Finding Scarlet

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Finding Scarlet Page 11

by Holly C. Webb

  “Hey,” he pouted again as he took the seat next to me. Before he could complain any more, Meg set a large bowl of chilli in the centre of the table, as Caitlin picked up a salad bowl and a basket of fresh baked bread rolls from the counter and also brought them to the table.

  “Tuck in Scarlet,” Tom said with a laugh. “Before Oliver eats it all.” I couldn’t help but laugh at him repeating exactly what Oliver had said about him.

  “Do you like chilli, Scarlet?” Ella asked as she took her seat across from me at the table.

  “I don’t know,” I shrugged and smiled.

  “Have you never tasted chilli?” She asked as she filled my plate for me.

  “I don’t know that either,” I laughed nervously.

  “Oh, I am so sorry, Scarlet,” she said, and her face flushed with embarrassment. “I totally forgot about…”

  “It’s okay,” I replied and now it was my turn to pity her. I knew she was just making conversation and hadn’t really thought about what she was saying. “Honestly.”

  “So, you really don’t remember anything?” Caitlin asked looking up at me from her plate.

  “Caitlin!” Oliver said, giving her a disapproving look.

  “It’s okay, Oliver,” I said then looked at Caitlin and smiled. “No, I remember nothing.”

  “Wow, that must suck,” Caitlin said as she dug into her food. Then added. “Though I have dated one or two assholes I could totally live with completely forgetting, but instead I will just have to put that down to beer goggles.”

  “Caitlin!” Tom said this time, as Oliver and Ella burst out laughing. Tom turned and gave them a look. “Do not encourage her.”

  I smiled as I watched the exchanges between Oliver and his siblings, I envied him. I would have given anything to be part of a family that cared about each other so unconditionally. I turned my attention back to my plate and tucked into the chilli. Oliver was right, although I had nothing except hospital food to compare it to, his mom was a pretty incredible cook.

  “Where is Harrison tonight?” Oliver asked as he glanced up at Ella.

  “He was called into cover a shift tonight,” she sighed. “One of the other paramedic’s called in sick.”

  “Harrison is Ella’s fiancé,” Oliver explained to me. I nodded but said nothing.

  “I hate when he is called in last minute,” Ella sighed. “It messes up our whole week. He gets over tired and irritable.”

  “But it’s not often,” Meg said from the far end of the table.

  “No, it’s not,” Ella replied. “Last time was the night they found…”

  “Ella,” Oliver said, stopping her mid-sentence. I looked up and Ella looked like she wished the ground would open up and swallow her. I turned to Oliver, but he returned to his dinner. I turned back to my food and tried to ignore the sudden tension in the room.

  Suddenly, my appetite was gone. I sat quietly as I pushed the food around my plate.

  “I’m sorry,” Ella said after a few minutes. It hit me what she was going to say. Harrison was a paramedic. Judging from Oliver’s reaction he was called to out to one of the victims, and as I was the only one that survived, it was most likely me. I don’t imagine the paramedics would have been called for the rest.

  I looked up at Ella and gave her a smile. I knew she meant no harm. Then I glanced at Oliver, and his whole body was ridged with anger. Something had definitely happened, but I had no idea what.

  I sat for a few more minutes picking at my food, listening to Caitlin and Tom talk about some baseball game, but I wasn’t really taking in what they were saying. I needed some time alone. I felt like I wanted to cry, but I refused to make this evening anymore uncomfortable.

  “Thank you for a lovely dinner, Meg,” I said looking up at Oliver’s mom. “It was very tasty.”

  “You are very welcome, Scarlet,” she replied, giving me a warm smile.

  “If it’s okay, I think I will call it a night, early,” I said as I struggled to stand. “I am feeling really tired.”

  Tom was on his feet instantly, as was Oliver. Tom brought me my walking sticks, as Oliver pulled out my chair, and held my arm till I had my balance.

  “Goodnight, Scarlet,” both Ella and Caitlin said in unison.

