Elle Embraced : A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Brides of the Aashi Book 5)

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Elle Embraced : A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Brides of the Aashi Book 5) Page 4

by Belle Harper

  “I think that’s a great idea. I haven’t been sick yet, but my stomach hasn’t been the best.” I pushed myself up, Marin holding onto my arm to steady me as Hadley stood beside me. Jaka right there helping her also.

  We started to gather our things when I heard a scream. I paused and looked over to Hadley. Her brows rose and a puzzled expression washed over her face. She heard it too.

  “Was that another one of us?” She asked as she moved towards where we heard it, but it was hard to tell which direction it came from with it bouncing off all the trees.

  “I think it was, it sounded like it was.” Even I wasn’t sure, it could have been Aashi males. Fighting. I looked around quickly in the trees. Was it Carub?

  Then we heard it again, this time it was loud and went for a long time. Enough for us to start running towards it. It was one of us, and she needed help.

  “Jessica,” I screamed out. I swear it sounded like her. She had screamed once very loudly on the spaceship and it sounded like that now.

  When I heard her call my name, I knew it was her, my heart was pounding and I hoped my mates would be able to protect her from whatever was hurting her. Hadley ran ahead of me, her head swinging from side to side to figure out where Jessica was.

  “Where are you?” Hadley called out. And when she replied we darted to the left right behind Vetok and Zurcov. When Jessica came into view, she looked like hell. Holy shit. She had five Aashi with her. They were huge. I stopped, I really didn’t like the big ones. My heart started to race just at the sight of them all standing there.

  “Hadley, Elle, oh God are you girls going to this Clan Wolf?” I looked over to Jessica who was running to us. He eyes large and watery, like she was about to cry as she wrapped her arms around me and Hadley and hugged us.

  “It’s close. Zurcov, he knows the way.” I couldn’t stop watching the males behind her, their tails were swishing in that irritated way I knew. They held themselves tall and stiff. Preparing for a fight.

  I didn’t like this… I didn’t like it at all.

  Chapter Seven


  I did not like the males that came with the new female— Jessica. They were her Chosen from Clan Ariaan. It was the closest clan to Haalyn, where I had grown up. They were our biggest enemies of all the clans. There had been so many clan wars and fights between the two clans over many years. But out here we were all equals. At least that was what I’d thought. All rejected and banished from each other’s clans. Yet these males weren’t. They were still part of Clan Ariaan.

  While the three females walked arm in arm with each other towards Clan Wolf. I could hear the males, they spoke to Vetok. Demanding that he tell them how he mated his mate, Hadley. I didn’t like this talking of his mate and neither did Vetok. Hadley chose him. He didn’t force her to mate him. I knew then, this was not a good idea coming into the Clan Wolf with these males as they had threatened Vetok to tell them.

  I was glad that my Elle and Hadley had helped this female who was trying to get away from bad males, these males did not deserve the love of a female. The females had such great hearts, especially my Elle. She was very caring.

  As soon as we entered Clan Wolf, the chosen males from Ariaan surrounded us, holding our females as hostages. With Zurcov, Jaka, Vetok and I as the only males to protect our females, we were too weak and worried that Clan Wolf would attack us. Thinking we were with these males.

  We tried to reason with them, but we couldn’t make the Chosen males listen. Vetok demanded they let our females go, but Bezen the first chosen male threatened them with harm if the females of Clan Wolf didn’t come and tell Jessica to mate them. What they were asking was something that no honorable Aashi male would demand of a female. But these ones did. They treated her as if she was nothing more than a small warrior or a takxe. It was very wrong to treat her this way.

  Zurcov asked politely if the females could speak to the others. Trying to at least get them free. I would take whatever these Chosen males wanted to do to me. They could kill me, as long as my mate was safe, I would give my life for her and our kits.

  Finally, the elder of Clan Wolf, a male without his tails, spoke and the Chosen males let all three females free.

