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Switch Page 21

by N. M. Catalano

  I can feel Elizabeth flinch in my arms and I just tighten my hold on her.

  “Liana got off on some pain. And to be frank, I was coming out of that shitty part of my life, and it seemed that is exactly what I needed. It gave me complete control, and pleasure.”

  I feel her tighten again but I don’t loosen my hold on her.

  “She made me think she loved me. But I found out later it wasn’t me she loved but what I did to her, my position in the company and the money I was making. I thought I loved her and I asked her to marry me.”

  Elizabeth starts pushing against me, “Let me go!”

  “You asked me to tell you; now let me finish, dammit!”

  She settles down but she’s stiff and motionless.

  “After I proposed she started to ask for things, a house, jewelry, money and then she wanted more…pain. I started to question her about it and I told her I couldn’t get her all those things; a house wasn’t possible yet. I gave her some things but it wasn’t enough, or good enough. We started to fight and I think she thought she could do anything she wanted, that she had me no matter what she did. So she started to go out at night.” I pause as I remember that time. It doesn’t seem real, like it was something I watched or it was someone else.

  I feel Elizabeth’s hand come to lie flat against my chest as she’s waiting for me to continue.

  “After she’d come home with marks all over her body I decided to follow her one night. She went to a BDSM club. Apparently she’d been a member there before we’d gotten together. I filled out the appropriate paperwork to get in and signed stating I wouldn’t participate in any scenes because I didn’t have a clean health record on file.” I let out another deep breath before I continue. “When I got in I found her in a scene with two guys after they’d caned her. One was fucking her in the ass; the other had his cock shoved down her throat.’

  “Oh God, Marco, I’m sorry.”

  “It was a good thing, baby, because right then I realized I didn’t love her and what she was doing was a huge favor for me. I didn’t feel jealous over what I saw but pissed that I’d been made to be a fool.” I pull Elizabeth close and finish the story, “That was Liana. I couldn’t blame her for that, but I wasn’t going to be her meal ticket. So I went home and packed her shit, left a note and told her I was leaving for a few days and to be gone when I got back.” I look into Elizabeth’s glowing face, “And that’s it, babe.”

  “Thank you for telling me, Marco. But…”

  “What is it, baby?”

  “Marco, I can’t be like those other women. I don’t think I can be like that with you…” her eyes are searching mine, looking for something to tell her it’s okay.

  “Elizabeth, those women don’t exist. There is no other woman but you. You’re everything I want; don’t ever question that, baby. Ever.”

  Relief is clearly evident on her face and in her body. I can feel her relaxing in my arms.

  “There are no more secrets between us, Elizabeth, got that?”

  “Yes, no more.”

  But it’s my turn to ask a question now. If I don’t it will eat me up inside. “Elizabeth, tell me about John.”

  I feel her tense against me again.

  “There’s nothing to tell, Marco.” I can tell she’s a little worried.

  “Elizabeth, no more secrets. Tell me, I need to know everything, even if it hurts.”

  She pulls her lip between her teeth, nervously tugging on it. Oh God, no.

  “I had lunch with him today.” She sighs heavily with the admission. “When I found those pictures I had to talk to someone about the lifestyle, and I needed it to be someone who had no interest in our relationship, someone with a completely unbiased opinion. I just needed facts.”

  “Did you get the information that you needed?” I ask waiting for more.

  “Yes, that’s why I’m here. He helped me to see things clearly.”

  I suck in a breath before I ask, “Is that all that happened today with him?”

  Her brows pull together in confusion. “What do you mean, ‘is that all’?”

  “Are you attracted to him, Elizabeth?” There, it’s out.

  The surprise on her face is completely obvious.

  “That came out of nowhere. He’s an attractive man, Marco. I’d have to be dead not to see that but no, I’m not attracted to him. I feel nothing toward him except friendship.” She searches my face and I’m sure she can see the residual worry that has been eating at me all day, the uncertainty and the fear.

