Elle Embraced : A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Brides of the Aashi Book 5)

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Elle Embraced : A Sci-fi Alien Romance (Brides of the Aashi Book 5) Page 11

by Belle Harper

  “Hey, maybe if you didn’t slice it up like that, we could make clothes from that fur.” I realized then, they never did that here.

  How did it take me this long to clue onto this? I knew from watching old shows that they used to do something the fur, something that involved peeing in a bucket. like they used to soak it in urine. Which was kinda gross but then that was a much as I remembered.

  “You wish to wear animal skin on your body?” the one that blushed asked me, then his eyes widened like he couldn’t believe he just asked me that.

  Well…. When you put it like that, it sounded weird.

  “Yes, you can make shoes too. I know I would like to have something other than these trainers. They are starting to smell… bad.” The three of them all looked at me like I was crazy. Okay so be it, I will be the crazy one with new shoes. Well… they would be like a moccasin. And it might be nicer to wear them when travelling on my mates.

  “What is your name?” I asked the blusher. He looked so much like Xell.

  His tails stopped as he looked at me, I watched as his hands moved to grab something. He needed to busy himself like I wasn’t talking to him. Xell chuckled.

  “That is my brother, Qrux, and this is Qevin. We have been together a long time as outcast males. We have formed a strong bond with each other.” He nodded to me and I think I understood what he was saying. If I wanted to take one as a mate, I get all three. That wasn’t what I was after, I honestly just wanted to be their friends.

  “That is really nice, I hope you all find a good mate one day.” Maybe one of the girls who was dropped off… I could see Marin out the corner of my eye. He wasn’t coming any closer, like I’d asked. I needed to have a little Carub time tonight.

  The males started to relax a little, knowing I wasn’t there to break up their threesome. They all asked me questions on how to remove the skin and I tried to help. I couldn’t cut it off like they did, but I gave directions so that I would have a decent skin and not all little scraps. What a waste, all these years and they never thought to use the skin.

  I took Carub by his hand and led him to a quiet spot, I wanted ot get to know him better.

  “So tell me about things you like to do?” I started, he was quiet from what I had learnt from him but very sweet.

  “I like to climb trees, and I wash every day. I like to stroke my cock to release seed…” I did a double take. Did he just say he likes to jerk off? I burst into a fit of giggles. I wasn’t expecting that… but they say it was always the quiet ones.

  “Did I say something funny?” he looked so confused. And I shook my head. “No, you did really good. The translation was a little funny was all.”

  “What do you like to do Elle?” I smiled and I thought… I would really like to see you stroke your cock. But I held my tongue.

  “I like to talk to you.” And I was rewarded by the biggest grin.

  Carub was so different to how I thought he was. And so cute.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  The feast was better than I thought this evening. There were so many from Clan wolf, all seated around and chatting to one another. I could see the way the single males interacted now with the females. Before they were more wary of them, hardly speaking to them. But now, they were talking freely and laughing. It was a sight to see.

  Elle had brought me my meat, I was surprised that she’d remembered. She sat with me and Carub. While Marin spoke with K’Tem and Zurcov was off chatting to whoever would listen. I had come to find that he liked to talk to anyone who would listen.

  “So, I asked Xell about the fur and stuff. I showed him what I thought was right when he removed the fur from the ahnn. I was hoping maybe you knew how to make leather, or do something to make it usable. I don’t really know and I would love to make some new shoes” I was a little surprised by that, Elle was full of surprises.

  “I do know how to tan leather on Zalli, I’m unsure how to do it here on Aarzyn. But I’m sure we can work it out together.” I smiled at the way her face lit up.

  “I would love that, maybe we can make some baby booties too.” I grinned, my heart felt so light. I had told her how I cannot have children anymore. That fated mates only bare young. I was worried she wouldn’t feel the same if I couldn’t give her this. But that was only Zalli females… here she had two other mates to give her young. And I would be their father too. She had told me that the kit she carried was Marin’s. That Zurcov came after she was pregnant.

  But he had told me so many times these last few days about all the things he wanted to teach his kit when it arrived. He knew that it was not of his seed but he didn’t see it as any different. It was his kit as much as it was Marin’s and Marin felt the same.

  I had realized that so many of my fears of how I would fit in with Elle and her mates were nothing to worry about. That I fit in with her, and I would prove to her every day that I wasn’t going anywhere. She’d worried so much when I left to kill the M’Mori and I didn’t mean to cause her heartache. But I did, and in doing so lost some of her trust.

  “Would you like to go for a walk?” I asked her once she had finished eating her oha. That stuff was not nice, but she craved it, always and ate more that I could ever stomach of the stuff.

  “Yes, I would love that. The moon is bright tonight and the sky is clear so we might get to see some suns. Plus, that planet Hetaa is in the sky up there. It’s so pretty.” I looked up as she did to the sky and she was right, that was the planet the Aashi celebrated with their feast day. Marin explained that it was a day of rest and fun. They would play games and enjoy themselves every ten days. So today was the first real feast day they had done. And we didn’t travel, we just did many different things today. It was nice to not be travelling.