  “Come my heart,” I reached out to Elle and she took my hand. Zurcov held her with his tails. Keeping his body between her and the Ariaan males, in case they tried to strike out at our mate. Although as soon as we were free, the males of Clan Wolf moved in and took the Chosen males away. I was grateful to the clan for being so accepting after that. I was worried they wouldn’t accept me or Zurcov after that display.

  When we saw the other females, my Elle ran to them. She let go of my hand, making Zurcov want to keep a hold of her, but he let her go. He wouldn’t deny our mate her females. Because after all, they were not going to fight. These females loved to be near each other.

  They all hugged one another; Jessica was on the ground as the female with wild spiral hair helped her. The strong female had been through so much. I prayed to the goddess that she would be okay now that she was here. That this clan would take her in and protect her from Clan Ariaan.

  “I am Axoh. My female is Luna. I am her mate.” A male, as small as me spoke and smiled. His hair was braided neatly, something I hadn’t been able to do so well. My hair hanged free and wild. When I looked him over, I recognized him as a takxe. A healer. He was her mate and takxe. I looked over to where he pointed at his female. The one with the hair of spirals and the color of the water. It was fascinating.

  “What does your female’s hair feel like?” I asked without even thinking. It was different to our own straight hair. Even Elle had straight hair, although it was the color of the elders, she was not an elder. She was young, as were all these females. I’d never seen them when they first arrived, but now I saw that they came in many colors.

  Jessica was the most different of all of them, her hair was like the twin suns. It was like my Elle’s arm covering she wore when she was cold.

  “It is hard to keep the knots from forming.” Axoh answered. I smiled to him and he laughed. I think I will really like being part of this clan.

  “Come, you can stay close to your mate with me, you are the smaller of the mates, yes?” he looked over to Vetok, Jaka then landing on Zurcov.

  “Yes, my mate is Elle. With the hair of an elder. I am her first mate, Zurcov is her mate also. He is the larger of us.”

  Zurcov stood now beside me, I could see the way he held himself. Tall and proud to be Elle’s mate.

  “We always have one mate with the females at all times, usually the smaller mate, most often the takxe. And the larger warriors take roles in the clan. Protecting, building… you chose which you wish to do. You do not have to choose now. You are only new here. Now you rest and, in a few days, let me know.” I nodded and liked the way this clan was run. I could choose which role I wished to have. I could be with my mate always protecting her, or I could have Zurcov do this and become a real warrior.

  “Thank you, Axoh. I will consider this.”

  I turned to Zurcov to see what he thought of this, when I saw his expression was not one of excitement like myself. But of worry.

  “I wish to stay with Elle, but I do not wish for you to be parted from her either.” I shook my head.

  “You will not be parted, it would not be always. If it was, then none of the mates here would be happy. But I also agree, I wish for you to be with her. But until I decide, I will also stay with her.” I could see his face relax when he heard my words. He would be the one to stay with our mate. I would take a position in the clan and make my mate proud.

  “Let’s all eat.” One of the females called out. I nodded, that was a great idea. I just hoped Elle would be okay, the sickness from the kits had really worried me earlier.

  Chapter Eight


  “Holy shit, they have a pool. Bath, I don’t care what they call it. But babe…” I jumped up and down and Marin’s smile was bea
ming. I could see he was happy. Well at least happy now after those assholes had been dealt with. I should have known. I shivered just thinking about what poor Jessica had to go through. I sat down at the table they had here. I loved this. Communal eating.

  “So, I was thinking we could build a cover over the table here, only because it’s so exposed to the suns, it can get a little warm in the afternoons. There are shady parts but I think it would be nicer.” Quinn explained about her ideas for the clan. It was already wonderful, and anything she was suggesting made it sound even better.

  “You have so many cool ideas.” Hadley said as she watched Quinn’s face as she talked about all her plans. I agreed. I wouldn’t think of half the things she was.

