Praying for Time

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Praying for Time Page 6

by Carlene Thompson

  ‘You really shouldn’t live alone in this big house, Grace.’

  ‘A cleaning lady comes in three days a week.’

  ‘I’m not talking about someone who comes to clean a few days a week. I’m talking about a companion or—’

  ‘Ah, the brownies at last!’ Grace cried and looked up with relief and Vanessa knew she didn’t want to discuss the subject of living alone. ‘Audrey, I’ve never had brownies served on a silver tray.’

  ‘With doilies, silver flatware, and freshly brewed tea in the Wedgewood china service.’

  Grace cut a piece of brownie with a silver fork, popped it in her mouth, and muttered, ‘Hmmm. Delicious. Vanessa, she makes them from scratch with lots of dark chocolate.’

  ‘Glad you like them, Grace. Vanessa?’

  ‘They look scrumptious and I want at least two. I don’t need a plate and fork.’

  ‘Yes, you do,’ Grace said. ‘Otherwise you’ll drop crumbs.’

  After Vanessa had taken her first bite of brownie and sip of tea, Grace asked abruptly, ‘How is Roxanne?’

  Vanessa knew the woman could tell if she was trying to soft sell Roxanne’s condition, but she didn’t want to be brutally honest, either. ‘She’s dehydrated and undernourished. She has quite a few bruises and scrapes – nothing that won’t heal. Mentally, she’s in and out. One minute she was talking lucidly to Christian and me and the next she was confused. I’m sure once she’s rested and medicated, she’ll improve.’

  ‘Did she say where she’d been?’

  ‘Different places but she’s not sure where. The last place and maybe the longest was Portland, although she didn’t know it until she escaped. She took a bus home although I don’t know how she managed it considering her condition.’

  ‘And she doesn’t know who took her, who kept her captive all of these years?’

  ‘No. She has no idea, Grace. She was kept blindfolded … and—’

  Grace suddenly held up her hand. ‘I don’t want to hear details. Not now.’ Her voice shook. ‘I’m still processing that she’s home. I hope I don’t sound unfeeling. It’s just …’ Her eyes filled with tears.

  ‘There’s plenty of time to talk about it later.’ Vanessa put her arm around Grace’s shoulders and patted her back. ‘Don’t think about it now.’

  The doorbell rang twice and Vanessa jumped. Audrey smiled. ‘It’s the kids home from school. They always ring twice to let us know it’s them.’

  Vanessa leaned over and watched through the open library doors as Audrey opened the wide front door, mahogany halfway up, glass stained with red and pink roses above and matching sidelights. A girl’s voice immediately piped, ‘Is that Aunt Vanessa’s car outside?’

  Then a boy’s announced, ‘It’s really cool. Will she take us for a ride?’

  ‘Yes, it’s Vanessa’s rental car and yes, it’s cool.’

  Queenie ran toward Cara and barked.

  ‘Oh, wow!’ Cara exclaimed and dropped to her knees, hugging the dog’s neck. ‘It’s Queen Na’dya. See, Sammy? I told you about her!’

  ‘She’s great! Can I pet her?’

  ‘Sure. She’s the friendliest dog in the world, aren’t you, Queenie? Where’s Vanessa?’

  ‘Right in there with Grace,’ Audrey said.

  The girl finally noticed Vanessa, who stood as Cara raced toward her, throwing her arms around her waist and hugging tightly. ‘Oh, Aunt Vanessa, I’ve missed you so much!’

  ‘And I’ve missed you, Cara. Take a step back and let me look at you.’

  Cara did so, beaming with her golden-brown eyes. She had medium-toned skin and long, wavy black hair. She didn’t look at all like Audrey. She resembled her handsome father, who’d left Everly Cliffs as soon as he learned Audrey was pregnant.

  ‘You have grown at least two inches since I saw you last and gotten even more beautiful!’ Vanessa said.

  Cara blushed then prodded a boy forward. ‘This is Sammy Sherwin my … best friend.’

  Sammy looked slightly abashed, smiling shyly at Vanessa. His thick blond hair shone in the sunlight coming through the window and his eyes were the color of blue hyacinths. Sammy Sherwin was going to be devastatingly handsome when he grew up, Vanessa thought. ‘Hello, Miss Everly,’ he said softly. ‘I love your show. Cara talks about you all the time. I’m glad I finally get to meet you.’

  ‘It’s lovely to meet you, too, Sammy, and please call me Vanessa. I see you’ve made friends with Queenie.’

