Rise of a Legion

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Rise of a Legion Page 30

by Trey Deibel

  Ballistic Bullets

  A human designed projectile for firing from a rifle, revolver, or other firearm; typically made of metal, cylindrical and pointed. As of 2078, the ballistic bullets’ explosive powder was replaced with Airjin fuel, significantly increasing the speeds of bullets.


  Degrading and derogatory term used to describe a dytirc.


  Layered with nearly indestructible hard-granite skin, these goliaths fall below Hearon’s SPIB Scale. They love to ram through all obstacles using brute strength. Boulthas have the strength of about fifty human men or six maelkii. Tamed and used by the dytircs for war purposes. Their weakest area is their head.

  Bow Caster

  Wersillian Legion grenade launcher capable of firing off five mortar grenades in a rapid session.


  Degrading and derogatory term used to describe a lycargan.


  Translucent rock found on many asteroids around the galaxy. Its light absorbing and emitting properties make it a sought after resource for lighting. Abundant and ease of use makes it a favorite among cultures.

  Brotherhood of Relics

  No first-hand knowledge of this group is available in ARW database at this current time. Considered to be a myth even by the omelics, the so-called founders of this cult or religious group.

  Buzzard-[series] Attack Choppers

  Created by the Dor’o in 2101, these coppers use three rotator blades and thruster combinations for stability. Buzzard-[series] attack choppers are small aircrafts containing a seat for one pilot and one mounted weapon device aimed at the ground. Countermeasures included suicide grenades.

  C-[series] Scout Sentry Turret

  Dor’o designed sentry turret equipped with a scout rifle. C-[series] sentry turrets can automatically acquire and eliminate targets at long range using advanced figure analysis technology.


  Carringhick-Gem is a natural material found all over the galaxy. Once melted, this gel-like substance can be used to regulate temperature, change its density, and absorb moisture.

  Chief Admirals

  ARW’s top ranking military individuals appointed by the representatives of the four founding species. Each founding species under the ARW has one chief admiral to represent their interests.


  Maelkii word for lifetime partner or spouse. A bond deemed unbreakable in Maelkii society.

  Commander Program

  One of many programs a part of the integrated ARW’s military. This program initially required a significant amount of first hand battle experience and additional training before applying into the program. However, after 2108, this program’s priorities changed. Instead, applicants were required to pass a series of tests, and the requirements of battle experience was drastically reduced. In the ARW, commanders are the second highest rank in the chain of command under the chief admirals.

  Cyberwatch Technology

  First models hit the mainstream in 2064 as a replacement for the human cell phones. Upon the humans entering the ARW, the human creation was adapted by many independent companies across the galaxy. Cyberwatches became the standard, multi-tool devices used by nearly every intelligent species in the galaxy. Cyberwatches use chain web tools to connect through other cyberwatches or to connect to signal arrays, allowing for service almost anywhere in the known galaxy. Specially designed cyberwatches can be made to connect to independent networks.


  One of six dytirc inhabited moons where the dytircs use this moon for war prisons mostly. However, some rebel tribes are reported to still inhabit this destination. Being terraformed back when the technology was fairly new, this planet has little to offer in terms of diversity and ecosystems. Most of the planet is muddy and hilly with the occasional mud-ponds scattered around. Wildlife is scarce and is best described as foul and ugly. Climate consists mostly of pop up rain storms. [For more information, please take mode out of summary view]


  A hologram display game. Involves building bases and troops. The objective of the game is to strategically use one’s troops and resources to conquer your opponent(s).

  Designated Laser Rifle


  Standard all-purpose support weapon for qwayks. Each trigger pull unleashes an unrelenting laser that doesn’t stop unless the trigger is released or the laser cell is depleted. Laser cells are reloadable.


  Dubbed the “Destroyer” by the ARW, this vehicle is the dytirc and lycargan’s primary aerial attack vehicle. Recognized by its platform atop of the ship and twin plasma guns at the front, these vehicles are used for anti-infantry and anti-vehicular situations.


  Dubbed the “devisors,” this mythological species isn’t generally accepted as truth by most species in the Milky Way. For some who do accept this species’ existence, they believe the devisors to be the oldest known species in the galaxy. They are thought to have left monuments to aid in certain species’ technological development. [Further information is Classified by Order of Aegis]


  Allied under the ARW since 2080, the dor’o are known mostly for their famous tribal-like names and historic wars. Known to live within mountain-cities, dor’o are very communal as a species and love activates such as dancing, drinking, and celebrating. Dor’o have no vow between males and females to live together indefinitely. Often dor’o live among communities. And it isn’t uncommon for dor’o children to be raised by an entire community. [For more information on dor’o culture and history, click correctly labeled tab below]

