Pucks & Penalties: Pucked Series Deleted Scenes and Outtakes Version 2.0 (The Pucked Series)

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Pucks & Penalties: Pucked Series Deleted Scenes and Outtakes Version 2.0 (The Pucked Series) Page 20

by Helena Hunting

  Violet smiles and blushes a little. “You think?”

  I hum an affirmative. “This is one biteable ass, baby.”

  She giggles as I run my hands over her backside a few more times, then I close the distance between our bodies until my cock is resting along the divide. Violet sucks in a surprised breath. I wait for her to tense, which she does, as expected—but a second or two later she arches.

  I release one hip and use my hand to guide my cock lower. I very purposefully avoid any Area 51 contact. It’s reverse psychology with Violet. When I don’t do the things she expects—the ones that make her all clench-y and skittish—then all of a sudden she starts intimating that’s exactly what she wants.

  I slide past her entrance—the one to door number one—and rub my cock over her clit a few times, then ease back so I tease her with the head. Violet glances over her shoulder, her lip caught between her teeth.

  “What’s up, baby? Am I taking it too slow?” I push in, but just the tip.

  She makes one of her little moany, discontent sounds when I shift my hips back, and don’t make a move to get inside any more than the first inch. The hand that isn’t guiding my cock is strategically kneading her ass cheek. But I’m nowhere close to her No-Go Zone.


  “Mmm.” I pause my torture and look up.

  Her eyes dart from me across the counter to the bottle of lube. “Maybe, you . . .” She sucks in a breath when my thumb gets closer to the land of access-mostly-denied.

  “Maybe I . . .” I let the words hang, waiting.

  “Maybe you could demonstrate like you suggested.” She slides a hand across the counter and pushes the little bottle a few inches closer to me. “So I know what it does, like you seem to.”

  I swallow a couple of times and surreptitiously clear my throat. Fuck yeah, this is going down. “You’re sure?”

  She nods and nudges it with the tip of her finger. It falls to its side and rolls toward me. I keep up the slow cockhead-to-clit rubbing while I open the bottle with my free hand. It’s a lot of multitasking, but I can deal, especially if it means I get to go where I usually don’t—even if it’s only with digits.

  Rubbing some liquid on my fingers, I’m forced to release my erection. I don’t want to lose the contact completely, so I ease in a couple inches, enough that she can feel me, but not enough to really get her anywhere good.

  And that’s when I start with the controlled rubbing, just circling around and around door number two with my thumb, kneading her ass cheek with my free hand. I don’t make any kind of move to get in there—I’m smarter than that. I know my wife. I know what gets her going. The key here is patience.

  “Alex,” she whimper-moans.

  “Yeah, baby.” I add the tiniest bit of pressure, then go back to circling, following with a shallow thrust and retreat—with my cock, not my thumb and the back door. I’m maybe halfway in and that’s where I’m going to stay.

  “You’re teasing,” she whines.

  “Am I? You don’t like this? Want me to stop?” It’s probably just as much torture for me as it is for her.


  I pull out—all the way and she makes an angry noise. “Tell me what you want, baby.”

  She shoots an angry glare over her shoulder. “I know what you’re doing.”

  “I’m giving you what you want, what you asked for, aren’t I?” I move the thumb hovering over door number two out of range so she can’t push back against it. “And right now, I’m just looking for clarification on what exactly that is, because I don’t want to be sneaking things where they’re not welcome.”

  She pushes up on her toes and reaches across the table. It takes three tries before she’s able to snatch the plug and slide it across the counter. I block it before it can fall over the edge.

  “What do you want me to do with this?”

  She glares at me. “What do you think?” And then she mumbles, “Invade Area 51.”

  I’d like to make her repeat that, but I don’t want to risk her taking away the toy, literally. “Are you sure?” My excitement is impossible to conceal, not in the way the words come out or the way my cock jerks.

  “Just do it before I change my mind.”