  “Marco,” she says softly, “you have healed me, made me live again, and there is no other man I ever want but you. None.” She pulls my face to hers kissing me with so much emotion, so much tenderness and so much possession it melts the last bit of doubt that I might have had.

  “There’s one more thing, baby,” I say to her.

  She waits quietly for what else I have to say.

  “I liked that Dominatrix in you. Do you think she could come out to play again?” I say as a wicked smile curves my lips.

  The blush creeps quickly over her cream skin but she can’t stop the slow naughty grin spreading across that beautiful face.

  “Well, Mr. Bond, I’m sure she will have to to remind you who’s really in control.”

  “Like I said, baby, you’re the best kind of bad.”

  My hard-on is pressing into her and her body answers it, our need calling to each other, wrapping itself around us, entering us and we succumb to it, getting lost in each other, mouths, hands, tongues, fingers. We ride that wave together climbing higher with nothing to stop us now and we crash together lost in each other. No kink, no binds, nothing but desire joining us, becoming one.

  I fall asleep with Elizabeth in my arms and I feel like life is just beginning and it’s magnificent.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Mr. Wu,” I’m on the phone with him, a client, “I appreciate the offer to make me dinner, but I’m sorry, I can’t.”

  This is the fifth time this widower has asked me out and he’s not even a sugar daddy!

  “If there is anything else we can help you with…” I pause as he asks me about Medicaid benefits. “Yes, when open enrollment comes around give us a call and we can review some other options for you. Have a great day, Mr. Wu, bye.” I wait until I hear the word bye from him then I hang up.

  I groan, “Oh my God, again!” and I hang my head.

  “What’s the matter, Elizabeth, Mr. Wu proposing to you again?”

  Carol loves this; I can hear her practically rolling on the floor laughing at me.

  “My God, the last time he did this he called me here every day with something or other and came in to the office three times that week. What is it, does the man have mating cycles like women have periods that get him all worked up? He’s a sweet old guy but he’s driving me crazy!”

  Now the whole office is in an uproar. I’m not going to live this one down for a while.

  Thankfully the front door chimes announcing a visitor and hopefully putting an end to my Mr. Wu torment. I get up to greet them and stop when I see Marco. He’s got a huge bouquet of yellow roses in his hand.

  “Ms. DiStefano, how is your day going?”

  His smile brightens up the whole room and his voice still makes me want to swoon.

  “Mr. Kastanopoulis, it’s much better now that I see you again, although I’m afraid you’re too late. Someone’s already proposed today.” I tease him as his arm goes around my waist pulling me to him.

  “Oh really?” I feel him tense against me and it makes me giggle.

  “Yes, dear Mr. Wu, he’s asked to make me dinner again tonight.” I’m a terrible person for making fun of the old man’s sweetness, but I mean, really?

  “Ah, I see, well, I understand. I cook for you all the time.”

  All three women in the office yell out at the same time, “You do?!”

  He laughs at the extra ears before answering. “Yes, I do, bre
akfast, lunch and dinner, but she’s worth it.”

  “Don’t spoil her too bad, Marco, she’s hardly tolerable as it is,” Carol says coming out of her office, smiling from ear to ear.

  He loosens his hold on me but doesn’t entirely let me go. I’m totally crazy for this man. I just want to scream it out sometimes!

  “Hi, Carol, actually it’s you I came to see today.”

  The surprise is evident on her face as her eyes widen and her mouth falls open while her words get stuck in her throat.

  “You did?” she finally mutters.

  “Yes, and these are for you. The mayor told me about the lunch you and his wife had.” He moves his hand from my back and reaches out to give her a small hug. “He said his wife was asking him questions about my project and wondering why it hadn’t begun yet. She told him how it would be such a shame if anything got in the way and what a disservice it would be to the community…and to his re-election.”

