hand up and waved dismissively. “It’s all right. I apologize for the disturbance. Please continue enjoying your meals!”

  Everyone gradually resumed their interrupted conversations and meals.

  I groaned when suddenly, my vision became dark again, and immediately, two strong pairs of arms took hold of me, and I felt myself being moved somewhere.

  I opened my eyes and saw Drew and Michael carrying me. Too tired to resist, I let them settle me in the farthest corner booth.

  “You don’t look so good,” Drew mumbled.

  “I don’t know what’s happening to me. I was fine just a minute ago!” I grumbled into my hand as I rested my face against it. “And to top it all, I have to drive back to the castle.”

  Despite my almost unconscious state, I felt Michael stiffen beside me. “So, you went.”

  I sighed. “I have to graduate, Michael.”

  I can see Michael’s disapproving look, but he sighed. “I can drop you off if you want. Would that be all right?”

  My eyes widened, and then I groaned as another wave of headache hit me square between my eyes. “Th—thank you, Michael.”

  And then everything went dark.


  A groan slipped past my dry lips, and I unconsciously licked them wet. Tiny beads of light slipped in as I began to slowly open my eyes. At the sight of unfamiliar surroundings, I racked my brain to figure out what happened.

  The last thing I could remember was being at the restaurant. I was ordering my usual when—my eyes ripped open, now remembering, and I shot up in bed.

  Instantly, a warm hand pushed me back. My eyes closed as I groaned at this opposing action.

  “You shouldn’t get up so fast. Just relax. You’re in the castle.”

  My hand found his over my chest, and I brought it to my side, my grip tightening over his. “Michael?”

  Opening my eyes again, I turned towards the boy who was sitting on the edge of my bed, a concerned expression flooding his face.

  I realized I was in my room in the castle. The room glowed with a muted golden shade, but I couldn’t identify where it’s coming from. The window seemed to be shut tight so no chilly breeze flew in. My hands itched to go open it.

  “How long has it been? What’s happened to me?” I asked no one in particular.

  Sophia walked out of the shadows and took a seat beside me, her warm hand finding mine. Slowly, I smiled at her.

  “It’s been three hours. You were riding high on a fever, Olivia.”

  I got a fever…

  My brows furrowed in disbelief. “Just like that?”

  Sophia grimaced. “Just like that.”

  Suddenly, the door shot open and a man walked in, Marsha rushing in behind him. He moved where the light could illuminate him, and I watched as his amused green eyes found mine. “So you’re the next victim?”

  I frowned, feeling offended by his behaviour. “Victim?”

  “Of great mother Edika, the bitch,” he said with a smirk.

  “By the way you’re wielding your mouth, I wouldn’t be shocked if you’re her next victim,” I spat back. The headache returned, which only made my temper flare more.

  I didn’t like him.

  He must’ve sensed this. His eyes sparkled, and he let out a chuckle.

  “You’re a feisty one. I’m Grayson.”

  Gritting my teeth, I looked him straight in the eye. “And I’m I don’t care.”

  Unperturbed, his smile only brightened. I wanted to scream. “It’s nice to meet you, I don’t care.”

  Ha! What a dad response.

  Beside me, Michael tensed, and I frowned when he didn’t say anything. In fact, no one said anything to this guy who was as arrogant as a fool.

  “De-Grayson, I think you should let the girl rest. Please.”

  De? Ha! Devil!

  Grayson, however, only grinned harder. I was sure my wristwatch would tell me something different, but it felt like years while he just stood there looking at me with that sly grin on his face. When he was satisfied with his examination, he sent me a cheeky grin and a wink. He did the same to Marsha and then strolled out of the room.

  I let out a low groan. Everybody was on high alert, and their eyes were on me, fast. I was just as fast to react. “It’s all right, guys. I’m fine. Michael, please go home. You still have school tomorrow.”

  Beside me, Michael nodded and, on impulse, leaned down and pressed a small peck on my forehead. “Good night, Livy.”

  I smiled. “Night, Michael.”

  Michael gave me a small wave as he walked towards the exit, Sophia right behind him.

  Marsha, however, stayed. “It’s not your temper, you know.”

  Getting out of bed, I groaned, and my eyes met Marsha’s.

  I knew what she was talking about. I wasn’t one to get this temperamental. This anger felt foreign. My emotions felt foreign. I knew what she was talking about, but I still asked, “Then whose is it?”

  She smiled sadly and confirmed my thoughts when she said, “It’s his.”


  If walls could tell a story, I was sure this castle would scream out tales.

  The large thick pillars stood on good distances from each other covering all of the shelves from the ceiling to the floor of the castle library. A large silver sliding ladder was attached to the long length of the walls. There was so much to know in this room, and so much to read.

