Blackmailing My Dad's Best Friend

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Blackmailing My Dad's Best Friend Page 7

by S. E. Law

  “Thanks,” I smile as he takes my bag from me and puts it in the trunk.

  “How much did you stuff in here?” He motions to the bag.

  I laugh and shrug my shoulders.

  “I didn’t know what to bring.”

  “Are you nervous about visiting your first college?”

  He shuts the trunk and lifts up his sunglasses to look at me. His gorgeous crystal blue eyes distract me for a moment.

  “I don’t know,” I laugh. “I doubt I’ll be going to Fields, if I even get in. I’m more nervous about being alone with you.”

  Kane looks stunned.

  “What? Now you don’t want to be around me?”

  I can’t decipher if he’s hurt or annoyed about the incorrect conclusion he has jumped to. I hold my hand up, cutting him off quickly.

  “Of course I want to be around you. I’m nervous because… well…” I balance my weight from one foot to the other. “Are you mad at me?”

  Kane looks around us as if he’s making sure no one is watching us. He places his hand on the back of my neck and looks directly into my eyes. His skin is warm as he squeezes his hand around the base of my neck soothingly, almost giving me a massage.

  “Rey, you can put a stop to this. Just give me back my journal.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  Kane’s nostrils flare as he lets out a heavy sigh.

  “Then I guess I know what we’re doing this weekend…”

  He tries to hide the smirk on his face, but I know he wants this. He wants me. I run my fingers underneath his jacket to feel his chest, but he grabs my hand.

  “Not here. Too risky. Let’s go,” he nods toward the car.

  We get in the Mustang and start our drive to Fields University, which is about an hour away. At first there’s an awkward silence, but I decide it needs to be broken. I’m not sitting in the car with Kane for an hour and pretending he doesn’t exist, that it’s not eating me up inside not knowing what he’s thinking.

  “So… are you mad?” I ask, since he never actually answered that question.

  Kane flashes a smile at me and laughs.

  “What do you think?”

  “I have no idea. You’re hard to read.”

  “Let’s say the situation was the other way around. What if I were blackmailing you to have sex with me? How would you feel?”

  “Honestly?” I ask.

  Kane nods his head, glancing over at me but keeping an eye on the road.

  “I would be happy to comply,” I say, not able to contain the silly smile on my face.

  Kane and I both laugh as we stop at a red light.

  “So, to answer your question… I’m not mad, even if I should be. How can I be mad at you for making my fantasies come true?”

  He looks over at me with this sexy look on his face. We lock eyes until the car behind us beeps their horn. Kane hits the gas, and I realize we need to change the subject if we’re going to make it to Fields University in time for the tour.

  Kane turns on the radio to a classic rock station. Tom Petty is on, and we both sing along at the top of our lungs. Moments like these aren’t unusual for us.

  Classic rock is my favorite musical genre, and it’s all Kane Forrester’s fault. He always listened to Tom Petty, The Eagles, and Bruce Springsteen around me. When I showed interest in his music, he got me a record player with an entire collection of vinyl albums for me to listen to.

  “Remember when you took me to my first concert?” I ask over the music.

  Kane turns down the radio and smiles.

  “Journey was awesome. Too bad you didn’t get to see Steve Perry with them. What… were you thirteen?”

  “Yeah, and we slow danced to ‘Open Arms’.”

  A grin takes over my face at the memory. I was in heaven that night. At thirteen, it was the closest I’d come to a date. Shit, at eighteen, it’s still the closest thing I’ve ever had to a date.

  Kane smiles at me. “That’s our song.”

  A blush comes over my cheeks, and I lean over to turn the radio up again, not wanting him to see the dorky look on my face. The next forty minutes fly by while we sing along to the radio and make small talk.

  The fall foliage on the trees along the highway make the drive scenic, and I can’t help but think that today is a perfect day. Just Kane, me, and great music. It’s a shame that all of this stupid school stuff has to ruin it.

