Guarded by the Soldier (Justice Seekers Book 2)

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Guarded by the Soldier (Justice Seekers Book 2) Page 8

by Laura Scott

  Forever, or at least until they’d gotten what they’d wanted.

  Whichever came first.

  * * *

  “Why had he said nothing in response to your question?” Olivia’s voice interrupted his dark thoughts. “If he was only partially conscious, you’d think he’d spill the truth.”

  “Blake-Moore must have used some heavy-duty training to have them answer that way.” He paused, then added, “Although, I thought he said numbers.”

  “Numbers?” She looked at him in horror. “You know I’m an accountant, right?”

  No, he hadn’t known that. He glanced at her. “Did you do accounting work for Blake-Moore?”

  “No.” She rubbed her hand over her belly and he knew she was troubled by what had gone down at the motel. Duncan had pulled the trigger, killing the first mercenary, but it may as well have been him. “I offered, but Tim refused my help. Said the bosses wanted a big-shot accounting firm to help manage their funds.”

  “Interesting.” Ryker watched the taillights of the SUV in front of them. “So you wouldn’t know of any numbers they might be looking for?”

  “No idea. Hey, I thought we were heading toward Milwaukee?”

  The Peoria sign had caught her attention. “We will, but I think it’s better to stop for what’s left of the night.”

  “It’s because of me, isn’t it?” Her voice was a bit shaky, and he again wished she hadn’t had to witness so much violence. “I’ll be fine if we need to drive longer.”

  He flashed a reassuring smile. “It’s no problem. I need to discuss our strategy with Mike and Duncan anyway.”

  “If you’re sure?”

  “Positive.” Ryker kept his eye on the taillights of Duncan’s SUV. Olivia didn’t say anything as they drove through the darkness. When he caught sight of a motel that offered suites, he flashed his lights.

  Duncan tapped the breaks, signaling he understood, and slowed down so they could pull into the parking lot.

  “Connecting suites?” Duncan asked from the driver’s-side window.

  “Yes.” He stayed where he was, letting Duncan get the rooms this time. He thought about the dead man they’d left behind. Ryker figured the police would be on his tail thanks to the credit card information he’d had to provide in order to get the room. A wave of frustration washed over him. Having the police and the Blake-Moore Group after him would only complicate things. Good thing he had a couple of cops with him, to help corroborate his side of the story.

  There was nothing he could do about it now. Olivia and Aaron needed to be safe. He could only hope that the guy Mike had knocked out would stay tied up and unconscious until the authorities arrived.

  When Duncan emerged five minutes later, Ryker waited for his friends to open the rooms before sliding out from behind the wheel. He fetched the diaper bag and carefully lifted a sleeping Aaron from the car seat. Olivia went first, and he placed a hand on the lower part of her back, steering her toward the room on the left.

  Inside, she turned the lamp on low.

  “Where do you want him?” His voice was a low whisper.

  “This way.” She crossed over and pulled the covers down so that he could gently place Aaron on the bed. She stared at her son for a long moment and he wondered what was going through her mind.

  Guilt stabbed him deep. Security was his specialty, he should have been more careful. He should have been able to figure out they were being followed.

  He’d nearly gotten Olivia and Aaron killed.

  Backing out of the bedroom, he returned to the living room of the suite. He double-checked the dead bolt on the door, then hooked the chain as an added measure. He dropped the diaper bag onto a chair. The connecting door between the suites was open, but he didn’t hear Mike or Duncan.

  “What kind of strategy?”

  Olivia’s soft voice had him spinning toward her. He’d assumed she would have crawled in beside Aaron, to get the sleep she badly needed.

  He shrugged, striving for a casual tone. “Just a plan for where to go from here. Nothing to worry about.” He hated knowing she was chin deep in this mess as it was. The last thing he wanted to do was cause additional stress.

  She rubbed her hands on her arms as if she were chilled. “I keep thinking about the guy saying numbers.”

  He moved closer, fighting the urge to pull her into his arms. “You think you know what numbers he’s talking about?”

