Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2)

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Beasty (A Royal's Tale Book 2) Page 41

by Jennise K

  Next, my black panty was ripped away and discarded just like its former companion. “That you’re mine!”

  Now I was completely naked on the bed. I could only stare at the man above me, dumbstruck, as I brought my hands over my breasts.


  His eyes peered into mine—those dilated, dark, endless pools of black. My eyes trailed towards his lips and felt a shudder run through me as the memory of what those lips had done to me all through last night flashed in my mind.

  Romanov’s eyes trailed to my lips as well, and I unconsciously licked mine in anticipation. I didn’t know why he was upset or why I was suddenly handled so roughly, but the sharp jolt of excitement in my stomach almost had me sweating in anticipation.

  I blinked. Instead of kissing me, Romanov got off me, his eyes on me as he got out of bed and stood beside it.

  Immediately, my hands found my breasts again, and I curled up in embarrassment of being so open before him.

  I watched as Romanov lazily took his own clothes off one by one and dropped them on the floor. First his shirt, then his bottoms.

  Soon, he stood before me, stark naked, in all his muscular glory. His dark hair fell against his neck, contrasting against his fair skin. My eyes trailed down before I quickly looked away, my cheeks red and burning.

  “Promise me you’ll always be with me, Olivia!” Romanov growled suddenly, and I gasped as his tone took me by surprise.

  “R-Rome, can you just tell me what’s wron—aaah!”

  A sharp shriek ripped out of my lips as Romanov’s hands suddenly wrapped around my ankles and pulled me straight towards him.

  My legs dangled from the edge of the bed, but I could only watch Romanov with wide eyes. This was crazy. He was acting barbaric, but damn it! It was so hot. I couldn’t help but twitch with the tingles of excitement that was already beginning to build up in me.

  Suddenly, Romanov closed his eyes and took a whiff of the air. A smirk found its way on his lips, and he opened his twinkling eyes, looking at me.

  “I’m going to mark you in such a way you will never be able to leave. Nobody else will ever be enough,” he whispered as he moved between my thighs.

  Romanov leaned forward, and my hands immediately found themselves wrapping around him. He narrowed his eyes and grinned at me. “Tsk, tsk, that’s naughty, Olivia.” Romanov’s hand grasped mine and pushed them back onto the bed, above my head.

  Then without a warning, he slammed into me, leaving me screaming and thrashing in bliss.


  I woke up sore in places I’d never thought I could be sore in. But then there was something else I’d never woken up to for a while—an empty bed.

  Marsha brushed my hair as I sat on the floor.

  “Are you all right, dear?”

  I sighed. “Rome’s mad at me.”

  “I’m sure he isn’t,” Marsha replied soothingly, running the comb through my hair gently, undoing the annoying knots.

  “I agree with Marsha, Olivia, although you do look thoroughly ravished.” Aunt Meryl nodded from her spot beside Marsha.

  I did. When I woke up in the morning and stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom, all the signs of a thorough ravishing were visible. They were everywhere—my neck, my chest, my back, between my thighs. I bit my lips as another wave of embarrassment burned my cheeks. I sighed and shook my head, ridding myself of the images from last night.

  “Thoroughly ravished doesn’t show that he is happy with me. Besides, it felt more like he was angry.”

  Angry. Angry sex. Like Romanov was trying to tattoo himself onto my soul.

  “I can’t believe you’re openly telling us this.” Marsha blinked as she began braiding my hair into a single plait. “Women in our times hardly talked about things like these with their peers and older women.”

  “I don’t know who else I can talk to about it,” I muttered back moodily.

  “Hello? I’m sitting right here, by the way,” Abigail complained, rolling her eyes. She was, in fact, seated on the floor right in front of me, leaning against the wall.

  “I’m pretty sure you were included in the ‘us,’ dear.” Aunt Meryl comforted and grinned at Abigail.

  “Back to the topic, doesn’t Romanov look moody to you all?” I asked.

