Claiming the Night

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Claiming the Night Page 8

by Kathryn Vegas

  Adam closed his eyes and groaned in frustration as she removed her mouth from his throbbing erection.

  She laughed like a vengeful Goddess.

  Adam savored the little licks and nips on his abdomen as she traveled up his body. He kept his eyes closed. A smile grew on his lips, he enjoyed her loving attention. He still held her hair away from her face with his one hand. He used his other to squeeze her ass cheek and pull Sara up his body.

  Sara was face to face with him before he reopened his eyes. He was locked in place by her flaming blue eyes staring directly into his soul. Her legs fell to either side of his hips. His cock begged as it tilted toward her wet core.

  She gave him a knowing look and repeated his earlier question.

  “Are you in need, Adam?”


  Sara’s softly spoken words cause Adam’s body to spasm under her. He was in need in more ways than one. He understood now why the Elders kept new vampires from drinking from the source. He was so consumed with the memory of her sweet flavor. He struggled to ignore the nagging at the back of his mind.

  He deftly pulled her legs up beside him. He sat forward, keeping them face to face in a seated position.

  Sara was on her knees straddling him. Her breasts were close to his mouth, so he caught one and suckled. Her head fell back, a moan escaped her lips. The instinctual comfort of suckling a breast flowed through him and he sighed into her. He released her hair letting it flow down her back. He used the arm to encircle her lower back and held her against him.

  Adam held her above his cock not letting them succumb to the desire to connect themselves. He felt her pushing her body weight down, her nails digging into his shoulders. He continued to suck, letting her struggle to unite their bodies. He released her nipple and looked into her eyes.

  “I want to watch you when you finally get what you want.” He whispered to her.

  Her eyes darkened, her erratic breath came in loud bursts.

  “Fuck me, Adam. I can’t wait anymore.”

  He lowered her, ever so slowly, teasing her slippery heat. She writhed and wiggled to take more of him while she bit her lip. She pleaded with her eyes. Inch by inch he lowered her, filling her to the hilt. Her scorching wetness swallowing him. It was magnificent to feel her, no more membrane between them. The temperature of her body, the squeezing tightness of her, and silkiness of her arousal soaking him.

  “So good.” His head fell against her shoulder. “It was worth slow and savory.”

  Neither of them moved. They held each other while their bodies remained as one.

  This is what making love is.

  The thought caught him by surprise, but it was true. He had fucked plenty of women, but what he did with Sara was different. This was true connection with another human being you deeply loved. He wanted to give her fulfilment on every level and he knew she felt the same.

  Adam pulled back his hips and Sara took the lead and began to ride him.

  “Adam, you make me so happy.” Sara whispered into his ear, her arms wrapped around his neck as she took him at a fevered pace. “I want to make you happy.” She rasped.

  Adam was happy he was mid-fuck, every man was happy at this moment. He raised his head and looked at her while she continued to roll her hips, the motion was driving him mad. Her eyes were glazed over with pleasure, but she was also trying to tell him something.

  “Take what you need.” Sara said leaning her head back and pushing her chest toward him.

  “Fuck,” he said in disbelief.

  It became clear what she was willing to give and he nearly came at the offer.

  “Are you sure?” He could barely get the words out.

  “Yes!” She exclaimed, her pleasure was on its way to a crescendo.

  He could think of nothing he wanted to do more than taste her at this moment. He held her tightly as he lowered his head to the swell of her breast. His mouth salivated as his sharp incisors elongated. He was gentle as he could be as he sunk his teeth into the swell of her breast.

  Adam heard her sharp intake of breath at the moment his teeth penetrated her delicate skin. He reared back and drove his cock into her. An uncontrollable lust was in control now. Her body tighten as he tasted her honeyed blood.

  The smell and taste of her arousal flowed into his mouth and the flavor was overpowering. She screamed in release. The tightening of her pulsating muscles, pushed another mouthful of heaven into his mouth. His cock couldn’t take another second. He imploded into a quantum realm of satisfaction, he never knew existed. He rode the waves of his climax. His throbbing cock echoed the remaining pulses of her pussy.

