Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2) Page 27

by Jennise K

  “Stop it!” I pulled myself away from the man’s grip and limped towards the two beasts. “Just stop it! Please!” I said as my hand wrapped around Romanov’s large, dark, furry arm.

  “Oh shit.” I heard the man behind me whisper before Romanov’s head snapped to mine.

  “You don’t know who you’re dealing with! I am the royal delta here!” Edward’s beast form suddenly growled as he pushed against Romanov’s chest with his furry claws.

  Romanov’s eyes snapped to Edward’s, and he snarled, the pearly whites of his sharp canines causing my body to go rigid, tiny goose bumps prickling my skin.

  “Are you really? I’m a fucking alpha king, and your alpha king is my cousin. You still want my mate, pup?”

  “Yes,” Edward snapped back instantly, and I looked at the man with my jaw hanging open before pulling on Romanov just as he raised his fists. Immediately, the stranger who had held me in the stairs was beside Romanov, his beast speed catching me off guard. The man grabbed hold of Romanov’s hand, stopping whatever my mate was planning.

  “No, Rome.” His voice seemed calm and warm. He definitely had an air of authority to him. It wasn’t strange since he spoke in a manner which commands and shows respect.

  “Please,” I mumbled as I held onto Romanov’s hand, now entwined with both of mine.

  His eyes moved to mine, and I released a breath of relief as he made a move to get off the other beast when suddenly, he turned back and crashed his large fist against Edward’s face, pulling the man—who was sure fast but was still flabbergasted—along with him.

  There was a loud groan as Edward held his bloodied face.

  “Next time, I’ll kill you.”

  And then he was up and against me, grabbing me by my middle and flinging me over his shoulder. Then he began walking in the direction of the stairs in a speed that had my head bumping in a dizzying rate.

  Romanov stopped, and my face hit his back. I winced at the pain.

  “Could you get someone to get the royal delta to his car, Matthew?”

  “Sure thing, bud.” The man, Matthew, called out from behind us, and I lifted my head up just in time to see a bitter-looking Edward staring at me, who was now completely in his human form, stark naked. His jaw was bruised and badly broken. Romanov began walking again, and my eyes moved to Matthew’s.

  He smiled at me then with a warm and comforting smile I thought only this stranger could produce. I sent him a sad smile of my own. I guess Romanov’s friend from America was nice.

  “Her room is on the last door in the corridor to the right from this one,” Pompy suddenly said, breaking the silence. I looked up just in time to see her—as we were passing by—her sparkling Romani eyes crinkling as she gave me a grin. I narrowed my eyes at her.

  She was lying. My room was definitely not located there. Pompy and I were going to have a discussion after this.

  A minute later, Romanov stormed into “my” room still in his beast form, slamming the door behind us as he did. I kept my focus on the large dark wood of the door while he strode towards the bed and just dumped me there.

  “Ro—” I started but was soon cut off.

  “You said yes to him! You let him touch you! Fuck I—”

  I watched—my vision blurry from the tears—as he snapped his eyes close and let out a long breath of air before he spoke up again. “Keep your arse here. I just can’t look at you right now. I can’t think clearly.”

  I watched as he turned around and took a step towards the balcony, my hands fisting the covers of the bed. I bit back a tear as I thought about everything that was happening and the piercing discomfort in my ankle.

  “I twisted my ankle,” I mumbled quietly. I didn’t know who I was actually saying this to, but I suppose I wanted Romanov to know. I wanted him to react. I suppose I was hoping he would react.

  He did.

  His large furry hand stopped on the doorknob, and he let out a small growl. He turned around and moved towards me, his eyes on mine as he did so.

  I watched him in his beast form, my eyes blurring as he came closer. I felt my face burn with the sudden emotions, and still, I watched him, refusing to turn away.

  His hands slipped under me, and I grabbed hold of his dark fur, placing my hands around his neck as he rested back onto the bed with me on his lap. I laid my head against his strong, large chest. Romanov was so much larger in his beast from, even his height increased by a couple inches.