  She grimaced and shook her head. “I wish. If I had them, I’d gladly give them away.”

  No way was he going to allow her to do anything of the kind. If the Blake-Moore Group was willing to kill for the numbers, then Ryker knew they had to do with something illegal.

  Money laundering? Or money socked away from their scheme of selling guns to the enemy?

  “I’m scared.” Olivia’s soft admission was like a punch to his gut. “Oh!” She put a hand on her belly. “Sure, now the baby wakes up.”

  His fingers itched to feel the baby’s movements, but he kept his hands at his sides. He wondered if his longing had shown on his face, because she unexpectedly grabbed his hand and put it on her belly.

  “Can you feel it?”

  “Yes.” Feeling the baby move filled him with awe. The intimacy of the moment was humbling, and he was honored she’d shared this with him. “Amazing.”

  “It is, isn’t it?” She smiled. “Thank you, Ryker. For everything you’re doing for me. For us.”

  His throat swelled with emotion. Her gratitude was misplaced, but he also knew that if he hadn’t tracked her down when he did, the outcome would have been much worse.

  “You’re welcome.” He forced the words through his tight throat. “Get some sleep. I’m going to talk to Mike and Duncan to figure out how we can drop off the Blake-Moore Group’s radar.”

  She nodded, but didn’t move away. She continued covering his hand on her belly with hers, as if she didn’t want to let go.

  Unable to help himself, he reached up and tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear with his other hand. “I’m going to do everything possible to keep you and Aaron safe.” The baby kicked again, making him smile. “Him, too.”

  “Her.” Olivia’s lips curved in a smile. “This pregnancy is very different, so I’m thinking the baby is a girl.”

  Since he knew nothing about it, he didn’t argue. “Her, then. I’m going to keep all three of you safe.”

  “I know you will.” Her trust leveled him. “I know God sent you to help us, Ryker, guiding us on His chosen path.”

  He stilled, her simple faith washing over him. Was she right about God? Was He really watching over them, guiding them to safety? The Callahans believed that, as did Hawk.

  Were they right?

  “Ryker.” She let go of his hand, shifting closer. He told himself to back off, to give her room, but his boots didn’t move. She leaned forward, resting her head in the crook of his shoulder. “I’m blessed to have you here with us.”

  Blessed? If either one of them was blessed, it was him. He couldn’t think of a response, so he simply lowered his head and pressed a chaste kiss on her temple.

  She lifted her head to gaze up at him. He wished he could see her eyes more clearly, but the lack of light made it difficult to observe beyond the shadows.

  “Is something wrong?” He didn’t know what she was thinking, or why she continued looking up at him.

  “Nothing.” A smile curved her lips and she surprised him by reaching up to wrap her hand around his neck. Then she gently pulled him down as she went up on her tiptoes.

  It never occurred to him to resist. She kissed him. Sweetly at first, but then with a longing that he couldn’t ignore or deny.

  He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and deepening the kiss, the way he’d wanted to since they’d first met. She tasted like sunshine and wild
flowers after the rain. He wanted nothing more than to keep holding her, but the baby kicked between them, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Well, I’m not sure my kiss has ever spurred that reaction,” she said with a wry smile.

  “It’s beautiful and so are you.” He was about to kiss her again when he heard a small voice call out, “Mommy?”

  Aaron’s plaintive cry made Olivia sigh. “I’m sorry but I need to go to him.”

  “I know.” He reluctantly loosened his grip. “Get some sleep. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  She nodded, turned and rushed to Aaron’s bedside. He listened as she reassured the little boy. Peering through the open doorway, he saw her cuddling the child close. His chest ached as he watched them.

  It was a full minute before he could make himself move away from the doorway, her taste lingering on his lips.

  She’d kissed him, but now that the cloud of attraction had faded, he knew he shouldn’t read too much into their embrace. She’d been scared, had hidden in the bathroom with a toilet tank cover as a weapon. The stress of being on the run for her life, was probably getting to her. Coming to him for comfort didn’t mean anything.

