Chandler: Bishop’s Snowy Leap – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance (Bishop's Snowy Leap Book 2)

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Chandler: Bishop’s Snowy Leap – Paranormal Tiger Shifter Romance (Bishop's Snowy Leap Book 2) Page 6

by Kathi S. Barton

  When Sasha joined them, he could tell that she’d been crying. When she laid her head on his chest when she came to him, Chandler told her that he loved her. Pulling away from him when Molly tugged on her, they entered what he could only assume was the master bedroom.

  “Holy fuck.” He felt his face heat up when Molly scolded him. “Look at this place. I mean, seriously, we could live in here and never have to see the rest of the house, I think.”

  “That would be a total waste of space, don’t you think, Uncle Chandler?” She went to the closet, then came out. “Okay, I’ve changed my mind. Look at these closets. There is one for each of you. And I could move in here, and you’d never know it. I love this house.”

  “I do too.” Chandler looked at Sasha when she spoke. “This is a house that every person in the world dreams of having, yet never gets. A house that would be something that we can use for the rest of our lives. Bringing families here. Our family. Raising not just Pip but other children as well. I would, if you don’t mind, love to live in this house and grow old with you, Chandler Bishop.”

  “I would like nothing better than to give you this house from my family as a place that we can live in.” She laughed with him. “While we’re on the subject of making sure that we have a roof over our heads, will you marry me, Sasha Harvard? Be the wife that I’ve always thought that I’d love and cherish?”

  “I will.” Molly began shouting and whooping it up when she heard Sasha’s answer. Laughing at the antics that only a kid could do, Sasha turned to the little girl and spoke to her. “You must be my bridesmaid, Molly. I’d have it no other way than to have you standing up there with the rest of my new family.”

  “It’s a deal.” She was still shouting about how cool it was that Sasha was going to be her aunt. Then when she stopped long enough to speak again, it made her more excited. “That means that Pip will be my cousin, doesn’t it?”

  “It does.”

  Molly took off for parts unknown in the house as Chandler was led from room to room with Sasha. Once in a while, Molly would come back to say something, but all in all, they were alone to make decisions. Chandler was just nervous about how they were going to fill out the house, much less where to put the beds they didn’t have in it.

  Before they finished up on the third floor of the big house, his family came by. Once, when they’d been looking at the way the closets all seemed to have been put in recently, Sawyer asked him what they had decided. He then realized that though they weren’t blood related, his brother and Molly had the same enthusiastic whooping. Chandler was happy that he’d been able to make their day. His whole life was happy now.

  They came bearing gifts, his family did. Not only did they have a new bedroom set, but there was a mattress for the new baby bed for Pip. Holding the little girl made him feel good, so when Sasha looked at her in his arms, he handed her to her new momma so that she could feel just as good.

  “She’s so tiny, isn’t she?” Sasha sat down in the only piece of furniture in the living room. The beautiful rocking chair had been a gift from his parents. “She’s beautiful, don’t you think, Chandler?”

  “Yes. And when she’s awake, she looks right at you as if she knows just who you are and what you’re thinking.” Sasha nodded. “Are we going to name her Pip? Or can you think of another name and we can just call her that? I’m partial to calling her Pip. It suits her for some reason.”

  “I think it does as well. But I’ll have to think on that a little bit. What’s your mom’s name?” He told her that it was Serendipity, but she was called Sippy. “That will make a good middle name for her. I don’t want to name her for my mother. She’s not the type of person that would be happy having anything or anyone named for her. How about Emmaline? That’s a good strong name, don’t you think? Emmaline Serendipity Bishop. Yes, I love that. How about you?”

  “I love it too. She’ll be able to go by anything she wants when she gets old enough to pick if Pip isn’t anything that she likes.” Sasha told him that he thought with everyone calling her Pip, she’d keep it. “I hope so. It’s a good name for someone that has started out life just this side of bad things going down.”

  He didn’t want to say death, but it was there on his mind. If he had been only a few minutes more or hadn’t gone running with his brother, she would have died. Shaking his head, he didn’t want to think about all the things that might have happened to her had he not found her. Chandler knew that it was fate. Just as it was fate that he fall in love with Sasha. Not only was he a husband to be, but a father too. Dad. Chandler was a dad now.

  “I have some things that I’d like to give you and the other boys.” Chandler told Holly that she didn’t have to give them anything. That they were just happy that she hung out with them. “I sort of knew you were going to say something like that. So I had it all packed up and brought over anyway. You each get a nice truckload of furniture that was in my house.”

  “You’ve sold your house?” She grinned at him, and he looked around. “This was your house, wasn’t it? Why, you sly woman, you. Why would you do that? I’m sure that there are other houses, much smaller ones that Sasha and I could have moved into.”

  “I’m sure there are. But you’re the only one with a baby that didn’t have a home. Sawyer has their home, and I want you to have this one.” About the time he was hugging her, the semi, not just a truck, pulled up in front of the house. He asked her about it. “You’re the one that assumed it was a pick-up truck. I only said it was a truck. Come on, let’s get that sucker unloaded, and see what you have.”

