The Hunter's Burden

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The Hunter's Burden Page 2

by Jamie McKinven


  Jack Norton sits behind a desk covered in papers, a laptop, and an old touch key phone. His office is decorated in relics from his past glory. A couple of championship trophies collect dust on a shelf. A framed jersey, a few old pictures, and a large rink board hang on the surrounding walls. Jack Norton is stressed and overworked. As he sits at his desk, talking to himself about strategies and line combinations, the phone rings.


  Birmingham Brahmas, Jack Norton.

  Jack rolls his eyes and slumps in his chair. He is clearly annoyed with the caller, who is a fan. We don’t hear the caller’s voice through the conversation, just Jack’s.


  Yes. Yes you can get tickets either by going online and ordering them through our website or by...


  Yes, that’s right.


  No, you need to open up the browser


  No, it’s the icon picture with the “E” on it. Yep.


  OK, It’s WWW dot Birmingham Brahmas dot...


  No. Birmingham...


  Yes, then Brahmas, no dot before Brahmas. Yes...


  Yes, then dot com. That’s right. Once you’re on there you will see a tab that says “Tickets”.


  It’s up at the top of the screen.


  No below that.


  Ya, it says Tickets. Click on that.


  OK now you can select where you want to sit and then go...


  Ya, just select the seat and section.


  OK. Now select “Proceed with payment.”

  You don’t have a credit card? Do you have a PayPal account?


  No, you won’t be able to book them now and then pay for them at the gate. You can go to the box office and buy a ticket there if you like.


  Well I’m sorry you feel that way.


  Yes I know we have been losing lately but hopefully we’ll turn that around tonight.


  Well I don’t think that’s fair.


  OK, you listen here now, you...

  The caller hangs up on Jack. Jack is agitated and thinks about slamming the phone receiver but thinks better of it and places it back on the console.

  As Jack hangs up the phone there is a KNOCK at the door.


  Come in!

  The door opens and DRAKE CARMODY pokes his head in.


  Hi Mr. Norton, I’m Drake Carmody.


  Ah, yes Drake. Come on in and have a seat.

  Drake walks in and sits in the chair beside Jack Norton’s desk.


  How was the trip down?


  It was good.


  You got checked into the hotel OK?


  Yes I just came from there. Nice place.


  Did you meet Sticksy? He’ll get you sorted out with gear and whatever else you need.


  Yes, Mr. McGavin already got me set up.


  That’s good. Well we’re happy to have you up here with us Drake. It’s been tough sledding lately. We’ve had a few guys banged up and the schedule has been tough down the stretch. I’m going to probably start you out on the 3rd line tonight and see how it goes from there.


  Sounds good coach. I’m really happy to be here. It’s been my dream all my life to play pro hockey.

  Jack opens up his top drawer and pulls out a contract and a pen for Drake to sign.


  I almost forgot you’ll need to sign this in order to get paid. Now this is just the standard PTO contract. It’s different than the one you signed with the big club.

  Drake stands up, leans over and signs the contract. Jack stands up and shakes Drake’s hand and dismisses him.


  Alright. Welcome aboard Drake. I’ll let you get back to the team to get acclimated.


  Thanks Mr. Norton.

  Drake walks out of the office, closing the door behind him.

  As Drake leaves the office, Jack gets out of his chair and starts talking to himself while writing, erasing and re-writing names on his depth chart on the wall. Amid his strategizing, the phone rings again. Jack begrudgingly sits back down in his chair and answers the phone.


  Birmingham Brahmas.

  (Pause. Jack slumps his shoulders and rolls his eyes)

  Oh, hi Lorna.




  Ya, I sent it out last week.


  It should be in your account.




  No that was the amount agreed upon.


  Yes, once he turned 18 that was what was agreed upon.


  Look at the agreement!


  I don’t care. Call your lawyer. I hope you do.


  Better yet, just get that rich husband of yours to read it to you.