  Adam released his bite and lapped at the punctures in her skin. Not wanting to waste a drop of her ambrosia.

  That was incredible.

  He didn’t know what he would see in her eyes so he avoided looking at her. Would she regret what she’d offered? Did he hurt her? Maybe he should have said no. He kept his head on her chest and held her close.

  Sara caressed his hair. Her chin rested on the top of his head.

  She wouldn’t be stroking my hair like this if she was upset with me.

  “God damn, slow and savory wins the night.” Sara mused.

  Well that answered his inner dilemma. She never ceased to amaze him.

  “Yes, it does.” He responded by hugging her tighter for a moment. They melted to the bed facing each other.

  Sara’s eyes were two languid pools of satiated blue slowly blinking at him in afterglow. Adam traced a finger around her jaw. It took several attempts to push her wildly disarrayed hair out of her face.

  “Are you okay?” Adam asked tentatively, he was concerned about what he had done.

  “Mmmm.” Sara responded in an almost inaudible grunt. Her eyes closed and a smile on her lips.

  “Mmmm? That doesn’t answer my question.” Adam said.

  She responded languidly, “I’m A-Okay. I’m more than A-Okay.”

  “Did I hurt you?” Adam had to ask.

  “No.” She finally opened her eyes.

  “Of course, it hurt.” Adam said shaking his head at her. “You don’t have to protect me.”

  “I’m not. It stung, sure. I gave birth to a nine-pound baby that wanted to come out sunny side up. I pushed for 3 tortured hours. I’m sorry to disappoint you but, I’m tough as hell.” She smiled lazily at him and with a wink said, “And I guess kinkier than I ever imagined.”

  “Fuck’s sake woman.” Adam said in awe.

  Chapter Nine

  Sara had been asleep for a couple of hours. Adam napped for a bit after that amount of sex, like any man would, but this time of night was basically his afternoon. He was getting bored and antsy. He decided to climb out of bed and get dressed. He also figured some party animals might still need rides home. He could hopefully clock in some fares and not miss the entire night of money-making opportunities.

  Adam carefully removed his arm from under Sara. She was so deeply asleep there wasn’t a slight disturbance in her light snoring.

  Poor thing, I wore her out. He bragged to himself, smiling in pure male satisfaction.

  Adam headed toward the laundry room to grab his jeans from the dryer. Luckily, Sara had remembered to throw them in there before she passed out for the night. He walked slowly through her home looking at every framed picture. He smiled at a particularly adorable photo of Hazel at three years old in pigtails and tie dye, hugging a tree.

  Every picture he came across was evidence of the beautiful life Sara lived. A portrait caught his eye. It included the entire family, Shawn and Ben each held a six-month-old version of the twins. Sara’s arms were around Hazel’s shoulders. Her face exuded motherly pride. How lucky they all were to have each other.

  And now I have them. He thought wistfully.

  Adam ran his finger along a bookshelf filled with well-loved romance novels. She had a solid collection. He spotted the entire Twilight series on the top shelf and smirked.

d’ve known.

  He could still hear her even breathing as he snooped around in the dark.

  Luckily his jeans and boxers were dry and nicely warmed. He slipped them on and went to Sara’s room to put on his shirt. She hadn’t moved a muscle.

  “I’ve got to go, Sara. I just wanted to say goodbye this time.” Adam whispered as he kissed her forehead.

  Sara’s response was inaudible. Her eyes fluttered for a moment.

  “I’ll text you later,” Adam said.

  Her heavy eyelids finally lifted.

  “I work for the next three nights,” Sara mumbled.

  She stuck her bottom lip out, and kept her eyes firmly shut. She pulled her fluffy blanket closer to her face.

  “I love you.” Adam said at the doorway.

  The words came without forethought. Adam cringed a little, if he might have overstepped.

  “I love you, too.” She responded automatically.

  He smiled at her sleepy face one last time before leaving the home.