  Every time he pulled something off the truck, it seemed like there was twice that many more pieces to remove. Not only did they have a really beautiful dining room set, but also living room furniture as well as things for them to use in the kitchen. When a woman by the name of Trudy said she’d set up the kitchen, Chandler had an idea that they had a cook too.

  Sasha was directing his brothers around so that the furniture was in the correct rooms. She kept telling them that they could move it later. Laughing every time Sawyer went by him with another load, grumbling about moving shit, he thought of all the fun he was going to have in their new home. This might be one of the best days of his life, Chandler thought. A home, a wife, and family right here helping out.

  At nearly seven o’clock, they were called to dinner. He didn’t have any idea what might be served to them, as he’d not seen a single one of them rush off to the grocery store. But when they sat down at the table that had only just gotten chairs around it, they were given not just baked potatoes, green beans, and rolls, but thick steaks as they came off the grill right outside of the dining room. Chandler thought that he could certainly get used to this.

  Sasha leaned over to him while he was eating and told him that she needed to talk to him about her family. Asking her if it was bad, she only had to nod. He didn’t expect anything less than that. Having a terrible family seemed to be the norm when it came to wives for them. Telling her that they’d take care of them, he also told her that she needed to tell them all about it.

  “I will. Tomorrow. Not today. This is for family, and I want to have more fun with moving into this place with them all helping.” He did too and told her that. “You know, it’s really nice having family around, isn’t it?”

  Roger, who had come to help too, said that he agreed with her on that. He didn’t know how badly he’d had it until now. “These Bishops, they know just how to treat someone and give them a boost up. I’ve certainly been enjoying living with them all. And I have good friends now in Saul and Sippy. Something that I don’t think I’ve ever had before.”

  As they finished up their meal with the promise of dessert when the truck was emptied, they all worked harder for the chance to sit down and have some pie. Sasha said she was going to gain a ton if this kept up, the way they ate. He’d have to talk to her soon about changing her. Then she and P
ip would be safer if he wasn’t here. Not to mention, she’d never have to worry about gaining weight again.

  Chapter 5

  Pulling her cell phone out of her pocket, Sasha put it away. There wasn’t any way that she was going to answer a call from her mother right now. There was just too much going on. Not to mention, she didn’t want to speak to her.

  The bedroom that they were going to share was coming along nicely. Holly helped her with putting the things like she wanted them in the room. The bed with the back to the large window did seem to make the room look larger. The curtains that were there when they looked around the house earlier were, of course, a perfect match to the blanket and other items that went with the room. Too bad they didn’t have a mattress just yet.

  “I had this linen set made for me when I was first widowed. I thought that the colors would calm me enough that I’d sleep better. I never did sleep in this room after my husband passed on. It was just too much for me.” Sasha told her that she was sorry. “I’m not. I get to know now that I picked out a perfect set for my two favorite people. That’s one of the reasons that I wanted to unpack the things I’ve had in storage for so long. To see them used by young couples starting out. The others are getting the same kind of furniture. But this set, it was mine and my husband’s, and I simply love it. As I do you.”

  “I love you too, Holly. I can see why Raven has nothing but wonderful things to say about you. You don’t hold back unless you have to. Even then, you’re a straight shooter. I love that about you.”

  “Thank you, my dear. I’m noticing that you’re just like myself and Raven. Tell me about your mother. I’m sure that it’s more than what I’ve read from the report I had about you.” She asked her if she’d had her investigated. “Yes. And I’m not the least bit sorry for it either. You are going to be a part of the family that my granddaughter and great-granddaughter are a part of. I won’t have them hurt when the shit hits the fan. Not that I would have kept you from being a part of this wonderful loud group, but I would have kept a closer eye on you. You know about my daughter-in-law, Merriam.”

  “I do. Raven told me some of it. Molly did as well. And I kind of know Merriam. She’s in jail right now, awaiting trial.” Holly told her that it couldn’t come soon enough for her. “No, I don’t think that I would want it dragged out either. Roger is your son.”

  “Yes. I’m not usually one to say I-told-you-so, but I did try to warn him about her. She was just too slick for me. And the fact that everything she does hinges on the fact that as an Addington, that’s the way it should be done used to drive me bonkers.” They both laughed. “Your mother, she’s not hurt, is she?”

  “No. I don’t know that she ever was, to be honest. When she fell that time, in a department store, I could never figure out why she’d been there in the first place, unless she was looking for a job. Still, I don’t think that they’d hire her. But she was there, shopping, she told us. No way could she have afforded anything there.” Holly asked again what had happened. “She was found lying on the floor in the bathroom. The floor was wet, but that looked to me like she’d poured water there. According to her, she’d fallen on the floor and hurt her back. They told us, my brother, sister, and me, that Mother’s injuries were consistent with a slip and a fall. But that they didn’t know how she’d hurt her back.”

  “She’s been in a wheelchair since then, I read.” Sasha told her that she’d been faking it in a wheelchair since then. “You have any proof?”

