Claimed Royalty: (Crowned and Claimed Series, Book 1)

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Claimed Royalty: (Crowned and Claimed Series, Book 1) Page 7

by Betty Shreffler

  “You have. Many times. I don’t tire of hearing it. Will you need me this evening for dressing or for your hair?”

  “No, I’ll keep this hairstyle for the remainder of the evening.” Glancing at the blue dress laying out on the table, I see she already has my evening gown prepared. “You’ve done a great job getting me ready. Thank you.”

  Ria leaves, and I take a breath. Matheas places his arms around me, resting his hands at my lower back.

  “Luther, huh?”

  “He is the suitor that looks most like you but not nearly as handsome.”

  “Now I know who to watch most closely.”

  My mouth twists into a playful smirk. “Jealousy looks good on you.” Brushing my nose against his, I stare up at his intense eyes before giving him a passion-filled kiss. “But you don’t need to worry, I’ve already made my choice.”

  Caressing my back, his eyes roam my face, full of emotion.

  “So have I and I’ll do anything to keep you.”

  “You promise?”


  “Will you do something for me?”


  “I want you to spend time with the suitors, watch them, find out where they go, what they do when they’re not pretending to be perfectly honorable men. Find out who I can and cannot trust. As you said, these are the men who could soon be in my Royal Faction. I want to know everything about them, the good, the bad and the ugly.”

  “Malark asked me to have a drink with him tonight. I’ll start with him.”

  “Perfect. Invite all the suitors. See what they’re like after a few glasses of ale.”

  “I’m impressed. You’re already thinking like a Queen.”

  “I’ve learned from the best—you and my father.”

  Noise from the stadium outside reaches my preparation room. Checking my soul band, I see it’s time to enter the stadium. His hand takes mine, and we leave the preparation room for the event room. Inside, I await the green light to flash and the automated door to open.

  “I’ll see you after,” Matheas promises.

  The evening sun has lowered, making visibility much clearer. I wave to the crowds, and they cheer with enthusiasm. The sweet scents of pastries are thick in the air as I walk to the bow and arrow stand. Ahead of me, I get my first view of the targets. With a long sigh, I look them over. There are nine targets, some on moving tracks, some with people holding obstacles like a circular ring I have to shoot through to the target behind it. One has a man standing below a small circle target that touches his head.

  In front of me is a long, rectangular wooden table with bows of different sizes, strengths, and speeds. A man wearing the symbol of House Nevari is standing at the end of the table.

  “Can I use them all?”

  “No, Princess. You can only choose one.”

  “Do I need to do the targets in order, or can I shoot in my own order?”

  “In your own order except number nine. It explodes, releasing fireworks to add to the audience’s excitement.”


  Touching the bows, I examine their build for distance and accuracy. Finding one which will work well for close and long range, I point to it.

  “This one.”

  “Good choice, Princess.”

  The man removes all others, placing them in cases while I lift the bow, checking the string, sight, and cable guard. With an adjustment made to the sight, I eye a practice bag and line up. Releasing the arrow, it hits my mark in the center of the bag. Two more arrows into the same target and I feel warmed-up.

  The first targets I go for are the moving targets. Keeping steady, I aim for the makeshift man moving quickly to the right, pausing for a second or two before quickly sliding back across the track it came from. Holding the arrow in wait, I aim for the chest just before it stops to transfer left. The arrow flies and slams into the chest, making a loud thud as it pierces through the solid object. The crowd goes wild, but I ignore the applause, staying focused.

  Searching for the next moving object, I look low and see a square that slides right, drops and disappears, pops back up, and moves left. Aiming, I release and put an arrow in the track, stopping the square from dropping and disappearing. With another arrow, I pierce the square.

  The crowd noise increases all around me. Searching for the last moving target, I see a large square target moving left across a rope. When it reaches the end of the rope, I put an arrow into it.

