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Betrayed By Her Fiance!

Page 2

by Raven Merlot

  The ever changing traffic light had become some sort of clock to me by the time Wade emerged from the building. I sank into my seat, peeking through the window. Wade was immaculately dressed as always; a grey suit and white shirt with a silk tie and polished shoes. I had watched him get dressed when he thought I was still asleep, plotting the day ahead of me. I had to meet with the caterers at two, which gave me more than enough time to organize the car and watch Wade for a bit. I hated that I didn't trust him enough to let it go. I hated that I had dialed his number twice since he stepped out of the building and saw him reject my call both times. I hated everything about him in that moment. He had caused me to lose my sense of security. Even if he wasn't cheating, Wade had made me doubt everything in life.

  I watched him climb into his Jeep and drive off. I waited a few seconds and followed.

  We drove for nearly twenty minutes and reached an enormous, white home with blue shutters. The type of house I had always dreamed of. I decided I wanted an apartment instead. Driving past Wade's parked Jeep, I saw him wait a couple of seconds. Was he hesitating? I prayed to every god that existed that he was hesitating. That he wouldn't do what I thought he was about to do and drive home. To call me instead.

  When I circled the block once and parked the Polo under a tree across the street, Wade's Jeep was empty and a shirtless figure came into view in an upstairs bedroom.

  Wade was getting undressed for a woman who wasn't me.

  My heart broke.

  Chapter 5


  We staggered inside Winona's home when she pulled me inside by my lapels. Fuck, she knew just how to get me turned on. Julie never tried and it was one of the reasons I was so infatuated with her. She was so damn sexy without having to move a muscle. But Winona, in her late thirties and with years of experience, had a completely different air to her. They were polar opposites and I liked my bread buttered on both sides. Sure, in a part of my mind that buzzed awake at night when I couldn't sleep, I felt guilty about my indiscretions. But right now, I felt nothing but lust for the woman who had her hands around my neck and her lips on mine.

  I gripped her hips and molded her toned body into mine, dipping my head to kiss her fully. I licked her lips, savoring the taste of her. Spicy with an underlay of scotch. She gasped when I grabbed her ass, allowing me access to her mouth. My tongue danced with hers when I invaded her mouth.

  "Bedroom," I growled. "Now."

  I watched her swaying hips when she strode up the stairs. So calm and collected. It drove me mad. I bolted after her, shedding my clothes as I went, seeing she too had discarded her clothing. My shadow fell over her naked form on the bed as I strode past the window. I loved how small she looked when she was bathed in my shadow. I licked my lips and went to unbuckle my belt when she stopped me.

  "I want it my way today," Winona said simply and pulled me onto the bed. I barely had time to register what she was doing as she climbed onto my lap. I sat up, spreading my legs comfortably which caused her legs to spread as well. Slowly, she gyrated against my crotch, rubbing her bare pussy against my erection. My abdomen tightened and my fingers dug into her hips.

  Winona breathed heavily into my neck and bit my earlobe, sending shivers down my side, shivers that made my erection throb. Her fingers spread across the back of my scalp, gripping my hair by the root, angling my head so her tongue could find a better angle. My dick was so tight watching her, having her grind against me. I needed to take my pants off, to bury myself inside her silken folds. She got to her feet, expertly stripped me of my shoes and pants. I grabbed her waist and settled her back where I wanted her. I guided her pelvis so I could feel her gash split around my erection. Winona bit her lip and nodded. That was my cue.

  She planted a hot, open-mouthed kiss on my lips, rocking her hips and grinding my cock. I split her ass cheeks as I felt her wet pussy slide along the length of my shaft. In an instant, I was on top of her. I was going to take her in so many ways. I was going to make her scream my name until we had both reached our limit. I was going to make this count because it was the last time I would share Winona's bed.

  With that thought running through my head, I thrust into her and emerged myself in sweet ecstasy.

  Chapter 6


  My anger came like a volcano, erupting as soon as I stepped into the house. It burned my stomach to the point of pain. I clutched it, trying to release the burning fire inside me. My face had become rigid, jaw clamped tight, teeth grinding. I turned on the photos on the living room wall and stormed at them like an enraged panther. They fell to the floor, each with a satisfying crash that sent my blood boiling in my veins. It was satisfying, it was so fucking satisfying.

  Anger was a strange thing. Sometimes it made you feel numb, like nothing in the world mattered until it shattered you. Until it came all at once and left no survivors. I had been in that numb state for days. I had gone on with my bridely chores. I had met with the staff, I had picked up my dress even though Jane should have sent it but never did, and I had my nails done and drank too much at my bachelorette party. Everything was fine. I had felt none of the anger towards Wade that I thought I would have felt. Until a day before the wedding. Until today. When I knew I was alone at home until I left the next morning for the venue to get ready with my bridesmaids. Until I was certain Wade had packed for the honeymoon and wouldn't return until after. When I got home from a spa day with Kim, I broke.