  “Goodnight,” I replied, as I looked back at them. “It was lovely to meet you both.”

  As Oliver helped me up the stairs and into my room, neither of us said a word. I knew if I spoke, I would cry and that was the last thing I wanted.

  I pulled my pyjamas from the bag and set them down on the bed, then sat down on the edge and looked up at Oliver. I took a deep breath before I spoke. I wanted to say what I had to say without any tears.

  “I think coming here was a mistake.” The sudden expression of fear on his face, made my heart ache, so I quickly looked away. “Tomorrow, I would like to go back to the hospital.”

  “Why?” Oliver asked as he sat down next to me.

  “Because I make everyone uncomfortable,” I said. “And you get mad at them. This is their home; they shouldn’t have to watch what they say.”

  “I don’t want you upset,” Oliver replied defensively.

  “Oliver,” I said taking his face in my hand. “I was shot, I nearly died. Them not talking about it in front of me, doesn’t make that go away.”

  He stared at me for a moment but didn’t speak. Then he closed his eyes and turned away from me.

  “What has happened,” I asked, reaching out and taking his hand. “I know something has upset you. Please, you promised no more secrets.”

  “Then tell me about your epilepsy,” he replied as his eyes met mine. I was completely thrown; I had no idea he knew. “Why would you keep that from me, Scarlet? Do you think that it matters to me that you have it? That I wouldn’t care about it?”

  “No!” I exclaimed.

  “Then why?” He demanded.

  “Because I didn’t want you to look at me, like you are looking at me now,” I whispered. “Like I am broken.”

  “I don’t see you as broken,” Oliver replied. “I just see you.”

  “Then stop wrapping me in cotton wool,” I pleaded.

  “I don’t know how to,” he said as he stood up. He kissed me on the cheek and walked towards the door.

  Without saying another word, he disappeared out the door and left me sitting there wondering what the hell had just happened.

  I changed into my pyjamas and was just about to slip into bed, when there was a soft tap on the door.

  “Come in,” I said as I sat down on the bed.

  The door opened and Ella stuck her head in and smiled.

  “Can I come in?” She asked.

  “Of course,” I replied giving her a bright smile. I liked her, although I hadn’t talked to her that much. She was warm and welcoming, as were all her family.

  “I just wanted to say sorry for earlier,” she began nervously as she walked further into the room and sat on the end of the bed. “I didn’t mean to upset you. Sometimes my mouth works faster than my brain.”

  “You didn’t upset me,” I replied wondering if I should continue. “I just don’t want to be the reason you guys argue. I was shot, it happened. Not talking about it, doesn’t make it go away. I know Oliver wants to protect me, but I am not made of glass.”

  “I can see that,” she smiled. “I can see it in your eyes, you’re a fighter and that’s probably what kept you alive…”

  “But?” I asked, sensing there was one coming.

  “But Olly is a protector,” she continued. “He protects the things and people he loves, and he loves you.”

  I smiled at her words.

  “After what happened with Clea,” she said, and I could hear the sadness in her voice. “We thought he would never open his heart to anyone again, but he has. He has opened it to you and now he is terrified he will lose you too.”

  “I don’t want to see him hurt again,” I replied.

  “I believe you,” she said, smiling
again. “Just give him a chance. He can be an ass, but his heart is in the right place.”

  “Okay,” I agreed as she stood up.

  “I will let you rest now,” she said as she walked to the door. “Sweet dreams, Scarlet.”

  “Goodnight, Ella.” I replied before she left.

  I climbed into bed and lay there staring at the ceiling. I thought about Oliver and everything he had been through. I knew it took a lot for him to let me in, so I needed to try to be more understanding.

  I drifted off to sleep, thoughts of Oliver swirling around my head.

  Chapter 16


  When I reached the squad room, it was practically deserted. I made my way straight to my desk and started up my computer. Logging into my account, I immediately brought up the cold case files from the systems.

  I was tempted to pull up Clea’s case file first, but I knew if I went straight there, I would become too involved and might miss something else on one of the other cases.

