Finding Scarlet

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Finding Scarlet Page 13

by Holly C. Webb

  “Hey, Olly,” Mike Wagner said, looking up as I reached the body. “I hope you haven’t had breakfast. This is a mess.”

  “Jesus,” I said as I looked down at the remains of the latest victim. I had never seen so much hatred and anger. I could barely tell she was a woman. “What a fucking mess.”

  “This girl took an unmerciful beating,” Mike nodded. “By the time he killed her, I am sure it was somewhat of a relief to her. Like I told Parker, something has definitely changed Olly. He is angry. This is only going to get worse, if that is even possible.”

  “Yeah, and I think I know what upset him,” I sighed and thought about Scarlet back in my folk’s house. I knew this had to be his biggest worry right now. “Okay, Mike. Get your final report to me as soon as it’s done. Oh, and check her nails, I have a feeling.”

  He nodded and got back to work as I turned and made my way back the short distance to the road. Once again, Seth followed me.

  “So, were all the victims like that?” Seth asked as we reached the roadside. “This is the first crime scene in these murders I have been called out to. I mean I saw the pictures, but in person…”

  “Pretty much,” I said as I watched him closely, trying to read his face. “Though the last two were beaten more severely.”

  “And Scarlet?” He asked, looking me straight in the eye.

  “What about her?” I asked feeling my defences going up.

  “I just can’t believe that she survived that,” he said looking genuinely surprised. “I can’t imagine how she must have felt. I guess it’s a good thing she can’t remember, I know I wouldn’t want to.”

  “I guess it is,” I replied through gritted teeth. I really didn’t know how to take what he had said. Was he fishing for information on Scarlet? I really didn’t know what to think. I decided to try and fish some information myself. “So, I’m sorry about last night, I would have really loved to grab that drink, but I promised Scarlet.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he shrugged and shoved his hands into pockets. “I completely understand.”

  “No, I feel like you wanted to talk,” I pushed, hoping it would make him open up. “You know I am here if you do need to talk.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” he repeated and shrugged his shoulders. “It’s cool.”

  “Did you go for a beer in the end?” I asked, trying to sound as casual as I possibly could. “Or did you just head home?”

  “Actually, I just went for a drive,” he sighed. “Things are not so great at home. I…I just needed some space. You know, let off some steam.”

  “I understand,” I replied, but his words made me feel a little sick. “So, what happened to your neck? It’s all scratched up, again.”

  “Oh, nothing that matters,” he shrugged. Before I could push it anymore, Dean called Seth from their squad car. “I need to get going. Call me about that drink.”

  “Sure,” I replied as I stood there and watched him walking back to his patrol car. My gut was telling me something wasn’t good. I knew I needed to talk to someone. This was no longer my secret to keep.

  When I got back to the station, I stopped at my desk and called my folks house.

  “Hi, Oliver,” Dad said with a laugh.

  “How did you know it was me?” I asked with a smile.

  “Because you are my son and I know you better than you think,” he laughed again but then turned serious. “How bad was it?”

  “I have never seen anything like it in my life,” I said, and to my surprise, I could feel hot tears begin to sting my eyes. I quickly blinked and forced them back down inside. “The anger was…”

  “Oliver,” my dad said, sensing I was upset. “What’s wrong?”

  “Was this my fault?” I whispered so no one could hear me. “What if this is Seth? He wanted to talk to me last night, but I just wanted to get home to Scarlet. What if I had gone with him? Would that girl still be alive?”

  “You do not blame yourself for this,” he quickly replied. “Even if this is Seth, this is not your fault.”

  “Dad,” I sighed. “If I went with him…”

  “Stop this!” Dad demanded. “I am not letting you blame yourself for another thing that was not your fault. That said, I think it’s time you talked to someone about Seth. I know you don’t want it to be him, but it could be, and you can’t hide this any longer.”

  “Okay,” I sighed and quickly changed the subject. “How is Scarlet?”

