Through Love's Eyes

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Through Love's Eyes Page 7

by C. A. Popovich

  “No worries. I ordered room service.”

  Brittany smiled and began to relax. This would be fine. They’d shared breakfast here once, and she’d survived it. Dinner would be just as easy. “It’s fine.” She settled into one of the parlor chairs to wait for whatever came next.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Shall we sit on the lovely purple couch to eat?” Erika set a plate of food and silverware on the end tables on either side of the couch. “I’ve got coffee, tea, and water, or we can peruse the wet bar. I think there’s some soft drinks in there behind the wine and booze.”

  “Water’s fine with me.” Brit sat on one end of the couch and reached for the plate of pork tenderloin. “This looks fantastic. I didn’t realize how hungry I was.”

  “Go ahead and start. I’m going to make myself a cup of tea.” Erika set her empty cup in the coffee machine and waited for the hot water. She used the time to collect her thoughts. At least she’d asked the last time she’d kissed Brit. Gentle, innocent Brit deserved more respect. She just hadn’t been able to help herself when Brit had opened the door looking so lovely. She carried her cup to her end of the couch. “I’m hungry, too. And I want to apologize for presuming I could kiss you like I did.”

  They ate in silence for a few minutes before Brit spoke. “I appreciate your apology, but it’s not necessary. I like kissing you, and I like that you want to kiss me. I admit I’m still a little…bemused? I don’t know if that’s the word. But whatever it is, I’m going with it.” She grinned and shrugged.

  Erika set down her fork and took a sip of tea. “As long as you don’t feel like I’m taking advantage of you. I’ve spent most of my adult life getting whatever I wanted, and I usually make decisions based on what I want, without asking anyone else. I like you, Brit, and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

  “I tell you what. If I ever feel taken advantage of or uncomfortable, you’ll be the first to know.” Brit took her hand and squeezed gently before releasing it. “I was going to ask you earlier, but I didn’t get the chance. Peter looked upset today. Is everything all right with him?”

  Erika sighed, unsure how much she wanted to disclose. “He’s okay, but he’s having a hard time finding work for me.” She considered telling Brit about Naturalé Mag but hesitated. “I’m not sure what I’ll be doing after we’re done here on the island.”

  “I’m surprised. You’re beautiful, and from what I’ve seen, pretty darn good at what you do.” Brit took a drink of water. “Is it because you’re not twenty anymore?”

  “Yeah.” Erika sighed. “I’m thirty-eight this year, and younger models are pushing me out of the spotlight. It’s the nature of the business, but I don’t think I’m ready to give it up yet.”

  Brit surprised her and moved to sit close. “You’ll be fine, even if you don’t model for the rest of your life.”

  “Peter has one magazine interested in me, but I don’t want to work for them.” She snuggled closer to Brit, enjoying her warmth and softness.

  “Ben told me you’ll be here an extra three days. That’s a good sign, isn’t it?”

  “I think so. This magazine wants to feature me for a series at a number of parks throughout the country, too. So, if Peter gets a contract, I would have some work on the horizon.” She focused on the positive news to quell the churning fear in her gut.

  “Would you like to tour the stables when we’re done eating?”

  Erika pushed aside her misgivings about future work and finished her tea in one gulp. “I’m ready.”

  Erika followed Brit as she led the way. She was excited to be able to see the horses up close and maybe touch them.

  “Hey, George,” Brit called to him when they entered the barn.

  “Good evening, Ms. James. It’s good to see you again.” George extended his hand in greeting.

  Erika took his hand, glad to meet one of Brit’s friends. “I’m excited to see all the horses. May I pet them?”

  “You stick with Brittany. She knows the ones you’ll lose your fingers to, and those that’ll nuzzle you to death.” George grinned and waved as he turned and walked away.

  “Let’s visit Buddy first.” Brit took her hand and led her toward the larger horses. “He’s a sweetie. A real gentle giant.”