  Elle placed her hand in mine as we stood. Carub nodded to me as we walked away. There was a large fire now, and many males were standing around talking and laughing. But I wanted to take Elle somewhere quiet. I had asked Marin and Zurcov if it was okay, we spoke about where I could take her for a walk. They would make sure no other males approached us.

  It was nice the further we got away from the feast. Quiet and you could see the stars even more so out here. I took her to a tree and sat her down beside me.

  “This is very romantic Sanza.” I smiled as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and she snuggled in closer. I breathed in her scent, she made my cock hard. It was still something I was coming to terms with, this alien species had this way of ensnaring me… luring me to want to take her into the furs and pleasure her in every way. And I would do that this very night if she would have me.

  “Elle, I have wanted to tell you this all week. I’m sorry for the way I reacted the M’Mori. It was as if I was a different version of myself, wanting revenge but always wanting to protect you. I didn’t want them to hurt you, so I wanted to sacrifice myself for you.” I watched her face closely, then looked back at the sky as I spoke to her from my heart.

  “But that upset you, and I didn’t mean to break your heart. That was the last thing I ever wished for. I only want to mend your heart as you have done to mine. You are my warrior, you have saved me from roaming these lands alone with no one to care for. I care for you, so much I wish to give you my heart. My love. Until death parts us.”

  I heard a sniffling sound, did I make Elle cry again? No, these words were meant with love not sadness.

  “Elle, have I upset you?” I reached down and cupped her chin, tilting her face to mine, I could see the tears rolling down her cheeks. I rubbed my thumb over one trying to stop it from more.

  “No, you have done the opposite. I’m so happy. I have been so worried about how you felt about me. How you might leave me, but when you explained it like that, it made sense. And I don’t want to wait anymore…” I watched as her tongue swiped out and licked her lower lip in a slow motion, my mouth watering to taste those lips one more time.

  “Can I kiss you?” I asked, hoping that was what she mean
t about not waiting anymore. She smiled and reached up to my face and pulled me to her. Our lips touched and it felt amazing, so soft as I tasted where her tongue just was. She gasped and I chased her taste against her tongue. Wanting more of her in every way, showing her the love I had deep within me. I reached down and cupped her small belly in my hand and she sighed sweetly.

  “Can we go any further, or shall we wait until the young is here?” I asked, unsure of her customs. I had heard her and other females with their mates, but I wasn’t sure if she would want me like that. If not, I would wait, she was worth waiting forever for.

  “We can do lots of things, and fucking is one of them.” Her hand dragged down my chest and to the waistband of my shorts.

  I pulled myself free and she reached down to my throbbing cock. I moaned at the touch as she started to stroke. I was so worked up.

  “Oh, wow what the fuck?” Elle gasped. I looked around, what happened?

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I swear with every alien there is new equipment. And Sanza was no different, I was stroking his huge blue cock. It was normal which had been great. Like normal as in didn’t have a weird shape. Because that would have been very easy to see. What I didn’t expect was the sudden vibrations.

  “Oh, wow what the fuck?” I didn’t let go, but I was wondering if this was just my mind playing tricks on me, because his cock was a vibrator. Sanza’s eyes flashed open and looked around. I started to giggle at his shocked expression.

  “What happened?” He grabbed me and held me closer, looking for the threat.

  “Nothing, I was just surprised by your cock was all.” I watched as he looked down to where my pale hand stroked his blue cock. I moved my other hand to play and roll over his balls… his blue balls. I snorted a little at the thought. Sanza has blue balls…. After tonight he won’t.

  “Is it different to the Aashi?” he asked and I shook my head.

  “Not really, the vibrations sure are. That’s not a human thing either and now I have no idea why I have been holding out on you for so long. Because you will get me off in like ten seconds if you did that while inside me.”

  Sanza laughed. “Ah, well then it is your lucky night. I wish to fuck you with my vibrating cock and make you scream my name for all to hear. Can you do that, Elle? Can you ride my cock and scream for all the males to hear how well I please my mate?”

  “Mate?” I could feel the tears rolling again. Stupid pregnancy hormones had me crying at so many dumb things.

  “Yes, mate. If you would have me?” I nodded.

  “Yes, yes you are mine. I just wanted to hear you say it again.” It was just unbelievable and well I wasn’t usually the one to kiss and tell… every girl was going to know about the vibrating cock. Plus, holy shit. He knew how to talk dirty… I was so wet and horny. I hadn’t had much sex lately and well, now I was going to break my little dry spell. Honestly, it had only been a few days, but felt like a dry spell when you have so many hotties who you can ride at any time.

  I stood up and stripped for him, giving him a little show. He beckoned me to come over to him as he removed his shorts from around his thighs and placed them next to my clothes. My body was humming with the thought of taking such a huge cock. I needed to be in control of this one. He was big, blue and vibrating for me. I giggled and I moved in, straddling him. I wrapped my hand around his length and felt him vibrate again. It just felt unreal. When it stopped I looked up at him.

  “I can stop it… but not always. When I’m getting closer to orgasm it vibrates, or if it feels good. And you feel good Elle.” He kissed me hard and fast. His hands skated down to my ass and cupped my cheeks, squeezing hard but just the right amount to make me moan into his kiss.

