Elle Embraced : A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Brides of the Aashi Book 5)

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Elle Embraced : A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Brides of the Aashi Book 5) Page 1

by Belle Harper

  Elle Embraced

  Brides of the Aashi Book five

  Belle Harper



  1. Elle

  2. Elle

  3. Zurcov

  4. Elle

  5. Carub

  6. Elle

  7. Marin

  8. Elle

  9. Zurcov

  10. Elle

  11. Sanza

  12. Sanza

  13. Elle

  14. Sanza

  15. Zurcov

  16. Elle

  17. Elle

  18. Marin

  19. Elle

  20. Carub

  21. Elle

  22. Sanza

  23. Elle

  24. Carub

  25. Elle

  26. Sanza

  27. Elle

  28. Elle


  Belle’s Books

  About the Author


  Hi, I’m Elle,

  I applied to a job ad and ended up on an alien planet.

  It was exciting.

  Aliens existed, and I was now mated to two of them. But a big blue guy came and rescued my friend Jessica. Sanza seems lost and alone… it made me want to make him smile.

  Only he was harder to crack than I thought, he wanted to go home. To his home world. I wanted that for him so bad. But I also wanted to be his family, because he had lost his, just like I had lost mine. I wanted to wrap my arms around him and tell him everything will be okay.

  But would it? A M’Mori ship flew over us and fear spread through the camp.

  I expected Sanza to run. To get away from the M’Mori who enslaved him here on Aarzyn. What I didn’t expect was him to run towards them…

  Chapter One


  I had never been to the beach before, never lived somewhere it could even get this hot. Sticky. So disgustingly hot that my boobs even had sweat. I didn’t know that was a real thing just something people said when trying to tell someone it was hot. But boob sweat was real… and so uncomfortable.

  The planet I now live on was stinking hot and gross. But that wasn’t my only complaint, I wanted a pizza so bad. I had been dreaming of pizza for weeks now, waking up all excited like I was back home and could just order one. But then I realized I was here, on Aarzyn and there was no pizza. Only fruit, rusty red colored water to drink and mushrooms.

  Blah, I hated mushrooms on earth, I hate them even more here. I even hated them on my pizza as much as I hated pineapple.

  Mmm… pepperoni.

  “You need to stop the moaning. You’re killing me.” I snapped out of my thoughts and rolled my head over to Hadley. She was laying against one of the large purple trees with her two mates; Vetok and Jaka. I just laughed when she glared at me.

  “But pepperoni.” I moaned louder this time and my tummy rumbled. I grabbed hold of it, trying to stifle the noise before Marin noticed. But it was too late, he’d heard.

  Hadley hissed out at as her stomach rumbled, “Stop it you bitch.” I just laughed again. I couldn’t suffer alone. She could suffer with me and we can both dream of pizza.

  “My Elle, I will get you some pixxe.” He dashed off before I could reply with “No I want pizza, do you have one of them lying around out here with all the trees.” So, I didn’t say anything, he liked to fuss over me. I liked that about him. Someone wanted to take care of me and treat me like I was his world. I was down for that. I loved him, plus he was cute… oh so cute. Easy on the eyes and loved me for who I was. Yes, I’d struck gold with Marin.

  He was my mate, my first one. He wasn’t supposed to be, I’d had a whole harem ready to roll when I got here. All of them the opposite of what I was after.

  Cocky assholes, huge and looked at me in a way that scared me, like I was a shiny new toy that they were excited to break in. I wasn’t into huge muscles on guys, especially if those guys came with asshole attitudes. They had watched me enough that it made me uncomfortable. When they’d stared it made it almost impossible for me to sleep. I was so stressed out from all of them I’d lost a few pounds in the first week. But they were what I was given by the Queen of the Haalyn clan. They might suit her tastes, but they weren’t for me.

  So, I went on walks… long walks. The Chosen males were not happy with me forcing them to stay behind. They disliked letting me walk alone, they wanted to be with me always and they scared anyone who looked at me. But they eventually let me go on the walks by myself after a lot of persistence on my part.

  It was on a walk that I met Marin. He was so sweet and kind, and those eyes of his sucked me right in. He looked like a lost puppy, and he was all alone. He talked to me like I was his whole world. He talked about his life, his family and fathers. He taught me how to catch a fish.

  But he was a rejected male from the clan. He wasn’t supposed to be on clan lands, let alone talking to me. I didn’t tell the Chosen males about him, I’d kept him a secret. I had found him every time I went for a walk, or he’d found me. He would surprise me and jump from a tree holding pixxe for me to eat. And after a couple of weeks, I kissed him… then I mated him and he got some cool arm tattoos.

  When the Chosen found out about us, they’d tried to kill him. It was so scary. But I had already fallen for him, so there was no way I would allow them to separate us. The queen wasn’t happy about us, he was a small warrior who had been cast out for talking out of line. Which was bullshit. He’d questioned her over the selection of the Chosen and she tossed him out without a second thought.

  Now that I had mated him, she’d wanted to kill him.

  So, I ran away with him.

