Fake Marriage (Contemporary Romance Box Set)

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Fake Marriage (Contemporary Romance Box Set) Page 77

by Ajme Williams

  My scan of the room stopped when my gaze landed on the mayor and his wife Brooke.

  Her head lifted, and she grinned, giving a small wave. She looped her arm through the mayor’s and guided him over to us.

  “Can you believe this place, Tucker?” she said.

  His face lit up at seeing her, and I felt a tinge of jealousy. “You’re one of the VIPs now, Mrs. Mayor.”

  She rolled her eyes and gave him a playful smack.

  “How are you, Mo?” Tucker extended his hand to the mayor.

  “Good Tucker, and you?” The mayor looked from him to me. I wondered if he knew about our arrangement. Tucker and Brooke were close. It seemed likely that he’d tell her, and her, being married to Mo, would likely tell him.


  “How’s school?” the Mayor asked.

  “My kids are awesome. My colleagues are welcoming. For the most part, it’s been good.”

  “I told you you’d love it here,” Brooke grinned up at Tucker.

  I looked at Mo, wondering how he felt about the closeness between his wife and Tucker.

  “Brooke seems to be right about most things,” Tucker said.

  Mo smiled at Brooke. “I’ve learned that too.”

  “So, do you know most of these people,” Tucker asked.

  Brooke shook her head. “Mo knows more of them—”

  “Many I only know by reputation. I’ve never met them,” he said. “There’s Lyle Crane, he’s on the county board of supervisors. And there is Mable Samuels, whose husband was once governor.”

  “I hear there’s a push for you to run for state office,” Tucker said.

  When had he heard that, I wondered. It was so odd for Tucker to be new to town and yet know rumors and gossip before I did.

  “No,” Mo shook his head. “That was someone else’s idea that I struck down. I’m eager to get back to my ranch and my wife. That’s all I need.”

  He leaned over and kissed Brooke on the head. Tucker smiled, and I could see he was genuinely happy for Brooke.

  Because I was, again, feeling sorry for myself that I couldn’t have what Mo and Brooke had, I looked around the room. My heart stopped in my chest when I noticed three men walking into the large room. Simon Stark led the group that included Jay Wallace, Sinclair’s mayoral competition, and Rick.

  “Rick,” I said on a gasp. What was he doing here?



  I enjoyed parties. But it was hard to be in the mood for this one. The only reason I was here was to help Holly schmooze with Meredith so she could get the library built. It was easy to pretend to be Holly’s husband, but it was agonizing at the same time because it wasn’t real. My goal was to find the line where we’d look real, but I could still keep the emotional distance needed to keep my heart from hoping and getting squashed even more.

  When Holly said Rick’s name, and I turned to see Stark, Wallace and a third man walk in, all my attempts to keep an emotional distance withered away. Immediately, I felt protective of Holly.

  I studied the man who’d left her at the altar. I’d seen him briefly at the door on Halloween, but now I could get a better view. He seemed average in every way. Like us, his eyes gawked as he took in the opulence of the house. The fact that he too felt out of place, and that he was walking in with Stark, made my hackles rise. Something was up and I didn’t have a good feeling about it.

  My first instinct was to confront both Rick and Stark, but making a scene was not the answer. It would likely upset Meredith and in turn, it would mess up the library project. So I downed my wine in an attempt to rein in my temper.

  Rick looked over, his gaze stopping on Holly. He smiled, and he didn’t seem surprised that she was here. In fact, it seemed like he’d been searching for her. Like he’d known she’d be here.

  “Who’s that?” Brooke asked.

  “That’s Rick Jefferson,” Mo said. “I thought he’d left town. What’s he doing with Stark and Wallace, I wonder.”

  “That’s a good question,” I said. “Perhaps it’s part of his plan to win you back, my sweet. He’s sold his soul to the devil.” Inwardly, I chastised myself for being such a dick.