  Sammy grinned down at the collie, who sat obediently by his side. She had long white, tan, and black hair and weighed around sixty pounds. She was friendly and especially loved children. She looked at Vanessa with her intelligent melting brown eyes.

  Sammy stroked the dog’s head. ‘She’s gorgeous.’ He beamed as the dog dropped her small look-alike stuffed collie toy and nuzzled into his hand. ‘What’s her toy doggie’s name?’

  ‘King Dominick.’

  Sammy grinned. ‘Like your husband on the TV show?’

  Vanessa nodded. ‘We call him Dom, don’t we, Queenie?’

  The dog barked again and the children fell into fits of laughter. ‘Queen Na’dya and King Dominick together on TV and off,’ Cara giggled as the dog shifted back and forth on her front paws as if enjoying the fun. ‘Oh, I love you, Queenie! And you love Sammy, too, don’t you?’ She looked at everyone and pronounced, ‘Sammy loves dogs. I knew he and Queenie would hit it off.’

  Grace smiled. ‘I’m quite in love with Queenie myself.’

  Finally Sammy tore his attention away from the dog. ‘Hello, Mrs Everly.’

  ‘It’s Grace.’

  ‘Yes ma’am. Hello, Grace. How are you feeling today?’

  ‘Hello, Sammy. I’m feeling tip-top.’ Grace looked at the group. ‘I always tell Leonard I want a dog, but he says it must stay outside. I want a dog that can stay in the house and keep me company. I’m going to keep arguing. I can always wear him down.’

  All the laughter died. Leonard had been Grace’s husband who’d died over twenty years earlier yet she was speaking about him in the present tense.

  ‘Why don’t you kids take off your jackets and have some brownies?’ Audrey asked quickly. ‘I made a fresh batch.’

  ‘That sounds great but Queenie can’t have any. Chocolate can kill dogs,’ Sammy told her solemnly.

  Audrey nodded. ‘I know. That’s why I picked up a new bag of treats for her this morning. Let’s go to the kitchen.’

  The kids trailed after Audrey, shedding their navy-blue puffy quilted jackets. They looked almost fashion coordinated. Vanessa nodded an OK at Queenie, who picked up Dom the stuffed dog and walked sedately behind the children, as if trying especially hard to behave herself in the house.

  ‘Does Sammy always come home with Cara?’ Vanessa asked.

  ‘He doesn’t always come. His father is Derek Sherwin. Do you remember him?’

  ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘He’s older than you. He’s become a developer. He owns the Everly Cliffs Café and the restaurant Nia’s. He named it after his wife.’

  ‘He owns Nia’s? I’ve never met Nia Sherwin but I’m impressed with the restaurant.’

  ‘He also owns something downtown that he’s going to demolish and build … I’ve forgotten what … and some little houses near the beach. I think.’

  ‘He sounds like quite a go-getter.’

  ‘He is. He and his wife are divorced. She left Everly Cliffs a few months after the restaurant opened. I’ve heard that she met a Hollywood producer a lot older than she is and left Derek for him. No one knows much about the divorce but he got full custody of Sammy, which says something about his wife.’

  ‘How could I have missed this scandal?’

  ‘Derek worked hard to keep things quiet for a couple of years for Sammy’s sake. By the time the details leaked out, I guess I forgot to tell you about it. Anyway, someone stayed with Sammy after school until his father got home from the restaurant. Then a couple of weeks ago, she qu
it. Cara asked if he could come here with her until his father finds a replacement after the holidays. I’d already met Sammy and liked him – he’s a dear little thing and Cara has such a crush on him. Derek picks up Sammy here after he leaves work each evening. He’s a conscientious father. And …’ She lowered her voice to a whisper, ‘… I think he and Audrey like each other.’

  ‘Really?’ Vanessa was determined to keep the conversation light and cheerful for Grace’s sake. ‘She hasn’t said a word about him.’

  ‘Well, she wouldn’t. Audrey isn’t a gossip.’

  ‘Telling me she likes an unmarried man wouldn’t be gossip.’

  ‘Perhaps she doesn’t want people to think she’s pursuing him now that he’s divorced. He’s quite good looking and successful, and I believe every single woman under fifty is interested in him. I think he would be perfect for Audrey, though. She has class. She’s a lady. And their children get along beautifully.’

  ‘Maybe you can do some matchmaking.’

  Grace tilted her head. ‘Maybe I already am. After all, he comes here almost every day!’