  Sliding the ladder a little further to the left, I moved a little before my hand found the book I wanted. I smiled then put the book in my basket.

  Last night, the very minute Marsha left, she sowed havoc and confusion in my mind. I had spent the rest of the night under the cold shower, wondering how I could possibly feel Romanov’s anger. That is, if he was the on
e feeling it.

  It was strange that such a phenomenon could happen. I, for one, couldn’t wrap my head around the idea of such connection. In the balcony, where I last slept in, I thought about knowing more about it. Besides, it’s high time I did my project for this course.

  After my resolution last night, this morning had a whole different vibe for me. I decided to ask Marsha if I could get a change of room, to which she agreed. But I’d only transfer right after I finished finding out how I could feel Romanov’s anger.

  Taking a final step down the ladder, I jumped down on the floor and gathered my bearings. I took a look at the random titles I picked from the library.

  The basket dangling from my arm held books about the history, tales, myths, and legends of the castle. Hidden underneath all the books about the castle was a book I had found about lycanthropes. A small, warm smile surfaced on my lips when I was looking for a cosy place to do my reading for an alcove hidden behind shelves of books came into view. I immediately walked towards it.

  “There you go,” I softly whispered to myself as I placed the basket on a shelf built on the alcove and settled on the fluffy cushions, stretching my feet in front of me.

  Feeling content for the first time since yesterday, I smiled as I watched the forest view from the window—the mountains standing strong and large, wearing coats of green and orange, red and yellow.

  A smile still in my lips, I reached forward and picked out the bottom-most book in the basket.

  Tier by Edika Leightmonshtein


  The sun was beginning to set, three orange beams of light creeping into the alcove, casting a golden sheen to the brown pages of the book I was reading.

  A tiny ping rang, its soft sound resonating against the walls of the comfortable alcove. I looked to see who messaged.

  From: Aby

  My eyes moved over to my wristwatch.

  5:30 pm

  Ugh. I sighed as I typed back a reply.

  My phone pinged again, and I didn’t check it this time. Knowing Abigail, I knew she would say yes.

  I sighed, then slowly put the books back on the shelf for tomorrow’s usage. I stretched as I stood up, moaning in satisfaction when the sound of a few bones cracking drifted to my ears. Looking back at the hidden alcove, I smiled at the warmth it seemed to radiate before turning around and walking towards the door.

  The hallways were large and always grand as I took turns, trying to remember the way back to m—the room I was staying in.

  Suddenly, I stopped when I heard a loud giggle issue from behind a door. It could be anything, but then the woman giggled again. My eyes widened when a second later, she moaned; then another but from a husky male. Curiosity got the better of me, and I took a step closer to the door. And my jaw almost hit the floor at what more I had heard.

  “Ooh it feels so good. Ooh yeah, yeah there. Fuck, it feels so good baby! Mmmm…yeah yeah…harder! Harder—damn it—yeah!”

  I took a step away from the large door when suddenly all the moans stopped. Okay, that’s it. So much for trying to act stealthy. I turned to run.

  “Hold on! You on the other side of the door. Stop,” the guy commanded.

  I froze. The sound of the large door opening sent a streak of panic across my spine.

  “Oh! It’s you, Miss I Don’t Care.”

  I almost felt like dying. Ugh. Can the earth just open and swallow me up right now?

  Turning around and making sure to keep my eyes fixed north, I froze when I noticed his mocking golden eyes on me.

  “I’m sorry. I was just—”

  “Please. Feel free to join us,” he cut me off.

  I just stood there, my mouth gaping open in shock. When his smirk widened at my shocked silence, I snapped. “At least respect your girlfriend, Grayson!”

  Grayson let out a loud chuckle as he leaned against his door. I didn’t dare look down. “What girlfriend?”

  My jaw dropped lower. Oh my God! This guy’s a fuckboy!

  My shock must’ve been plain on my face. Grayson shrugged, and I did everything in my will not to look down when something down there moved with his shrug too. “The fresh ones in my mind are the ones that matter. And the ones that don’t are the ones I scatter.”

  The audacity. “You do know that is completely irresponsible of you, right?” I did not want to elaborate, and it’s not like Grayson needed any.

  He just smirked and said, “Most definitely.”

  This guy was full of surprises. My mouth gaped open. “And still you behave in such a callous manner?”

  This time, his smirk widened into a smug grin. He leaned against the wall and folded his arms in front of him. “Most definitely, Ma’am.”

  I shook my head, not being able to look at the living example of a moronic dunderhead. “You know what? I’m just going to remove myself from your presence. Your company has given me more migraines than my subjects in school,” I muttered vehemently and began to take a step back.