  I searched for all open cases where the victim was shot. I found four. I refined the search, and two were head injuries. I knew one was Clea’s, so I started with the other case.

  The victim was a twenty-two-year-old male. He was shot while he was asleep in bed. The prime suspect in the case was his girlfriend. There had been a claim he was cheating on her. However, she had an alibi for the time of the shooting, and with nothing else to tie her to the murder, we hit a dead end. I doubted this had any connection to the murders, so I closed down the file.

  Finally, I opened Clea’s case. First thing that flashed up on the screen was her driver’s licence picture. The moment I saw her on the screen, the familiar feeling of anger mixed with sadness washed over me, but for the first time, my heart didn’t ache quite as much as it used to.

  I thought of Scarlet and smiled. I knew she had given me a reason to live again. For the first time, I could see a future where I could be happy.

  I clicked on the next image and it was one of the crime scene photos. Her broken, lifeless body lying in a pool of her own blood. My heart raced and I clenched my fists in anger.

  I quickly shut the photographs down, unable to look at them anymore. I didn’t really need to; they were ingrained in my memory from that night. I think they always will be if I am honest. I pulled up the witness statements instead and read them one by one, as I had done a million times before. When she first died, I used to read them daily. Then as time passed, I just couldn’t read them anymore. It became too hard.

  I came to the old woman’s statement. I closed my eyes briefly, and I could still see her standing there in front of the counter, when we walked into the store. I could still hear her screaming.

  She said the shooter just walked into the store and stood there for a moment without saying a word. He walked to the checkout and pointed the gun at the cashier’s head. He made no demands and seemed oblivious to everyone else in the store. He just stared at the girl.

  The old woman said that the young girl behind the checkout pleaded with him not to shoot her, but he just kept staring at her. She said it was as he began to squeeze the trigger, that he had spotted Clea at the back of the store in a mirror above the checkout. She was on the phone to 911 at the time. He turned and walked slowly down the aisle, straight up to where Clea was hiding. She said he said something about it being nearly over, but she couldn’t hear him clearly.

  Then he raised the gun to Clea’s forehead and pulled the trigger. The old woman said he stood and watched Clea for a moment when her body hit the floor, but then the cashier tripped the alarm. Without saying another word, the shooter ran out of the shore.

  I read every statement, went through every piece of evidence, but there was nothing. I knew there was something I was missing, but what, I didn’t know.

  “Damn it!” I cried in frustration as I banged my fist on my desk. I really thought I would find something to help with the murder case. Maybe Greg was wrong.

  I wanted so desperately to find something, anything that might bring me a step closer to catching this guy. If he was the same man that killed Clea, it would solve her murder too, as well as put an end to the terror this asshole had brought to the city.

  There was another reason I wanted to make a connection. Seth was with me the night Clea was murdered. If I could connect her case to Scarlet and the other murders, it would clear Seth.

  I sighed in frustration and buried my face in my hands. I just need a break, I thought to myself bitterly. Who the hell are you?

  “Olly,” Seth’s voice said suddenly from behind me, making me jump. “What are you doing here at this time?”

  “Seth,” I said as I turned to look at him. “I…I thought I was on to something.”

  “Isn’t that Clea’s case?” He asked as he looked passed me and at the screen. I hit the mouse and closed down my screen quickly. “Olly, what’s going on?”

  “I was just looking into a possible lead,” I replied dismissively. “What are you doing here?”

  “I was just coming off the late shift and I saw you sitting here,” he replied. “Are you okay? I thought you would have been home with Scarlet. I heard she was released from the hospital today.”

  “Yes,” I replied, and I felt my wall go up. Why was he asking about her? How did he even know she was home? “I am heading back there now.”

  I stood up, grabbed my jacket and slipped it on. I turned back to my computer and switched it off completely.

  “Do you fancy going for a drink?” He asked as I turned back to him. He gave me a look that told me he wanted to talk. Part of me wanted to go with him, to see if maybe he would say something that would tell me one way or another if I was on the right track, but I had promised Scarlet I wouldn’t be long.