  Vanessa smiled. ‘You’re too smart for your own good, Grace. I need you to go to work for me. I haven’t had a date for months.’

  ‘Darling, I’m so sorry. You should move back here from Las Vegas so you won’t be alone.’

  Vanessa waited a beat. ‘I live in Los Angeles, Grace.’

  ‘That’s right. You moved. Have you been able to get any acting jobs lately?’

  Vanessa swallowed. ‘Well … yes. I’m on a television show.’

  ‘How nice! I love television. There’s one show in particular I never miss. It’s about old times when there were kings and queens. The girl who plays the queen looks a lot like you. I’ve told Audrey and Cara I think so. They agree.’

  ‘I think I know the show you mean.’ Vanessa looked away so Grace wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes. ‘Do you mind if I go to the kitchen and talk to the kids for a few minutes? I haven’t seen Cara for ages and I’d like to get to know Sammy.’

  ‘You run along, dear. And don’t fill up on all the gingerbread and sauce Audrey made before it’s dinner time.’

  ‘Dinner smells extra good,’ Sammy said almost two hours later as he sat at the kitchen table with Queenie lying beside him.

  ‘You and your dad are welcome to eat with us,’ Audrey told him. ‘There’s plenty of food.’

  ‘He told me this morning we’re eating at Nia’s tonight. He likes for us to eat there at least once a week. I believe he thinks it’s his duty or something because it’s his restaurant.’ Sammy sounded slightly downcast.

  ‘Nia’s is the nicest restaurant in town.’

  ‘I like the food. But when we’re there, Dad spends most of his time talking to customers. He doesn’t mean to ignore me, but I don’t have a very good time.’

  ‘Maybe you should tell him,’ Audrey suggested gently.

  ‘Oh no, I wouldn’t want to do that. He’d feel bad because he always wants to make me happy. It’s OK. I don’t mind going.’

  The doorbell rang. ‘That’s him!’ Cara piped. ‘Are you sure you don’t want to ask him to eat with us?’

  Sammy looked resigned. ‘Maybe tomorrow evening or the next. He likes to make plans and stick to them.’

  ‘I’ll get the door,’ Vanessa said, wanting to make certain she got a look at Derek Sherwin.

  In a minute she was gazing at a strikingly handsome man of medium height and build and a penetrating gray gaze. He looked about Christian’s age although his brown hair was lightly silver-laced. He greeted Vanessa with a pleasant, relaxed smile. ‘Hello. I’m Derek Sherwin. I’m here to collect my son.’

  ‘Please come in. Sammy’s getting into his coat and gathering his books. I’m Vanessa Everly.’

  Derek Sherwin stepped inside and shook her hand. ‘It’s a pleasure to meet you. An honor, really. My son is crazy about your TV show.’

  ‘That’s nice to hear. A lot of people don’t let twelve-year-olds watch Corinna, but I don’t think it’s so graphic.’

  ‘I agree with you. There are a dozen other shows I don’t let Sam watch, but I’ve seen Kingdom of Corinna. I think it’s tame compared to the other costume dramas. It’s also captivating. I’m not surprised he’s a fan. So am I.’

  Vanessa smiled. ‘Thank you. I’m glad you approve.’

  Sammy came into the entranceway and grinned at his father. ‘Hi, Dad.’

  ‘Good day at school?’


  ‘Oh.’ Derek pulled a face. ‘That means you were bored silly. Oh well, you only have one more day before Christmas break.’

  ‘Sammy said you’re having dinner at Nia’s tonight but we wondered if you might like to have dinner here another night.’

  ‘That sounds very nice,’ Derek said carefully, ‘but I know things are a bit hectic here.’ Vanessa stiffened, thinking he knew about Roxanne’s return, but he went on easily. ‘Mrs Everly doesn’t always feel like having company for dinner, I’m sure. We wouldn’t want to intrude. Can we play it by ear?’

  ‘Sure,’ Vanessa said, relieved. ‘You two enjoy your dinner tonight. Nia’s is a lovely restaurant.’

  ‘You’ve been there?’


  ‘Then maybe you’ll be able to come again on this visit. In fact, we’re having a Christmas party tomorrow night. Everyone in town is invited.’

  ‘Sounds like fun. Maybe I’ll make it.’

  Derek looked beyond her. ‘Hello, Audrey.’

  ‘Hi.’ Vanessa noticed that Audrey’s color had heightened slightly. ‘How are you, Derek?’