  Fields University comes into view; it looks like a typical college campus. Grassy knolls broken up with pathways leading to different buildings. A tall clock tower on what appears to be the main building on campus.

  We stop at a booth that sits in front of the parking lot. A short, stocky man steps out as Kane rolls down his window.

  “We’re here for a visitor’s tour,” Kane informs him. “We’re looking for Prescott Hall.”

  “See that building with the clock tower?” the man points behind him. “Right inside there. I’ll give you a visitor’s pass for your car.”

  After getting the pass, Kane finds a parking spot and sticks it in the window. Strapping my purse across my chest, I open the car door and get out.

  The campus is crawling with kids in flip-flops and shorts that contrast with their warm, hooded sweatshirts. The hair on all of the girls is tossed up into a messy top-knot, and the boys either have hats on or messy hair like they just woke up.

  “I get the feeling these kids wear this look all year round,” Kane whispers, leaning into me as he does.

  “Funny – high school is a fashion show, and college is an ‘I don’t give a fuck’ show. I probably look like a teacher,” I laugh, giving my blazer a tug.

  “A gorgeous teacher,” Kane winks before opening the door to Prescott Hall for me.

  We step inside and see the visitor’s table a couple of feet away.

  “Hi, I’m here for a student tour,” I smile at the lady.

  “What’s your name?”

  “Renee Linwood.”

  She checks the list in front of her and checks my name off, handing me a visitor’s pass.

  “And you’re here with your father?” she asks, looking over at Kane.

  I can tell she’s taken aback by his good looks.

  “No, my godfather,” I correct her.

  “Oh, well, that’s sweet,” she smiles at Kane. “What’s your name?”

  Once Kane gets his pass, we’re told to wait for our tour guide. As we wait, the woman who checked us in keeps looking over at Kane.

  “You have an admirer,” I smirk up at him.

  “Besides you?”

  I smack his chest. “Shut up.”

  “Are you jealous?”

  I shrug. “Only if she’s your type.”

  Kane has a hearty laugh about that, and just then, a guy comes over to us.

  “Are you Renee?”

  “Yes, are you giving us the tour?” I ask as his eyes move to my breasts.

  “Uh, yeah. I’m Chris, a sophomore here. Is this your dad?” he asks, putting his hand out to shake Kane’s hand.

  “My godfather, Kane,” I correct him.

  “Godfather, huh? Should I kiss your ring?” Chris jokes.

  I laugh, but Kane gives him a tight smile as he shakes his hand firmly. We follow Chris as he shows us around campus, rambling off facts and information as we go. He’s a good-looking guy in an All-American football player way. He’s clean-cut and cocky… and I can tell Kane hates him.

  As we walk by the football field, Chris takes the opportunity to talk about himself and his scholarship.

  “Do you like football, Renee?”

  I shrug, “It’s not my favorite.”

  “So, I’m guessing you’re not on the cheerleading squad then?” Chris laughs.

  “Nope, I’m not part of any squad at school.” I shrug.

  “It’s probably for the best. I think you’d distract all of the guys from the game,” Chris winks.

  “Watch it, buddy,” Kane says, stepping between us.r />
  “Kane,” I look over at him, surprised.

  “I didn’t mean to overstep, sir. She’s a very beautiful girl… that’s all I’m saying,” Chris apologizes.

  “Thank you, Chris.” I smile at him before making eye contact with Kane.

  He looks pissed and sexy as hell. His protectiveness and jealousy is turning me on.

  “All right, this concludes the tour. Do you have any questions for me?”

  “You spoke about sports and the medical majors a lot, but what about art programs?” I ask curiously.

  “Fields isn’t exactly known for art majors or minors. Of course, we have some art courses, but we’re definitely not a creative school.”

  “Thanks,” I nod.

  After Chris leaves, I walk over to the bleachers and sit down, watching the lacrosse team practice as the sun begins to set behind them. Kane follows suit and sits in the row above me, placing his feet on either side of me as he leans his body back into a reclined position. His knees nudge my arms.

