Fake Marriage (Contemporary Romance Box Set)

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Fake Marriage (Contemporary Romance Box Set) Page 65

by Ajme Williams

  He walked back to the bar to serve the group that took seats at the end. I frowned as I noted that Holly was there with her colleagues Becky and Karen.

  “Don’t leave yet,” Brooke whispered next to me.

  “I’m not leaving,” I said.

  She glanced over at Holly and then at me. “You will though. How goes the wooing?”

  “I’ve lost my touch.”

  She laughed. “I don’t believe it.”

  “Crashed and burned twice.”

  Brooke put her arm around me. “Give her time. It took me four years to win over Mo.”

  “Was it worth it?” I asked.

  “Hey,” Mo said, feigning a frown. “I can hear you. And I’m still mayor. I can have you arrested.”

  “For what?” Brooke asked him.

  “I’ll think of something.”

  I laughed, and worked to turn my attention to Brooke and my new group of friends. But I couldn’t help but feel the pull of Holly.

  When I finished my beer, I stood. “I need a refill.”

  Brooke gave me a knowing smile. “Go get ‘em slick.”



  My plans for the night, after meeting with Meredith, were to do nothing but drink cheap wine, eat expensive ice cream, and watch a romcom, all to numb the feelings of loneliness I felt now that Rick was gone. And also to wallow in the worry of what Meredith would do when she learned I wasn’t married.

  So it would have seemed like I’d jump at the chance to go out drinking with my gal pals, Becky and Karen since I surely wouldn’t be alone then. However, the truth was, I didn’t want to go out. I wanted to wallow in my loss and failure. It was pathetic, I know, but I just wasn’t ready to face the world knowing they’d wonder what was wrong with me that Rick, considered quite a catch at the time, would abandon me. My friends would be encouraging me to find a young buck and get laid. No, wine and ice cream sounded like a whole bunch more fun.

  Of course, my friends wouldn’t take no for an answer, so that evening, Becky came by, with Karen already in the car, to pick me up.

  When we walked in, I saw Ryder near the back of the bar with a group of people. It appeared to be the mayor and Sinclair and their families. I couldn’t see who Ryder was blocking, but It appeared to be a city hall group.

  We took a seat at the bar, and Ryder hurried back to us. “What sort of drinks do you need to wash away the memories of the monsters you taught this week,” he asked.

  “There ain’t enough booze in the world for that,” Karen said. “But I’ll start with a vodka and diet soda.”

  “I’ll second that,” Becky said.

  “The quip or the drink?” Ryder asked.

  “Both,” Becky responded.

  “I’ll have a vodka and cranberry juice,” I said.

  “Looks busy tonight,” Becky said, scanning the bar. “Maybe you’ll find someone to rebound with.” She leaned over and butted my shoulder.

  The image of Tucker came into my head. I suspected he’d do a good job of helping me forget Rick. If only he wasn’t so young and a coworker.

  “Hey, isn’t that Tucker Marshall,” Karen said with a nod toward the city hall group.

  “It is,” Becky said. “I guess the mayor’s wife included them in their group.”

  Tucker stood, and with his gaze toward us, he walked to us.

  “Hey, he’s coming over here,” Karen said. “God, is he delicious or what?”

  Ryder set our drinks down, and I gulped nearly half my glass. It didn’t cool the hot flare in my belly that grew with each step he took toward me. Why did it do that? Even in my classroom earlier, when he asked me out, I felt like my blood was on fire. How long would I be able to survive this before giving in or going up in flames?

  “Good evening ladies,” Tucker said, standing next to me but leaning against the bar so he could see Karen and Becky.

  “What are you doing here?” Becky asked.

  “I was invited to the deputy mayor’s election kick-off campaign.” He motioned to Ryder.

  “What’s up?”

  “Another beer and another round for my fellow teachers…” He frowned. “Is it fellow if you’re women?”

  “Fellow is gender neutral,” I said.

  He grinned at me. “You’re smart.”

  “So Sinclair is really running for mayor?” Karen asked.