  “I just saw him a few minutes ago when I hopped in, and he looks sadder than angry to me.” Abigail shrugged. Then she frowned, her narrowed eyes meeting mine. “I wonder. What did you do?”

  I gaped at my best friend. “What do you mean what did I do? I didn’t do anything! Or at least, I don’t know what I did that might have caused this!”

  “He looks upset to me too, to be honest. He didn’t even have breakfast today.” Marsha sighed as she secured my braid with a black hair tie.

  Immediately, I shuffled away on the floor and turned to sit properly facing the group.

  “I’m the eldest here, so I’ll just be honest. Romanov is a bit of a madman when it comes to you. I’m sure there was some kind of a misunderstanding.” Aunt Meryl shrugged.

  “Well, it’s hard for her to do something about the misunderstanding when all he does is bang—” All three pairs of wide eyes snapped to Abigail’s, and she immediately put her hands up, “Sorry, I mean ravish her every time she tries to bring that topic up. I mean look at the poor girl! She can’t even attend the lectures with that masterpiece all over her whole body.”

  “Wait, did you tell Romanov you’re on pills?” Abigail suddenly asked in an urgent whisper.


  “Male beasts have a thing about wanting babies. When Jay found out I was on my pills, he was livid. Didn’t talk to me for an entire day!”

  Aunt Meryl and Marsha nodded. “Yes, pups can be very important to male wolves.”

  I sighed, shaking my head. “I did tell him I’m on pills, and he was fine with it.”

  “Are you sure, though?”

  “Yes. Although he did ask me if I didn’t want kids.”

  “Oh, by the sound of things, he’s fine with it. That’s not the case, then,” Aunt Meryl said and shook her head.

  “How about just give him some time?” Marsha suggested.

  My face fell. “But I want to jump on his back and not let go until he tells me.”

  “I think Marsha’s right, sweetie.” Aunt Meryl smiled at me comfortingly.

  “Yeah, I think so, too. He’ll come around. They just can’t stay away like that for so long.” Abigail nodded encouragingly.

  I felt my shoulders slump. “Okay.” I nodded.

  I was going to wait. And Romanov would come around.



  The rest of the day passed like a breeze. Granted, I purposefully kept myself busy, completing the assignment that had led me here in the first place.

  I was so immersed in the task to complete it today, I couldn’t help but feel a little stupid. What was I going to do with all the free time this provided me now?

  The night air was cool against my skin as I lay on the almost empty bed in the dimly lit bedroom.

  The creak of the door slowly opening sounded more like a shrill scream in the silence of the night. The scent of his cologne wafted in the air, and I sighed in comfort as I felt him walk towards the bathroom.

  It felt like hours before he returned. The smell of soap engulfed me as he quietly walked over and slipped into the bed beside me.

  With a click, the lights of the room gave out.

  I waited and waited—waited for him to pull me close, to move closer to me. But he didn’t.

  The end of the day brought disappointment. It shattered a bit of hope I had cultivated throughout the day. Still, I kept my hopes up.

  Romanov would come around. Romanov would come around.

  I just had to give him a bit of time.

  Pulling the comforter, I snuggled against the mattress as I finally closed my eyes.

  As soon as sleep pulled me into his embrace, I fell fast asleep, com
pletely carefree.


  The next day

  10:00 am

  This was not working. He still hadn’t come around.

  I had tried everything: giving him space, trying to initiate small talk, trying to maintain physical contact. Nothing worked. No amount of silence, no amount of small talk, no number of hugs did the trick.

  It wasn’t like Romanov refused me. In fact, he’d take me readily into his arms and hold me as long as he could. But then the moment would pass, and he’d peel me off him like I was some trash. Again, he was back with his withdrawn self.

  The castle was beginning to bite, too. Sitting out on the balcony, I realised that I really needed to get out and have some alone time. I felt like shit. If Romanov wasn’t going to budge, then I guess I’ll just have myself to spoil myself.

  My eyes wandered along the view before me before I brought my iPhone and began typing a text.

  It didn’t take a minute before my phone pinged with a reply.