  You’re lucky you get anything. The only reason I even still send the cheques is to pay for his schooling. Lord even knows if that’s where it’s going. Maybe I’ll just start sending the cheques straight to him. You know what? That’s exactly what’s gonna start happening.


  Oh, ya.


  Ya, you call him.



  Jack slams the receiver down. He is clearly flustered.

  Jack returns to the white board where he gets back to changing line combinations and muttering to himself.

  Soon after, the phone rings again and Jack sits back down and answers the call.


  Birmingham Brahmas.


  How are you doing?


  No, we’re still playing tonight.


  No, I haven’t heard of any severe weather warnings.




  Yes, the game will definitely start at 7:30.


  Well if we had to cancel, which we won’t, we would issue refunds or free tickets to a makeup game for all ticket holders. But I can assure you that that won’t be necessary.


  No, you will still be able to park in the lot.


  Yes, it’s been a tough stretch but we’re getting guys back from the Injured Reserve and I’m confident we’ll get things turned around.


  Yes, that’s definitely an idea.


  Yes, he’s a good player and that’s maybe something we’ll be considering.




  I appreciate the advice.


  Well, he’s been struggling a bit but we believe in him and he’s a professional.


  Thanks, we’ll take that into consideration.


  Alright well enjoy the game tonight. We look forward to your continued support.


  Alright. Take care. Bye

  Jack exhaustedly puts down the phone and shakes his head. He lets out a big sigh and then returns to the white board to continue strategizing.

  The lights begin to fade out on Jack Norton’s office and the lights rise on the main dressing room.


  In the dressing room, the players are getting into their pre-game routines. CHARLIE MAGILL is on the trainer’s table getting his shoulder wrapped by STICKSY. TRENT and LANCE are warming up on two stationary bikes. DRAKE is unpacking his gear and arranging his stall. MOOSE is helping DRAKE with protocol and a few tips about how to stay out of the fine book.


  Hey, Rook. Where do you get a pair of gloves like that?


  These are the gloves we used this year in Lethbridge.


  Yikes. I think Buzz Lightyear might have an APB out on those.


  Ya, I guess they’re a bit loud, eh.


  Loud? I’ll say. Those gloves would get you kicked out of a Metallica concert for disturbing the peace.


  White skates eh? Really?


  Ya. The new Grafs. They feel unreal!


  You gotta get rid of those. I hope you can fight kid, or else Moose is gonna wear out his meat hooks sticking up for you parading around in those.


  Hey Chuckie. Take a look at shmeltie’s skates!

  Charlie looks over at the skates and winces.


  Ugghh... Don’t worry kid, I think Coach has you playing with Moose. Better get a good stretch in Moosey. I gotta feeling you’re gonna earn it tonight.


  One of these days I’m gonna teach you all to fight so I can try and get my modeling career back on track.


  Jeez Moose, I didn’t know you used to be a model.


  Don’t you remember him from those commercials? He even starred in a movie once. You remember. Harry and the Hendersons.

  Everyone laughs and Moose grunts and waves a fist at Trent.


  Great flick!


  No, no. That wasn’t it. It was the one where the kids go hunting for treasure and that old lady and her sons go chasing after them.


  The Goonies?


  Ya, that’s it!


  Hey you guyyyyyyyyyyssss!

  (Mimicking the character “Sloth” from “The Goonies”)


  Didn’t you know? We’ve got a team full of former movie stars. Sticksy got his big break staring in Grumpy Old Men.

  Everyone laughs. Sticksy turns and jabs back at Lance and Trent.


  At least I got to make out with Sophia Loren. I gotta admit though. You two monkeys were pretty funny in “Night at the Roxbury.”

  Everyone erupts in laughter.

  Amid the laughter, team goalie MIKKO KOISTINEN walks in looking very European. Immediately the players start into razzing tactics.


  Mikko! Looking sharp, buddy.


  (Removes his headphones)

  What you say Charlie?


  I like the suit, pal.


  Ya, it’s tight, man. Armani, brother. Custom-made.


  Hey Koisto. Does that suit come in men’s?

  Lance and Trent share a laugh


  This is style, brother. You North Americans have no sense of style.