  Brooke’s eyes widened at me as she clearly could tell my tone wasn’t kind toward Holly.

  Holly looked up at me, her eyes pleading with me not to do something nutty.

  I smiled and rubbed her back like a husband would. “Don’t worry. I’ll be mature.”

  She looked down and I felt bad for poking at her. Now wasn’t the time. And I was a jerk for being angry that she didn’t love me.

  An announcement was made that it was time for dinner, so we all made our way to the dining room that reminded me of that English show Brooke made me watch about the Crawley family set in the early twentieth century.

  Little name card marked our seats. I helped Holly into hers and sat next to her. Rick and Stark appeared across from us and took a seat.

  “Oh great,” Holly muttered.

  Rick’s eyes narrowed at me.

  I leaned closer to Holly and whispered. “Sort of suspicious don’t you think?” Then, because I was a jealous asshole, I kissed her. It was a quick kiss, but one that made no doubt that she was mine. Or at least, fake mine.

  Casting a glance at Rick, he didn’t seem to care very much. His expression was impassive, nearly bored, which was really strange. I’d just kissed the woman he said he wanted to win back and he didn’t seem to give a fuck.

  “Tucker, tell everyone the story you told me about the rodents and the pizza in Chicago,” Meredith called from the head of the table.

  I put on a smile. “Is that really appropriate when we’re about to eat?”

  She laughed. “Maybe you’re right.”

  The dinner was a tense affair, with Holly more on edge with her ex there, and Stark watching Rick and Holly and me like he was waiting for something to happen. The whole thing made me nervous. Like something was brewing.

  After dinner, we were herded back into the ballroom for more drinks and chatting. Holly wandered off to find a powder room.

  I stood to the side and watched as the rich and powerful schmoozed.

  “I know you’re new in town, so I’m thinking that your outburst the other week was because you don’t understand the delicate situation that you’re part of.”

  I looked at the man speaking next to me. “I guess you’re going to explain it.” I said to Stark.

  “What I’m going to do is offer you a chance to get on the right side of things. My goal, as is Jay Wallace’s, is to improve Salvation. As a teacher, I’m sure you’ve seen many ways this town could be better with the right leadership.”

  “Where does Jefferson fit in?”

  Stark waved a hand. “Don’t worry about him. I know teachers don’t get paid a lot. You probably have student loans and other debt. I’m prepared to offer you a financially lucrative opportunity.”

  I looked at him. “I’ve heard all about you, Stark. I don’t want any part of your plans to hurt the good people of Salvation.”

  “Hurt?” He pressed his hand over his chest like I’d offended him. “I’m trying to make this town better. Help it live up to its potential.”

  I saw Holly walk into the ballroom and immediately, Rick was by her side. My hackles went up.

  “Most people don’t seem to agree with your ideas on what will make Salvation better,” I said absently as I watched Rick and Holly across the room.

  “They’re just stuck in their ways. They need help to see how much better things can be. You can help with that.”

  Holly’s eyes were heated as she said something to Rick. He took her arm and started to pull her out of the room. She attempted to yank it free, but he held a tight grip. I was already halfway across the room.

  It took me time to weave through everyone, and when I reached them, they were against the wall, with Rick blocking her in.

  I grabbed him, and slammed him against the wall. “You keep you
r hands off her!”

  Rick pushed me back, and I hit a passing waiter, causing the drinks to crash to the floor. I didn’t give a shit, I lunged at him again.

  “Tucker!” Holly called out, but I wasn’t sure if she was mad at me for confronting him or concerned.

  “You want to manhandle someone, manhandle me. No true gentleman grabs women,” I told Rick. “You lost your chance with her, so keep your fucking hands of her.”

  “What is going on!” Meredith shouted.

  Before I could respond, Rick said, “I’m Holly’s fiancé. They’re not really married. They’re lying to you.”

  Ah fuck.

  Meredith looked from me to Holly. “What is he saying?”

