Match Me Up

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Match Me Up Page 15

by Parker, Weston

I shrugged. “Sure. That sounds like it could be fun.”

  “I’ll send you a link to download the app,” he said.

  It was good to see him so excited. I could feel the energy coming off him. He was loving life. I would report that to Tamlyn. She worried about her brother. I wanted her to know that although he was single, he was happy. And he was about to help other people not be single. That was pretty cool.

  “What does your team think about the idea?” I asked.

  “They weren’t initially thrilled with the idea.”

  “Why not?” I questioned.

  He shrugged and reached for another slice of pizza. “They thought it was too overdone. They also didn’t like the idea of hiding the picture until there was a match. They think we should make profiles visible with a picture. I think the pictures are pointless. There are way too many catfishers out there.”

  “You’re basically creating a blind date app,” I told him.

  “Kind of, but a blind date is like jumping into an icy lake. It shocks the shit out of you because you know next to nothing about the person you’re meeting. This idea is more about getting to know someone first. It’s like internet dating in the nineties. It’s all about chat rooms without the weirdness.”

  “You don’t have to sell me,” I said. “I believe in you.”

  That seemed to make him happy. “Thanks.”

  We finished eating and he sent me the link to the app. He was clearly very anxious to have me create a profile. While I answered the myriad of questions, he cleaned up. I occasionally asked him how I should answer a question, but he refused to influence my answers in any way.

  “Done,” I declared. “Now what?”

  “It’s not instant,” he said. “Not yet anyway. Once we increase the pool, it might get faster. What’d you think of the process? Too much? Not enough?”

  “I thought it was okay,” I answered.

  “Should we include more questions about hobbies?” he asked.

  “I think you have just enough, but what’s with the random questions about favorite color and what animal you would want to be?”

  “That is something one of my developers is working on,” he explained. “It’s some psychotherapy something or other. I guess there are some studies to back up the questions. We might add more to those if it looks like it might improve compatibility.”

  I’d had the basic psych classes and kind of understood where the questions might be helpful. “When are you going to launch it?” I asked him.

  “I’m not sure yet,” he said. “We’re going to do the beta trial and get the results. If it’s a total bomb, we’ll either scratch the idea or start over.”

  “You would really do that?” I asked with surprise. “You’ve been working so hard on it.”

  “Yes, but I don’t want to put out anything substandard,” he said. “I can’t afford to put out a stinker.”

  I laughed at his choice of words. “You’re a perfectionist.”

  “I am. It’s how I plan on staying at the top. One mistake and no one forgets.”

  “That must be rough,” I said.

  “It’s part of the game,” he said. “It’s how I managed to get into the business. Someone has to fall off in order for someone new to get on the board.”

  “Harsh,” I said with a laugh.

  “Just wait until you delve into the cutthroat world of marketing,” he said.

  “Oh, but I’m going to be good,” I said with a grin. “I’m not going through six years of school to get pushed out by anyone else. I’m going to be amazing.”

  He laughed and pulled me from the chair. “You are definitely lacking in the confidence department,” he teased.

  He pulled me to the couch. We sat down and settled in to watch another movie. We had been making our way through the Julia Roberts library. I loved that he didn’t mind watching chick flicks with me. He wasn’t like a lot of guys. He didn’t have to prove his masculinity. He was all man, that much was obvious, but it was more than just the physical appearance. He had this innate masculinity about him in every move and every nuance about him.

  “What’s on your mind?” I heard him say.

  I blinked and found him staring at me. “What?”

  “You’re looking at me with that funny look on your face,” he said. “You look like that when you’re in deep thought.”

  I smiled at him and earned a smile in return. “Nothing.”

  “You sure?”

  “Positive. I think I’m going to hit the hay. I’m exhausted.”

  “Want to work out with me in the morning?” he asked.

  No. “Sure,” I said. “How early?”

  “I’ll let you sleep in,” he said with a laugh. “How about six?”

  I groaned. “I’ll see you then.”

  I got up and went to bed. It was strange to have this kind of a relationship with a man I was definitely attracted to. I had been wrestling with the idea for weeks and I had come to the conclusion I definitely had real feelings. I kept waiting for them to go away, but they were pesky and hanging on. We spent our evenings together and often our mornings. We were, for all intents and purposes, a couple.

  Except we weren’t a couple. We didn’t kiss. We didn’t really flirt. We just were. We had the kind of a relationship of an old married couple. We knew each other’s routines and could communicate without words most times. It was easy to be with him, which was why I hesitated to make a move on those feelings. I didn’t want to risk upsetting the relationship we had developed. It was too important to me.



  I couldn’t believe it, but I was staring at the proof. It was right there in black and white. I had matched with Lily. I hadn’t matched with any of the other beta users. Only her. I had done a little peeking and discovered she too had not matched with anyone else.

  “What are the odds?” I murmured.

  I flipped through the results and looked for some clue that would explain how we matched. I looked at the answers to her questions and I did not find any mistakes. It was legit. She was really going to get a kick out of the results.