  “It wasn’t true—what you heard on the phone. Pompy called you while Ed—” I stopped when a growl rumbled from Romanov’s chest “—and I were just saying improvised lines from a script that Pompy had made just to get you to come here.”

  I listened to the rhythm of his heavy breathing and waited for his reply.

  “The sprain will be fine in a minute.”

  I noticed his voice was deeper when he was a beast—more serious and deadlier. Which I hadn’t thought possible before. I sighed as I held him more closely. “How?”

  “I marked you. That links our souls.”

  A knock sounded on the door just then, and I blinked as my head turned towards the door. A moment later, the door slowly opened and Pompy’s smiling face peeped in.

  “I brought the ice,” she said and smiled when Romanov motioned her in, her form straightening as she walked towards us. “My apologies, Mr. Naightuitem. The method by which you were summoned here may be a bit crass, but I assure you, you were needed here urgently. You weren’t safe there alone.”

  “What do you mean I wasn’t safe?” Romanov spoke up, cutting me off before I could even begin.

  Pompy straightened as she smiled at Romanov, and I held him closer by instinct. A sick small part of me didn’t want him to know.

  “Oh, I’m sure you’re quite aware that you look exactly like your great grandfather.”


  Days seemed to pass by like hours in London, and I soon began to miss Prue and Letty and everyone back in Berlin.

  It had been two days now—at home. And every morning, Romanov would leave before I woke up, and every night, he’d be back but only after I had fallen asleep.

  I was beginning to feel like he was ignoring me, which was bringing us back to square one. But this time, I didn’t even try to fight for anything. I was tired and upset. I wasn’t going to be the only one fighting to make this work. I wasn’t going to be the only one fighting at all.

  And that was how Monday found me—curled up in a sofa in the living room, one of the account files in my hand while Edward sat across me, his steely eyes only on mine. I couldn’t just fire him because Romanov hated him. He was the only one in the company who had worked for so long and stayed faithful to its vision. He was loyal, and he was my business manager. I couldn’t let go of him just because he had been a victim of circumstance.

  “I wanted to say something to you, Olivia, if you would not find it too uncomfortable.”

  I froze, my eyes snapped to his, and I pressed my lips together. “Yeah?”

  “I apologise if it seems like I was trying to force myself on you in any sense or way. I appreciate you letting me continue being your business manager. However, I think it is time you allow other people the opportunity to manage your other businesses, too, and not rely on me for all of the companies.”

  I thought about it. He seemed reasonable enough, and it was true. Maybe I was burdening him with so many responsibilities.

  “That’s completely reasonable, Edward.” I smiled. “Shall we conduct interviews then? I suppose there are two positions needed? Which do you want to manage?”

  Edward straightened in his seat, and he blinked. “The hotels.”

  I nodded. “All right. We will advertise the openings.”

  Grabbing hold of all of the files, I set them up before handing them back to Edward. I felt someone enter the room behind me. “How is the investigation on Miss Diandra going, Mr. Monatelly?”

  “She has been cleared, actually. She really was speaking i
n the interest of the company.”

  I smiled. However, the hairs on the back of my neck stood as I felt the person move closer towards us. “That’s wonderful.”

  I knew the exact moment the person came into view because Edward’s stance stiffened, and he immediately stood up.

  “I’ll just get these to the office then, Ms. Fredson.”

  “Have a good day, Mr. Monatelly.”

  “There isn’t any need to change what you call the royal delta, you know. I’m not Rome,” the man finally spoke up, and I almost sighed in relief.

  “Matthew,” I said, turning around to face him.

  The smiling man moved before me and settled himself on the chair. Immediately, he grabbed the bowl of potato chips from the table and leaned back into his chair with a happy smile, the crunching sound of chips filling in the dead air. “Good chips!”

  “So, any kids?” I asked randomly as I eyed the platinum band on Matthew’s ring finger.