  “Your mom and the girls took her to the mall to get her ready for your big date tonight,” he replied, and I smiled as I thought of her and our night ahead. “Are you sure she is up to a night out? She is just out of the hospital.”

  “She needs to do normal things, Dad,” I replied, hoping he would see my point. “If she is ever to get back to normal, whatever normal is for her, she needs to stop being treated like she is made of glass. I just want to make her happy.”

  “Oh, I think you have done that already, Son,” he laughed. “That much is clear, just as I think she has done the same for you.”

  “Dad don’t go getting all mushy on me,” I chuckled. “Anyway, I better get back to work.”

  “Okay, Son,” he replied. “Just promise me you will go talk to someone.”

  “I will,” I promised before I said my goodbyes and hung up the phone. He was right, of course, I needed to speak to someone because this was a secret, I could no longer keep to myself. So, with a heavy heart, I stood and walked towards Lieutenant Parker’s office.

  “Lieutenant,” I said, as I softly tapped on the door. “Can I have a word?”

  “Sure, Oliver,” he said as he closed the paperwork he was working on, then sat back and looked at me expectantly. “Take a seat.”

  I walked further into his office and closed the door behind me. It was hard enough to say what I was about to say to the Lieutenant, without the rest of the squad room hearing it.

  “Do you remember I said I would have my friend in Quantico take a look through the case files and see if he could help in any way?” I said as I sat down in the seat across from him. “Well he has given me a profile, and…well Lieutenant, it’s not good.”

  “Why do I get the feeling this is not going to be something I want to hear?” He sighed as he sat forward in his seat.

  “The agent I spoke to said he thinks the guy we are looking for is a cop,” I said and stopped, giving him a moment to take in what I had just told him. “He said that the counter measures at the crime scene, together with the fact that this guy seems to get these girls to trust him easily and without causing a scene, would indicate that this is someone in a position of trust and knows how to leave no trace of himself behind.”

  “Jesus,” he said as he turned and looked out over the squad room “So you’re telling that this scumbag could be sitting out there, right now?”

  “Lieutenant,” I said, feeling very uncertain about what I was going to say next. “I think I know who it is.”

  “You do?” He asked as he turned back to look at me directly. “Do I want to know?”

  “I think…” I began but hesitated. I buried my face in my hands and ran through everything in my head once again. I just wanted to be sure of what I was saying.

  “Olly,” he said as he stood up and walked around the desk. He sat on the edge in front of me. “I know it’s hard to think it’s one of our own. These are more than the people we work with; these are like our brothers. This isn’t what you or I want, but if this guy is out there, we need to stop him.”

  I knew he was right. This had gone on long enough and it needed to stop, and we needed to be the ones to do that.

  “I think it might be Seth,” I blurted out before I could change my mind.

  “Seth?” The Lieutenant repeated. “As in your ex-partner, Seth?”

  “I really hope I am wrong,” I sighed, feeling a little sick that I was even saying these words. “But Greg said the UNSUB most likely suffered a loss or is dealing with a sick loved
one that he is struggling to cope with. Since Karen lost the baby, she has been suffering from really bad depression. He isn’t coping with her.”

  “But that could also apply to anyone of us in here,” he reasoned, and I knew he was talking about me losing Clea. “We all have baggage. Shit, Oliver, I have baggage myself.”

  “I know,” I replied. “Believe me, it’s really hard for me to think this, much less say these things out loud, but there is more. The day after Morgan Delany was discovered, Seth had scratches down his neck. The M.E. said the victim’s nails were cleaned because she most likely scratched the killer. Today, at the new crime scene, Seth had new scratches. Lieutenant, believe me, I hope to God I am wrong.”

  “Then I think we need to talk to Seth,” he sighed, and I knew he was struggling as hard as I was to believe this could be him.

  “I think we need to wait for the M.E’s report,” I suggested hoping there would be new evidence to help clear Seth when it came in.

  “Agreed,” the Lieutenant said as he stood up and returned around to the far side of his desk and dropped into his chair. “We will call him in first thing in the morning. I really hope you are wrong about this Oliver.”