  These quick, agile creatures almost look like small devils. On the tops of their bald scalps, they have what is known as stumps, which resemble cut off antlers, typically extending a few centimeters out of their scalps. Dor’o are the smallest species in the ARW, at almost half the size of a human, but their arms are just as long. Their skin and eyes can vary from brown to red-brown in color. Dor’o ears hang down the sides of their face, and their nose and mouth protrude almost like small dogs. Although they are mammalian, vertebrate beings, they have a tendency to slouch just below their usually broad shoulders. [For more information on dor’o anatomy, click correctly labeled tab below]

  [For more information besides that listed, please take mode out of summary view]


  Home planet of the dor’o, this planet is covered almost entirely in cloud-touching mountains with underwater stream networks. Without much diversity in ecosystems, the variety of wildlife is low, most of which reside in the underwater stream networks. Some consider it a miracle that the evolution of a mammal-based, intelligent species such as the dor’o even came to be on this planet. Climate here is on the colder side, with long winters and a plethora of blizzards. [For more information, please take mode out of summary view]

  Drop-Pilot Program

  One of many programs a part of the integrated ARW’s military. This program is designed to train single support individuals to pilot and transport ARW ground units.

  Duel of Honor

  In a time when dytircs believed in honor, this tradition where two individuals fight to the death in the name of one’s honor was believed to gain favor in the eyes of their gods. Winner is granted their life. In modern day, this tradition is often still considered a sin for dytircs to not uphold.


  First encountered in 2098, this alien species is from the Draynought System, where they inhabit nineteen planets and six moons. Dytircs are persistent, aggressive savages. Their society is focused on power and proving oneself. Before the war, the dytircs were split into many tribes with leaders who fought to remain as their tribe’s alpha. Around the time before the Wersillian War, nearly every tribe merged into what the dytircs call the Military Tribe during an event known as the Great Amalgamation. Dytircs are a male-dominated society and are adept at various forms of hand to hand
combat. [For more information on dytirc culture and history, click correctly labeled tab below]

  These four-armed, exoskeletal creatures are taller, faster, and roughly four times more powerful than an average human. These mammalian, vertebrate beings normally have skin tones that range from dark to light grey. Their eyes, however, can be many colors but almost always have a black-ring in their iris. Dytirc heads often look too large for their boney, rough bodies, and their skin is durable enough to travel harsh terrain. [For more information on dytirc anatomy, click correctly labeled tab below]

  [For more information besides that listed, please take mode out of summary view]

  Dytirc Honor Guard

  Formidably trained individuals who protect high-ranking Wersillian Legion individuals. Often wear heavy red armor.

  Eagle Program

  One of many programs a part of the integrated ARW’s military. This program is designed to create 20100 support units, consisting of ten individuals per unit. These support pilots are trained to aid ground assault mission where air coverage is required.

  EMP Grenade

  Emits a burst that disables electronic based weaponry and gadgets for a short time due to advanced circuit rejuvenating systems. Originally a human design.

  Fallen Tribe

  Nearly extinct rebel tribe, ruminants are located on Delkeedo. Once great, the Fallen Tribe held notoriety and individuality at the highest honors. Before the war, they pursued knowledge of various, cultural martial arts.


  Rarest known natural metal in the galaxy. This metal is only found on the home planet of the maelkii, Maelkiin. Forcidion is one of the heaviest metals and the only metal ever to be deemed unbreakable; the only way to wield this metal is with temperatures as hot as supernovas. In the year 1989, the maelkii used up all of this metal for their shields and have since passed down the shields from generation to generation.


  A place inside a dytirc prison where the occupants are subjected to starvation and dehydration for all other prisoners to witness. The goal of a Forlorn is to drive the occupants crazy until they fight each other for the rewards offered to the last standing individual.


  Modern day curse word often used to describe something ruined, damaged, or destroyed. Moreover, can be used to describe sexual intercourse or as an exclamation of annoyance, anger, or contempt. Considered a more explicit variation of Frev.

  Frag Grenade

  Standard human grenade that causes a single explosion, sending shards and shockwaves outward.


  Modern day curse word often used to describe something ruined, damaged, or destroyed.


  “Error 401: Unable to load summary information. Please inform starship’s Informational Database Manager for assistance.”