  “If it’s not good, tell me, okay?” I pour a little too much lube on it, making it extra slippery. It’s actually probably no bigger than my thumb, which has staged an invasion before. It’s like the training wheels of butt plugs—which sounds so wrong. But it’s a start.

  I may never get in there. I know that. Her concerns about my size are valid, but this is better than no access at all, ever. I tease her like I was doing before until Violet expresses her impatience. I trade my thumb for the tip of the plug and the real teasing commences.

  It takes a good five minutes of cajoling, reassuring, and checking in on how she feels before I’m able to ease it all the way in. I get a lot of moaning, and several instances where she expresses her concern about anything bigger ever fitting in there. But every time I suggest stopping, she says no, loudly. And my view is absolutely motherfucking fantastic, so I’m happy for it to take as long as she damn well needs to get it in there.

  When it finally is, I rest a palm on either ass cheek and exhale a deep sigh. “Invasion complete.”

  Violet cranes her neck, not that it’s going to help her see what I can. “Really?”

  I barely lift my gaze with my nod.

  She reaches back and skims over the end of the plug with her red, white, and black nails. The index one is patterned with the team logo. “Wow, that doesn’t feel bad at all.” She presses on the end a bit and gasps. All of a sudden she pushes upright and spins around. Before I have a chance to react, she’s running down the hall.

  “Where’re you going?” My confusion keeps me frozen for a couple of seconds before I chase after her.

  She slips into the powder room and the light comes on. When I peek my head in, I find her with her back to the mirror, hands on her ass, spreading her cheeks as she tries to look over her shoulder.

  “What’re you doing?” The gravel and the pitchiness are pretty obvious.

  “I just wanted to see what put that expression on your face.”

  “What expression?”

  “The one where it looks like you’re two seconds away from jizzing.”

  Fair enough. “Do you get it now?”

  She lifts a shoulder. “I guess.” Then she grazes the plug again, maybe just a little fascinated. Circling it, she gasps. “Okay. I think I get it.”

  My erection is pretty much throbbing at this point. So I cross the room in two strides and replace her exploring fingers with my own, tapping the plug a couple of times just to hear her sharp inhalation of breath. I slip my free hand between her legs, brushing over her clit before I slide a finger inside her. It’s obviously tighter, thanks to the ass invasion.

  Violet grabs my shoulders, her eyes wide, mouth dropping open on a quiet, “Oh.”

  “How’s that feel?”

  “I don’t—oh, God—that’s so—“ She follows it with a moan, and some shoulder clawing.

  “Should I stop?”

  “No!” she shouts. “Just keep doing that thing with your fingers. Holy shit fuck.” The chanting starts after that, and a minute later her face is mashed against my chest, a full body shudder rocking her slight frame. I’m fully responsible for holding her up, because she’s gone lax against me.

  Eventually, I begin to withdraw my fingers. She clamps her legs shut and looks up at me with wide, panicked eyes. “You better be replacing those with Super MC.”

  “I can do that. Definitely.” She unclamps her legs and surveys the bathroom, possibly considering her options. Grabbing the edge of the vanity, she gives it a little shake, possibly to make sure it’s secure since we haven’t had sex in this bathroom. Although I’m fairly certain Ballistic and Lily have.

  “Seems sturdy,” she mumbles. Then she turns around and hoists herself up on the vanity. As soon
as her ass touches the granite counter, she shrieks and hops off, her knees almost buckling.

  “Forget about this?” I pat her ass.

  “You could’ve stopped me.” She wraps her arms around my neck and rubs herself on my chest, like a frisky cat.

  “You want to go upstairs for this part? Maybe make use of our bed?”

  “Um . . . it’s far away, though.”

  “It’s also softer.”

  I make the decision for us by lifting her up by the back of her legs, right under her ass, which forces her to wrap her legs around my waist and hold onto my shoulders. I’m careful—but quick—going up the stairs, and gentle when I lay her on the bed. I hold myself above her. “You want me to un-invade Area 51 first, or . . .”

  “Um, no? Isn’t the point that it stays put when you’re getting beaver hugs?” She’s understandably uncertain. “It’ll stay where it is, won’t it?”

