Blackmailing My Dad's Best Friend

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Blackmailing My Dad's Best Friend Page 5

by S. E. Law

  “Who’s who?” I try to figure out what Andy means. “Thank you, Kayla.”

  “You’ve got this look on your face like you are thinking about someone special…” Andy says, and I feel Kayla lingering once more. This time, she wants to hear my response rather than feel-up my shoulder.

  I shake my head at Andy and shrug my shoulders.

  “I was just thinking about something I have to take care of after work.”

  “It must be important for you to zone out like that,” Andy comments.

  My employees are used to me being laser-focused at all times. A million things can be running through my mind, but somehow I manage them all, never missing a beat. That’s why clients love me. With each project, I’m extremely organized, efficient, and willing to jump into any task when I’m needed. If that means throwing on a hard hat and grabbing a hammer to meet a deadline, then I’ll do it. Just because I’m the big boss now doesn’t mean that I don’t get my hands dirty anymore.

  After lunch, the rest of the workday moves a little quicker for me, thanks to having to check in at one of the construction sites. Since I finish work early, I decide to head home first rather than go straight to Colt’s.

  Some debris had gotten on me from the construction site, and I could use a hot shower to ease the tension in my back that has formed throughout the day.

  After the hot shower, I feel refreshed as I toss on a t-shirt and sweat pants. We’ll be hanging out around the house, and I want to be as comfortable as possible.

  Ditching my work truck for my Mustang convertible, I head out of my driveway with the top down. The same chill from this afternoon is in the air still. That chill definitely wasn’t here a couple of days ago when Renee was swimming in her sexy bikini.

  Fall is finally finding its way to the Northeast, which is fine with me. I prefer the cooler weather over the humidity that makes the air heavy and thick.

  I turn into Colt’s driveway behind his Jeep and put the top up on my car before shutting off its engine. I grab the bottle of wine from the passenger seat and head up to the doorstep. The doorbell rings once, and Colt answers almost immediately.

  “Hey, man,” I say, slapping Colt’s hand and pulling him into our dude hug, which is more like half a chest bump than anything else.

  “Smells good in here,” I comment.

  The aroma of garlic and basil fills my senses, making my stomach grumble in anticipation of dinner.

  “Renee’s been in the kitchen for hours,” Colt says, walking away from the entrance to the house.

  I close the front door and follow him into the kitchen, where Renee is tending to a large pot. Her short skirt shows off her shapely ass and legs. Before I speak, I have to swallow since my throat has gone dry from watching Renee’s hips move as she walks around the kitchen, oblivious to my presence.

  “Hey, Rey.”

  My voice comes out thick, and she turns and smirks at me. The apron she wears is too small to conceal her breasts, which strain against her white crop top. A hint of skin shows between her top and skirt; that’s all it takes for my dick to throb.

  “You haven’t called me Rey in a while,” she comments.

  “Am I not allowed to anymore? I did invent the nickname for you, after all.”

  “You’re allowed,” she shrugs.

  “I’m going upstairs to change,” Colt announces before disappearing out of the room.

  I decide to cut to the chase, knowing I only have a few minutes, tops, alone with Renee.

  “Are you planning on giving my journal back to me anytime soon?”

  Renee turns from the stove and places her palms on the island in front of me. A crooked smile is planted on her lips as she shrugs her shoulders.


  “Renee, this isn’t funny,” I grit my teeth.

  “It’s a little funny,” she says, using her fingers to pinch the air. “All of these years that I’ve had my little crush on you, and you’ve been wanting to fuck me this whole time.”

  Hearing Renee say the word “fuck” in that context immediately sends a throb to my dick. The look on Renee’s face is that of a pure seductress. I both hate it and love it at the same time.

  “Stop,” I growl.

  She steps around the island and wraps her arms around my neck, pressing her body against mine.

  “Stop what?”

  “Your father will be down any second,” I remind her, shoving her away gently.