  Feeling good with the results so far, I move onto the targets with live men as part of the targets. Having seen my performance on the moving targets, I hope their nerves have settled some. I go for the man holding out the circular ring I have to shoot through. With ease, the arrow flies through it, hitting the wall behind him. With a breath, he lowers the circular ring and walks off. Next, I go for the man who has the small target above his head. Tension pulls his face tight, his hands held in fists at his sides. With a wink to him, I raise the bow with a fresh arrow, take a moment to ensure I’m lined up, and release. The sound of an arrow piercing wood echoes, and the man relaxes his body, rushing off the trial grounds. The last man is laying on his back with a target balancing on his stomach. This target is challenging as the way he is lying is lower than the aim of my arm straight out. To lower my aim, would increase the risk of piercing the far side of his body. Squatting on one knee, I take aim, and the square box on his belly flies off and is pinned to the wall behind him.

  “Thank you, Princess,” he calls out as he scurries off the field.

  The last three are the easiest with stationary targets in differing ranges. I go for the closest, then the middle, and save number nine for last. With the arrow hitting its mark, the bag explodes, shooting an array of colorful fireworks into the air. With all shots made, I look up, enjoying the remaining show of fireworks as I relax, finally noticing how loud the crowd around me has become.

  Returning to my preparation room, I’m out of my outfit by the time Matheas enters.

  “You truly aim to please, Princess. Your people were in awe, just as I am now.”

  Approaching behind me, he kisses the column of my bare neck.

  “You did amazing.”

  “Thank you. Unfortunately for House Nevari, the trial wasn’t as challenging as they had hoped.”

  “A shame, they’ll have to endure dinner without glory.”

  “They’ll still find glory in my performance.”

  “They will.”

  Strong arms wrap around me. Hands cupping my breasts, he massages them, teasing each nipple with the graze of his thumbs. Giving in to the pleasure, I lean my head on his shoulder as he nips and licks at my neck.

  “I’ll behave myself this time. Everyone is waiting for you.”

  “Don’t stop. When I’m alone with you, it’s the only time I get to feel free.”

  A trailing finger tantalizes my skin on his way down to my lower abdomen. Hand between my thighs, he rubs my clit in lazy circles. Knees weakening, he holds me steady below my chest.

  “The sooner we get through this evening, the sooner I can have you.”

  Moaning, my body arches to the euphoric sensation rushing through me. Tongue to my ear, he taunts my need with erotic kisses.


  “You must get dressed, Princess.”

  Withdrawing his hand, my breaths are quick and needy. Turning to face him, I pull at his uniform, bringing him to my mouth so I can ravage it.

  “I love these visits you’ve given me today. It’s kept me wanting more.”

  “I admit, that was my plan all along.”

  “I know, and I’ve enjoyed it.”

  With another kiss, I release him and walk to the table to collect my dress. Sliding into it, I watch Matheas admire my body as I raise the dress over my hips and up to my chest, putting my arms through each strap.

  “Will you fasten the back for me?”

  The touch of his fingers graze my skin with each button he loops. O
nce finished, he caresses my arms, kissing my neck softly.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you.”

  Spinning me to face him, he takes my hand in his and kisses it.


  “I am.”

  Together, we enter the Royal dinner tent, and my eyes sweep the crowd, immediately noticing the newcomers. A man who appears close to my age and wears the Iowan symbol steps forward. Hair as dark as night, eyes as green as emeralds and as predatory as a wild animal, he takes my hand, giving it the customary kiss.

  “I’m Belore, Prince of Iowan. I’m very pleased to meet you in person, Princess. You’re far lovelier than words have described.”

  “That’s very kind. It’s a pleasure to meet you also. I’m honored you and your father came to view my trials.”

  “And a spectacle it was. You were magnificent out there. Truly mesmerizing.” Raising my hand again, he kisses it once more, his devilish eyes capturing mine as his lips touch my skin. A sickly sensation crawls over my body, settling in the pit of my stomach. This man emanates danger. I can feel it reaching into my very bones. When Kellan approaches, I’m thankful for the excuse to get away from him.