  “Yeah. It’s not going anywhere.” This is going to be way better than the times I’ve had a finger in there. “It’ll be tight, though.” My voice is shaking I’m so excited.

  She arches a brow. “Isn’t it always?”

  “Tighter than usual.” I lower my hips and slide my cock over her clit. “More than when I’ve used a finger.”

  “I think that’s okay.”

  She sighs as I go lower and circle her slick entrance, bumping up against the plug as I tease her opening. She lifts a hand, fingertips skimming along the V. “Wait.”

  Fuck. I shouldn’t have offered the bed—I should’ve just been selfish and took advantage of the situation and her orgasm acquiescence in the bathroom. I pause with the tip just barely in and lift my gaze to meet hers.

  “Shouldn’t we do this, like, doggy style?”


  She makes an attempt at sitting up, but her eyes widen a bit with the movement so she settles on her elbows. “Well, doesn’t it defeat the whole purpose in this position? I mean, you’ve got this thing in my butt. Shouldn’t you be able to see it while we’re sexing? Otherwise, why’s it even there?”

  It’s a valid argument. I’m probably not going to last very long if she’s on all fours, but good fucking God, as long as I can make her come first, my longevity isn’t important. “I, uh, I wanted to be able to see your face so I can gauge how it feels for you.”

  “You don’t need to see this.” She motions to her face. “Since when have I ever been quiet about how things feel?”

  “That’s a good point.”

  She flips over onto her stomach and pushes up so her ass is in the air. Jesus Christ. This is just perfectly obscene. Violet snaps her fingers. “Are you going to get on the bed with me, or are you just going to stand there and stare at my ass?”

  “I’m coming.”

  “Hopefully not yet since you’re not even in me. I better get an orgasm out of this, or it’s never happening again.”

  I climb up behind her. “Is that a threat?”

  “I’m just saying, if you want to add Area 51 invasions to the mix, then you better be bringing your ‘A’ game, Alex.”

  She’s making it sound like this isn’t going to be a one-time occurrence. “I’ll bring it baby. I promise.” I shift her around on the bed so I can see her reflection in the mirror across the room—that way I can read her facial expressions just as much as her body language and, of course, her personal sex soundtrack.

  I take several long moments to appreciate the view before me. I’m a boob man, always have been, always will be, but Violet has a great ass. It’s extra curvy these days thanks to all the yoga. I run my hands over her backside, then lean down to give the right cheek a little nibble. Violet gasps and then moans as I slip my fingers between her legs to caress her.

  I use my fingers first, just to get her ready, and when the moans turn to demands, I get into position. I ease in slowly, watching the head disappear.

  “Holy fuckballs.” She holds up a hand as if she’s tapping out of a fight.

  I freeze. “Too much? Should I stop?”

  “Yes. No. Don’t stop.”

  “Are you sure?” I cross my fingers—literally, I cross them—and ease in maybe half an inch.

  She drops her head and I push a little more. This time she slaps the comforter. “Wait.”

  I stop. I’m maybe halfway at best, probably more like a third. I have a lot more to go. It’s so fucking tight. It reminds me of the first time we had sex, although I’m pretty sure this beats that in terms of snugness.

  Violet lifts her head and cranes her neck, trying to look at me over her shoulder. “Holy hell. I can feel that. Like I can feel Super MC sort of pushing against it. Jesus, Alex. Do you feel that the way I do?”

  I have to take a couple of deep breaths, because her verbalizing the sensations is making it very hard to focus. “Yeah,” I croak. “I can feel it.”

  “That’s unreal,” she mumbles. Then she reaches back and slaps blindly at my thigh. “Keep going, but slow.”

  I slide in another inch, and then another. Violet holds her hand up, then drops it right away, so I keep going. I’m drunk on sensation. I can actually feel the moment I pass the end of the plug through that thin barrier, because the tightness eases around the head of my cock.