  “Okay?” Suddenly all the patience and positivity I had kept so close to me for the past day began depleting. And anger began taking its place instead.

  I waited. Not once taking my eyes off the screen.

  I stilled. Shutting my eyes, I quickly let out a heavy breath of frustration as I tried to calm down. It was all right. Completely all right. I’d shop and go back to Letty.

  “Okay,” I spoke aloud. I stood up and turned towards the door. “Okay.”


  “So, you two fought, huh?” Prue asked as I held a sleeping Letty in my arms.

  “He’s being a jerk,” I grumbled.

  “I was sure I saw a possibility of him being a jerk when I first met him, “Grandma Liz muttered but loud enough for me to hear.

  I felt my shoulders slouch.

  Looking at Letty, I felt my tense expression relax, and slowly, a smile found its way onto my lips.

  “I’m just glad I’m here today,” I whispered to Prue.

  I was guilty. I had been ignoring Letty, Grandma Liz, and Prue. It was just that with all the curse thing going on and my best friend almost dying because of me, I thought I’d spare my family of this danger as well. Who wouldn’t? But now that had cost me a huge loss of quality time with them.

  “You sure he won’t come over tonight?” Aunt Prue asked, sounding slightly disappointed in Romanov.

  Grandma Liz, on the other hand, scoffed. “I sure would like to see him try sneaking in.”

  Looking at Grandma Liz, I shook my head. “I don’t think he’ll come, guys.”

  Again, Grandma Liz scoffed. “Some fiancé he is.”

  Just then, I heard another sound of a new message and was surprised to see Romanov’s name.

  “Wow, I’m feeling very confused right now.” Prue shook her head, taking a peek at the text message over my shoulder.

  I sighed as I placed Letty beside me on the mattress and typed back a simple “good night.”

  “I guess I can’t do anything but give him time.” I sighed as I eased myself on the mattress we had thrown on the living room rug for tonight.

  Beside me, Grandma Liz scoffed for the nth time. “Or you can dump his ass and move on. You’re still young and very pretty. Not to mention rich! What’s stopping you?”

  “Love, Aunt Liz, love,” Prue groaned, easing onto her back as well, beside Letty.

  “I don’t understand love these days,” Grandma Liz grumbled. “I’d rather have an arranged marriage and then be able to blame my parents for the rest of my married life than have a love marriage and have no one to blame but myself.”

  I turned towards Grandma Liz, my mouth agape. “You’re making no sense, Gran!”

  “Of course, you’d say that,” Grandma Liz scoffed in the darkness.

  “I’m done with you both for tonight. Go to sleep before you wake Letty up.” Aunt Prue sighed as we heard her turn to her side, probably away from us.

  As if on cue, a yawn ripped out of my mouth. I gave in. “Okay, good night, everyone!”

  “Good night, Liv.”

  “What’s so darn good about this night? You’re on the road to breaking up with your fiancé. Prue is on her period. Letty has finally slept after crying for ages, and I have gas.”

  I choked on my saliva, not being able to stop the laugh from slipping from my mouth.

  “Night, Gran.”

  She chuckled. “Night, Liv.”


  Two days later

  12:00 pm

  “So, you’re telling me you haven’t seen him for two days?”

  The emptying auditorium seemed to get larger and larger as the students continued to leave. My final class for today had just ended, and while everyone else was desperately trying to rush out, I had no desire to move.

  Looking at Jaydin, I shrugged. “Yeah.”

  “And he didn’t try even calling once?” River asked, bewildered as he joined us in the emptying room, settling himself on the empty chair beside me.

  I nodded. “Just a good night text. He didn’t call.”

  “I’m so sorry for yelling that you let him come around. You should’ve just used plan A instead.” Abigail frowned, looking very disappointed, same as I was feeling.

  I shrugged. “I don’t care anymore. I’m not going.”

  “What?” Jaydin said, honestly surprised by my answer.

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “I don’t care. We’re over.”

  “Now you’re just acting childish.” River rolled his eyes, watching me with a pitying gaze.

  “If he doesn’t care, then I’m not going to waste my breath either.”