  “Thank you, Belore. Please enjoy the dinner this evening. We’ll speak again.”

  Looping my hand in Kellan’s arm, I use him to walk away from Prince Belore. Glancing over my shoulder, I see him staring at my backside, his gaze wicked. Matheas’s stare is dangerously focused on him, hand at his thigh, his fingers lace the top of his blade I know is hidden inside the fabric of his uniform.

  “Kellan, thank you for such an exhilarating trial today. The fireworks were a marvelous touch.”

  “They were my idea, Princess. I’m pleased you enjoyed them.”

  Taking my seat at the table, Kellan sits next to me, and within moments, Luther is on my other side. Smiling at him, I’m impressed to see him make an aggressive move over the other men. Whether it’s his or the instigation of his house, makes me curious.

  “Tomorrow morning is the maze race. With how well you’ve been doing I’m eager to see you succeed through our trial.”

  “How many others will be entering the race alongside me?”

  “I can’t share the number, but I have no doubt you’ll come out first.”

  “I appreciate your confidence. We’ll see how it goes.”

  Touching my hand, I look at him surprised. Placing his fingers between mine, he stands, bringing me with him.

  “We have some time before dinner arrives. Will you walk with me?”

  “Of course.”

  Glancing at Kellan, he doesn’t seem to mind Luther is stealing me away from him. He’s more focused on the conversation with Riorrick. Leaving the tent, several eyes follow us with many different expressions crossing their faces.

  Fingers gripping my silky dress, I lift the fabric as Luther leads me in the direction of the palace gardens. Staying a short distance behind us, I take note of Matheas, Pollo, Demerick, and Dante all within eyeshot of us.

  “Where are we headed?”

  “Somewhere private where I can enjoy your company alone.”

  Reaching the edge of the gardens, he stops and picks a pink rose and hands it to me. Bringing it to my nose, I inhale the sweet scent.

  “Thank you. You’ve been so quiet, I’m surprised by the change.”

  “I’m not the kind of man to aggressively pursue a woman,” he tells me, taking my hand again, leading me through the garden rows. “I prefer things to happen naturally, but I realized if I didn’t show you my interest, I’d be overshadowed by the men vying for your attention.”

  “I’m glad you’ve decided to be more open with me.”

  “Can I ask you something personal?”

  “You can ask, and I can decide if I want to answer.” Giving a sideways glance, I see his mouth tilt in humor.

  “What kind of man are you looking for to reign by your side?”

  “A strong man, physically and mentally. A man who would be loyal and devoted to me and his territory. A man who above all truly loves me. I don’t want a marriage to a man who only wants the crown or who lies with me only for my body. I want an equal, Luther. Someone I can trust and love.”

  “You want real love, not a marriage of convenience?”


  “I could give you that.”

  “You could?”

  “Yes.” Stopping us, he runs a hand over my hair, grazing my breast with the back of his hand before dropping the strands. “I genuinely care about you and love Anauka. I don’t think all the suitors do. I think some want the pleasure of laying with you and some want the throne.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want the same as you. Something real. I don’t want to spend my life with a woman who doesn’t truly love me. I want what you’ve described.”

  “We’ll be spending more time together in the coming weeks. You’ll have the time to prove that.”

  Taking both my hands, he steps closer, looking down at me with his soft, cerulean blue eyes. Being this close, I notice how much taller he is than Matheas, how his sharp jaw and cheekbones are thinner. Leaning down, he moves in closer to kiss me.

  Hand on my cheek, he holds my face tenderly as he kisses me. Moving his lips slowly as if time is in his control, he kisses with skill and passion. My body unexpectedly responds, my nipples tingling, my mind fuzzy.

  When his lips pull away, I blink twice, my lips parted with quiet breaths. Swiping his thumb over my lips, he stares down at me, keeping me locked in the moment.

  “I’ll think of you until we can spend time together again which I hope is soon.”