  We were given so much food and water. My mates stood a short distance away, to give me space. I smiled over at them and blew Zurcov a kiss. His expression told me he didn’t know what that meant, and I giggled into my hand. Marin looked between us, confused so I blew him one too. I shook my head at them, but they could see my smile. And they grinned widely back.

  Jessica made a strange sound. Shit.

  “Just take it slow; small bites until you're used to it. If you drink too fast you might make yourself sick,” I reminded her again. She was drinking like a fish and I didn’t want to see her throw it up. I can’t believe those assholes didn’t even help her find water and food. I wanted to cry for her.

  I wasn’t close with Jessica and I knew from our time on the spaceship that she preferred to be alone more than in a group. I’d just assumed she was shy, but then when she did talk, she was kind of a bitch. I’d chalked it up to the fact that our lives were changing, and she was lashing out at anyone.

  I wanted to hug her, but instead I just was happy to sit with her here, and listen if she had anything she wanted to talk about. I was a good listener.

  When Jessica demanded we go back to the goddess arena to wait for the M’Mori I was worried she might have suffered more than we thought. Because who the fuck would want to be with them again. Not me, that was for sure.

  When Luna cradled her belly, my chest swelled, and I grinned and placed my hand on my belly to tell her I was pregnant too. Oh wow, they all were holding their bellies, well all but Jessica.

  “You're pregnant?” She sounded shocked. What did she think we were supposed to do once we got here? There was no contraception and there was no way I could have resisted those two sexy guys. I looked back to my mates to find that they were casually chatting with each other. It made me happy to know they liked each other.

  “Aren't you pregnant too?” Brooklyn asked Jessica.

  “No, usually you have to have sex to get pregnant and I haven't done any of that. Hell, I haven’t had sex in about a year.”

  I looked around the table then back to Jessica. Shit, she was strong, but I was glad she didn’t mate with any of those assholes. I’d just assumed she might have met someone nice along her travels. Like I did.

  “Dang girl, you didn't even experiment at all with one of them?” Hadley asked as she leaned closer to Jessica, wanting the gossip. But she shook her head.

  Maybe she just hadn’t met the right one. As the girls started to try and set her up, I daydreamed about my baby. Would she be purple? Or he? Have tails?

  I was getting kind of tired so after all the talking, Hadley and I walked over to the hut we had been offered. It was large enough for a female and her five mates. Or if you were us, two females and four mates. They had only built one hut so far, and Luna asked if we would stay together. I thought it would be nice, just a few more times before we went to our own huts… our own homes.

  Axoh and Vallyn showed us where the hut was. Both guys had the best braids ever, and they were both Luna’s mates. The water hole was right in front of the hut, it was such a great location. The craftsmanship of the place was better than what I had seen at the last clan. The details in the wood, the way it bent and wrapped itself around the outside of a tree. Plus, it had a nice little balcony area which made me fall in love with it even more. I hoped I could keep it. But I knew if my mates had their way, they would want to build one themselves.

  Many other males in the clan came over and gave us blankets… so many blankets. I could see Vetok touching them and holding them to his nose. He didn’t seem to like what he smelled there. I guess these guys left their smells on them before bringing them for us.

  I chuckled and Hadley looked over at me, her brows raised in question. I pointed to Vetok where he picked another and smelled it. She rolled her eyes at him.

  “Bathing is in the morning; I have explained to your mates how that works. And I hope you all have a great first night. Welcome to Clan Wolf.” Vallyn nodded at us and left the hut.

  Vetok pushed some blankets into Zurcov’s chest and grunted something. I rolled my eyes as Hadley grabbed him and pulled him away from us.

  “This will be our side.” She let me know as she sat down, and pulled Vetok with her. He was bossy but if Hadley said jump, he would say how high then go even higher to make her happy.

  “I do not mind that the males have marked these, my Elle. It might help you find your next mate.” I watched as he sniffed one and he smiled as he held it to me… as if I was going to sniff it? I pulled it away and threw it on the floor.

  “Or you will find a new mate.” I teased him with a grin and cocked my head.

