Rise of a Legion

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Rise of a Legion Page 32

by Trey Deibel

  Selection of Communist Parties (SOCP)

  Established between the years 2061 and 2079, this alliance consisted of most of Earth’s eastern hemisphere. Considered to be highly fascists, a single government consisting of a small group of individuals regulated all aspects of its economy, communication, and military.


  Modern day curse word often used to describe something or someone worthless. Moreover, can be used to describe feces or as an exclamation of disgust or anger.

  Shock Grenade

  Dor’o designed grenade that releases a burst of electric energy to paralyze opponents for a long period of time instead of killing them. Became a standard amongst police forces in 2099.

  Shock Rifle

  Dor’o designed weapon class that comes in large to small sizes. These rifles release a ball of electric energy to paralyze opponents for a long period of time instead of killing them. Became a standard amongst police forces in 2099.


  Standard close court combat weapon for humans. A smoothbore gun for firing a small shot at short range. Shotguns typically fire a single slug shot or scattering buckshot shells.

  SHRDR Air Fortress

  Special Order of Aegis multipurpose hovercraft. This massive hovercraft can support an area singlehandedly. Due to its size and weight, it is far slower than standard aircraft or hovercraft. [Further information is Classified by Order of Aegis]

  Silent Dagger

  Mythical, one-of-a-kind weapon custom crafted by Shadow-Walker. Capable of firing off special ricocheting stasis beams at a precise and rapid pace. Equipped with an adjustable zoom scope and thermal detection systems.

  Slip Space (SS) Technology

  Humans first developed this technology in 2072, with the first successful trial in 2081, where humans jumped to Mars. Upon entering the ARW, the other species helped humans push the technology to their level. Slip space technology creates a wormhole in space to shorten the distance between two pre-charted parts of space.

  Sniper Rifle

  Standard long distance, human developed weapon. An extremely powerful rifle developed for the military; capable of destroying light armored vehicles and aircraft more than five kilometers away. As of 2072, the ballistic rounds’ explosive powder was replaced with Airjin fuel, significantly increasing the speeds of bullets.

  Stasis Field Technology

  Originally designed by the dor’o in 2082, this technology uses stasis technology to create visible, hard-light fields for maximum protection.

  Stasis Rounds

  A dor’o designed projectile for firing from a rifle, revolver, or other dor’o based firearm, typically made of hard-light effused with electric energy. Its casings are cylindrical and butt-ended.

  Stasis Shield Technology

  Originally designed by the dor’o in 2082, this technology uses stasis technology to create hard-light surfaces that can deflect momentum back at itself.

  Stealth Drive

  Creates an image mimicking field over a starship to disguise it from view. In addition, these drive offer additional tracking device blockage.


  Half-horn like bumps at the top of a dor’o’s scalp. Can vary in thickness, length, circumference, and even number.

  Suicide Grenade

  A dor’o grenade that explodes into thirteen aerial sparks. Each spark explodes based on proximity. Considered the best area denial grenade in the ARW’s arsenal.

  Support Squad

  An ARW squad class designed to support established independent squads or follow orders directly from a commander. Usually very large or drastically small in numbers, with hardly any middle ground.

  Tegun Trade City

  Located on the planet, Grathefer-Qwayk, this legendary trade city is one of the most financial booming places in the Milky Way Galaxy. Countless shops and trademarked companies thrive in this great city.

  Tempest of Titans

  In 2107, construction on the Tempest of Titans finished. This massive ship ranks as one of the biggest ships among the ARW’s fleet. The Tempest of Titans is designed for aggressive attacking due to its powerful haul and shields capable of soaking up and dispersing plasma energy. Mostly human designed.

  The Galactic Hotel

  Located on an asteroid orbiting the yuerr home planet, Yuerr-Olo. This ten square kilometer haven is a favorite meeting point for diplomats and tourists across the galaxy. This hotel is known for its one rule, “No life shall be taken by another on Galactic grounds,” and its complete, assured neutrality in any conflict. [Further information is Classified by Order of Aegis]

  The Great Amalgamation

  Historical dytirc event where nearly every tribe merged into one single Military Tribe. Believed to have occurred in 2097.

  The Immortals

  Notorious, organized, intergalactic gang. Not much is known about this group. [Further information is Classified by Order of Aegis]

  The Narrways

  A legendary forest located on the planet Juster with a mysterious mist flowing out of the trees. Entrance into this location is forbidden to this day by plowsu law.

  The Underlevel

  A series of entrances across Hondora that are all connected and go deep below the surface of the planet. The Underlevel is where the few inhabitants of this planet call home. However, these series of tunnels are mostly commercially run or used for the sole purpose of criminal mischief. Being in a hotspot in the galaxy, criminal activity thrives through these tunnels. The saying goes, “The deeper down the level, the more dangerous the individuals.” [Further information is Classified by Order of Aegis]

  Tractor Beam

  Originally created by the Lycargans in 2102 to hold star ships against the underbelly of star cruisers. Later, this technology was adapted by both the ARW and Wersillian Legions to prevent enemy ship takeoffs. These devices use stasis field technology to hold an object in one spot.