  “So, do I,” I said as I stood up and headed for the door. Tomorrow I would have to sit across a desk and accuse my best friend of being a murderer. All I could do was pray I got answers before that would have to happen.

  I walked back to my desk and logged into my computer. Without even thinking, I pulled open the case file for Clea, it was the only hope I had of clearing Seth’s name before I would have to call him a murderer to his face.

  By the time I reached my folks house later that evening, I felt tired. I’d stopped off at my apartment and picked up some of my belongings before I quickly changed and headed to my parent’s home to where I knew Scarlet would be waiting for me.

  “Hey, Olly,” Caitlin said excitedly from the stairs, the moment I walked through the door. “You’re late.”

  “I got delayed at work,” I said as I slipped off my jacket and hung it on the coat stand at the bottom of the stairs. “What has you all squeaky and excited this evening?”

  “I am not squeaky,” she quickly shot back. “But I am excited. Wait till you see.”

  “See what?” I asked knowing it would get her.

  “Scarlet, dumbass,” she sighed, rolling her eyes.

  Before she could say another word, Scarlet appeared at the top of the stairs. My heart almost stopped. She was simply breath-taking.

  She was wearing a cream, knee length dress that hugged her perfect figure. It had short sleeves and showed just enough of her cleavage to make my cock twitch. She was wearing coffee coloured shoes, with a wrap and a bag in the same colour. Her hair had been cut up to just below her shoulders, and she was wearing it in soft curls around her face. She looked perfect.

  She slowly began to walk down the stairs. I quickly hurried up to help her down. When I reached her, she smiled at me nervously.

  “Hi,” she said with a shy smile.

  “Hi,” I replied and kissed her softly on the lips. “You are beautiful.”

  Chapter 19


  He stood there and just stared at me. I smiled again. I felt so nervous, but I had no idea why.

  “Are you ready to go?” He asked me, and I could sense his nervousness too. He was dressed in black trousers, with a white fitted shirt that showed off his muscular chest. His hair looked freshly washed and he smelled divine. It was a new aftershave, and though I loved the other one he wore, this was gorgeous too.

  “Yes,” I nodded, still holding his eyes with mine. He smiled as he took my arm and helped me down the stairs.

  “Isn’t she gorgeous,” Caitlin said when we reached the hallway.

  “She is perfect,” Oliver said, not taking his eyes from me. Once again, I blushed.

  “Well, I want you kids home before midnight,” his dad said with a laugh as he appeared at the doorway of his den.

  “Very funny, Dad,” Oliver said as he turned to him and gave him a smile. I loved how close Oliver and his father were. It was so sweet.

  “Scarlet, you look beautiful,” Tom said as he walked towards me and kissed me on the cheek. “My son is a lucky man.”

  “Thank you,” I said as I felt my face burn. “But I don’t know what I would have done without Meg, Caitlin and Ella. They have been wonderful today. I just wished I could pay for all this myself.”

  “It was our pleasure,” Meg said as she and Ella walked down the stairs. “But we were only doing what Oliver asked us to do.”

  Meg hugged both Oliver and I and told us to have a great night. As we stepped out into the cold November night, I shivered and pulled my wrap around me tighter.

  “You’re cold,” Oliver said as he slipped off the jacket he had literally just fastened up. He wrapped it around my shoulders and pulled me to him. He smiled before he softly kissed my lips. “I will keep you warm.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered before his lips claimed mine again.

  When we finally got into his truck, he pressed play on the CD player in the car and moments later, music filled the air.

  We drove for a few minutes in silence. I sat, staring out the window, listening to the words of the song that was playing.

  “This is a lovely song,” I said when it was about halfway through. “I like it.”

  “Do you like Ed Sheeran?” Oliver asked as we drove through the quiet streets.

  “I have no idea who he is,” I shrugged, looking over at Oliver.

  “Sorry, I suppose sometimes even I forget,” Oliver said, and I knew he was kicking himself. “I guess you still have so much to learn.”