  “Are you on your period?” River cocked an eyebrow up.

  “Do you want to die?” Abigail and I shot back instantly.

  River held his hands up in surrender. “Whoa, whoa, calm down, ladies.”

  Abigail rolled her eyes at him then turned to me and asked, “Are you really going to leave him, though?”

  I scoffed. “Of course not! I’m going to kick his arse!”

  Chapter 33

  “Are you sure about this?”

  The ride felt longer than usual. Tree after tree passed by, and I stared at the never-ending scenery with restless impatience. River’s eyes glanced at me before he turned back to the highway.

  I nodded. “Yeah. I’m sure. I’m going to beat Romanov up today.”

  “You do know he isn’t human, right?” River mumbled, taking a sharp right turn.

  “Who cares? Human or not, men are still jerks!” I snapped back, leering at the dark-haired boy.

  Immediately, River frowned. “Now, now! No offence, but it’s not like you girls are any better, either!”

  I sighed, slumping in my seat. “You’re right. Girls are jerks, too.”

  “But, Liv, are you really sure about this, though?” Abigail asked from the back seat, shuffling forward as she grasped onto my seat.

  “He hasn’t talked nicely to me for two days, Aby. Just stupid ‘good night’ and ‘take care’ texts! I don’t want his good nights or take cares! I want his I love yous!”


  “I’m not one of those girls who run away. I’m not going to hide just so he turns into a madman and rushes to grab me. If he thinks I’m going to be so submissive, then he’s wrong!”

  “What are you even going to do? And don’t say you’re going to kick his arse. That’s totally not realistic. You won’t be able to do that five seconds in without being tackled by him first.” Jaydin frowned.

  Beside me, River silently overtook a tall truck, and I blinked when I realised the truck belonged to one of Romanov’s companies. Immediately, the dark longing that I had been feeling for the two days became heavier in my chest, and I felt my chest sink lower with emptiness. Being away from Romanov was starting to get physically painful. I just couldn’t stand this anymore.

  “I really don’t know, to be honest.” I bit my lip. “I’ll cry. I’ll yell, but I’m not letting go. I love him.”

/>   In the back seat, Jaydin let out a loud groan, and I felt myself shrink with the reaction. “If you were a female protagonist in a TV series, I’d find you frustrating. But then, this is real life and Romanov is your soulmate. And well, you’re my best friend.”

  At that, I smiled at Jaydin, thankful to have a best friend who can be upfront with what they disliked about you but is still loyal. He continued. “Besides, I always beg Aby when she’s mad.”

  Beside him, Abigail gasped. “And when am I ever mad at you?”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “All the time!” Jaydin, River, and I shot back at the same time.

  Abigail immediately cleared her throat awkwardly and surrendered. “Okay, I’m sorry! I just don’t like you talking to Yuna all the time!”

  “She’s my cousin, for God’s sake!” Jaydin responded, groaning as I heard him shuffle in the car’s seat. Looking up in the rearview mirror, I watched him pull Abigail closer.

  The pout on Abigail’s lips deepened, and she humphed. “Cousins don’t propose to their cousins!”

  “Actually, in some parts of the world, it’s normal for cousins to actually get married to each other,” I said casually, adding fire into the fuel. This was very bad of me—exploiting their arguments just to not feel alone. But I couldn’t help it.

  “Well, it isn’t normal in my part of the world, so that’s the end of that argument. And you’re supposed to be on my side,” Abigail hissed, narrowing her eyes at me with a betrayed look.

  I shrugged. “I’m sorry. I’m just trying to find peace in other people’s issues.”

  “You’re not such a nice girl, you know,” Jaydin blurted out breathily as he watched me with wide surprised eyes.

  I shrugged again. “I’m sorry! I know, but it’s just like when you found comfort when you knew that we messed up our papers as well. Everyone finds comfort in other people’s problems.”

  “What a shitty concept,” Jay grumbled as he dropped his head on Abigail’s shoulder. Immediately, I looked away from the loving couple and looked forward.


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