  Erika missed the feel of Brit’s hand in hers when she released it to push open a gate. She breathed in the scent of horses and listened to their munching on hay. She’d seen large draft horses before, but this huge Percheron was bigger than she could have imagined. His golden coat shone, and his light mane cascaded over his neck. It was obvious he was well groomed. “He is a beauty.” She stood outside his stall, certain she’d be squished if she got too close. She watched him shift his weight on his back legs and noted his rump was taller than her shoulder even when she straightened to reach her full five eight height. She watched his lips quiver and flap as he pushed his nose toward Brit when she offered him a carrot.

  “I visit him when I need a big hug.” Brit rubbed under his chin, and he stretched his neck and tipped his head as if to give her better access.

  “I see why you like him.” Erika stepped closer and hesitantly reached to pet his head. He was warm and didn’t pull away when she moved her hand to his smooth cheek. She stepped back and watched as Brit whispered in his ear when he lowered his head as if listening intently. It was lovely the way Brittany seemed to have a connection with the giant animal. Erika couldn’t think of anyone or anything she shared that kind of connection with.

  They strolled through the stables and several horses nickered, probably hoping for a carrot or sweet treat. She watched Brit interact with the horses and their reaction to her. Buddy was the gentle giant, but Brit’s tenderness surpassed any human she knew. “You’re good with them,” she whispered in Brit’s ear.

  Brit turned her head and swiftly skimmed her lips across hers. “There. Now I’ve kissed you.” She chuckled softly, grabbed her hand again, and pulled her toward the back door and outside into an open field.

  “What are we doing out here?” Erika asked.

  “Watch.” Brit pointed toward the darkening sky, stepped behind her, and wrapped her arms around her waist.

  The cloud obscuring the full moon drifted away and bathed them in luminous moonlight, and Erika melted into her embrace. “Beautiful. Thank you.” She’d been with plenty of women over the years, but the sensation of safety and caring in Brit’s arms took her breath away.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Brittany turned over and hugged her pillow as memories of her evening with Erika rolled over her like a warm blanket. The pain of the past hadn’t disappeared, but Erika’s apology and explanation had helped dull it somewhat. She rose to get ready for work. She smiled knowing she’d see Erika soon, but winced when she realized their time on the island was close to ending. She vowed to make the most of the time they had left but not to forget she was leaving. She went to take a shower.

  She ate her breakfast while watching the morning news. She turned up the volume when a local story came on about a famous model spotted on Mackinac Island. She supposed it had to happen. Someone had recognized Erika James and put the word out. She hoped it didn’t mean she’d be mobbed by fans. She hurried to dress and headed out the door.

  She rushed to the carriage and waited for Erika and her crew. “Good morning.” Brittany smiled as she spoke, inexplicably happy to see her

  “Good morning.” Erika wore a wide brimmed hat with the brim hiding half of her face.

  “It looks like you saw the news this morning,” Brittany said.

  Erika sat back in the seat but continued to face her. “I didn’t but Peter did and told me about it. So far, I’ve only met one couple in the hotel who stopped me for a picture.”

  “Are you worried?” Brittany checked the surrounding area. Nobody lurked about.

  Erika shook her head. “I just don’t want the paparazzi descending on this tranquil place.”

  “Maybe they won’t find y
ou. It was only the local news. They probably don’t care about our little population. And with the poor cell phone service here, it would be difficult to spread the word about where you are on the island.”

  Erika looked thoughtful for a moment. “Yes, it would.”

  Brittany waited for her passengers to settle in the carriage before she urged the horses to the road.

  Their destinations for the day were three different spots along the coast and then a stop at one of the fudge shops in town. She watched Erika pose near the water and was struck by her poise and grace. She waited while the crew hopped on and off the carriage. She kept an eye on them in case they needed help, but they had their routine down. Erika climbed onto the seat directly behind her. It was the seat she’d come to think of as hers. “You looked great out there.”