  Type-2 Rover

  More notably called Rovers, these maelkii designed one-man transport vehicles have been in use since 2018 by the maelkii. Rovers use reverse gravity technology to hover in all directions at the same speed. Rovers are very small in size and typically made for base maneuvering.

  Type-8 Cruisers

  More notably called Cruisers, these maelkii designed infantry vehicles have been in use since 2022 by the maelkii. Cruisers use reverse gravity technology to hover in all directions at the same speed. Their sharp, dangerous looking design inspires to create fear in enemies. Cruisers offer a driver seat, a passenger seat, and an open area in the back for the maelkii to fire their plasma cannons from.


  This Wersillian Legion rank has command over all majors of an operation. Typically only two or three Ultras present in a battle.


  Large dog like beasts with six legs and shark-like sharp teeth. Tamed and used by the dytircs for war purposes.

  United Nations of Democracy (UNOD)

  Established in-between the years 2062 and 2079 as a response to the establishment of the Selection of Communist Parties, this alliance consisted of the western hemisphere of Earth and some minor areas on the eastern hemisphere. A single senate and judicial branch governed this alliance as a type of democracy.


  Wave-like wrinkles that extend from the eyes to the chin on qwayk beings. Can vary in color, tint, width, and distance between each individual wave.


  A lightweight, nonconductive, vibration dispersant metal with extreme durability. This rare metal is a favorite resource for species able to afford its production.

  V-Hawk Harrier Jets

  Created by humans in 2103, these harrier jets were designed to impose maximum damage against enemy aircraft. Each jet comes equipped with twin grenade launchers with proximity projectiles and four mounted miniguns. Countermeasures included thruster technology and flares.


  War-glaives are one-handed, edged wea
pons with two blades protruding from a center handle. Alabon Zserin is known to use two war-glaives created by the Order of Aegis. His mythical, custom versions can run currents of electricity through the blades.


  Warhammers have a bulky head at the end with a large handle for two-handed use. Geariic Zserin is known to use one warhammer created by the Order of Aegis. His mythical, custom version can create explosions on impact.

  Watchmen Program

  One of many programs a part of the integrated ARW’s military. This program is designed to create 9000 support squads, consisting of three individuals per unit. Watchmen are focused on tracking, navigation, and sniper support.

  Wersillian Legion

  Alliance between the dytircs and lycargans, led by the 8 Warlords of Virtue.

  Wersillian War

  Beginning in 2102, the ARW and the Wersillian Legion have entered in an intergalactic war where the ARW is trying to prevent the Wersillian Legion from colonizing over other species’ planets.


  Invented in 2099 by a private company that originated in Grathefer-Qwayk as a means to generate wind currents and manage the wind flow of a room. This device was later adopted by many other companies across the galaxy and is often a common household device.

  World War III

  Last major war on Earth. A war between the UNOD and SOCP. It was a fight between the two super-nations for energy, resources, and land. Due to the destruction of the International Humanitarian Law, sixty percent of humanity perished over this harsh cruel conflict. Lasted from 2067 to 2079 with the UNOD’s victory. [For more information, visit Classified by Order of Aegis]


  “Error 401: Unable to load summary information. Please inform starship’s Informational Database Manager for assistance.”


  The home planet of the yuerr, this planet is known for its vast oceans and many luxurious islands. Most of this planets biomes and ecosystems are ocean-based but are some the galaxies most diverse and extensive in this regard. In ancient times, this place had a much more land-based ecosystems and wildlife. However, due to the low amount of land, the yuerr species killed of much of those old ecosystems so they could compensate for their own growth. Climate here is mild with the occasional hurricanes and tsunamis. However, the yuerr have extensive safe guards for to prevent such natural disasters. [For more information, please take mode out of summary view]


  Here’s to my mother, Debbie, my grandfather, Robert, and my grandmother, Donna. I thank you for all your adventurous efforts into the uncharted waters that was my early copies. With your support, time, and advice, I was able to go the length and publish. I’ll forever cherish your kindness.

  Here’s to my creative writing professors, Anna and Bob, and my former writing classmates. I thank you all for taking time to read snippets of my novels, despite the fact that I was supposed to write short stories - Lol. Your advice, understanding, and workshops helped tune some of my chopper chapters.

  Here’s to my brother, Andrew, and my best friend, Khari. Thanks for your creative insight and conceptual ideas in the creation of two characters. Without both your initial pushes, I wouldn’t have a core piece of the puzzle that is this series.

  Here’s to my family and friends who gave their support and love towards me when I undertook this project. Without you all, my passion may never have gained any substance.

  About the Author:

  Trey Deibel, or Bruce Deibel III, isn't a famous or well-known author by any means. He started writing this first novel during his freshman year in college. This is that first novel. Trey Deibel is also a certified scuba diver, lover of movies, and gamer at heart. Trey is most passionate about creating enduring and intriguing worlds filled with unique and lively characters. Follow Trey Deibel on Twitter @bedeibel.


  Cover Art by Carlo Neira

  Interior Concept Art by Indra Budistyawan

  Edited by Karen Boston


  Copyright © 2017 by Bruce Deibel III

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  First Printing, 2019

  ISBN 978-1-7923-0677-8

  Book 1




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