  I was rigid with fury, scanning the living room for something to break. Something of his to shatter like he had shattered my heart. My eyes settled on the antique lamp he had gotten from his late grandmother who had passed away not a week before he proposed. That was what I picked up and threw at the opposite wall, yanking the plug right out of its socket. My nostrils flared. My cheeks were stained from shedding unwelcome tears. I always cried when I was angry. I hated it. I hated everything. I hated Wade.

  I knew that I would never stop loving him. He betrayed my affections and left my heart shattered in a disarray of pieces, but I would always love him. Wade was a part of me that, even if I hated him more than loved him, I could never lose. He was everything to me and he took it for granted. I had given everything to him, and he, that selfish piece of shit, took it all with those greedy hands of his and never returned any of it. Not really. He made me believe he did, made me believe I was his entire world, but that was a lie.

  Such a fucked up lie.

  I headed to our room next, grabbing a knife from the kitchen counter as I passed. Envisioning his gorgeous face and cheeky grin made it surprisingly easy to stab his pillow. Over and over again. When feathers had covered every possible surface, I went to his cupboard. I sliced up his best suits, stabbed his designer shoes, and cut holes in every pair of underwear he owned with scissors I had gotten God knows where. It must have slipped into my hands when I was shredding every important-looking document on his desk on my way to the cupboard. I had just taken out the last pair of Calvin Kleins when something fell to the floor. When I looked down, an open envelope greeted me.

  My limbs were numb as I picked it up and my legs carried me on a cloud towards the mess of a bed. I stared at the ragged edges of the envelope, contemplating what it might have been. A letter, hidden in his underwear. It could have explained everything. Maybe he was blackmailed. He could have left it for me to find.

  I tore the envelope into pieces to get to its contents even though it was already open.

  I read and reread it, turning it over to a blank back. I read it again.

  Wade wasn't being blackmailed.

  I got to my feet in a deadly calm fashion that scared me and exhilarated me. The letter was still in my hand when I poured myself a glass of wine and weighed the pros and cons of the various and creative means available to me for exacting revenge.

  "My entire wealth of half a million dollars I leave to my grandson, Wade Darwin, only if he has been married for at least a year before his thirtieth birthday," I repeated his
part in his grandmother's will. Wade was going to turn twenty-nine in two months’ time...

  Chapter 7


  "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today-" The officiant started. I paid little heed to what he said afterwards. I couldn't take my eyes off Julie. For a split second, I had feared I would cry. She was absolutely beautiful. Breathtaking even. She had every jaw hanging and it wouldn't have surprised me if she had given every man blue balls. I wondered if that was where the saying 'something blue' came from. In that moment, I had forgotten about my grandmother’s fortune. It had been on my mind every second since I received the letter. For the first time, the money didn't matter, other women didn't matter. All that mattered was Julie, and she was standing in front of me, giving herself to me as I was about to do to her.

  "I believe you have written your own vows? Wade, if you will."

  I cleared my throat and took the ring from my best man. Holding it over Julie’s ring finger, I recited, "I don't believe that 'me time' is an actual concept, but you do and I will give you as much 'you time' as you wish. But I do believe that carefully folded socks make you happy. I believe there is no time or place I'm more content than when you're close. Because of this and so, so much more, I believe that I will always love you." I slipped the diamond circlet onto Julie's finger, smiling brightly when her eyes met mine.

  "I love you."

  I was in as much awe of her beautiful smile as I was when she walked down the aisle in that beautiful dress that hugged her hourglass figure. In that moment, I was perfectly content in having only her in my life until the day I died.

  "I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love," she said, hovering the ring over my finger. Her hands were clammy in mine. She was nervous.

  "I will always be honest with you, I promise to try to be ready on time." The guests laughed. I grinned. She was always late. "But most of all, I promise to make every second of our marriage as memorable as possible." She slid the cold golden ring onto my finger and something in her eyes made me gulp. I had never seen that look on her before and I couldn't place it.

  "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

  And kiss the bride I did. My arms circled her waist and I dipped her low.

  The guests whooped and my perfectly mundane life of a married man began.

  We stood in front of the hotel room, hand in hand. I opened the door and when Julie made to enter, I swung her into my arms, grinning at the squeal she emitted. I walked into the room, kicking the door shut behind me. I didn't bother with a tour, instead I headed straight for the master bedroom. It had floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the crystal clear beaches of Hawaii. Of course now that the sun had set, the water was an inky abyss, reflecting the overhead moon and stars. I had arranged for the room to be set up with candles and rose petals. Julie grinned at me when she beheld the sight.

  "Could you have been any more cheesy?"

  "Would you have preferred cacti?" I countered as I set her down on the bed, kneeling in front of her to take her sandals off.

  "Fair point," she relented, watching every move I made.

  I lifted her slightly, pulling up her dress and setting her back down on the bed while I pulled the floral fabric over her head. Pressing her back into the mattress, I hovered over her for a moment without moving, taking the opportunity to gaze at her face. Her flaming red hair fanned out over the pillow, a sharp contrast to the white linen. Her eyes were still flickering with that mysterious glint and it made my stomach turn. I bit her pink, pouting lips.