  If I thought I was surprised before, I know I am now. Carol quite demurely used her connections to gently suggest in an ear that most certainly would have the greatest effect, the mayor’s wife’s, that maybe something was amiss with Marco’s project. It was quite brilliant really. It was informal, I’m sure a comment made in passing, probably sounding more like an afterthought than a formal complaint. A talk between two old friends, much the same way they would talk about the latest fashions. Brilliant.

  Carol blushes, I have never seen her blush before, and she lowers her head, smiling bashfully.

  “Leonora and I used to go line dancing together when we were kids. She’s an old friend of mine. She is the most regal women I know today but back in the day, wooey, she was a hellion. That’s probably why the mayor scooped her up so fast.”

  “Well, after she questioned him on it, he did some checking. That little conversation of yours and Leonora’s was a big part in my finding out what was going on with my permits. And for that I am forever in your debt, my dear.” Marco bows slightly before handing Carol the roses.

  “Aw, honey, what are friends for, come here you big ole teddy bear.” She gives him an eye-popping hug. Now it’s Marco’s turn to blush.

  By now everyone has come out of their offices and are watching the emotional, yes it’s emotional, display. I can’t believe we’re all not in tears. I know I feel them welling up threatening to fall. This must not be easy for Marco. He’s not an open man especially with such personal and business matters. But this is Carol, and he must have felt her genuineness.

  “You didn’t have to do this, Marco, but they’re beautiful, thank you.”

  “It’s the least I can do, thank you for caring; it doesn’t go unnoticed. Now, if Ms. DiStefano has some time, can we review that timeline again and maybe make some revisions according to the latest updates? We can start to move forward now.” He turns back to Carol. “Did you see what Elizabeth showed me?”

  “Yes, I went in and she gave me a peek one day, she was holding the goods out on me until it was ready, and I was very impressed. This is going to work very well for you and your company."

  “Yes it is. I couldn’t be more pleased.” Turning back to me he gets a little glint in his eye. “Can I have you for a few minutes, Ms. DiStefano?”

  “I’m all yours, Mr. Bond. Shall we go?” I smirk at his naughtiness.

  When we enter my office I decide to close the door. I can’t wait until we get home to find out what’s going on with KMD Enterprises. I want to know now. Taking my seat across from Marco, he’s his usual classic business gentleman who never shows any signs of stress, I jump right into the questions.

  “So, what’s going on, Marco?”

  “Actually I can’t discuss everything yet. I promise I’ll tell you all of it tonight though. I haven’t addressed the entire situation this morning but I had to come and see you and I wanted to give Carol a little thank you present, so I decided to kill two birds with one stone.” He’s so cool and relaxed and it’s killing me. I’m dying to know.

  “All right, I suppose I can wait a few more hours, but you promise you’ll tell me everything tonight, right?”

  Dropping his head back and laughing at my childish behavior he laughs. “Yes, I promise, now let me see that prospectus again.”

  “Absolutely, Mr. Kastanopoulis, and there are some other things I’d like to discuss with you. I understand you might have some concerns if you should have a fire in your home,” I tell him as I put on my glasses and begin clicking open some screens on my computer.

  His fingers begin to drum on the arm of the chair as he’s looking at me.

  “Have I told you, Elizabeth, that I want to fuck you with your glasses on?”



  “Mr. Kastanopoulis, there are two gentlemen here to see you,” Christine pops her head in my door. Her eyes are wide and her face is serious.

  I remind her again to call me by my first name. “It’s Marco, Christine, and I’m coming, thank you.”

  I can hear the nervousness in Christine’s voice and I can see the apprehension in her expression. It’s completely normal. Vinny and John always make people nervous. It’s gotten them to where they are today.