  He looked a little taken back, like he had no idea what I was talking about.

  “Elle, these are males. They wish for you to choose them. If you find one you like I can go and find him for you. He might be a larger warrior but that is okay. I promise no one would ever harm you.” He knew my aversion to the larger Aashi. But I didn’t want to talk about that anymore.

  I pulled him down with me onto the blanket and kissed him, he dropped the rest of the blankets, and kissed me back. He tried to pull away to speak, but I cut him off just as he was about to.

  “Less talking, more kissing.” He couldn’t argue with that as he cupped my head in his large hand and brought our mouths together. He loved to kiss and he was seriously amazing at it… especially since I knew I was his first kiss. The blankets were officially long forgotten

  I ran my hand down his chest and pushed him so that he fell onto his back, so that he was laying there for me. His eyes widened a little and I could see the sly smirk now on his face.

  “More… kissing?” he asked, his hand was now running up my bare leg where I straddled his thighs. I chuckled as he removed his cloth almost instantly. I rolled my eyes. Typical male, wanting a blow job. His erection stood hard and proud, I decided to tease him. Kissing him down his chest, avoiding his cock and then down his thigh. I teased up a little closer and his hips bucked and he let out a small whimper.

  “You are too impatient, Zurcov.” Marin spoke up, I watched him palming his cock over his cloth.

  “Take it off.” I told him, Marin looked up at me. His eyes were hooded with lust and need, he didn’t have to be asked twice. He threw the cloth off and started to stroke that huge cock. I licked my lips and I watched as he cupped his balls and squeezed them.

  “Elle…” he groaned.

  I turned to look down at the biggest cock out of them both. Zurcov was huge. I licked my lips, I wanted to take him in my mouth. I wanted to stroke and lick him with my tongue, over the large head… suck him into my mouth until he was bucking beneath me. Calling out my name. Fuck… the thoughts alone made me wet.

  I ran my hand up, and my palm moved over the silky-smooth skin of his cock. He hissed out in pleasure at me finally touching him where he wanted. I loved this, I was so turned on just from the sight of his body and the sounds he made.

  I wrapped my fist around him and gave one firm stroke.

  “Elle…” his hand came out and wrapped around my wrist to hold me still. I looked up at him through my eyelashes and played like I didn’t know what he was doing. I squeezed it slightly harder in my fist. He let out a deep moan as his eyes widened.

  I gave him a wicked grin and he laughed.

  Chapter Nine


  My Elle, she knew how to be playful and also knew how to get seed from my cock faster than my hand. When I stilled her for a moment, it was because I wanted to make sure I lasted. Her teasing of me had me so close to spilling seed, that when she stroked me, I knew I wouldn’t last much longer.

  Then she squeezed my cock, just enough to send the pleasure shooting to my balls. I couldn’t believe she did that, then I saw her sly grin. She was always surprising me. And now I surprised her, I couldn’t stop. My hips bucked as I felt the pleasure roll through me.

  I groaned loudly, I was sad to have not lasted so long. But I was also glad that I spilled seed into my mate’s hand. It was small like she was, but it held much more power than you would believe.

  “Zur baby.” She purred to me, I watched as she let my twitching cock go, it slapped against my abs and I hissed out. It was sensitive but I knew I could go again. With Elle I was always ready to go again.

  I lifted myself into a sitting position to kiss her, thanking her for her hand. She pressed against my chest and looked to her hand, which was covered in some of my seed. I felt bad and I looked around me to find something to clean it with.

  But Elle did something I wasn’t expecting, she brought it to her face and licked her finger. She placed it in her mouth and pulled it free. Clean of my seed. My cock twitched at the sight.

  Her grin returned as she whispered, “Yummy.”

  My cock was all ready to go again, I didn’t know that would turn me on so much. Just being around Elle had my cock harden. But that… I didn’t have words for how much I wanted her to do it again. I wanted to lick her pretty little pussy until she was screaming my name and pulling my hair out.


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