  At the end of the day, I put in the usual order for Thai food. I left the office and debated whether or not I should tell Lily about the results. I didn’t want her to think I was a creepy stalker, but I couldn’t help but find it just a little funny. I was certain she would as well.

  When I got home, Lily wasn’t there. I wasn’t worried she wouldn’t show. It was just something we both made a priority. We were both busy and we could have chosen to work or do anything else, but we didn’t. We were both committed to our Tuesday tradition.

  She arrived not long after I had got home. She was carrying the usual pizza box. “Hi,” she greeted.


  “I’m going to change and then I’ll be right back,” she said excitedly. “I want to run an idea by you.”

  “I’ll be here.”

  I decided to tell her about the match. I was sure she would think it was funny. I didn’t want her to think there was anything to it. It was just supposed to be fun. I dished up the meal and waited for her to return.

  “Thank you,” she said and took a seat at the table.

  “What’d you want to talk about?” I asked and took a bite of my pizza.

  “You first.”


  She pointed at my face. “I can tell you have something to say. Is it about the app? Did you get the beta results?”

  “We’re still collecting information and working out some bugs.”

  “But?” she urged. “There is more.”

  “Something kind of funny,” I said.


  “We matched.”

  She looked confused. “What?”

  “We matched. The profile you created matched mine.”

  She burst into laughter. “Are you serious?”


  “I didn’t know you created a profile,” she sai

  “I had everyone in the office do one,” I explained. “I wanted to increase the pool. It improves the testing.”

  “Who else did I match with?” she asked.

  I shook my head. “No one.”

  “What about you? Who else did you match with?”

  I slowly shook my head. “No one.”

  Her brows shot up. “No kidding?”

  “It might be flawed,” I joked. “The pool is kind of small.”

  “It’s probably because we spend so much time together,” she reasoned. “We’re like each other’s other half.”

  That was a little too close to the truth. I cleared my throat. “You next. What’s on your mind?”

  “How do you feel about having a small party for Halloween?” she asked with a nervous look on her face.

  I shrugged. “I’d be okay with that. Isn’t Halloween on a Thursday?”

  “I was thinking this weekend,” she blurted out.

  “This weekend?” I repeated.

  “Yeah. Is it too soon?”

  “How big were you thinking?”

  “Not big,” she said. “I don’t know enough people to have it be big. What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “Do you want to invite your coworkers?” I asked.

  “I’m not sure,” I said. “I don’t know that I want to party with my employees.”

  “It could be fun,” she insisted.

  “Would this be a costume party?” I asked her.

  Her face lit up. “Of course. Girls love a good costume party. It’s our free pass to dress naughty and not get called a slut.”

  “Are you going to dress naughty?” I teased.

  Her eyes flashed with mischief. “Damn straight.”

  “Do you have a costume picked out?”

  She nodded. “I do.”

  “What is it?” I pressed.

  She giggled and took a drink of beer. “It’s a surprise. You have to agree to let me have the party. Then you’ll find out.”

  “Is it naughty?” I asked.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Maybe a little. It’s not a sexy nurse or a maid.”

  “Bunny?” I asked hopefully.

  She rolled her eyes. “You’re such a man.”

  “I am.” I nodded. “I am definitely a man. Sexy witch?”


  “Give me a hint,” I begged.

  “Do you agree to the party?” she replied.

  “You live here,” I said. “You don’t have to ask.”

  “I do have to ask because you live here,” she said. “I know neither of us are big on parties and such. If you don’t want to have people in your space, that’s cool.”

  “I’m fine with a party here, but I could check and see if the clubhouse is reserved,” I offered.

  She broke into a smile. “That’s a great idea! Then we could have an escape when we need it.”

  “Okay, so do I get to know what the costume is?” I asked. I wasn’t going to forget. I was going to have some pretty good fantasies about what she might wear. My mind was already running wild. I imagined something tight and skin-baring.

  * * *

  It was a short four days later and my imagination was finally given a break. I didn’t have to wonder what she was going to wear or how she would look. She fulfilled my every fantasy. Every nerd in the world would have gone gaga over her appearance. She was Supergirl. I wasn’t ashamed to admit I was a comic book nerd.

  She took one look at me and burst into laughter. “Batman!” she exclaimed. “We’re both DC.”

  “DC or bust.” I laughed.

  She put her arms up and slowly turned around. The short, shiny skirt skimmed over her ass. She sexed it up with red thigh-high stockings. The top was sleeveless with her ample cleavage on full display. There was a red choker around her neck with the cape attached.

  “Do I fit into the naughty category?” she asked.

  “You know you do,” I told her. “You better carry a can of mace. You’re going to need it to beat them off.”

  “Very funny,” she teased. “We better get down there. Our guests will be arriving soon.”