  ‘Fine. It’s been a busy day. People are arriving for the holidays.’ He grinned. ‘Town’s booming!’

  ‘The kids will enjoy our few Christmas festivities with more people here to make them seem like a real celebration,’ Audrey said. ‘I always did when I was young.’

  ‘I liked it, too.’

  Cara appeared by Audrey’s side. ‘Mr Sherwin, since you’ll be busy with your Christmas party tomorrow night, can Sammy stay here for the whole night?’

  Derek looked startled. ‘That’s very nice of you, Cara, but I’m afraid we’ve already imposed on your hospitality too much all ready.’

  ‘No, you haven’t. Honest and truly.’

  ‘Honest and truly,’ called Grace. ‘We love having Sammy.’

  Derek glanced at his son who nearly moaned, ‘Oh, please!’

  Derek looked back at Audrey. ‘Well, I won’t be finished at the restaurant until well after midnight. I’d thought he could sleep in my office, but if you’re sure he won’t be a bother …’

  ‘Sammy is never a bother,’ Audrey said, and Cara beamed.

  ‘All right then.’ Derek’s voice lightened as he spoke to Sammy. ‘I’ll guess we’ll put pajamas in your backpack tomorrow morning. Don’t let anyone at school see them or they’ll laugh at you.’

  ‘Oh, I won’t, Dad,’ Sammy said excitedly. ‘This will be super-secret.’

  ‘Great. Ready to go, son?’

  ‘Sure.’ He looked happily at Vanessa. ‘It was great to meet you.’ Then Audrey. ‘Thanks for the brownies.’ Then Cara. ‘See you tomorrow.’ And finally he called, ‘Goodbye, Grace!’

  ‘Son, it’s Mrs Everly,’ Derek corrected.

  ‘No, it isn’t,’ Grace returned loudly. ‘I’m Grace to everyone I like. Goodbye, Sammy.’

  Derek raised his eyebrows. ‘Well, I suppose that settles it. Have a nice evening, ladies.’

  Audrey and Vanessa watched the two walk to their car. Night was falling and from the hill they could see the myriad of Christmas lights that decorated Everly Cliffs. The number of brilliant lights was surprising for such a small town.

  ‘I like Derek,’ Vanessa said.

  ‘Yes, he’s quite nice.’

  ‘Quite nice? I think you find him more than quite nice.’

  ‘I never could hide anything from you. Let’s hope Derek doesn’t see it. That would be so

  ‘Not if he feels the same way about you!’ Vanessa laughed.

  Two hours later Vanessa excused herself from the library where she’d been watching television with Grace, Audrey, and Cara, and went to what had been her father’s study, looking at the grandfather clock to be certain it was eight o’clock and carrying her cellphone. She waited five minutes, impatient, thinking if Christian didn’t call her, she would call him. If he didn’t answer—

  Her phone buzzed and she nearly barked, ‘Hello!’

  ‘It’s me.’ Christian’s voice was tired and lifeless. ‘I’ve looked every place I can imagine Brody might be, called everyone he knows, and I haven’t found him. You asked me to tell you before I notify the sheriff, so that’s what I’m doing.’

  ‘You’re really going to call Wade Baylor?’

  ‘I said I would. We’ve been apart a long time, but you might remember that I keep my word.’

  ‘Yes, you do. It’s one of the things I always lov— admired about you.’ Even though she was alone, Vanessa blushed for almost letting her tongue get carried away. ‘Are you sure you can do this?’

  ‘It won’t be easy, but I have to. It’s only right. And there’s one other thing. Have you looked at the internet tonight?’


  ‘The news about Roxanne’s return hit a couple of hours ago.’

  ‘Oh, no! So soon? How?’

  ‘Maybe someone from the emergency services leaked it. Maybe someone from the hospital. I knew it wouldn’t be long.’

  ‘Damn. This means we’ll have news people all over the place by tomorrow.’ She paused and asked carefully, ‘Did you see anything about Brody being missing?’

  ‘No, but that won’t take long, either. God, what a night.’

  ‘Chris, I’m … I’m sorry about Brody. I really am.’

  ‘So am I, but Vanessa …’ Christian’s voice sharpened. ‘I’m still certain my brother had nothing to do with either Roxanne’s disappearance or reappearance and I will stake my life on it.’

  By ten thirty, Grace and Cara were sound asleep. Audrey followed Vanessa into the large kitchen at the back of the house. ‘How about a drink before bed?’


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