  “It appears so,” Tucker said, taking a sip of the beer Ryder set in front of him.

  “She’s going to do a great job,” I said, finishing my drink, and eager to start the second one. It was really hot in here. “She’s been such a wonderful support when we reintroduced 4-H and now in the library projects. I support her run wholeheartedly.”

  “Your group should join them then,” Tucker said.

  I was about to say no, when Ryder chimed in. “It would make my job easier.”

  “The bigger the party and better.” Becky was already down from her stool.

  “The more the merrier,” Karen agreed.

  Unable to get out of it, I nodded and followed them to the mayor’s table.

  “Holly, welcome!” Sinclair said, as we approached. “You too, Becky and Karen. We’re having a little party.”

  “So, we heard. I’m glad you're officially in the race,” I said.

  “And you can bet, education will be tops on my list of to-dos,” she said.

  “After running Stark out of town, right?” Wyatt joked.

  “I can multitask. Come sit, ladies.”

  The group made room for us. Only when I sat down did I realize I was right next to Tucker. He smelled divine. I swore I could feel the heat of his body next to mine. I downed my next drink before I acknowledged that perhaps booze wasn’t going to quash my hormones from flaring up around him.

  I put my focus on the conversation which was fun and lively. I felt like I knew Sinclair fairly well since working with her on various school projects and being her daughter’s teacher, but I’d never really socialized with her. She’d always been smart and professional as deputy mayor, but like this, she was smart and social, and clearly in love with her husband, both of whom I knew doted on their daughter Alyssa.

  Ryder brought us another round of drinks, kissing Trina on the head, as he put juice with seltzer in front of her. I liked Trina, but she could be brusk to the point of harsh. I felt a bit of envy that she had such a sweet man like Ryder completely devoted to her. Meanwhile, my safe, reliable, Rick had jilted me.

  “Sorry to leave the fun, but some of us have work to do in the morning. Ranching is a 24/7 deal,” Maurice stood, holding his hand out for Brooke.

  “We know what’s really going on,” Tucker said with innuendo in his voice.

  Both Mo and Brooke blushed.

  “Thank goodness I got you two together, eh?” Tucker finished.

  “Thank goodness,” Brooke said, bending over and kissing Tucker on the cheek. I wondered if they’d ever been a thing before. They looked perfect together; both crazy attractive and both had open and friendly personalities. Plus, they had a familiarity with each other that was unusual between a man and woman. At least here in conservative, traditional Salvation. Maybe it was different in Chicago.

  “We should go too,” Wyatt said standing with Sinclair.

  “You know, I’m a bit tuckered, myself. Growing babies is tiring,” Trina said.

  I wish I knew, I thought. At this rate, I’d never have kids. Meredith was right, my biological clock was ticking down.

  “Can we give you a lift home?” Wyatt asked Trina.

  “Nah, I can drive. I’m not liquored up like y’all are.” She walked over to the bar and Ryder stepped from behind it, giving her a kiss and whispering something in her ear. I wondered if any of them realized all those little gestures they did for each other that showed how much they loved one another? I wanted to say I missed that, but I hadn’t really had that with Rick. He was kind and helpful, but not particularly affectionate.

  “I guess it�
�s just us,” Becky said with her usual laugh bringing me back to the group.

  “The three musketeers,” Karen held up her glass, her drink sloshing a bit as she did.

  “There’s four of us,” Becky said, her words slightly slurred.

  “He can be D’Artagnan,” Becky said. “The young hard-headed buck.”

  “Are you hard-headed,” I asked.

  “I’m hard.” His gaze held mine and again fire blasted through me.

  But clearly, I’d had one too many as I reached over and poked his temple with my finger.

  His eyes flared with wild heat. “Not there.”

  “What’s he saying,” Becky bellowed across the table.

  “He’s not hard headed,” Karen responded.

  For a moment, he and I just stared at each other. His expression was filled with sensual delights. God, I wanted what those dark eyes were promising.

  He finally broke the gaze-off, and took a sip of his beer. “So, I want to know the school gossip.”