  We headed down to the clubhouse together. I paid to have a bartender for the party, even though the guest list was relatively small. I was glad we were keeping it in the clubhouse. It made me more comfortable. As the guests began to arrive, Lily and I went our separate ways to greet the people showing up.

  “Hi,” a pretty brunette said as she approached me.


  She looked me up and down. “Who are you?” she asked.

  “I’m Batman,” I said in a gruff voice.

  We both ended up laughing. It was goofy and ridiculous, but I had to try.

  “Hi, Batman, is your lair nearby?” she cooed.

  “My lair is secret,” I replied easily.

  She traced a fingertip over the hard, black shell that covered my chest. “What about your Batmobile?”

  “It’s close, but it’s awful small. No backseat.”

  “I’m flexible,” she said in a sultry voice.

  The playful banter was suddenly becoming very real. I glanced around the area in search of help. I needed to be extricated from the situation. I spotted Lily, but she was otherwise occupied. There were three men hovering around her. Jealousy ripped through me.

  “I need to check with the bartender,” I said in an attempt to escape the naughty nurse.

  “What are you checking on?” she asked.

  “I’m the host of this party,” I told her.

  She wrinkled her nose and looked at me like she was trying to see past my mask. “Are you Lily’s roommate?”

  “You know Lily?”

  “We have a class together,” she said. “I didn’t realize who you were. Are you and Lily a thing?”

  “No, we’re roommates.”

  She made a big show of looking me up and down. “You’re the reason she shut down Alan.”

  “Alan?” I asked. I stared at the woman who was a stranger to me, but she seemed to know all about me.

  “Alan, the guy we set her up with and she wanted nothing to do with him,” she said.

  “Are you Laura?” I asked with sudden realization.

  “Yep, that’s me. And you’re the roommate she’s been keeping a secret.”

  “I didn’t know I was a secret,” I said with a laugh.

  “She talks about you, but she never invites us over,” she said. “I can see why now.”

  “Why?” I questioned.

  “She’s keeping you all to herself,” she cooed again. “Are you guys sleeping together?”

  “No!” I immediately shut down the idea. “Absolutely not.”

  “Too bad,” she said.

  I was suddenly uncomfortable. “I really need to go.”

  I walked away from the woman and was immediately waylaid by Chris and his wife. I welcomed their company. It was like a safety net. If I was talking to someone, Laura would be deterred. At least that was my hope.

  “This is pretty wild,” Chris said.

  He was dressed as a saltshaker. His pregnant wife was pepper. “This was all Lily’s idea,” I said.

  “I didn’t know you knew how to party,” he teased.

  “I don’t,” I retorted.

  “Thanks for the free booze,” he said and held up his beer.

  “I’m his designated driver,” his wife said. “I think this is why he keeps knocking me up. He wants me to be his permanent designated driver.”

  “Trust me, baby, that’s not why I knock you up,” Chris said and wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  “Alright, I’m going to make sure the bartender has everything he needs,” I said and once again extracted myself from another awkward conversation.

  This was why the party thing never worked well with me. I didn’t know how to handle the weird conversations. I didn’t know if I was the weird one. Yes, I did. I was the awkward one. I was the one
that made people feel weird.

  While I was slowly meandering around the party, I kept my eye on Lily. She was the center of attention. Everyone seemed to be flocking to her. It was the damn outfit. She had never looked so damn sexy. I had seen her half-naked in her little booty shorts and tank and even I was having a hard time keeping my eyes off her boobs. I knew they were glorious boobs, but seeing the creamy flesh squeezed together in the corset-style top was next level. My fantasies didn’t come close to reality. I just knew they would be even better bare.

  I managed to pull myself out of the gutter. Another young woman approached me. She was wearing a sensible fairy costume. She seemed quiet and her demeanor was far more suited to who I was.

  “Do you know Lily?” she asked.

  “I do,” I said without admitting to who I was. “Do you?”

  “Kind of,” she said. “I know of her through a mutual friend.”

  “At the university?”

  She nodded and I sensed her nervousness. She was very much like me. For the first time in a long time, I thought she might be someone I could be interested in.

  “Yes,” she answered. “I’m a communications major. We have a class together. What about you?”

  “I’m her roommate,” I said.

  She raised an eyebrow. “Roommate?”


  I could have elaborated, but I realized I didn’t want to. I didn’t want her to think I was available. I searched the room and found Lily’s gaze on me. I thought I saw irritation, but it was gone in a flash. She smiled and waved. I smiled back and turned my attention back to the woman in front of me.



  I wasn’t jealous. I wasn’t pissed that the guests I invited were fawning all over Thomas. It was to be expected. He looked hot in his costume. His toned body was on display, and with the mask, there was an air of mysteriousness about him that all the ladies were drooling over. Including myself.

  I glanced over and saw someone I didn’t know chatting him up. I noticed the woman put her hand on Thomas’s arm and they both laughed. He was having a good time. That was great and I was happy he was having fun, but damn, I should have thought about consequences. I was going to be stuck watching women fawn all over him all damn night.


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