  “He’s just jealous—”

  Holly interrupted me. “I was engaged to Rick, but he left me at the altar.”

  He had the good sense to look down at that when Meredith scowled at him.

  “What’s this about you and Tucker?” she asked.

  Holly blew out a breath. “We’re not married.”

  Meredith drew back like she’d been slapped. I wanted to tell her that I’d loved Holly. That my feelings were real even if we didn’t have a piece of paper signed by a clergyman. But Holly had been clear that her feelings weren’t the same. So I didn’t know how to intervene.

  “Why would you tell me otherwise?” Meredith demanded.

  “They want your money,” Rick said, straightening his tie. Because we were already making a scene, I pushed him back against the wall again.

  “Is that true? You were scamming me?” Meredith’s expression was horrified.

  Holly's eyes pleaded for understanding. “No. I really am raising funds for the library, but you seemed to think less of me for not being married—”

  My heart went out to Holly as she confessed this in front of a room full of people.

  “I think even less of you know that I know you lied to me.” Meredith looked at me again. “I should have known something wasn’t right when you were doing all the women’s work.”

  Rick snickered, “Pussy.” He said under his breath.

  I pushed him again, and got close to him so only he could hear, “I fucked Holly’s brains out too, Ricky boy. Something you never seemed to be able to do.” It was immature and stupid, but I’d lost my ability to control my anger at him, at all of them.

  He jerked back and I gave him a satisfied sneer as I backed off.

  “I want you out,” Meredith demanded. “And you can forget about a donation for the library.”

  It wasn’t until Holly and I were outside waiting for my car to be brought around that I realized just how much all this was my fault. If I hadn’t confronted Rick, the fake marriage scheme wouldn’t be out and Holly would have her donation.

  I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Stark had set this all up. Rick wasn’t someone who’d normally be at this party. Stark had brought him. Had he done so knowing it could lead to Holly and me being exposed? But why? What did he care?

  Then I remembered how I confronted him at the PTA. Was this revenge for that? Had I fucked up this entire thing starting with that?

  Jesus. Maybe I was immature. I clearly hadn’t been thinking of potential ramifications. Not then. Not now.

  How was I going to fix this for her? Could it even be fixed?

  “Holly I’m sorry—”

  She whirled on me. “Was that your revenge? Embarrass me in front of the elite? Destroy my work to build a library?”

  “What? No.” Did she really think I did this to get back at her for not loving me? God, this was coming out even worse than I’d thought. “He had his hands on you—”

  “He was being a jerk, just like you.”

  I deserved that. I wanted to tell her I did it because I still cared for her, but worried that it would play into her thinking that I was trying to hurt her for not caring for me.

  “I’m sorry.” They were woefully inadequate words, but I couldn’t find any others to say that would make this all better. I’d only wanted to help her get her library and love her, and I’d fucked them both up.



  I felt like my world just ended. I was so close to getting the donation to build the library, and now not only was that gone, but I’d just been humiliated in front of the elite of Salvation and the county. It was right up there with being left at the altar. And Rick had been a part of it again. Did he hate me? Why was he always a part of bringing me down?

  “I’m sorry,” Tucker said next to me again.

  What part did he play in my total ruin? Had he done this to get back at me for rebuffing him. A part of me said I was being ridiculous. Tucker was a good man. And yet, I couldn’t deny that he’d been acting his part tonight with an undercurrent of resentment. He’d know where we were and why, and he still chose to confront Rick.

  I’d seen Tucker and Stark talking, and while Tucker didn’t look happy, I couldn’t dismiss the idea that perhaps Stark had set this up with Rick and Tucker. No, that didn’t seem right either, but what did it matter who was to blame? The end result was that I was humiliated and my reputation was completely ruined.

  “Really, Holly—”

  “I don’t want to hear it now, Tucker.” I held my hand up to stop him from talking.

  Footsteps sounded behind us. I turned and saw Rick. God, just what I needed. Tucker stiffened. I grabbed his arm. “Don’t embarrass me even more than you already have.”