  “Like what?” Becky said.

  “Like who’s sleeping with who?” He cast a glance at me.

  I took another drink, forgetting that his sexual prowess was impervious to liquid coolant.

  “Josh Fields slept with the entire first and second grade teachers,” Becky said.

  “He was fired,” Karen added.

  Tucker blinked. “For sleeping with teachers?”

  “Nah. At the time, one of the second-grade teachers was married to the district superintendent,” Karen said.

  “That will do it.” Becky finished her drink, taking special care to lick the inside of her glass. Cripes, I wondered if I was as lit as her.

  “Is there a rule against dating coworkers?” Tucker asked.

  I shifted uncomfortably.

  “I don’t think so. Do you think so, Karen?” Becky asked.


  “But it’s not a good idea,” I jumped in. “What if it goes badly? Remember when Sarah and Jamie nearly came to blows over Josh?”

  “He was a douche. I think if two teachers liked each other, it would be alright,” Becky said.

  “It wouldn’t be any worse than us being friends and then having a falling out,” Karen added.

  I looked down into my now empty glass. Was it two? Or three?

  “The point is,” I said, “It’s not a good idea to mix work and personal life.”

  But oh boy, what I’d do for one night with the sexy Tucker Marshall.



  I could see that even a little tipsy, Holly was bound and determined to dissuade my interest in her. I wouldn’t force myself on her, but I wasn’t ready to give up on her either.

  “I’m out,” Becky said, tilting her glass over.

  “You’re drunk,” Karen told her.

  “So are you.”

  “Ladies, how about I give you a ride home. D’Artagnan’s car service,” I said.

  “Tucker, how come some woman hasn’t plucked you right up yet?” Becky said. “Seriously, in private are you a serial killer or something because you seem too good to be true.”

  “I’ve been known to kill spiders, does that count?”

  “No, it makes you even more perfect,” Karen said. “I’ll take that ride.”

  “Are you sure you can drive?” Holly poked her finger at me again, but this time it was on my chest. “Jeez, that’s hard too.”

  See it was things like that, and the way her eyes got all hot and filled with desire when I suggested other parts of me were hard that had me thinking she was interested in me, but for some reason didn’t want to be.

  “I’ve only had two beers. Come on, I’ll get you ladies home safely.” I stood, and reached out my hand to Holly.

  She looked at it and then up at me, this time her expression was a mix of something that made me think she liked my gesture but wished I wasn’t offering it. Still, she took my hand, and I escorted the ladies out to my car.

  Seeing an opportunity, I drove Becky and Karen home first, walking them each to their doors to make sure they got in. Both invited me in, but I reminded them I had other people to drop off. I hoped Holly would invite me in. In that case, I’d accept.

  When I pulled up to Holly’s little bungalow, I had a hard time getting a sense of it. “It’s dark,” I said, as I opened her side of the car and helped her out.

  “My front porch light is out.”

  “That’s not safe. Do you have the bulb?”

  “Yes. I just haven’t gotten around to putting it in,” she said, as I walked her to the porch.

  “Bring it to me, and I’ll fix it,” I told her while she opened the door.


  “Yes now.” I looked down on her. Her blue eyes shone up at me like she couldn’t quite make out my character. She had cute freckles on her fair cheeks and nose. I wanted to kiss each and every one of them.

  She shrugged and a few minutes later returned with a porch light bulb. I reached up brushing away cobwebs, I removed the old bulb and screwed in the new one.

  “Turn it on,” I said.

  She flipped the switch, lighting up the area.

  I brushed my hands of the dust and cobwebs.

  “You can come in and wash your hands, if you want.”

  That was an invite, I decided.

  “Thanks.” I stepped into her little home. It was cozy, like her, but a little tired. I followed her to the kitchen, noting a light switch plate that was askew as it was missing a screw.

  I washed my hands, seeing that her hinge on the cupboard by the sink seemed out of place. I opened the cupboard wincing as it squeaked.