  Growing up, his family never parted ways without saying they loved each other. He enjoyed having such a small, but deeply significant thing back in his life.

  The world outside was dark and covered in frost. A stark contrast from the cozy warmth of the night he had spent with Sara. He scraped the windows as the Durango warmed up.

  Sara awoke to the sound of her front door being unlocked and assumed it was Hazel coming home.

  What time is it? She thought groggily.

  Where’s my phone?

  The sun streamed between her curtains at an angle that told her it was late in the morning.

  She heard the front door swing open and close. Whoever it was tripped over the purse she had thrown to the floor in the foyer.

  There’s my phone.

  Sara smiled at the memory of what happened after she had tossed her belongings. She stretched her limbs and gave an overdramatic yawning performance. She opened her eyes to find Shawn. His arms were crossed, as he silently stood at the bedroom door.

  “Jesus!” Sara’s hand went to her chest startled. “You scared the shit out of me.”

  He just gave her the eye.

  Sara should’ve realized this was going to happen. No way in hell she was getting out of an interrogation this morning. She didn’t know how to proceed, so she eyed him back.

  “Really?” Shawn broke the standoff. “What the hell, Sara?”

  She shrugged and slowly said, “Adam’s… special.”

  “Get the fuck out of here. I’m gonna make coffee. Meet me in the kitchen when you’re ready to be serious.” Shawn shook his head.

  He turned and stalked away. Sara fell against her pillows.

  “Shit.” She pulled her blanket over her head.

  Sara entered the kitchen and found Shawn carrying two cups of coffee to the table. She took a seat. He placed a mug in front of her.

  “Start talking,” Shawn said before his butt hit the chair.

  “Why are you all..?” Sara said and waved her hand around. “…being so… You know.”

  “Okay honey, drink some coffee so you can speak in full sentences.”

  Shawn rolled his eyes at her.

  Sara sipped slowly. She hadn’t decided what she was going to tell him. Would the whole truth be a betrayal of Adam’s trust? Did it even matter since Shawn had seen a superhuman deed?

  “I’ve been up all night. I let the girls sleep in our bed. I didn’t want them out of my sight. I had one sleeping on each arm and both kicking me simultaneously in the ribs all night. Not that I needed help staying awake with my fucking mind blown.” Shawn rattled on. “Luckily, Ben was drunk as hell and passed out soon after everyone left. He is completely oblivious.”

  Sara continued to drink her coffee and hoped for inspiration to strike.

  Should I say Adam’s a run of the mill superhero or go with the blood sucking truth?

  She smirked to herself.

  “Why are you smirking?” Shawn asked incredulously.

  “I’m sorry.” Sara cringed. “You know, I’m just thinking it all through. This is a delicate situation.”

  Shawn set his mug on the table and shot straight from the hip, “Who is Adam? What is Adam? What is going on?”

  Sara knew there was no way to lie to Shawn. She was a horrible liar anyway. Especially since she had every intention of continuing to see Adam. How could she tell Shawn a lie now and keep it going for years to come?

  “Adam is an amazing man. He’s kind, sweet and thoughtful.” The words tripped from Sara’s mouth. “I’ve fallen in love with him and we plan to be a couple. He’s brought me back to life. I have never been happier. He is also the hero who saved your babies.” Sara took a breath, “But he is not a twenty-four-year-old man.”

  “Go on.” Shawn prompted.

  “This is going to sound crazy.” Sara stated.

  “I realize that. I saw him jump like fifteen feet across a room in less than a second. I’m ready for the crazy.” Shawn responded.

  “I don’t know if you are…” Sara mumbled but continued. “He is actually our age. Graduated from high school the same year we did.”

  “That explains a lot.” Shawn whispered with wide eyes. “How…”

  Sara decided to just spit it out, “He’s a vampire.”

  “No. What? No.” Shawn was dumbfounded.

  He abruptly stood and took a few steps away from the table, only to return and ask, “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “Saying that out loud did sound bat shit insane.” Sara admitted.