  “No. How I wish I did. She has these doctors that agree with the fact that her injury could be something that her mind is making up for her. I believe that my mother is well aware of what she’s doing. Not only is she getting a monthly check to cover her being hurt, but they also make sure that she has help to exercise her legs, in the event that she ever decides to get up moving again. She also has the latest wheelchair, a car that can carry her lazy ass around, as well as all the drugs she needs.”

  “You don’t think she needs any of that.” Sasha told her that she didn’t think her mother needed the drugs for sure. “Why get them then? Who’s footing the bill for that?”

  “Again, I have no proof, but I do think she’s making a killing off the market for them.” Holly whistled. “I know. It’s a horrible thing to think about your own mother, but damn it, she’s hurting the company that has to foot the bill for her scam. This isn’t the first time she’s done something like this either. I believe that is why my dad left her. She was trying to drag him into things that he didn’t want to have any part of.”

  “Your mother, did she ever try to sell off your abilities?” Sasha nodded. “I thought as much. There was an article in one of the papers that I was given that said how you could find lost souls and money. I never understood why anyone would advertise something like that. You must have had every person in the world coming for you.”

  “I did. And not just the living either. The dead thought that since it was out there, then I would have no problem finding their money and giving it to their families. It didn’t work that way for me. I would only be able to tell the police where their bodies were, and then they’d disappear.” Holly asked her what was different now. “I forgot to mention it. I’ve been promoted, they told me. Not only can I tell the police where they’ve been buried or whatever, but I can also find things that they might have taken from someone, like robbing a bank so that the money can be returned to whomever.”

  Glancing over Holly’s shoulder, she saw the nice looking older man. She didn’t want to tell Holly that she thought her husband was there, but it seemed so cruel not to tell her. Holly asked her who she was seeing when she caught her looking.

  “I don’t know. But I do think that your husband is here.” Holly shook her head. “You don’t have to speak to him, Holly. He doesn’t look as if he’s going to cause you any harm. I think he just wants to see you.”

  Holly turned slowly and asked where he was. Reaching for her hand when she put hers toward her, Sasha was startled when the man became solid enough for both of them to see him. He smiled at them, and Sasha was happy to see that he’d been made over somewhat. That, however he died, he didn’t look like he was dead right now.

  “Roger?” He nodded and put out his hand. They, of course, couldn’t touch, but it was so lovely to see them pretending to hold each other’s hands. “I’ve missed you so much. I wish every day that you were here.”

  “I’m all right where I am, love. Besides, had I still been there with you, how on earth would you have had as many adventures as you’ve had? I’ve seen you on your trips. I’m so happy that you enjoy them with our great-granddaughter.”

  “Molly would have loved you so much, Roger. You know that, don’t you?” He said that he already loved her. “You’ve missed so much, my love. We’re going to be great-grandparents again.”

  “You’ve kept me up to date, Holly. Every time you come out to the gravesite where I am, you tell me everything. I’m the envy of every person on this side because you bring pictures with you for me to see. I see them.” She laughed and cried at the same time. “Raven hasn’t been out to see me as much, but I understand why. That mother of hers should be shot, I think. And that Molly? I just can’t stand that I can’t touch her or talk to her once in a while. But she shares with me. Her secrets and her laughter. It’s about all a man in my position could ask for when he’s moved on.”

  Sasha stayed with them. Honestly, she thought that she was getting to see what long term true love was like. Also, she was afraid that if she let go of Holly’s hand, she’d not be able to see her husband. That more than anything was the reason that she held so tightly to the elderly woman’s hand.

  “I must go, my love. It’s draining to stay like this to speak to you. I should like, if the lady Sasha doesn’t mind, to do this again sometime. I so love talking to you.” Holly looked at her, and Sasha nodded. “Good. That’s just wonderful. The nex
t time you come to see me, my heart, don’t forget those pictures. And a blanket. I don’t wish you to be joining me none too soon when there are babies coming.”

  “I won’t forget, Roger. I love you and miss you so very much.” He told her that he loved her, too, as he faded away. Holly turned to her when he was gone, tears still fresh in her eyes. “What you did for me and Roger just now, it makes my heart just a little fuller. So what I’m going to do is take care of your mother for you. I won’t go to the extremes as Raven would, but we’ll get her taken care of. You just wait and see.”

  “You don’t have to do that.” Holly told her that she did, and not just for the time she’d spent with Roger. “She’ll get her just desserts, I know it. It might take time, but I’m sure she’ll get it.”

  “She will. Now, I have to make a couple of phone calls. I need to get my attorney on this. Brooks will think that he’s a special agent when I talk to him. Oh, he’ll love this as much as I’m going to.”

  When she left her there, sitting on the half folded linens that were for their bed when it arrived, Sasha laughed. It was going to be fun to see her mother get her comeuppance. Her brother and sister as well. They weren’t terrible, not like their mother was, but they needed to see the error of their ways as well.

  Pearl’s way of getting things on sale was to steal them. She got away with it because she was so overweight. Her sister had told her once that no one would accuse her of doing it because she’d say that they were biased because of her being slightly overweight. She was more than slightly, but Sasha didn’t say anything to her about it. Basically, Pearl was right. No one would want to get into a lawsuit over a few articles of clothing that would cost them a great deal less than a lawsuit would.


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