  Violet’s head shoots up and drops just as quickly. The words Oh my God are chanted several times as she kicks her feet against the comforter—almost like a temper tantrum but with moaning instead of screaming, although those might be next depending on how hard she comes. The kicking creates movement and puts pressure on the plug, which puts pressure on my cock.

  “Baby? Are you okay? Do you need me to pull out? Do you need me to . . . uninvade your ass?” Please say no.

  “No!” The word is muffled because her face is mashed into the comforter. She turns her head to the side and takes a gasping breath. “I’m gonna come, Alex. Probably the hardest I’ve ever come in my entire goddamn life, and if you stop, I will have orgasm deprivation rage.”

  “I won’t stop. You want me to thrust?”

  “Yes. So much thrust. Please give.”

  The words barely make sense, but I do as I’m told. Violet reaches between her legs as I find a slow, easy rhythm. The view combined with the sensation is unreal. I skim the plug with my thumb, then put a little pressure on it to see what happens.

  Violet explodes. A string of profanity and some cock love chanting begins. I keep pumping, faster, but not harder, and less than ten strokes later, I’m gritting my teeth and pushing in deep. Violet screams my name, clawing at the bed, her entire body shaking violently before she goes limp, her face and chest press against the comforter, her ass still in the air.

  I’m still inside her, in no rush to leave all the tight warmth behind. “Violet? Baby? You okay?”

  She mumbles something.


  She blows her hair out of her face. “Just because I liked it doesn’t mean Super MC is next.”

  I chuckle. “I know.”

  “And don’t think just because I let you do this this one time you get to do this all the time.”

  “I know that, too.” I ease out and roll her onto her side, then curl my body around hers.

  “It’s a special occasion thing.”

  “Okay.” I kiss her shoulder and smile.

  She turns in my arms and gives me a serious look. “No more than once a month.”

  I nod in somber agreement. “Definitely not more than that.”

  “More than that would be excessive.”

  I kiss the end of her nose. “You can make me an Area 51 Access Pass for those special occasions, if you want.”

  “Ohh! I could make Super MC a little FBI vest, like he’s going on a mission!”

  “If that’s what you want to do, I won’t stop you.” I dip down to capture her lips. As if I’m going to tell her no. “Just remember Velcro only.”

  “I’ll make it out of black liquorice so it’s edible.”

  “Even better. Now stop talking s
o I can kiss you.” I cover her mouth with mine.

  “Wait.” She pushes away, eyes wide. “Do you think if you accept that endorsement campaign they’ll send you more butt stuff? Like the mountain of condoms they sent before?”

  “It’s possible.”

  “Huh. Well, that would save a lot of money in online purchases, wouldn’t it?”

  “I guess it could, if you were planning on making a lot of online purchases in the near future.”

  She plays with the hair at the nape of my neck. “Something to think about, anyway. What time do you have to leave for your meeting?”

  I check the clock. “I have another half hour.”

  “Does Super MC want another beaver hug before you have to go?”

  “He sure does.” I tip her chin up so I can kiss her.

  Score another one for Waters.

  Violet might be crazy, but she’s the perfect crazy for me, and there’s no one in this world I would rather love.

  Note to Readers

  ALEX ISN’T GETTING in there. Like seriously. This is as far as he’s going to get. His dick is mammoth. It’s a curse. Don’t feel too sorry for him. He doesn’t actually know what he’s missing. Butt (hehe) I had so much fun writing this, so thanks for letting me share this crazy with all of you.

  Much love and gratitude for my amazing readers <3


  A Valentine’s Day Letter

  (from Super MC & Alex)

  WHY DID I write this? Because Super MC. Does there really need to be another reason? Nope. Not at all.


  This Valentine’s Day is extra special because it’s the first one we get to celebrate with you as my wife. Can I tell you how much I love that? And you, of course. Wife is my new favorite word. Well, one of them. I’m also partial to the word boobs, specifically when in reference to you showing me yours, or wrapping your boobs in a new bra, or unwrapping. Anything having to do with your boobs makes me happy. I plan to enjoy them later tonight, along with the rest of you.


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