  “This is a little squeaky,” I said, studying the hinge.


  I turned to her, and for a minute, I thought her eyes were cast down. Like maybe she was checking out my ass.

  “You’ve got a few things around that could use some attention,” I said leaning against the counter.

  “I suck at DIY.”

  God help me, when she said suck, all I could think of was her lovely pink lips wrapped around my dick.

  “I’ll do it,” I said.

  “How much do you charge?” she asked.

  This was it. It was time to be clear about my intentions. I straightened from the counter and took a few steps toward her. “I’ll do it for a kiss.”

  Her blue eyes widened and flashed with interest. “That sounds expensive.”

  I shrugged. “I’m sure you can afford it.”

  “How will I know I get my money’s worth?”

  Yes, yes, yes, I thought as I realized she was speaking in sexual code.

  “I won’t finish until you’re satisfied.” More than satisfied. I’d made her come, and come, come until she begged me to stop. I could imagine it now.

  The only problem was, she’d been drinking. The last thing I wanted was for her to regret anything we might do. Or blame it on the booze.

  I stepped closer to study her eyes more carefully to see just how sober she was, or wasn’t.

  “Is there something wrong?” she asked.

  “I just want to make sure you’re sober enough when I take a down payment.”

  “What’s your assessment?” she said, looking up at me as she closed the distance and her breasts pressed against my chest.

  I groaned as my dick, already erect, grew even more. I slid my hand along her cheek as I pulled her head to mine, fusing my lips to hers. Holy shit, she tasted like sweet perfection. I was the one that was drunk now.

  My other hand slid around her back and pulled her against me. I wanted her to feel what she did to me. How hard I was. How needy I was for her.

  Thank fuck, she wrapped her arms around me and slanted her lips to take the kiss deeper as she ground her pelvis against my dick. Jesus, I was about to come in my pants. That hadn’t happened since I first started puberty.

  “Take the full payment,” she whispered as she lightly bit my ear.

  I growle
d. “I’m fucking dying for you.”

  “Me too,” she gasped.

  I maneuvered her to the table, while my hands pulled her knit top over her head and tossed it aside.

  Her tits were spectacular, just like I knew they’d be. Large. Round. Soft. Her nipples strained against the pretty lace.

  “You have amazing tits,” I said. “I’ve wanted to suck them since the moment you sent me that picture.”

  I removed her bra and drew a nipple into my mouth. She moaned in a mixture of pleasure and frustrating need. She reached for my pants but I pushed her hands away.

  “Not yet,” I said in a raspy voice, as I undid her jeans. “I’m taking my down payment first.”

  “I need—”

  “I’m going to take care of you, I promise.”

  I shoved her pants and panties down and then stood back to take a long look at my lovely woman. She crossed her hands over her breasts, like she was embarrassed. What the fuck for? She was magnificent. Whoever that dumbfuck who left at the alter was, he was the biggest idiot in the world.

  “Don’t. Don’t ever cover your perfection.” I let out a small gasp I took her in from her strawberry haired head down over her body to her pink tipped toenails. “You’re one fucking glorious curve after another.”

  “I want to see you,” she said.

  “You will.” It was quite possible my dick was sticking out of my waistband for her to see.

  I moved to her pushing her toward the table. “Let me get a good look at your sweet pussy, Holly.” I helped her up to sit on the table, and then pushed her thighs open as I dropped to my knees.

  Her pussy glistened. I inhaled taking in her scent. I pushed her thighs open wider, and then I dragged my tongue through her pussy lips to her clit.

  “Oh God,” she moaned.

  “You’re delicious Holly.”

  She was like an aphrodisiac. I hooked my arms under her thighs and stood, pushing her back slightly and forcing her to lay on the table. “I’m going to eat you up. Hold on Holly. I’m really hungry.”

  I leaned over and pushing her thighs open wider, I devoured her. I went down on her like a starving man having a first meal. My tongue swirled and lapped, and then I thrusted it inside her. She writhed as my mouth worked her up and up. Her hips rocked like they were fucking my mouth.


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