  Rick smirked, but I quickly wiped that off his face. “Leaving me at the altar wasn’t humiliating enough for you, huh? You had to come back to town and do it again in front of all of Salvation.”

  “That wasn’t my intention—"

  I glared at him. “I’m glad you walked away, because you’re a terrible person. You never really loved me, did you?”

  “I did, Holly. And I’m sorry—”

  “Fuck your sorry. Both of you. Your sorries mean nothing. Why would you even say anything about all this? It was none of your business and now you’ve ruined everything. You’ve ruined me.”

  He sighed. “I didn’t have a choice.”

  “What do you care, anyway?”

  “You know why. I can’t win you back if you’re fake married to him.” He gave a disgusted nod toward Tucker. “He’s barely a man, Holly. What were you thinking?”

  I flinched, as another wave of embarrassment flowed through me.

  “How’d you even know about that?” Tucker asked.

  He was right. We hadn’t told anyone except Meredith and people we trusted. How did Rick know about the fake marriage and our attempt to secure a donation for the library.

  “It’s a small town. I have friends here.”

  “Yeah, Smarmy Stark,” Tucker sneered. “How much did he pay you?”

  I flinched. What?

  “Don’t put this on me,” Rick said to Tucker. “You’re why all this has gone down.”

  “Fuck you.”

  I put my hand on Tucker’s arm, not wanting another altercation.

  “She’s smart enough to know you’re an asshole. I mean seriously, what sort of idiot would leave a woman like her on her wedding day? You’re the biggest fucking moron in the world.”

  Rick leaned in closer to Tucker. “At least it would have been a real wedding.”

  I wanted to punch them both. Luckily the car pulled up. “You two can continue your pissing match, but I’m going home.”

  “No, it wouldn’t have been real because clearly you didn’t love her. My fake marriage was more real, in every way, than whatever you had before.” He followed me down the steps and opened the car door for me.

  I got in, and sat ramrod straight as I waited for him to get in and drive us home.

  “Holly, really, I’m sor—”

  “Don’t bother, Tucker. The plan was foolish from the start. I was an idiot to think it could work.”

  “It wasn’t an idiot thing to do. It would have worked.”

  I shrugged.
Too late to know now. We drove the rest of the way in silence.

  As he neared my house I said, “You can just let me off.”


  “You can go back to your place. There’s no reason for you to stay.”

  “Holly, let’s talk about this.”

  “About what? There’s nothing to talk about. The ruse is over. Now we can go back to our old lives, just like we planned.” Of course, I couldn’t go back to my old life. I was now the town idiot. How would I ever show my face?

  “What about my stuff?” His voice was tight.

  “If you need it now—”

  “Fuck it, Holly. I’ll ask Brooke to get it.” He pulled to the curb, jerking the car to a stop. His face stayed forward and his jaw tight.

  A part of me knew I was being a bitch, but I couldn’t think about him. Not when my entire life was in tatters.

  I got out of the car and shut the door.

  He was driving away even before I heard the door click shut. Inconceivably, my heart sank as he disappeared. It didn’t make sense. And yet, I knew he was gone. Forever. It was the final straw. I was alone. Humiliated. My worst fears were realized.

  Once again, the statement came back to me…be careful what you wish for. I wanted Tucker gone and now he was. At one time, I wanted Rick back, and here he was. The only thing I didn’t have was the library project. I’d essentially sold my self-respect to get it, and I’d failed.

  I deserved all this humiliation, I realized as I went into my house. I knew it was wrong to lie to Meredith. I knew it was wrong to give into my need for Tucker when I couldn’t give all of myself to him. And now, I’d have to pay the price for my deception and my cruelty.

  I started to pour myself some wine, but then just took the bottle. I’d wallow in my self-made misery on the couch. I’d give myself one night and then tomorrow, I’d figure out what I was going to do. I’d have the weekend to hide and sort myself out.


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