  Shawn sat heavily, his facial expressions comically going through a range of emotions.

  “A vampire,” Shawn whispered. “You’re serious?”

  “What were you expecting me to say?” Sara asked, smiling a little at his bewilderment.

  “Superhero. Mutant. Alien. I don’t fucking know, but I one hundred percent did not expect you to say he’s a vampire.” Shawn mused. “If Vampires exist, what the fuck else does? This is world changing information. Jesus, you’re seriously dating a hot as fuck vampire? I’ve never been more jealous of you than I am right now.”

  “I know, right?” Sara said before becoming serious. “Please don’t tell anyone else, not even Ben. Can you promise me that? Adam saved your babies. He deserves your loyalty. No one can know. It would endanger his life and quite possibly ours.”

  Shawn looked stricken, “I’ve never kept anything from Ben and they’re also his babies that Adam saved.”

  “We can’t risk that. Adam needs our loyalty and silence. I trust you with my life and I need to be able to trust you with Adam’s. Can you say for certain that Ben would never tell another soul for the rest of his life?”

  Sara racked her brain for a way to convince him. She ran her hand through her hair in frustration.

  “Would Ben believe you anyway? He didn’t see what happened. He would think you’re just being dramatic, right?” Sara reasoned.

  Shawn’s expression changed to concern as he took notice of Sara. Her disheveled sexed up hair was pushed back and revealed the mark on her neck. It was faded, but still visible.

  “You just met this guy…” Shawn began cautiously.

  “Stop.” Sara cut him off immediately. “I know what you’re thinking. It’s not like that. He saved your girls. He is a good man. I’m not a fool. They could have died in front of us, Shawn!”

  Shawn took a moment.

  “Relax. I’m still processing all of this. I can’t help what thoughts I have while I try to make sense of everything.” Shawn said throwing his hands up in surrender.

  “I’m sorry.” Sara sighed. “I didn’t mean to get testy. I know it’s overwhelming, but you know how mama bear I can get when I love someone.”

  “You’re in love with him?” Shawn asked.

  “Yes, and he loves me too.” Sara replied.

  “Tell me everything.” Shawn insisted.

  It was early afternoon before Shawn was satisfied that he knew eve
rything about Sara’s vampire boyfriend.

  Sara definitely downplayed the extent of Collette’s threat to her. She kept the fact that her life had actually been in danger to herself. Sara made it more of an attempt to scare her off from dating Adam and not the murder suicide frame job the psycho bitch had attempted. Shawn would not have taken that very well. Sara didn’t know why she seemed to be taking that so well, but didn’t particularly want to dwell on it. There was no need to alarm Shawn.

  It felt good to have almost everything out in the open between them. Even if the girls hadn’t fallen from the balcony, Sara wouldn’t have been able to keep what was happening in her life from Shawn for long.

  “I’ve got to get home. I’ve been gone longer than I told Ben I would be.” Shawn said and stood from the kitchen table. “You better take a nap before you have to go to work. Hazel said she’d pick you up at six.”

  Sara stood and offered Shawn a hug. He kissed her cheek and tightened the embrace.

  “I’m happy you’ve found someone, but I won’t stop worrying about you.” Shawn whispered in her ear.

  “I know.” She replied and released him.

  Chapter Ten

  “What am I supposed to even talk about? Like, ‘hey who’s side were you on during the French revolution?’” Sara asked.

  Adam glanced at Sara. She was chewing on a fingernail. He shook his head.

  “Relax. He’s Italian. He wasn’t there,” Adam stated dryly.

  “Oh thanks, take my only question off the table.” Sara shot back at him.

  Adam smirked and reached for her hand. Sara was thankful she couldn’t chew that nail off completely. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her fingertips.

  “Have I told you that you look beautiful tonight?” Adam said.


  Sara couldn’t help but grin. She appreciated the compliment.

  Sara anxiously shifted in her chair and let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Raphael would arrive soon and for some reason she was nervous as hell.


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