  “It’s okay,” I said as I reached over and took his hand. “I am just happy to have you to teach me. Now who is Ed Sheeran?”

  “He is the guy singing,” he explained. “This song is called ‘Photograph’. It’s one of my favourites.”

  “It’s a lovely song,” I nodded as a comfortable silence fell over us again. I listened to the rest of the song, thinking how it would now always make me think of Oliver.

  We pulled up outside a brightly lit building. When the truck came to a stop, a man in a suit hurried out towards the truck.

  “Good evening, Miss,” he said as he opened the passenger door. “Welcome to Foresters.”

  Then the guy reached out his hand to help me out of the truck, but Oliver told him that he would help me out himself.

  “Thank you,” I said giving the guy a grateful smile, then I watched as he hurried around to Oliver’s side of the truck. Oliver hopped out quickly, handed him his keys and some money, before he rushed around to me and took my hand. He held me tightly as I climbed out of the truck, making sure I was steady on my feet, before he reached back in and grabbed my walking sticks. I sighed inwardly as I took them from him. I really wished I didn’t need them anymore.

  “This is my parent’s favourite restaurant,” Oliver said as he led me through the revolving doors, still holding my arm tightly. “I love it here myself.”

  “Detective Caldwell,” a man in a black suit, shirt and tie said with a huge smile, as he looked up from the desk he was standing behind. He hurried around it and greeted Oliver with a firm handshake. “It’s been far too long since you were last here. How are your parents keeping?”

  “They’re great, enjoying their retirement,” Oliver replied with a broad smile. He clearly knew this man well and was fond of him. “They send their best. Marco, I would like you to meet my beautiful guest. This is Scarlet.”

  “What a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Scarlet,” he said, as he took my hand. “You are very welcome to Foresters this evening.”

  “Lovely to meet you,” I said, as I shook his hand.

  “I hope you enjoy your evening here with us,” he said as he looked from me to Oliver. “Let me show you to your table.”

  He led us through the beautifully decorated, crowded restaurant and I suddenly felt v
ery out of place. As I walked through, I felt like every set of eyes in the restaurant were on me. By the time we reached our table, I was feeling uncomfortable; a little like a goldfish in a fishbowl.

  “Your waiter will be with you shortly,” Marco said as he pulled out my chair. Once I was seated, he handed both Oliver and I a menu, before he poured us each a glass of ice water from the jug on the table. He then excused himself, before he left us alone.

  “Are you okay?” Oliver asked, watching me closely from across the table. “You seem, I don’t know…uneasy.”

  “I’m okay,” I lied because I didn’t want to ruin the evening, he had planned for us. “Just, this is all very new to me.”

  “I know this must be scary for you,” he said as he reached over and took my hand. “But I promise you will be okay.”

  Just then, the waiter arrived back at the table. I let Oliver order for us both as I had no idea what I liked. While Oliver scanned through the menu, the waiter glanced at me several times. He looked at me like he thought he knew me but couldn’t figure out from where.

  Oliver finished off the order with a bottle of red wine. He explained how red wine would go better with the beef he had also ordered, but I was only half listening. I was suddenly aware that the waiter wasn’t the only one trying to figure out who I was. My heart started to race, and I could feel my breathing quicken. I glanced at the exit and considered making a run for it, but I knew that wasn’t an option.

  “Scarlet!” Oliver called and I blushed, realising he had been talking to me, but I hadn’t heard a word. “Are you okay? You seem very distracted.”

  “I’m okay,” I said as I quickly glanced at him before I dropped my eyes down to the crisp, white tablecloth. “I just feel like everyone is staring at me.”

  “They are probably staring because you are so beautiful,” he leaned forward and whispered. I looked up at him and smiled. I wanted to relax and enjoy myself for his sake. Before I could reply the waiter returned with the bottle of wine and opened it. He poured a tiny amount for Oliver to taste. When Oliver nodded and smiled his approval, the waiter poured us each a glass. As he poured, he glanced at me again. As my eyes met his, a look of realisation spread across his face and he quickly looked away.


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