  Placing his arm around my back, he walks casually, keeping his pace with mine, leading us back to the Royal dinner tent.

  “Tomorrow is not a simple maze race. The intention of the racers is not to finish the race before you, it’s to stop you from finishing at all.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because I want to help you win.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  Returning to the tent, his fingers caress up my back as I take my seat. While dinner is set out for us, he gives me a sideways glance, winking at me.

  Throughout dinner, the men each enter into conversation with me, discussing the previous trials, the upcoming trials as well as dates they’d like to plan. The entire time, Matheas and Belore each watch with focused stares, but I know the thoughts of each man are significantly different. As the plates are cleared, I stand and excuse myself.

  “Thank you for the lovely company during dinner. I’m going to return to the palace to relax for the evening. I hope you enjoy the rest of yours.”

  Matheas remains behind with the suitors as we planned. Demerick flanks my side as soon as I step foot out of the tent, returning to the palace with me.

  “Matheas insists I stay with you at all times until he returns.”

  “Good, I’d prefer it that way. I don’t trust the Iowans.”

  “I hear Belore is here to negotiate for marriage, not just to watch the trials.”

  “His efforts are wasted. My father would never agree and neither will I.”

  “That’s good, Princess. He’s not a good man.”

  “So I hear. Why isn’t he exactly?”

  “Talk spreads through the territories. He’s lethal in his reign and in his bedroom. Women have gone in with supple untainted skin and come out with permanent marks.”

  My feet stop in my tracks.

  “He likes to hurt the women he lays with?”

  “Those are rumors, but I’ve heard them too many times not to believe them.”

  “Why would he do that to them?” Bile pushes its way up my throat, and I force it back down.

  “For some reason, he gets a thrill from it.”

  “He’s a sick bastard.”

  “Which is why your father has security on him every second.”

  “Perhaps I should speak with him.
Tell him the truth that I’m not willing to accept his marriage proposal.”

  “No. Matheas gave direct orders you’re to have no contact with him unless publicly. Your father will handle refusing his proposal.”

  “All right. Can you call and have horses prepared? You and I are going riding. I need a break from the palace and the business of the trials.”

  “Of course.”




  “I hear you see the Princess naked on a regular basis. Is this true, Matheas?”

  Inside the men’s sitting room, I’m surrounded by Fiora’s four suitors. With the fire blazing in the hearth, Malark and Riorrick are sitting across from me, comfortably drinking the best liquor Anauka has to offer. To my left, Kellan and Luther are focused on a game of billiards—that is until they hear Malark’s question. Switching their attention to me, they await my answer.

  Adjusting in the fine leather seat, I bring the glass in my hand to my lips and take a slow drink of Anaukin ale.

  “When, where, and how often the Princess is nude is none of your business.”

  Malark’s lip curls fiendishly. “So, it’s true then. She’s gorgeous under those dresses, isn’t she?”

  With the alcohol Malark’s consumed, I know his filter has been turned off, his desire for Fiora more evident than ever.

  “He’s not going to tell you, Malark,” Luther responds, his tone etched with annoyance. “He’s loyal to her.”

  “He loves her,” Malark snaps. “I know you all see it as I do.”

  “He’s grown up with her,” Luther replies easily. “Why wouldn’t he love her?”

  Watching them speak about me as if I’m not here brings a low rumble of laughter from my chest. Between their competitiveness, insecurities, and loose tongues, the liquor is doing my job for me.

  “Why love a woman you can’t have? It’s foolish,” Malark replies, rolling his eyes.

  Kellan sets his cue stick back on the stand and fills a glass with Anaukin ale.

  “You should be more understanding, Malark. We’re Royals. It’s not often we get the luxury of being with who we want. She can only choose one of us. It means three others leave brokenhearted.”

  “I don’t plan to be one of those three,” he replies, lifting his glass for another drink. Having kept track, I know that’s the fifth glass he’s about to finish. Another glass and he’ll be spilling his secrets at my feet.


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