  Global Department of Investigation (GDI)

  Established in 2079 by the Earth’s global senate as a worldwide investigation division for Earth. Fully cooperative with local police for maximum efficiency, the GDI use physical evidence at a scene of a crime and deductive and inductive reasoning to gain knowledge of the events surrounding the crime. The GDI are also responsible for handling worldwide terrorists’ acts and managing conspiracy cases. [Further information is Classified by Order of Aegis]


  Home planet of the o’gark, this planet is covered by vast amounts of deserts, mountains, and dust valleys. Gorak is famous for its strangely shaped mountains that are great at collecting and preserving large amounts of water from the few times it rains on this planet. Being a mostly baron planet, wildlife and ecosystems are on the low end. Most wildlife live around the edges of mountains to shield themselves from the long and harsh dust storms. Water is scarce on this planet, where most reside in the poles or locked away in the mountains. [For more information, please take mode out of summary view]

  Grando Military Prison

  Dytirc military prison located on Delkeedo. Designed for information gathering purposes as opposed to holding.


  Home planet of the qwayk, this planet is considered one of the most beautiful places to visit. Large cities, mountain high tropical forest, mushroom kingdoms, and many other biomes give the planet a distinctive wonder. With such diversity in ecosystems and biomes, this planet has one of the largest variety of complex wildlife. Furthermore, climate across this planet vary greatly and are heavily dependent on the biomes. [For more information, please take mode out of summary view]

  Grenade Launcher

  A weapon that fires a specially-designed large-caliber projectiles, often with an explosive, smoke or gas warhead. These human weapons come in many sizes; from belt feed, to multi-tube, and single-tube.

  Hand Pistol

  Standard, human developed sidearm capable of firing single, powerful ballistic rounds. A small firearm designed to be held in one hand. As of 2072, the ballistic rounds’ explosive powder was replaced with Airjin fuel, significantly increasing the speeds of bullets.


  Dubbed the “Hauler” by the ARW, this transport vehicle can carry around forty individuals. Its small design, yet ability to carry slip space technology, makes it a favorite transport vehicle for the Wersillian Legion.

  Hearon’s Standard for Measuring Intelligent Beings Scale (Hearon’s SMIB Scale)

  With the aid of technological machinery, this scale measures an individual’s capacity to learn and understand. Furthermore, this scale can measure a species potential for evolutionary development in terms of intelligence by analyzing groups of individuals of a species. Has become the standard scale in determining wither a species can or will be able to develop intergalactic travel. Those deemed to be able to hit that mark will score at least 100 on the scale. Species that can’t hit 100 are deemed below the scale. Currently the average human achieves a score of 132, while the average for qwayks are 139; dor’o average 120 and maelkii 121.


  Small planet terraformed to be a neutral gathering place for industrial boom. This planet is famous for The Underlevel, which is a series of entrances across the planet that are all connected and go deep below the surface of the planet. Climate here is hazardous due to the dense amount of smoke, and because of that, require all buildings to use atmospheric doors to keep the toxic air from reaching its citizens. All water is transported to this planet from a nearby ice asteroid, and the few wildlife that does exist on this planet came from outside this planet. [For more information, please take mode out of summary view]

  Hunter Program

  One of many programs a part of the integrated ARW’s military. This program is designed to create 51 independent squads, consisting of three individuals. These units are tasked with detaining rogue ARW soldiers. With only 51 squads, hunters are the smallest program a part of the ARW but are second only to achilles in ground-based skill. Hunters are only one of two ARW programs with current access to power armor.

  Ice Spray

  Standard medical device used to treat plasma burns. Caution: causes extreme pain when first applied.

  Illumination Ceremony

  A common qwayk ceremony to celebrate and mourn the passing of a loved one. Consists of pouring a substance over the body of the deceased that dissolves the corpse and turns it into a gas-like state in an array of colors. This signifies the dead becoming one with the universe.

  Independent Squad

  An ARW squad class designed for independent chain of command. Each independent classed squad contains a captain and lieutenant at all times. Any other individual roles, ranks, or layouts are left to the captain’s digression.

  J[series] Brutes

  Approved for active duty in 2099, these heavy armored tanks are used as an anti-vehicular asset. Equipped with twin barreled, self-loading firing tubes and an additional fully rotatable turret at the front of the tank. Human designed.


  Universally used as the galactic currency.
Transferred in the form of credits or set-valued coins. Originally created and sponsored by the yuerr until they successfully overturned each and every old-world form of currency. As new species gain the technology to make use of intergalactic slip space travel, the yuerr are there to insist and aid their transition into the use of their created currency system.


  “Error 401: Unable to load summary information. Please inform starship’s Informational Database Manager for assistance.”


  Home planet of the plowsu, this planet is covered in mostly forests and winding rivers of fresh water. This planet, however, is beloved for its natural beauty since the plowsu consider it unholy to unnecessarily tamper with nature. Being covered in such vast amounts of fresh water rivers and forests has made the variety of ecosystems and wildlife low. Yet, the amount of wildlife is unusually high. Climate here varies from light rainfalls, to thunderstorms, to tornados. However, the temperature rarely comes close to freezing. [For more information, please take mode out of summary view]


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