  I agree with you Koisto. These hyenas don’t know how to dress for success.


  Really Moose? You buy your suits from a guy named Digger who works at a mortuary.


  Back in the day when hockey players were real hockey players...


  (Interupting Sticksy)

  Here we go.


  They dressed like professionals. Guys like Toe Blake, Maurice Richard. That’s what a real pro looked and acted like. You guys walk around like punks with your hair long and messy. Wearing toques and sloppy ties. No respect.


  Sticksy. Are you really going to stand there and lecture me about dressing like a pro while wearing those crusty pajamas? With how tight those things are, you aren’t leaving much to the imagination.

  Everyone starts laughing.


  Ya, laugh it up you mutts. I have forgotten more about this game than you’ll ever know.


  Sticksy, that’s called dementia. Whatever you do, don’t go towards the bright, white light.


  Sticksy has a point. I remember how embarrassed I was when I got called up and all I had was a JC Penny special with a wrinkled tie and a dirty white shirt.


  You played in the show?


  I didn’t know you played in the NHL, Mags.

  Everybody is suddenly glued to every word Charlie says. The group gravitates in to hear his tales of glory.


  It was the best month of my life. I’ll never forget it.


  The ultimate dream.


  I got the call on a Thursday after a game like every other one. I didn’t even play well. I was on for the winning goal against late in the third. After the game, coach called me into his office. To be honest I thought I was getting traded. He looked up shook my hand and said, “Congratulations kid. You’re playing for the Leafs tomorrow night in Chicago.”




  I was 24 years-old and in my fourth year as a pro. I was pumped and thought, “I’ve made it.” I headed straight for the airport and boarded a flight to Chicago to meet the team. When I exited the terminal in Chicago, a man holding a sign picked me up from the airport and drove me to the hotel. It was a palace.


  Was it a Marriott?


  Even better. A Westin.


  No way! I stayed at one of those when I was in college. They give you a robe to wear and even put mints on your pillow.


  After I checked in, about an hour later, the rest of the Toronto Maple Leafs checked into the hotel. I heard a key card in the door and in walked my roommate for the trip, Darcy Tucker.


  No way! Darcy Tucker?


  Yep. He had a huge gash down the side of his face from a fight earlier that night against Cam Janssen. He glared right at me and I froze. He said, “You Magill?” I choked out an answer. Then he said, “Get the hell outta my bed!”


  (To Drake)

  You see rook, it’s nothing personal.


  The next day, I go down for breakfast and there is a buffet the length of a school bus in a private room just for us. There were egg-white omelets, French toast, waffles, steaks, eggs benedict, smoked salmon and anything you can name. Matt Stajan always ate cream of wheat with pomegranate so they had special orders brought in. It was like eating breakfast at the pearly gates.


  Sure beats the silver plate special at the Waffle House.


  Where does a one-legged waitress work?

  Everyone shrugs



  Moose moans and throws an empty paper cup at Trent.


  After breakfast, we hopped on a bus and headed to the rink for pregame skate. We pulled up to Chicago Stadium and I started to get goose bumps. That place is a cathedral. I walked through the concourse past massive murals of Bobby Hull, Stan Makita and Michael Jordan. I made my way up one of the tunnels to the rink. As I stepped out into the open arena, the smell of the big time hit me like a punch in the face. I could still smell the popcorn from the night before and almost hear the roar of 20,000 screaming fans. The ice looked like a tranquil po
nd. Clear and glistening in the darkness. It was cathartic.


  My dad took me to a game there once when I was a kid. Jeremy Roenick got a hat trick. You could feel the vibrations of energy through the seats.


  You cry a little bit?


  (Making a sniffing noise)

  Ya… Maybe a little.


  Pregame skate was terrifying. Everyone was so fast and crisp. I felt like I was trying a new sport. It was so overwhelming. Right when I was almost ready to break down and quit, Bryan McCabe grabbed me by arm and said, “Relax kid. You earned the right to be here.” After that, everything came back to me.