  “I wish I could Seth,” I said, and I could see the disappointment in his eyes. “I really need to get back to Scarlet. Maybe a rain check?”

  “Sure,” he said as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  “Is everything okay, Seth?” I asked as my eyes dropped to the scratch marks on his neck once again.

  “Yeah, it’s just…” he said, and his eyes met mine. “You know what, you have a lot on. It’s okay. I will call you next week about that drink.”

  Before I could respond, he turned and headed for the exit. I watched him as he walked away. His shoulders were sunken, his hand dug deep into his pockets.

  He was not the Seth I knew. Since Karen had lost the baby, little by little, I could see Seth disappear. I just wondered how much of the old Seth was gone. Was it enough for him to put a gun against a woman’s head and pull the trigger?

  I closed my eyes and the picture of Clea’s lifeless body filled my mind, but that was soon replaced with the memory of Scarlet lying in the mud, fighting desperately for each breath.

  Suddenly, the overwhelming need to see her, hold her was almost consuming me.

  When I reached the car, I checked my watch, I had been gone almost three hours.

  “FUCK!” I said as I jumped into the car and slammed the door closed. I was angry with myself for having left Scarlet for so long.

  I pulled out my phone and called the house, but the line was engaged. I sighed and threw it down on the seat next to me. No doubt Caitlin was tying up the phone with her friends as she did every time she was home. Starting the car, I quickly reversed out of the parking space and headed for my parents’ home.

  As I drove, I thought about Seth. I knew I had been a crappy friend recently. The truth was, I let this whole thing with Scarlet and the case take over my world. When I wasn’t working the case, I was with Scarlet.

  Maybe if I had been a better friend, he would have talked to me, instead of lashing out.

  You don’t know he did it! I scolded myself in my mind. Remember, innocent until proven guilty!

  By the time I reached my parent’s place, my head hurt, and I was tired. I pulled into the driveway and climbed out of the car and walked wearily into the house. I found my dad and
Caitlin curled on the sofa watching some Sci-fi movie. It was something they always did together.

  “Hey,” I said from the doorway of the sitting room.

  “Hey,” Dad said as he looked up at me and gave me a worried look. “Everything okay?”

  “Not really,” I replied honestly but didn’t elaborate. “How was Scarlet?”

  “Quiet,” he said watching me with concerned eyes. “Mom checked in on her a couple of times, but she was fast asleep.”

  “Where is Mom?” I asked.

  “She headed up to bed about twenty minute ago,” he replied.

  “Okay,” I nodded. “Well I am going to call it a night too.”

  “Goodnight, Olly,” Caitlin said with a smile as she looked up at me from the TV.

  I turned and headed for the stairs, walking up them with very little energy. Suddenly I felt completely shattered. I walked down the hallway and stopped in front of Scarlet’s door. I reached for the handle but stopped before I opened it.

  I thought about how we left it before I headed to the station. I knew I acted like a complete asshole. I also knew that if I opened that door, I would want her. I thought about our night together in the hospital and I wanted to feel her again.

  I sighed and rested my forehead against the door. My fingers slowly slipped from the handle as I blew out a long, deep breath.

  I slowly turned and walked across the hallway to my own room. Once inside, I stripped and pulled on my pyjama bottoms. Slipping under the covers, I rolled on my side and closed my eyes. Scarlet instantly fill my mind. I missed her, which I knew was completely crazy as she was just across the hall.

  It was just different now she was here, everything just seemed different. In the hospital it was just me and her, there was no one else in our world. Here I had to share her, and I hated it.

  Memories of our night together ran through my head as I drifted off to sleep.

  I sprang up in the bed as another blood curdling scream rang out through the darkness of the house. I was out of the bed before I could even catch my breath. I think I reached Scarlet’s door in three huge bounds. I didn’t even knock, I opened the door and hurried straight over to where she was sleeping. She screamed out again, as she kicked out, completely terrified by whatever was going on in her head.


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