  “What time is the meeting with the counselor?”

  “In about an hour,” I say numbly.

  “We should get something to eat.”

  I don’t respond. Kane’s hands on my shoulders startle me. I look back at him and see concern in his eyes.

  “Talk to me.”

  He moves his feet as I whirl around to face him, but he puts them back as soon as I’m looking up at him. His legs are now locking me in. I wrap my arms behind his knees and place my head in his lap.

  “Why did Dad pick this school?”

  “I don’t know. It’s not too far away, and it seems like a decent school if you’re interested in the medical field.”

  “He wants me to be a nurse or a teacher. He’d even settle for an administrative assistant… something with good, steady work.”

  “Rey, he just wants you to think about your future.”

  “But I don’t want to be any of those things. I don’t even want to go to college,” I heave out a hefty sigh.

  Kane’s hand runs through my hair affectionately.

  “Come on, let’s go to dinner. We’ll skip the guidance counselor meeting.”

  I look up at him, surprised.

  “You’re allowing me to play hooky?”

  “I don’t think this school is for you. With kids like Chris going here…”

  Biting my bottom lip, I run my hands up Kane’s thighs.

  “Now who’s jealous?”

  He shakes his head. “I hate these cocky college guys, thinking they can get into your pants.”

  “You have nothing to worry about,” I assure him. “There’s only one cock I want in my pants.”

  “Renee,” Kane scolds me, but I can see the bulge in his pants grow from my naughty words.

  I stand up quickly and hop down the bleachers.

  “Come on, I’m starving.”

  Kane flashes me a dirty look as he adjusts himself before following after me. We get in the car, and as soon as the campus is out of sight, I sigh in relief.

  “What are you in the mood for?”


  “See if there’s a Mexican place in the area,” he says, looking around as he drives to see if he can spot any restaurants.

  I search on my phone and tell Kane there’s one right by the hotel. He follows the GPS directions, and within ten minutes, we’re pulling into Guadalupe’s Taqueria.

  As we eat dinner, Kane feels the need to cheer me up about college.

  “You know, there’s a lot to look forward to about college.”

  I unbutton my blazer, feeling stifled by it as I eat.

  “Oh yeah?” I snort. “Like what? Drinking, wild parties, and sex?”

  “It’s when you say things like that that I think you going to college is an awful idea,” he says, taking a sip of water.

  “You and me both,” I sigh. “You know how much I hate school, and all of these stupid girls getting drunk and acting dumb so boys will like them… that’s not me.”

  Kane smiles at me. “Thank God for that.”

  “Seriously, part of the reason I broke up with Billy is because he’s a stupid teenager…”

  “What’s the other part of the reason?”

  Blushing, I look down at my plate before meeting Kane’s eyes.

  “Let’s just say, he’s not very gifted.”

  Both of Kane’s eyebrows raise up in surprise.

  “Oh, so you’re just using me for my size?”

  His voice is thick, and I want to move over to his side of the booth and make-out with him.

  “It’s not just that… Billy didn’t turn me on. Not like you do.”

  I can’t believe I’m actually tell Kane all of this! He smiles at me while reaching over for my hand. He subtly strokes my knuckles with his thumb.

  “What about you?” I ask.

  “Billy doesn’t turn me on either,” Kane jokes.

  “I mean, what do you think about college?”

  “I already went, remember?” He laughs, still running his thumb over my knuckles.

  I tilt my head to the side and smack his hand playfully.

  “In all seriousness, I had a good time in college, but it wasn’t very useful for a career in construction. I learned everything I needed for my business after school was over,” Kane explains.

  “That’s what I figured,” I sigh.

  “Look, I don’t think school is for everyone. I don’t think it necessarily secures a job for you. Nowadays, most college graduates don’t even get a job in the field they studied at school.”

  “Can you please point that fact out to my father?” I plead.

  “I’ll do what I can, but you know how stubborn your father is,” Kane chuckles. “But also, I still think you need to give your future some more thought. You’re destined for great things, Renee. I want you to believe in yourself,” Kane says, smiling at me.