  “I wonder what he’ll think of the little stories you’ve been writing about his baby girl…”

  I grab her wrist roughly, and she trips into me. To stabilize her, I wrap my arms around her. My erection presses into the valley between her legs, and she bites her bottom lip as she feels it rub against her thighs.

  I want her legs wrapped around me so badly, but I stay focused on being stern, trying to maintain my authority over her and not let my desire for her weaken me.

  “This isn’t funny. If you tell your father… he won’t forgive me,” I explain. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  Renee’s expression softens as she rests her hands on my forearms.

  “I’m not trying to hurt you. I have something you want, and you have something I want. We both win.”

  I’m trying to figure what it is she wants in return for my journal. I know what I’m fantasizing Renee wants from me in exchange for it, but is that really what’s happening here?

  Is Renee really trying to seduce me?



  Renee and I hear Colt coming down the stairs, and she quickly backs away from me, going back to the stove to tend to the meal.

  “I’m starving,” Colt claps his hands together, causing Renee and me to jump.

  I don’t usually startle easily, but with Renee acting like something out of porn flick, I’m on edge… in all kinds of ways.

  “Almost ready, Dad,” Renee smiles sweetly at him.

  Colt grabs the bottle opener and focuses on uncorking the wine.

  “Where did you learn to cook?” I wonder.

  “I have lots of skills you don’t know about,” she smirks.

  “I’ll bet,” I stare at her. “Anything I can help with?”

  “Can you toss the salad?”

  Neither one of us can keep a straight face as we laugh.

  “Renee, don’t be gross,” Colt scolds her, oblivious to the flirting that led up to that question.

  “What did I say?” she plays dumb as she turns off the stove.

  Colt shakes his head at her, not buying her innocence.

  “Kane, do you want a glass?” he asks, holding the wine bottle up to me.


  “I’ll have one too,” Renee throws in, grabbing a potholder and opening the oven door.

  “Do I have to worry now about you drinking in college?”

  She snorts and mutters, “If I go…”

  “What?” Colt asks firmly.

  “Dad, one glass of wine with dinner isn’t bad. Kids in Europe drink wine.”

  “She has a point,” I say, finding myself defending my little temptress thief.

  “Fine,” Colt shakes his head. “I swear, you two are always plotting something together.”

  He walks over to the wine cabinet to grab the glasses. Renee bends over to take something out of the oven, and as she does, her beautiful meaty ass cheeks come into view. Underneath the skirt, she only has on a black thong.

  Renee’s ass is fucking perfect as it stands straight up in the air. The show is over all too quickly when she stands up with a tray of meatballs in her hands.

  “How do they look?” she asks.

  I tilt my head to the side and purse my lips.

  “Amazing. Perfectly round,” I smirk at her.

  She bites her bottom lip and blushes.

  “I bet you can’t wait to take a bite.”

  My dick is rock hard now. Trying to conceal an erection in sweatpants is not going to be easy. I keep my crotch c
lose to the island, not really caring if Renee sees it. After all, keeping me hard seems to be her goal tonight.

  Colt, on the other hand, will have some concerns if he notices my dick standing at attention around his daughter. He hands Renee and I each a wine glass.

  “To my baby, for making us a fantastic meal,” Colt toasts, holding up his glass for us to clank.

  “To Rey.”

  Her eyes lock on mine as we take a sip of wine. We bring the food into the dining room, and Renee serves Colt and me heaping plates of meatballs, pasta, and fresh bread.

  Renee removes the apron she is wearing, and the erection that had finally started to subside rises once more. Her white crop top hugs her tits so snugly that I can see the outline of the lacy material of her bra through her shirt. The skin exposed below her chest looks incredibly soft, and I can’t help but imagine what she tastes like.

  Focus on something else, Kane!

  I look down at the food in front of me instead. It smells so good that I skip the salad and dig right into the pasta.

  “Mm, Renee, this is delicious. You made the sauce too?” I ask, truly impressed.