  “Thanks. I’m looking forward to the fudge shop.” Erika removed her hat and turned her face to the afternoon sun.

  Brittany waited until the crew was out of earshot and turned toward her. “Will you have dinner with me tonight?” She wanted to spend some time alone with Erika to find out how much longer she would be on the island.

  “I’d love to.”

  Brittany was encouraged by her instant positive reply. “Make it about six at my place. You remember how to get there?”

  “I do. It’s a date.” Erika looked around, and there were a few people watching, so she sat back and gave Brit a sweet smile.

  Brittany reviewed her options as much to clear her head as to decide on what to cook for dinner. She’d seen Erika eat meat and eggs but not fish. She hoped she liked it because she had some fresh perch in her refrigerator she’d gotten from George, and if it were as good as the last batch he’d given her, it would be perfect. She steered the horses toward town and began her information introduction regarding their destination. “Ryba’s fudge shop has been a staple here on Mackinac Island since nineteen sixty. They’re a family owned business, which began about nineteen thirty-six on Detroit’s east side, and they’ve been a part of the Detroit Auto Show since the nineteen fifties. The original owner died in nineteen ninety-six, but the family still owns and operates the company.” She grinned and turned toward the group. “On a personal note. It’s my favorite.”

  * * *

  Brittany set plates, silverware, napkins, and glasses on her small kitchen table. She stepped back and regarded the room. Erika was used to fine china and linen. She traveled the world, ate in fancy French restaurants, and drank expensive wine. She realized she hadn’t considered wine and searched her cupboards for something she knew wasn’t there. She had water, iced tea, and coffee. It would be enough. She turned on her stereo and sat to wait. At six fifteen, she began to worry. She sent a text, hoping it would go through and answered the knock at the door five minutes later.

  Erika looked beautiful as she stepped into the room and held up a bag from Ryba’s Fudge. “I brought dessert.”

  “Thank you.” Brittany stepped aside for Erika to enter. “Did you get my text?”

  “Yes. I was on my way so I didn’t respond. I’m sorry I’m late, but is it okay if I explain while we eat? I’m starved.”

  Brittany served the fish. “This perch is fresh from the Straits of Mackinac.” They sat and each took a bite.

  “This is wonderful. I love perch. It should be the state fish.” Erika spoke with a mouthful but swallowed before continuing. “I had a talk with Peter tonight. That’s why I was late.” She took a sip of water. “He’s the one who alerted the media I was here. He told me it was an attempt to bring attention to me. To keep me ‘in the spotlight.’”

  Brittany raised her eyebrows. “Is it common to do that? And shouldn’t he have asked you first?”

  “No, it’s not common, but he figured since I’m falling out of the fashion scene, he’d give it a try. He’s my agent, so he’s responsible for promoting me.” She put more fish on her plate then raised her eyes. “I’m scared this might be the end for me, Brit. He also told me the magazine I’m working with now is waffling on a contract offer for that shoot in the national parks.” She set her fork down. “I’ve never been in the position of no work on the horizon before, and I’m just not ready to give it all up. My worth and who I am is tied to my work. Does that make sense to you?”

  Brittany paused to consider her answer. She wanted to be honest but sensitive to Erika’s feelings. “It does make sense, in a way. You were groomed to be a model your whole life and it became who you were, not just what you did for a living. But you’re intelligent, resourceful, and probably financially stable. I’d think you know other retired models who you could talk to about how they handle retirement, don’t you?”

  “I do, and as soon as I get back to New York and reliable cell service, I’ll talk to them. Let’s finish dinner so we can break into the fudge.” She gently squeezed Brit’s hand, let go, and picked up her fork.

  Brittany glanced at Erika a few times while they finished eating, happy to see her brighten up. After they finished the meal, she pulled out two pieces of fudge from the bag and handed one to Erika. “Here. Fudge always makes me feel better.” She smiled when Erika took a bite and smiled. “Oh, and it’s brook trout.”