  I walk out to the lobby and find Christine stealing glances at the two imposing men talking quietly together. I’m sure she’s never met anyone like these gentlemen before. If you’re not from the “neighborhood” then you don’t meet this type of people. Vinny D’Angelo is a bear of a man in size but his presence is even more commanding, it’s intimidating and you can feel a dangerous element about him. John Mikelson, Steve’s father, is a bit more outspoken but is also every bit as intimidating. He’s usually the one who speaks for the both of them. His talents lie in his verbal manipulation and he always gets what he wants. Steve gets this gift from him. There is not a person who was ever able to say no to John. If they did, it was handled. Both Vinny and John are in custom-tailored suits and designer Italian shoes. There isn’t a hair out of place and their nails are manicured, looking like the epitome of business polish, almost old-school style.

  “Marco, my boy, come here.” Vinny sees me first and opens his arms to embrace me. I know I have a special place in this man’s heart, Vinny and my dad were childhood friends. Once when they were kids they were involved in something that could have gotten Vinny into a lot of trouble with the police but my dad took the rap for it. Because my dad didn’t have anything prior on his record he was released. At that time people knew each other in the neighborhood. They looked out for each other. Families would come and sit on the front stoop after dinner and socialize while the kids played together. No one messed with the people from the neighborhood, nobody. After a time, while I was growing up and the older generations died off, people started moving away, things changed, and that’s when Vinny moved to Florida. But he believed that you take care of the people who take care of you so he made the offer to my dad, along with John, to come with him. My dad wanted to stay close to the rest of his family so he refused. Vinny wanted to give my dad a chance to get out too so he lent my dad the money to open the restaurant upstate. We left the neighborhood and started a new life. It was a good life, my parents did well, and maybe all because of that day my dad and Vinny got into trouble.

  Vinny has never forgotten this favor even after lending my dad the money and that’s why he gave me the opportunity to go down to Florida and learn the business with him. When I first got started in it, I immediately loved it and learned everything I could, absorbing whatever these two had to teach me and anyone else who would talk to me.

  Vinny holds my face in his two hands and kisses me on both cheeks. When he releases me John pulls me in and does the same thing while patting me warmly on my back. His look is a bit more serious than Vinny’s. I’m sure this is not a trip he wanted to make.

  “It’s good to see you, Marco. We miss you down in Florida but you’re doing a great job here on your own,” John tells me warmly.

  “Well, to be fair, I’m
not really alone.”

  “Yes, you are. But we know what you mean just as you know what we mean,” Vinny says.

  “I understand.” I turn to Christine to introduce her to these two men. I know she’s dying to know who they are.

  “Christine, I’d like to introduce you to Vinny D’Angelo.” I turn to her and nod indicating it’s okay, he’s not going to bite.

  “It’s very nice to meet you, Mr. D’Angelo.” Her voice is a little high showing her nervousness.

  “Thank you very much for keeping our boy straight, Christine.” He is charismatic and endearing. There is no denying it.

  “And this is John Mikelson.”

  She looks at me with a question in her eyes. “Mikelson?”

  “Yes, this is Steve’s father.”

  “I am very pleased to meet you, Mr. Mikelson.” She doesn’t seem as nervous to meet John, maybe because of Steve and how amiable he appears to be. She might not feel this way if she knew what this man has done.

  “You are a very lovely young lady, thank you for all of your hard work with these two boys.” He’s a bit of a charmer like his son.

  “Christine, these men are the M and the D in KMD Enterprises. Vinny is the man who started it all in Florida and John made the baby grow. They’re like fathers to me. They’re my mentors and partners in the business.”

  Her eyes are as wide as saucers. I think she’s afraid to make any assumptions. Good girl.

  “I need you to call Liana and Steve in, Christine. Tell them Vinny and John are here.” There is nothing else that needs to be said. She nods her understanding.

  “Come, let’s go inside so we can talk. Would you like some espresso? Christine makes a delicious cup.”

  “Really? Of course, three cups please. Just like home, Marco, that’s a beautiful thing.” Vinny beams.

  We go into my office and close the door. The two men take the seats in front of my desk and I sit behind it.

  “Things look really good here, Marco. You’re doing a great job.”


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