  I believed in fate. I knew he was who I was meant to meet here on this planet. Marin was in exactly the right spot, when I needed him the most. I was supposed to meet him, and we were meant to be together.

  Even now he was proving how perfect he was for me, having gone off to get me food. How could I have not chosen Marin as a mate? He loved to feed me and I loved to eat.

  Yes, he was small for an Aashi warrior, but he was perfect to me in every way. He wasn’t much shorter than Zurcov— my other mate who I’d met while running away with Marin.

  “We are not feeding you enough my mate, you must tell us when you need more food.” Zurcov moved over to me, one of his tails wrapping around my ankle. I smiled, he loved to touch. He was a cuddler and it was like he was another limb for me.

  He seemed to know when I needed to move or sit up to grab something. He would do it for me. I know that if I was back on Earth near a pizza shop, I would be content. I would never have to leave my house, I would be eating pizza and watching Netflix while Zurcov and Marin ate me out.

  I smiled at the thought, and my stomach rumbled again. I wasn’t sure if I wanted food or if I was horny. Maybe both.

  I’d met Zurcov about four days into our journey to find the other females from Earth. Marin had heard of the females brought by the spaceships leaving their clans and moving to a place called Clan Wolf. I knew it was real, because half the Aashi couldn’t even pronounce it correctly.

  Whoever started Clan Wolf was a total badass and I couldn’t wait to tell her that.

  Turns out there was a whole other world outside of the clans here, full of outcast and rejected males. Most had been touched by the queens and cast out to deal with hard-ons and hormones, like my mates both were.

  Which just made life out here as a female a little more… intense. Trying to avoid horny guys… was like being the only chick in the club with every guy drunk on lust and sporting raging bo
ners. Yes, many males had showed me their junk. I didn’t know what they thought I would do, but I have seen enough purple cocks for a lifetime.

  Zurcov held his hand on my tummy and looked at me with concern in his eyes.

  “I’m fine, Zur. Don’t stress, it’s because I was thinking of a type of food back home on earth. I’m not actually hungry, just hungry at the thought of pizza.”

  I laid my head back on his shoulder and he gathered my hair and started to finger comb it. God, it felt good.

  “We must move on soon.” Vetok announced from where he stood beside Hadley. He was one of her mates. She also had Jaka. They weren’t her Chosen mates either.

  She ran from her clan in the middle of the night and she met them. Well, that’s the story she told me, and she wouldn’t go into detail… so I assumed something bad had happened. I wasn’t going to press her about it. All that mattered now was that she loved them both, they took great care of her and that was all I needed to know. That she was happy.

  Vetok was… well he was an acquired taste. Hadley’s taste. Jaka was cute and like my Marin. But that’s where the similarities stopped. Jaka was super shy, where Marin could chat your ear off.

  They were on their way to the same place we were, Clan Wolf. Somewhere I knew we could be ourselves with the other humans, and not have to be so worried about these other males hanging around in the trees… maybe waiting for us to leave the protection of our mates so they could swoop in and take us.

  Yeah… that worried me. Zurcov had told me to be careful and stay close or that might happen. Now I was all freaked out to be far from them.

  It was just a fluke Hadley and I had bumped into each other. Okay well more like Zurcov’s fluke. When he came along, he told me about Hadley wandering with her two mates. I told him to take me to her and he led us to them. On the way to find her… well I kind of took him as my mate. Can you blame me? They guy was like the purple version of Brad Pitt.

  Well, it was the lips that really won me over in the end. They were so plump and kissable. So, I did just that, I kissed him and claimed him as mine. His confidence was sexy as hell too. He knew what he wanted and spoke his mind. I liked that and I haven’t regretted my decision… yet.

  Well, I only regret it when both Marin and Zurcov gang up on me and tell me it would be safer for me to have more mates, larger ones. Then I get frustrated because I am happy with our little threesome for now. I knew on this planet that they had the whole five guys to one chick thing going.

  And yeah, I know, more mates would be safer. Especially when the trees had eyes, watching our every move. Although with Hadley and her two mates travelling with us now, most males had left us girls alone. No more alien version of a dick-pic. Maybe the old me would have taken them for a one-night stand… but I had two perfect mates with huge cocks as it was. I didn’t need to go fucking others.

  * * *

  Hadley and I had been together for a few weeks. I was glad Hadley liked me, because it would have been difficult if I was stuck with someone I didn’t really like. Especially when it came to public displays of love with mates… there would have been no way to remain chaste for weeks, with how worked up they both had me all the time. I was glad Hadley was the same. Did the guys just send our sex drives into a frenzy?

  Although I tried my best not to see her and her mates fucking… they were always right there. Sometimes on the opposite side of the tree I was against. At other times, they could be only a few feet away. It was impossible to not hear them, and Hadley was very vocal, like me. Plus, it kind of just made everything more… heightened? I didn’t know that I could be turned on by hearing or seeing others have sex. But I was.

  Hadley was my first real best friend. She knew what I sounded like when had an orgasm and I knew she liked to talk dirty. And if having sex right next to me was not best friend stuff, then I didn’t know what was.