  “Fuck,” I panted when he pulled away, taking one of my nipples between his lips and sucking. I grasped his hair and directed him to the other nipple. I felt his cock vibrate against me and I couldn’t wait to find out what it felt like inside me.

  I rose up on my knees and placed him at my entrance, my body screaming at me to sit down and take his cock deep within. To fill the ache between my legs that only Sanza could fill.

  “I love you Elle of Earth.” He whispered into my ear, I shivered at the words. I felt them deep within me and I slowly lowered myself down onto his cock as I whispered in return.

  “I love you Sanza of Zalli.”

  As soon as I had taken all I could of him I started to move and the vibrations started again. I almost jumped but I was kind of loud.

  “Wow, holy shit…” I rubbed my clit and threw my head back.

  “Elle, tell me if it is too much.” I looked at him and dared him to stop. Because if he did, I would rip his cock off and fuck it. Because I had never felt anything like this in my life. I couldn’t even stay upright, I crumbled into his chest as his cock vibrated deep within me, hitting all the nerves in just the right ways. I gasped for air, the orgasm rushing through me like nothing I had ever felt before.

  “Elle, I am going to come.” He told me and I couldn’t answer him as I was riding out another orgasm that had followed the first one. I couldn’t breathe and I saw stars, but it only added to the whole heightened experience. I felt his cock pulsate within me, and he roared loudly. I smiled but that was all I could do, as my body rode out the waves of pleasure pounding through me.

  I ended up collapsed in a heap on top of Sanza, my sweat now cooling in the night air.

  “That was amazing.” Was all I could manage to say to Sanza and I felt his chest rumble with laughter.

  “I agree, it was amazing.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  What I didn’t know was my mates had watched me with Sanza, I would have been mad at them but then again why would I want to? They knew I loved to be watched, but I wasn’t sure if that was much of a show. It was faster than I had ever had before even if I’d had the most intense orgasm.

  Marin asked Sanza how he made me orgasm without making a sound and I laughed. I was just riding the wave of pleasure and it was hard to breathe. But when I saw Carub I blushed. He saw me, well come to think of it. He probably saw me a lot in the past too when he had his tail broke. I was now laying nestled in Sanza’s arms but I felt him push me a little.

  “Go to him, you know you want too.” I stood up on shaky legs with the help of Zurcov. I turned to him and kissed him and he patted my ass. I giggled.

  “Carub?” I held my hand out as I took a few steps towards him. I had really started to fall for him, my big teddy bear. When he stepped up close to me, he got to one knee.

  “I asked you to consider me as a mate, I wish to know if you have considered me yet?” The grin spread ear to ear. I cupped his cheeks in my hands and kissed him gently.

  “I choose you, Carub. My big softy, with the puppy dog eyes and the kink in his tail. Nothing would be the same without you here with us.”

  I heard Marin and Zurcov welcome him to the family. Sanza came over and held onto Carub’s shoulder.

  “Welcome brother.” I smiled as they all surrounded me. Holding onto me and we all laughed and spoke about how amazing we all will be now we were together. We had found our mates and now had a family.

  The mountains seemed far away… well they were far away and it was taking longer than K’Tem thought. Which was driving me crazy. We were now on foot, it was strange out here and the trees weren’t as tall. But it was nice to walk for a change.

  “Would you like a foot rub when we stop?” Carub asked from beside me, I nodded without looking at him. Just putting one foot in front of the other. He didn’t ask to carry me because only a few moments before he’d asked and I’d kind of snapped at him.

  “It has been ten days… it’s feast day again today. We need to rest.” Hadley sulked from beside me and I slumped my shoulders forward. Carub was concerned and I wanted to laugh. I was just being extra sulky. I could see those dumb mountain’s but I swear with every footstep we were going backwards.r />
  “I need to pee I’m gonna go find a tree over there.” Hadley pointed near some rocks. And no, they weren’t aket. They were something else, but K’Tem determined them safe.

  “Okay, I probably will need to go soon too.” I replied and Carub stressed that I only went moments before. I looked at him and he shut his mouth. I felt guilty so I reached out to hold his hand. I felt bad for being so crabby to him. He shouldn’t be scared of me.

  “Don’t go too far, there is a cliff somewhere close by.” K’Tem called out to Hadley just as we all heard a scream. My head flew up and I started running as did everyone else. My heart was in my throat as I saw Hadley slide down the side of a huge cliff.

  “Oh my god.” I clasped my throat. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Her mate Vetok went to go after her but K’Tem stopped him. He indicated to a different section of the ledge.

  “Go down from over there, you don’t want to hurt her with falling rocks that you knock on your way.” I watched as not only Vetok and Jaka jumped down after her, but seven other males did the same from different sides.

  “Hadley,” I screamed out, Carub holding onto me tightly.

  “Elle,” I heard her call out and I started to sob. She was okay. She would be okay.

  “There is something down here.” And that was the last we heard from her before she let out a small scream.

  * * *

  To be continued…. Hadley’s story next.


  Hi everyone, thank you so much for still being with me on this journey with the Aashi Brides.


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