  Suddenly, Grayson’s smirk became more sinister, and he took a step forward, untangling his arms from in front of him.

  “You sure that’s all that happens when you’re in my presence?”

  I gasped as I felt my back hit the wall, looking around for an escape. I looked back only to see him already within an inch’s distance. And there was something now poking at my middle.

  I didn’t know what to do. I had never found myself in such a position before. When my parents were alive, my sister and I had been quite sheltered. And even when we knew we could make our own decisions, we never found ourselves ever so vulnerable. Gulping down the fear, I looked away.

  Times had changed, though. My parents and Liz weren’t here anymore. I wasn’t sheltered anymore. I was away from home, from security and protection. And this wasn’t the time for me to cower. I clenched my fists and turned to the still smirking Grayson. This time, with a glare.

  “No, it also gives me gas. Now if you please, or would you prefer I fart on your face?” I snapped back with a challenging look in my eyes.

  Olivia, you moron!

  It worked despite my first attempt at fighting against this vagina predator using a lame comeback. Eyes wide with disbelief, Grayson’s mouth fell open, and he took a quick fumbling step back, tripping on his bare feet in the process.

  Seeing an opening, I made a dash for it, running faster than what was definitely allowed in these corridors. It didn’t matter though; I could no longer stand there with him. My mind disoriented from what just happened, I soon found myself in an unfamiliar corridor.

  “Rushing away from the psycho, I must have taken a wrong turn.” I groaned as I looked around the strange place. Where was I? Panic began to settle when it finally sunk in: these corridors were new to me. This part of the castle was new. I was completely lost.

  Still, I shouldn’t complain. Despite everything, I was glad I had managed to escape from Grayson.

  He could be a father to a dozen lot of children! a sarcastic little Jiminy spoke up in my mind, and I nodded.

  Hall after hall and still, I couldn’t find a corner that looked familiar. The long corridor that I was now walking on had nothing but green scenery on both sides. For a minute, I contemplated jumping just to escape this maze.

  But, looking at the height from which I was standing, I thought, I wouldn’t survive the jump anyway. So, bracing myself with hope, I continued walking.

  Five minutes later, I was back inside the castle, surrounded by its concrete walls. Still looking for a life-form. Even a door. I turned into another hallway, and I almost sang when finally, I saw a large, black door with gold-encrusted borders.

  Just then, Marsha’s warning came to mind.

  “Listen here, Olivia. Do not get lost. But if you do, do know that every room has a telephone. Just press 0 and call the kitchen.”

  It was good that I remembered her advice now. Now if only this door was open. I tried the knob and turned it. I sighed happily and quickly sent up a pray
er of thanks when the door clicked open. Pushing it open with a strength I didn’t even know I still had, I rushed straight inside, slamming the door close behind me.

  It felt like a rush, the adrenalin of running away from a man who had the gall of asking me for a threesome mixed with the fear of being lost.

  “Oh, thank God,” I said out loud as I leaned against the door with my eyes shut close. I breathed in and out to control my crazily beating heart.

  It felt like a while before I got my raging breath and wild heart back under control. Letting out a sigh of relief, I shook my head slightly and opened my eyes.

  Only to freeze.

  Standing in front of me with an amused smile on his face stood a shirtless Romanov.

  Lord, help me now. It really is him…I felt like crying. When did he return? Why is he here?

  The closet full of clothes flashed before my eyes, and I came back to my senses.

  I remembered Sophia’s and Rome’s words:

  “Those belong to Master Romanov’s future bride…”

  “I’m sorry, but I don’t know what you’re talking about, Olivia…”

  I felt my heart harden. All the hero worship or whatever it was that brought up the warm fuzzy feeling in my chest whenever I thought about Rome fizzled out.

  Romanov didn’t deserve to have me hanging around him just because he saved my life. He had a life of his own. Letting out a sigh, I looked down at my feet. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know this room was occupied. I—I got lost.”

  I felt Rome take a step toward me, and I flinched back—my back rigid, hands hard, and heart wary.


  He took another step forward, but this time, I stood still, my back flat against the door. There wasn’t any space to step back to.

  “Olivia…You must be upset over that night.”

  My eyes hardened, and I didn’t dare look up. No matter how much I tried to be selfless, remembering still stung and only compelled me to think of him more. “I’m sorry, Mr. Naight. I don’t understand what you’re talking about. Could I please use the telephone here? I’m a bit lost.”

  Two strong arms held my shoulder, and I tried my best not to let myself waver.

  “Olivia, I saved you, I’m…Beas—”


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