  I heard myself make a low, guttural moan when one of her hands traced down from my back and over my waist to grip the hem of my t-shirt. I removed it and she ran her hands along my muscled torso as if she had never seen it before in her life. She had a sort of melancholy look about her that I didn't like. I was going to have to fuck it out of her.

  Sliding my hands over her cheek and down her throat, I went back to kissing my bride, gripping her neck gently, keeping her in place. My other hand found her panties, rubbing her clit through them until I felt her wetness seep through the fabric. Suddenly, her tongue was in my mouth, exploring every inch of it. It didn't take us long to discard the rest of our clothes until we were in the nude.

  "I love you," I said, kissing her softly before ramming all the way inside of her. She gasped and she lurched forward, throwing her head back. I pushed her down onto the mattress again firmly, holding her there with my hand on her throat. I pulled her knees over my shoulders, and the low moans she made nearly made me combust on the spot.

  "You. Are. Mine," I said in between thrusts, surprising myself with my own possessiveness over her.

  I rammed deeper into her and our two bodies turned to into one. We were in perfect rhythm. Her nipples grew hard at my assault and suddenly I needed to taste her. Any part of her I could get. I kissed her legs next to my head. She groaned when I pushed them off my shoulders, readjusting myself inside her so I could lean forward and suck on her heavenly breasts. My hands roamed every inch of her body, feeling and pinching, rubbing and squeezing. She was mine, all mine. I didn't care how much my possessiveness scared me. All I needed was her mouth on mine. Hastily, I moved my lips to hers, our mouths softly brushing against each other. She was so close. I could feel her squeezing my cock. Her breath was uneven. I slid a hand down to her clit and flicked it gently. Julie reached her climax then, moaning my name and writhing beneath me. A twist in my stomach told me I was next. When I orgasmed, I didn't stop thrusting. I rode it out until my cock grew limp inside her and our breathing became something we controlled again.

  "You are mine," I said again, pecking her lips as I slid out and off her. She sat up.

  "Yes. I'm yours." Julie said it as if it pained her. I watched her closely, everything I had done to her, to other women while being with her came back in a rush. I was nauseous. My wife got to her feet, slid to the door, and gave me one last glance before she said something to the door. I was stunned. I couldn't move. What on earth was she doing? I stayed on the bed when she returned but shot to my feet when a man followed, eyeing her bare ass with the same lust I used to look at Winona with. No emotional attachment, just pure male lust.

  "I am yours," she repeated, glaring at me with that same glint I now understood as hatred. Realization dawned on me. "And I am every other man's I wish to share my bed with at night." I took a step back.

  "I can explain-" I started.

  "I bet you can. But you're not talking yourself out of this one. I won’t let your silver tongue twist my thoughts like I’m some common judge or jury member you need to convince." Her eyes darted between the man and me, whose smirk I wanted to punch right off is face. "I am going to fuck anyone I please and you will watch every single time. You will watch and know I could have been only yours for the rest of our lives."

  "And why would I do that?" I laughed in disbelief. If she thought-

  "Because if you even want a glimpse of the fortune your grandmother left your cheating ass, you will do everything I fucking say."

  Thank you for reading Part 1 of A Hotwife's Revenge! Check on the next part on Amazon or get the whole three-part series here!

  Also by Raven Merlot:

  Cuckolded in Couples Counseling 2: With My Husband's Brother

  In the past...

  The sensation was spine tingling. The feeling of getting caught surged through their bodies…even if they knew it was never going to happen. The adrenaline rush that came from breaking the rules. From not just sinning, but desecrating everything the marriage meant to them both.

  He had never had such an uncomfortably hard erection before. The only way to ensure that he felt that hard again, the second and third time, was to do it on his lovely wife’s bed.

  She loved him or at least said she loved him. Yet he gave her nothing. Every last bit that was inside him went to his mistress. The one he fucked every Thursday afternoon, when his long-
suffering wife was working.

  They both fucked vigorously, the kind of desperate, gonna-die-tomorrow fucking he had never experienced with his wife. The morally pure wife, the paragon of motherhood and patience.

  He felt almost fearless, oblivious to the morality of what they were doing. None of it mattered, all trivia—pointless. Just animals doing what animals do in a godless world, that’s all sex was.

  The only thing he feared, the only thing that made him feel alive besides his red cock, was the sound of the front door opening.

  “JESUS!” Trey screamed, pushing his mistress over on the bed and grabbing a pillow to cover up. “Julie…” he said weakly, feeling his heart pound in regret. If she caught him, everything was fucked. Things would never go back to the way they were, not after seeing him like this.

  “Hey bro,” Rob said, slowly inching his way forward to the doorway. No sense in hiding it. Trey was ass naked, kneeling on the bed and hiding his crotch, while his mistress cowered on the floor.

  “Oh God, it’s Rob. My brother.” Trey shook his head in anxiety. Not quite as terrible an ordeal as Julie coming home early and finding him in bed with another woman. But his own brother…

  Rob was always the better looking one. Darker hair, darker eyes, slightly taller, and with a younger man’s build. He also had those hawk-like eyes that seemed to be looking through a person’s soul, always one step ahead.


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