  “Yeah, it’s a recipe I tweaked from online,” she says humbly.

  “It’s really good, sweetie,” Colt agrees.

  “Thank you,” she grins happily.

  I love when she smiles that way. It’s so pure and beautiful.

  “How’s the Callahan project going, Kane?” Colt asks.

  “Good. I visited the site today. We break ground in a couple of days.”

  “Oh, I pass by that space on the way to school. What are you building there?”

  “A luxury hotel. The design is awesome. I think you’ll love it, Rey. I know you have an eye for things like that.”

  She blushes and takes a sip of her wine. Suddenly, I feel something on my thigh. I look down to see Renee’s painted nails resting on my leg.

  “I wish you had an eye for college,” Colt chides.

  “Daddy…” she whines. “Can we please not talk about school?”

  “Fine. How’s your boyfriend?”

  I look over at Renee.

  “Oh, yeah… I always forget you have a boyfriend,” I taunt her.

  “We broke up over the weekend,” she explains.

  I place my hand over hers on my thigh and give it a squeeze before putting it back on the table.

  “I’m sorry, Rey.”

  “I’m fine,” she assures me with a smile before looking at Colt. “I dumped him. I guess I just wasn’t into him anymore.”

  As Renee looks back at me, her hand travels further up my leg until she brushes against my cock. An involuntary yelp gets caught in my throat, but I play it off as I cough. Taking a sip of water, I rub my throat dramatically. Renee cups my balls, almost making me choke on my water for real this time.

  “Are you okay, man?” Colt asks.

  “I’m fine,” I say, regaining my composure. “Something went down the wrong pipe.”

  A small smile plays on Renee’s lips as she removes her hand completely before going back to eating her dinner. Fuck, I’m in deep shit. I need to put a stop to this immediately.

  As dinner winds down, with no other inappropriate dick grabs, I help clear the table with Colt and Renee.

  “Leave the dishes,” Colt says once everything is in the kitchen. “We have to start this movie soon or else I won’t make it,” he yawns.

  “I’m going to put away the food at least,” Renee announces. “Get the movie ready, and I’ll be right in.”

  Colt and I head into the theater room, which is my favorite room in their house because it is actually set up like a movie theater. There are two sets of love seats that resemble luxury theater seating with reclining capability and cup holders, but they’re even more comfortable than the ones at the cinema.

  The mounted television screen almost takes up the entire wall, and the blackout curtains block out any glare from outside. The lights are on a dimmer, and Colt turns the switch down almost all the way, leaving just enough light for him to make out the buttons on the remote control. I sit down on one of the loveseats and recline it.

  “I’m going to grab another glass of wine. You want one?”

  “I’m good, thanks.”

  Colt walks out, and a few moments later, Renee steps into the room. She is still wearing her crop top and mini skirt, but something is different. Her full breasts sway as she walks over to me, and it’s clear that she isn’t wearing a bra.

  Even in the dim lighting, I can see Renee’s hard nipples pressing against the thin material of her shirt. All she has to do is raise her arms, and I’ll catch a glimpse of her bare tit flesh. The thought excites me and infuriates me to no end.

  Part of me wants to scold her and tell her that her behavior is unacceptable, while the other, more dominant part of me wonders just how far Renee will take her teasing.

  She sits down next to me and crosses one leg under the other, causing her skirt to creep up her thighs. I raise my eyebrows at her.


  “You know what.” I shake my head at her.

  “Are you mad at me?” she asks, leaning into me.

  I can smell the familiar cherry-vanilla body splash, and I’m thankful that Colt chooses that moment to walk back in. Renee sits back in her seat and grabs the blanket that’s draped across the top of it. She covers both of our laps with the blanket, which is both a relief and a concern because this could signify trouble.

  Colt sits down on the other loveseat and stretches out, leaning on the armrest closest to Renee.

  “Are we ready?” Colt asks, holding the remote.

  “We sure are,” Renee replies, looking over at me with a sneaky smile.