  Matthew smiled before he nodded. “Yeah, two boys. Emmet and Ethan, both four.”

  I choked on my saliva.

  “Eth—” I stopped, another fit of cough catching me straight in the chest. “E-Ethan?” I knew a boy named Ethan once. He was an A-class jerk!

  “Are you all right, Olivia?” Matthew leaned forward on his sofa but didn’t come closer.

  I nodded as my breathing finally normalised, giving him an apologetic smile.

  “I’m sorry. That was embarrassing,” I mumbled as I settled back into the sofa, the burning on my cheeks letting me know I was now blushing.

  “I’m glad he has you, Olivia.”

  I froze. My eyes moved up and widened when they met Matthew’s sincere brown ones.

  “Trust me, he has always been the most difficult of people I’ve known. Not the nicest too. But he needs you to be always here. I’m just glad you’re finally here.”

  I blinked. “Thanks—thanks, Matthew. I appreciate it.” A grateful smile found their way to my lips.

  “No, Olivia. Thank you.”


  I pressed on ‘Send’ as I stared at the screen of my laptop, Prue’s chat tab open. A minute later, she replied.

  I smiled as my mind conjured memories of my Grandma Liz.

  My eyes moved towards my wristwatch and I began typing again.

  Then I stopped, before beginning to type faster.

  A sigh left my lips as I logged off my laptop and clicked it shut. The whole room stayed silent. Dim lights glowed in the room as I walked towards the study table and placed my laptop on it.

  My fingers found the soft cotton of the baggy shirt I was wearing, and I fisted the excess material in my hands, grabbing as much of Romanov’s shirt as I could in my fists.

  It had become a habit lately—wearing his shirts to bed. He was ignoring me, so I made do with his shirts. I just needed his smell close. His clothes had his scent everywhere, and that was going to have to work for me. Well…until he stopped avoiding me. If he stopped avoiding me.

  I let a long sigh out from between my lips as I turned around, my fingers on the shirt loosening. Just then, the door knob turned and I froze.

  The turning stopped, and then it began again. The door swung open, and my grip on Romanov’s shirt tightened.

  He walked in. Then froze.

  I didn’t know where it came from, but suddenly, I was livid. All the yearnings I had felt for the past two days just disappeared. Now I was just plain angry, and I let myself be with this feeling. I let myself react.

  “Oh, I’m sorry. You can turn back around and leave again if you want to. I’ll just pretend I didn’t see you at all,” I said, rolling my eyes as my sarcastic voice filled the room’s silence.


  I turned away, walking towards bed. I sunk myself down into it and pulled the covers over me.

  “It’s fine. Keep ignoring me. I’ll be here every morning when you finally decide it’s okay to come back. I’d probably be asleep by then—which is just what you prefer, right?”

  He was just silent. I continued with my rant and shut my eyes tight and willed myself not to choke as I spoke the next words. “But for how long, I wonder? One day, you’ll walk into the door expecting me to be here in your bed. And I’ll be gone.”

  Chapter 22


  My eyes went wide.

  “Leave, I dare you.” Romanov’s cold voice chilled through me, and I stiffened in bed, my fingers gripping the bedspread.

  A minute passed, and he hadn’t made a move. I grit my teeth together and got up. If he wanted me to leave, I would. I was too tired to fight for us. I was too tired to be the only one fighting.

  The soles of my feet touched the rugs, and I sunk my toes into it as I stood up, the calm wind coming in and caressing my exposed arms.

  I kept my head low as I walked towards the door, my mind raging with the stubbornness to leave and the other part of me—the part of me that wanted to keep Romanov close—urging me to bite down my ego and stay. I gritted my teeth together as I kept on walking towards the door, Romanov’s tall frame almost hiding the entrance behind him.

  My stride quickened as I reached him, circling around him to reach the door. My hands remained fisted on my sides.

  Suddenly, when I walked around Romanov, his hand reached back and snatched my hand, pulling me towards him. I gasped.

  “Try again,” Romanov muttered, his deep tone sounding cold and gruff as he looked at me with a serious frown.