  Erika tipped her head. “What is?”

  “The state fish of Michigan is brook trout.”

  Erika laughed but still looked sad. “Peter and I are going to talk to the magazine tomorrow and try to work out a deal.”

  Brittany stood and reached for Erika’s hand to pull her to the couch. “Let’s relax. I’ll pour us a cup of tea.” She grabbed the bag of fudge and set it next to Erika, unsure how she could help her. It wasn’t a world she fit into, and it wasn’t one she understood. But she could be a friend, and maybe that’s all Erika really needed right now.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “So far, I’ve been approached by two couples for autographs, Peter. Two couples. Only two in two days! Did you expect the paparazzi to show up?” Erika’s mixed emotions swirled through her. She was happy she hadn’t been mobbed, but a part of her took it as a sign her appeal as a model was over. Why wasn’t she recognized and surrounded by adoring fans? Why weren’t the newspapers lined up to photograph her? A world-renowned fashion model was available. Her heart sank. Maybe it really was over.

  “Give it a few more days, Erika. News travels slowly here. Most people are vacationers and care more about seeing the sights than any famous person. And we’ll be talking to the magazine people later today. I’ve got to go find a spot where I can make a phone call. I’ll see you later.” Peter left before she had a chance to reply.

  She locked her room door after Peter left and changed into her swimsuit. She’d discovered the hot tub when she’d taken a short walk after breakfast and intended to make good use of it in her remaining days on the island.

  She sighed as she sank into the hot water, grateful to have the tub to herself. The scent of chlorine, the sound of the foaming water, and the feel of the jets massaging her tense muscles finally relaxed her, but she wished they could reach the emotional tension and fear that ran so much deeper. She slipped into meditation and released the disturbing thoughts as they snuck in to spoil her serenity. She spent another ten minutes in the bubbling water before it was time to get ready for the afternoon shoot. At least she still had a few more days in the spotlight before her world possibly crumbled.

  She rushed to wash her hair and rinse off before Kathy arrived but took a moment to examine her reflection in the mirror. It wasn’t full-length, but she could see herself above her knees. Her fit and toned body, firm breasts, and tight butt reflected back at her. She did a few facial exercises, abandoned her perusal, and put on her Victoria’s Secret underwear and robe.

  “Good morning, Ms. James.” Kathy whizzed past her through the open door with an armload of items. She set them on the table between the chairs and arranged them in an order only she understood before she turned to face her. “Are you ready to begin?”

  Erika settled into her usual p
arlor chair, which Kathy had designated as having the perfect light. “I’m ready.” She sat quietly as Kathy began her artistry. Her memories took her back to her childhood when she’d sat in a kitchen chair at their Formica table while her mother permed her hair and fussed over her.

  Sit up straight. Don’t frown, or you’ll get wrinkles. Make sure your fingernails are clean and polished. Never go out in public in wrinkled clothes. What would the neighbors say?

  She sighed loudly.

  Kathy stopped mid-brush. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes, sorry, Kathy. All this fussing over me reminded me of my mother when I was a kid.” She readjusted her seat in the chair determined to remain still and quiet the voices in her head. She needed to stay focused on her career, not her past.

  * * *

  Erika watched Brit hitch the horses to the carriage. The few days she’d spent on the island with Brit seemed more like a vacation than work. She couldn’t remember a time she’d stood in the moonlight with someone or had been invited to a home cooked meal. Her world was fast paced, with fast food and fast hookups. Glitz and glamour defined her. Ruled her life. She caught Brit’s eye and smiled. There was no glitz and glamour for her. Just honesty and beauty.

  The group arrived, boarded the carriage, and they headed to the destination of the day. She sat in her usual seat directly behind Brit. “Where are we headed today?”

  Brit turned toward her to answer. “We’ll be going to an area where the year-rounders live. It’s a beautiful part of the island.”

  “What is there to do here in the winter?” Erika could think of a few things but pushed away her X-rated thoughts.


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