  Why does he do this to me? He makes me feel like no guy will ever compare to him when he says things like that and looks at me the way he does.

  “Why are you looking at me like that? Do I have food on my face or something?”

  I laugh and shake my head. “I’m just wondering why some model hasn’t swept you off your feet yet.”

  “A model, huh?” he asks, amused.

  “Kane, you could be on the cover of a calendar of hot construction men or something…” I laugh. “You can have any girl you want.”

  He looks into my eyes and down at my hand as he continues to stroke it.

  “Can I?” he asks.

  I wonder what he means by that, but we’re interrupted by the waiter bringing the check over. I reach for my purse, but Kane squeezes my hand.

  “Don’t even think about paying.”

  “Daddy gave me money. He doesn’t want you treating me the whole weekend.”

  “I need someone to spoil,” he insists, taking his credit card out. “Since that model girlfriend hasn’t found her way to me yet.”

  “Eh, she can take her time,” I grin at him as he winks.



  After Kane and I finish dinner, we head back to the hotel that Dad reserved for us. I’m somewhat surprised he only got us one room with two beds. My father must really trust us, which makes me feel a little guilty.

  Immediately, I throw my blazer off and sit on the bed to remove my shoes. Kane sits on the other bed and lies down.

  “You never answered my question,” I tell him.

  “Which question?”

  I guess asking why a model hasn’t found him wasn’t taken as a serious question. I decide to take a straight-forward route in my line of questioning this time.

  “I can’t remember the last time you had a serious girlfriend. Do you even date anymore?”

  I look over my shoulder as Kane props himself up on his elbows.

  “How can I date anyone when you’re blackmailing me?”

  Maybe Kane does hate me for what I did after all. Now h
e’s blaming me for holding him back in his romantic life?

  “Um… you… I didn’t mean…” I start to say, fumbling over my words. “Kane, I’m not trying to ruin your life. I just wanted… God, after Billy and I tried… it was so bad. All I could think about was what I’d read in your journal, and I wanted my first time to be with you.”

  My face is on fire as I tell him that, and my entire body is trembling, all sense of confidence fading away. Kane gets up and sits behind me on my bed. His arms wrap around me as he places soft kisses along my shoulders and neck. A content sigh escapes my lips as my body relaxes.

  “Rey, the truth is… I haven’t been with anyone in a while because I can’t stop fantasizing about you. That’s why I started writing that stuff in my journal. I needed to let it out somehow because obviously, I couldn’t put the moves on you.”

  My heart pounds against my chest as his hands move from my stomach to my breasts. Turning my head, Kane captures my lips in a kiss as he softly massages my chest.

  “My favorite scene you wrote…” I say, biting my lip as one of Kane’s hands presses against my pussy, “is the one where I’m sitting on your lap in my school uniform.”

  “Mm,” Kane says, biting my shoulder softly. “I wish you had the uniform with you.”

  “I’ll be right back,” I tell him, standing up as his hands slip from my body.

  Grabbing my duffle bag, I hurry to the bathroom. Digging through my overstuffed bag, I find the button-down white shirt I’d packed, along with a plaid mini-skirt. It’s not exactly my school uniform, but it will do.

  Stripping off my clothes, including my bra and underwear, I throw the shirt on, only buttoning three buttons down the middle and tying the bottom of the shirt to reveal my navel. I slip on the short black skirt and fold the top down to make it even shorter.

  Looking myself over in the full-length mirror on the back of the bathroom door, I smile approvingly. My heavy boobs sway as I move, and the outline of my hard nipples can be seen through the thin, white material. When I turn, the bottom of my ass cheeks stick out from the skirt, which is just what I was hoping for.

  For the final touches, I put my hair up in pigtails before sauntering out to Kane.

  “I’m so happy you’re visiting,” I say with a smile on my face.

  Kane’s eyes trail down my body as I walk over to him. I jump into his lap, causing my breasts to jiggle and almost spill out.


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