  “What?” I frowned at him.

  “Try again. I dare you.”

  I pressed my lips together into a thin line before pulling my hands away, gritting my teeth at the helplessness of the situation. How could I want to slap and hug Romanov at the same time?

  I took a step towards the door and groaned when all of a sudden, my face smashed against a hard chest.

  Romanov leaned forward until his lips touched the shell of my ear. “Again?”

  I snapped my eyes shut as his whisper tickled my skin, and I took a deep breath in before letting it out slowly, reaching around him to find the door knob with my hand.

  “Aaaahh!” A loud yelp ripped out of my throat as he grabbed me again, holding me under my thighs and pressing me against the door. Woah, his supernatural speed really is not playing in my favour today.

  Romanov’s lips brushed against my cheeks, and I felt myself stiffen.

  “Again?” he whispered mockingly.

  “Screw this,” I blurted out, suddenly furious at being in this position, at being neglected by him time and time again.

  Romanov’s eyes snapped to mine, and I looked away as they turned golden, the black fading behind the molten gold pools. His lips found my jawline, and instantly, my grip on his shoulder tightened.

  “A naughty word. You’re being quite daring tonight, Olivia,”

  My breath hitched in my throat when Romanov nipped at my jaw, his palm moving to hold the side of my neck. He tilted my head back with his thumb, trailing his lips slowly down my neck, pressing small kisses along the path until he reached his mark. Flicking his tongue out, he licked at the warm skin, causing shivers to run along my body. Finally giving in, I wrapped my legs around him.

  “What’s going on…” I said as he pulled the sensitive spot between his lips, slowly running his tongue along the bite scars as if in worship. It wasn’t a question. I didn’t know if I even could talk with Romanov’s hands on me, with his lips on the one spot that made me constantly crave for him.


  I tensed with his warm breath against my sweet spot.

  “Try again.”

  As he whispered the two words, he lifted his head and his eyes found mine. I blinked.

  At my dazed expression, a smirk formed on his lips and he brought his lips back to my neck, battening the mark with a maddening intensity.

  Nipping at the soft skin, he began whispering again. “You’re mine, Olivia. There is no leaving. If one night I’ll find m
y bed empty, you’ll just find yours full.”

  “Y-you make me want to jump off a cliff!” I spat out, exhausted by this little play. I didn’t know how he could want me and ignore me at the same time. I was his soulmate. His other half. And still?

  “I’ll always be there at the bottom to catch you.”

  It was a promise, I knew. It was in his voice—the sincerity, the oath. I shivered as his fingers brushed against the material of my top—over my breast.

  “Why have you been ignoring me?” I asked him, letting out a shaky breath, as I unconsciously pulled him closer, my fingers tangling into his dark strands. The strange tingles in my tummy grew stronger by the minute.

  “Why have you been with that delta all the time?” Romanov asked, his voice turning into a growl halfway through the question. He then began moving towards the bed.

  I gasped when he dropped me, bouncing on the large bed from the impact. I watched him now with wide eyes as he made no move himself and just stood there. The menacing glower he always wore looked different tonight. More…primitive.

  “Answer me.”

  I blinked. “He’s been working for my father for years. He is faithful, and I couldn’t just let him go li—”

  I was cut short, gasping, when Romanov leaned down, and his fingers suddenly hooked into the bands of my knickers. “Th—that! You can’t really control wh-who you’re in-into! Sometimes it just happens—Rom—”

  I stopped when his eyes looked straight at me while he lazily pulled my knickers from my feet and dropped it beside the bed.


  I gulped, suddenly feeling completely exposed. His shirt was the only thing left to cover me now. Strangely, something in me bubbled with excitement. I’d never been this naked in front of a man before. Ever.

  “H—happens. H—he understands t—that I’m yours—oh my God!” I jolted up as Romanov grabbed me around my thighs, pulling me towards the edge of the bed and meeting my centre with his lips in one swift move.


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