  He couldn’t let it mean anything.

  Getting emotionally involved wasn’t smart. He needed his wits about him to figure out how to stop the Blake-Moore Group, while keeping her and Aaron safe.

  Another lapse in judgment on his part could prove deadly.


  Had she lost her mind? Why on earth had she kissed Ryker? He’d been trying to comfort her, the way any friend might after running from bad guys with guns, but she’d turned a sweet embrace into something romantic.

  Long after Aaron had fallen asleep, she’d replayed those moments over and over in her mind.

  It’s beautiful and so are you.

  Just remembering the words made her shiver with awareness. An attraction she hadn’t felt in a very long time.

  It was impossible not to compare Ryker and Tim. Her husband had lost interest in her while she’d been pregnant with Aaron. At the time, she’d blamed his new job with Blake-Moore for the long hours Tim had spent away from home. Blamed it for his short temper and the subtle changes she’d noticed in his demeanor.

  But deep down, she’d feared her husband was becoming a stranger. No matter how much she tried to find the man she’d married, he’d remained elusive. She’d attempted to rejuvenate their relationship, hoping that reconnecting with him on an intimate level would bring life back to his eyes, but it hadn’t worked. She believed Blake-Moore was to blame.

  Those instincts had proven correct, based on the way the Blake-Moore Group had sent armed men after her.

  Only after Tim’s death had she really understood that her marriage would not have survived a second pregnancy. That their relationship was damaged beyond repair.

  She hadn’t even had the chance to tell Tim about the baby. Frankly, she’d been afraid of his reaction. Then it had been too late.

  Not that it mattered now. The relief of knowing she wouldn’t have to deal with Tim made her feel guilty. He’d been her husband, a man she’d once loved. But he’d eventually turned into someone else.

  A man she didn’t recognize.

  Which brought her back to Ryker. Sweet, caring, strong, compassionate Ryker.

  It was crazy. She was getting in way over her head. Telling herself this was nothing more than some strange hero worship didn’t help.

  As much as she appreciated Duncan’s and Mike’s help, her senses were only tuned in to Ryker. A man she had no business kissing. Or wanting.

  The minute she and Aaron were out of danger, Ryker would move on to his next project. Whatever that might be.

  She didn’t know much of anything about his personal life, other than he worked as a security specialist. But what about the women in his life? Or his family? She had no idea.

  Exhaustion finally shut down her brain long enough to sleep.

  The following morning, she woke up feeling well rested. But the serene feeling of hope quickly evaporated when she realized Aaron wasn’t beside her.

  “Aaron?” She rolled off the bed, her heart hammering in her chest. She yanked the bedroom door open and saw Ryker had Aaron on his lap, feeding him something they must have gotten from a nearby restaurant.

  “He’s fine. We tried not to wake you, right, champ?” Ryker grinned down at the boy.

  “Right.” The words were muffled by the food in her son’s mouth.

  “Thank you.” Her panic faded and she drew a hand through her tousled hair, suddenly feeling self-conscious about her appearance. She’d been wearing the same maternity clothes for the past two days. Ugh.

  The kiss they’d shared hovered in the air between them.

  “We have something for you, too,” Ryker added, avoiding her direct gaze. “When you’re ready, let us know.”

  “Okay.” She desperately needed the bathroom and a shower, in that order. Ducking back into the bedroom, she closed the door and made use of the facilities. It was nice to have a few minutes to herself. Normally Aaron talked to her through the shower curtain as she showered.

  Another reason to like Ryker.

  Enough. This idiotic preoccupation with the man had to stop. She’d obviously made him uncomfortable with her kiss. Not that she could blame him. Her hormones were raging out of control—it was the only explanation for why she was acting so strangely.

  Wrinkling her nose, she dressed in the same clothes she’d been wearing the night Ryker had rescued her from the man on the street. Maybe once they were safe, she’d be able to stop and pick up a few things.