  There was a flash of purple out the corner of my eye. My hand flew to my chest as Zurcov stilled, his body tensing beside me. Then the goofy grin of Marin appeared with three pixxe in his lower hands.

  “You scared me, you big dork. Don’t be sneaking up like that.” His eyes widened at my words and his grin fell from his face, but when he saw my teasing smile, he laughed.

  “You are so easy to scare my mate.” He handed two of the pixxe to me, then offered the third to Hadley who thanked him.

  “We need to leave very soon females. I can sense many males around us.” Vetok announced… again. As if we never have lots of males around us. If I had to say who the worrier was in the group. It would be Vetok.

  I just smirked at Hadley who was stroking his tails to calm him. She rolled her eyes as if to say, “I know right, Mr. Worry.” And maybe a little bossy.

  I took a bite of pixxe and stretched out my legs. I wasn’t in a rush to move, I was tired and needed another nap. I loved to nap, and it had become my favorite hobby here on Aarzyn. No one complained about how many naps I had either. Although Vetok maybe had an issue with it, he made a unhappy sound in the back of his throat as I started to snuggle into Zurcov. I hid my smile, I didn’t want to stir the pot with him. I had seen his temper when males got to close to us. He wasn’t a playful one.

  “Soon, Vetok. My mate needs rest, yours too.” Zurcov placed his hand on my belly again, and I smiled as I placed mine over his. Holding his large hand against me. “We must tend to their needs. The other outcast males can see this. They have been good so far in not approaching. Don’t provoke them now.”

  I rolled into Zurcov and stroked his smooth chest with my fingers. I brushed my hand over his pecks and abs until I wrapped it around his side and let out a small sigh. His was good with his words. A natural peacekeeper. And he knew how to take care of me and our baby.

  Because we were having a baby… Hadley was too.

  Chapter Two


  When I woke up, I was one of my mates arms and swaying through the treetops. I assumed they must have decided to leave while I was sleeping, and boy I must have been tired not to wake up from that. But I’d needed the nap, I was growing a baby inside me and it was tiring. I didn’t expect that. Hadley had told me it was one of the pregnancy symptoms. Fatigue.

  I didn’t fear heights so Marin and Zurcov took me high through the trees to find Clan Wolf. Hadley wasn’t a fan of heights. I remembered the first time we’d traveled together, and she had freaked out about how high up she was. I’d just assumed that they all traveled that high, but I had come to find that most didn’t. Marin and Zurcov were just avoiding all the males below. And now we all were avoiding them together.

  “I need to pee, can you take me down babe?” Marin’s grip tightened on my ass. Which felt good, but also made me need to pee more. I noticed it was getting closer to dusk. Ugh, I had slept through most of the afternoon. I just still wasn’t used to the heat here and being pregnant was tiring. At least with the night came the cooler air, some time with my mates and some fun chats with Hadley when we turned off the translators.

  “We make camp.” Vetok called out to us all in English as we descended the trees. He was getting better at English. Soon we would have to be super careful as to what we said in front of him.

  When I was finally on my own two feet, I shook my head. I was slightly groggy and had a headache. I had been getting them a lot actually. Maybe that’s a pregnancy thing. I think I needed to drink more water. It was just the water was… gross looking. It also had a different taste to our water and it was always warm. I needed some cold water… ice blocks to chew on. My mouth started to water at the thought.

  What I wouldn’t give for ice just about now.

  I quickly relived myself and moved over with Marin to where the others were setting up for the night. They laid a blanket down, it was rough but better than being in the dirt.

  “Shall I get pixxe or do you wish for something else?” Zurcov asked us all.

  “Boce and pixxe.” Vetok answered. Yuck. I stuck my tongue out at the thoug
ht. Boce was what they called the mushrooms.

  I tried to think of the name of the weird stuff they got me the other day. The others including Hadley told him what they wanted, but I didn’t want something sweet.

  “What’s that black one? The…” I made my hand and fingers look like I was holding a ball the size of an orange to show the size. “Ugh… Hadley do you remember? It wasn’t sweet.” She looked up at me with a puzzled look from where she was getting cozy on the dirt.

  “Oha?” Jaka offered.

  I smiled and clapped once. Pointing at him as he stood there beside Hadley. “That’s my man, yes. Oha. Tastes like dry potato.”

  Hadley chuckled. “Oh, you liked that? It was kinda dry and left a weird taste in my mouth.” She made a face to show her dislike. But she liked the mushrooms so she was clearly lacking in decent taste buds.

  Oha wasn’t the best, but it wasn’t sweet either. I didn’t know how much more sweet stuff I could take. I needed something more in my diet. When all the guys just stared at us. Their expressions looked grim and Jaka seemed to slip further away from me, like I’d upset him. I didn’t know what had happened. What did I say?

  “You cannot take another’s mate.” Vetok growled lowly as he wrapped his tails around Hadley and Jaka. My brows shot up. Say what? Hadley was just as confused as me as she stood up and looked between us. She gave me a “what the fuck,” look. I was sure that was what was on my face also.


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