  “Stop,” I mouth to her as Colt plays the movie.

  Once the movie is on, I think I’m safe since Renee usually gets into these superhero movies. Within the first ten minutes, Renee removes the blanket from her and doesn’t seem fazed that I can see her ass as she leans on her side with it facing me… Wait, where the hell is the thong she had on earlier? Fuck, what is she doing?

  I smack her ass with the back of my hand softly to get her attention before pulling the blanket and covering her with it. She chuckles as Colt also laughs at something going on in the movie. Yawning, Colt slumps down further on the couch.

  The blanket I put on Renee is also half on me, and she takes that as an opportunity to stretch her legs across my lap. The ball of her left foot rubs my crotch through my sweatpants, and I groan involuntarily. The sound is drowned out by the surround sound of the action movie. Thank God!

  My hands immediately move to her feet, but instead of pushing them away from me, I run my hands over them. Don’t encourage her, I tell myself, but my dick is hard as hell, craving the pressure that her foot is applying to it.

  I don’t dare look at Renee, knowing she is enjoying this situation far too much. Instead, I keep my eyes focused on the television, even though I don’t know what the hell is going on in the movie anymore.

  “Dad?” Renee calls out softly, causing me to snap my head and look at her.

  Renee turns over and rests on her knees before leaning over the couch to look at Colt. Her ass is in clear view now, and I want to bury my face in between her legs. Even in the dim lighting, I can make out her pussy lips peeking out from beneath her.

  My cock jumps to full attention now, and I can’t stop myself from licking my lips while looking at Renee’s perfect bottom half. She waves a hand in front of her father’s face before looking over her shoulder at me.

  I quickly look at the TV again, even as I see Renee crawling toward me. Catching me off guard, Renee climbs into my lap! Her wetness presses against my erection instantly as I look up at her, infuriated.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” I hiss, trying to push her off of me.

  She puts a death grip on me and locks her arms around my neck when I try to lift her off of me. With each movement, her center bumps into my dick

  “Shh, you’re going to wake him,” Renee nods toward Colt, who is now lightly snoring.

  “Good! Then I can tell him how you’ve been molesting me all night,” I say, pissed off.

  Renee laughs. “What do you think he’s going to believe when I show him your journal? That I molested you or that you molested me?”

  “Wow, Renee. What is this? Blackmail?” I ask.

  Clearly, I’d underestimated my goddaughter.

  “Maybe a little,” she smiles, moving her hands down my chest and running her fingers underneath my t-shirt.

  “What do you want in return for your silence?”

  She bites her bottom lip and looks up at me with her seductive chocolate brown eyes.

  “I want you to fuck me, Kane.”

  I swear, my dick tried to jump inside of her in that instant. It would have succeeded, too, if my damn pants weren’t in the way. Renee squeaks at the feeling of my erection.

  “Someone likes the sound of that.”

  “Rey, we can’t do this,” I whisper. “What about your dad?”

  “He’s passed out cold. Two bottles of wine will do that to you.”

  Colt did have a lot of wine tonight, and he had already been exhausted. What am I saying? Am I really trying to rationalize fucking Colt’s daughter with him sleeping in the same room?

  Renee reaches her hand underneath the waistband of my pants. Her fingers wrap around my fat cock, and my eyes close. My mind goes blank as the only thoughts left involve Renee riding me.

  When I open my eyes, I grab Renee’s face and kiss her passionately. I can tell she’s not used to kissing. Her tongue touches mine tentatively. I take full control of the kiss, and soon, Renee’s fingers leave my cock to run through my hair as she falls deeper into my kiss.

  We pull apart for air, and I immediately start kissing her neck.

  “Wow, you’re an amazing kisser,” she gasps.

  I snicker against her collarbone and look up at her.

  “Are you a virgin?”

  Renee shrugs. “Kind of.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It was only in for a few seconds.”

  I shake my head, having second thoughts again.


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