  McCabe. Pure savage.


  Oh, I’ve heard the stories. Ultimate beauty.


  That night, they put me on a line with Chad Kilger and Tie Domi. Before the game, Domi pulled me aside and said, “Hit everything that moves and don’t worry about consequences. I’ve got you covered.”


  Domi. Now that was a hockey player.


  Ya he is a lot better than people give him credit for. He could skate like the wind. He ended up hitting everything that moved because I was too slow to get there first.


  Domi! Classic beauty.


  Ya, I heard he hooked up with Cassandra from Wayne’s



  She’s so hot.


  And that politician chick too.


  Pays to have friends in high places.


  Ya, it’s called alimony. And it’s his wife that gets that.


  After the game, we hit up this classy restaurant in downtown Chicago. I mean it was 15 bucks for a domestic beer.


  15 bucks!?


  Ya, they had a waterfall behind the bar. Even Koisto would look underdressed in this place. So I sit down at a table with Domi, McCabe, Andrew Raycroft, Darcy Tucker and Tomas Kaberle. About 5 minutes in, Raycroft bumps me on the shoulder and points over to the bar area. One by one, girls who look like they were taken out of the pages of Maxim magazine start saddling up to the bar and smiling over at our table. Raycroft leans in and says, “They’ll wait there for 3 hours if we make them.” After a long, expensive dinner, the waitress brings over a bill. McCabe points over at me and says, “He’s gonna pick up the tab tonight.” I look down and the bill reads, “$1,434”. Immediately I start sweating. I fumble around trying to see if I even brought my credit card when Tucker punches me on the shoulder and snatches the bill away from me and says, “How about I pick up this one and you get the next one, rook.” After paying the tab, we head over to the bar area and immediately get swarmed by 12 models all looking to get a piece of a Leaf.


  Unreal Mags. And here I thought I had it made when I walk into Buffalo Wild Wings and the ugly drunk girl in the corner winks at me.


  I was riding the high wave. I never thought it would end.


  What happened?


  That season ended and I went back home. In the off-season the Leafs non-tendered me and I ended up signing with Washington. Another year went by in the American league and then I signed with Tampa. After another year it was Carolina and then the following year Washington again. I never made it back up to the NHL, always got stuck behind some younger, faster prospects.


  (To Drake)

  That’s the nature of the game kid. Don’t ever take it for granted.


  Just when you think you’ve made it, the carpet gets pulled out from underneath you.


  Hockey’s a love/hate industry.


  It sure is.

  Sticksy heads into Jack Norton’s office.


  So kid. You said you played in Lethbridge?




  Who is the coach there now?


  Lefty Scales.


  Scales? Oh man I heard that guy is a real ball buster.


  Ya, he can be pretty tough on guys.


  You heard anything about Jack Norton?


  Not really. I just met him when I went in to introduce myself. He seems like a really nice guy.

  Trent, Moose and Charlie all share a subtle and quick smirk.


  He puts on a good show.


  Ya, especially with the new guys. He wants you to feel safe in the beginning.


  But, be careful kid. He can lose it at the drop of a hat.


  Ya, remember Hutchinson?


  Shit. Don’t talk about Hutchinson.


  Who is Hutchinson? What happened?


  It’s OK, we can talk about it now. Enough time has passed.


  Well, Chris Hutchinson was a player who got called up two years ago from Roanoke. He made the mistake, one game, of going lazy on the back check and it resulted in the winning goal. We got back in the room and everything was silent.


  You could literally hear a pin drop.


  Everyone knew something bad was going to happen.


  We just didn’t expect what happened next.


  So, the next thing we know, Norton comes in and says one word. “Hutchinson”. Then he motions with his hand and then walks out into the hallway.


  Hutchinson got up and nearly fainted on the walk out to the hallway. His knees were shaking like crazy.


  It was like watching a man take his last walk towards the electric chair.


  So Hutchinson disappears into the hallway and then nothing. There was no screaming.


  We all expected to hear Norton dress him down. But there was nothing.


  Until that dreadful noise.