  She returned to the living room of the suite. The scent of bacon and eggs made her stomach rumble. Aaron had finished eating, and was sitting in front of the television.

  “Aaron, do you need to go to the bathroom?” She approached, sniffing the air around him to see if he had soiled his pants. He normally wore Pull-Ups at night, but was potty trained during the day.

  Although after everything that had happened, she wouldn’t be surprised if he regressed.

  “No. Mr. Ryker already helped me.” Aaron didn’t look away from the cartoon.

  She lifted a brow and turned toward Ryker who shrugged. “Wasn’t hard to find what I needed in your bag.”

  He’d changed Aaron? Wow. “Thank you.” She crossed over and took a seat beside him. Opening the to-go container, she found scrambled eggs, bacon and hash browns. She was thankful for the food. “Looks great.”

  “Dig in.” A smile tugged at the corner of Ryker’s mouth.

  She took several bites of her meal before realizing Mike and Duncan weren’t around, although the connecting door between the rooms hung ajar. “Where are the guys?”

  “They’ll be here soon.” Ryker’s smile faded. “We’re trying to drum up additional reinforcements, but so far there’s no one else to spare.”

  Additional reinforcements? Another wave of guilt washed over her.

  She’d just finished her breakfast when Mike walked in. “Sorry, no go. Noah is busy with Maddy and their new son. Matt doesn’t want to leave Lacy as she’s due any day now. Marc is out of town until tomorrow, and Miles is knee-deep in a murder case.”

  The names were a blur, and Ryker must have noticed her confusion.

  “Mike has five siblings,” he explained. “And they’re all involved in some sort of law enforcement. Marc is with the FBI, Miles is a homicide detective, Matt is a K-9 cop, Noah is a cop and married to their sister, Maddy, who is an ADA.” Ryker frowned. “What about Mitch?”

  Mike shrugged. “He’s an arson investigator, but he and Dana are vacationing in Door County. It’s possible Mitch may be able to help when they return.”

  “Wow, six Callahans.” She glanced at Duncan who’d come in behind Mike. “And you’re Mike’s brother-in-law.�

  “Yep. Mike married my sister Shayla.” He clapped Mike on the shoulder. “And from what I hear, they’re about to make me an uncle again.”

  The tips of Mike’s ears turned red, but he nodded and smiled broadly, clearly happy with the news. “Not until November, though.”

  “Congrats.” Ryker gave Mike a nod. “I’m happy for you.”


  It was oddly reassuring to Olivia to have so many family men helping them. They no doubt understood what it was like to travel with a pregnant woman and a small child.

  Mike’s expression turned serious. “Actually, I think we should all hit the road as soon as we can. Shayla told me Brodie has been throwing up nonstop all night. She hasn’t been feeling very good herself, either.”

  “Poor kid.” Duncan frowned. “Fine with me if we leave, the sooner we get back in Wisconsin the better. We have a good two and a half hours of driving before we reach the Wisconsin border, and another seventy minutes to get to Madison.”

  “I plan to detour to Milwaukee rather than going all the way to Madison.” Mike sent Ryker an apologetic look. “I’ll ask Miles to pick me up in Beloit, so I won’t take you out of your way. But I really need to check on Shayla and Brodie, to make sure they’re okay.”

  “Understood.” If Ryker was upset about losing Mike and having only Duncan as backup, he didn’t show it.

  “I can be ready in five minutes.” She stood and quickly cleaned up the mess from their breakfast. “Just let me stop in the bathroom one last time.”

  When she returned a few minutes later, she found Ryker and Duncan deep in conversation.

  “We need to confront the cousin.” Ryker’s voice held a note of urgency. “He lives outside Madison, so it’s on the way.”

  “Yeah, maybe. Although I still think we should check out the Habush house first. Could be that the numbers they’re looking for may be hidden in there.”

  “Doubtful. They would have searched the place already,” Ryker argued.

  Duncan caught sight of her and stood. “Hey, Olivia. Ready?”


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