  It was like a muffled cry.


  Almost like a squeaky gurgle.


  We all sat there silent. It seemed like hours passed. Then Norton came back into the room and walked past everyone into his office and closed the door.


  No one ever heard or saw Hutchinson again.


  There are rumors that Norton buried him in the fields out behind the rink.


  Jesus! That’s crazy! That can’t be true.


  It is kid.


  Ya, just be careful. Don’t piss him off.


  Back check hard and don’t lose your man in our end. And salute him during his pre or post-game speeches if he mentions your name.


  Ya, he’s ex-military. He really values that shit.


  He served in Nam. I think that’s why he’s all messed up.


  (Slapping Drake on the back.)

  Keep all that in mind kid and you’ll be fine.

  Drake nods nervously.

  Sticksy emerges from Jack Norton’s office.


  Any of you wimps need anything else taped or wrapped?


  Ya, can I get a few Sudies?


  Ya, me too.


  What’s wrong with you guys. Getting all hopped up on t
hat crap. You should be born ready to play.


  This is coming from a guy who needs to take four blue pills to have a good time.

  JACK enters the room and walks over to a whiteboard and starts writing. The players begin to get settled in for the pre-game speech. When he finishes writing on the board, Jack turns and addresses the players.


  Charlie. What is the saying written on the board?


  The Hunter’s Burden.


  The Hunter’s Burden. Any of you know what that means?


  If aren’t successful, you don’t eat?


  That’s right. If you aren’t successful, you don’t eat. If you don’t eat, you can’t survive. That’s where we are at as a team right now. We need to eat, but lately our aim hasn’t been very good. There are plenty of deer and wild boar available. We’ve had plenty of opportunity, but we haven’t been making the kills. We haven’t been seizing the opportunities presented to us. We have the skills to get the job done and we have the manpower to make it happen. But what we are lacking is the hunger and urgency to put food on our table. Well, I’m here to tell you right now that the pangs of defeat are starting to dig deep into us. I don’t want to start making people feel uncomfortable but the bottom line is that hockey is a business, boys. If we don’t start executing, we’re going to starve. We’ve got to start realizing that results puts food on the table and roofs over your kids’ heads. Moose how many kids do you have?


  Three kids, Coach.


  What would you be doing if you weren’t making a living playing a game that you love?


  I’d probably be driving a truck or bouncing at a bar.


  What would you rather be doing? That, or playing hockey?


  Hockey. It’s all I know. I love it.


  I don’t want to put him on the spot here but all of you have had a chance to meet Drake.

  Drake salutes Jack, who does a double take and gives a strange look. All the rest of the players snicker quietly.


  All of you were in Drake’s shoes at one point in time. He’s one of many to follow. The new breed of pros that arrive in the game every season. If you want to keep the roofs over your family’s heads and keep eating, you have to take it upon yourselves to secure your future. You’ve got to start executing. It’s a cold-hearted business. Trust me. No one knows it better than me. Don’t let it slip away from you without putting up your best fight. You don’t ever want to look back and say, “If.” If I only worked harder. If I only sacrificed more. Those are questions that haunt me every single day of my life. And I can tell you that they’ve caused more grief in my life than any pain you could ever imagine. So I want you to think about what you want the rest of your life to be as you go out there tonight. Think about your families and the ones who depend on you. Empty the tank tonight and walk away after 60 hard minutes with no regrets.

  Jack pauses and the looks down at his lineup card.


  Koisto’s shutting the door tonight. Hux and Lance on the backend. Mags, Moose and Carmody up front.

  Drake salutes Jack after hearing his name. Jack shakes his head and laughs.


  Let’s go bring home dinner boys!

  Jack heads out the door STAGE LEFT after his final comment.

  Everyone gets ramped up, hooting and hollering and they all filter out the door STAGE LEFT, led by Mikko, hitting a dented tin sign on the way out that is emblazoned with the motto “Heart and Desire”. Charlie stands at the door, tapping gloves with everyone as they head out and then follows up the group of players.



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