Absolution: A Mortal Sins Novel

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Absolution: A Mortal Sins Novel Page 30

by Keri Lake

  “Meet me in the restroom,” Ivy whispers beside me.

  “What? Now?”

  “Yes, right now. I’ll go first, then you follow. Try not to be obvious, though.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes. I just …. It’s something I’ve always wanted to try.”


  “Meet me, and you’ll find out. You brought your collar?”

  Eyes narrowed on her, it becomes blatantly clear what she plans to do in there, but before I can protest, she bites her lip and pushes up from the chair. Clearing my throat again, I look around to find one lawyer sleeping, Thomas still working, and the stewardess nowhere in sight. I button up my shirt and rifle through the small bag I brought aboard for the clerical collar that Ivy insisted I keep, and I head toward the back of the plane without anyone seeming to notice.

  Without knocking, I enter a bathroom that looks nothing like a typical airplane bathroom. Dark wood and marble make up a sink that reminds me of something in a hotel. Dim lighting and neatly folded towels are added touches, along with the variety of toiletries set out in a basket. But none of these things really hold my attention long. My eyes dart directly to the woman who stands across from me, blocking the porthole window and balancing against the counter with her legs spread and ready for me. I slide on my collar, adjusting it into place, and approach slowly, cautiously, avoiding the urge slam her into the wall and fuck her brains out. At my approach, she falls to her knees and gives the sign of the cross.

  “Bless me, Father, for I have sinned. I wish I could say it’s the last time, but I’m in a bit of a predicament.”

  “What kind of predicament?” I stroke my hand over her hair, resisting the need to clench my hand to a tight fist.

  “My boyfriend … he has this amazing cock.” She licks her lips and stares up at me, while she works the belt on my slacks. “It’s big. And thick. And his cum tastes delicious.” In one vicious yank, she springs my dick free, and there’s no denying how much this woman turns me on. “I seem to have developed an addiction to it.”

  “Perhaps you just haven’t tasted enough variety in your life.” The moment her lips dance around my tip, I squeeze her hair, biting back the tension that pulses through me, coaxing tiny thrusts toward her mouth.

  “I don’t want to taste anyone else’s dick, Father. I only want his.”

  “I’m afraid that’s not how it works. To cast out these demons, you must first ensure the source.” My body is desperate for those ruby red lips that slide over the tip, leaving behind smears of lipstick over slick precum. “Take me in your mouth and see if you still only crave his cock.”

  “Yes, Father.” Those are the last words she says, before her lips stretch over my shaft and down toward the base. I tip my head back and set my hand against the wall to keep from buckling.

  “Fuck,” I groan, and not even the jarring rattle of turbulence stops her from kicking up the pace. My body is burning with the desire to be buried balls deep inside of her, but I can’t move. This woman has me in a state of sexual paralysis.

  She glides back up to the tip and strokes the trailing spit, as she stares up at me again. “I still crave his cock and only his cock.”

  Grinding my teeth, I desperately try to hold back the violence inside of me that wants to split this woman in half. “Well, then, perhaps we should try something else.” I grip her throat and draw her to her feet, pressing her against the wall, where she stumbles back onto the counter. Mouth gaping, she lets out a breath, and I squeeze just enough to draw those messy lips into a smile. “Spread your legs, pécheresse. You know you want this as much as I do.”

  She does as she’s told, and I guide her hand between her legs, pushing two of her fingers up inside of her. Eyes closed, she curls her lip between her teeth and lets out a soft moan. “Look at the way you indulge in sin.” Lifting her fingers between us, I open my mouth and allow her to insert them. The sweet flavor of her pussy coats my tongue as I suck them clean. Hand still gripping her throat, I line my tip at her entrance and pause. “Tell me, Ivy. Tell me how good his cock feels inside of you.”

  She shudders and lets out a shaky breath. Her throat bobs against my palm, and she regards me with a sliver of defiance. “He fucks me hard and so good, I don’t want him to stop.”

  Damn her. I think there isn’t a thing this woman says that could possibly make me harder than I already am, but then she adds, “No one fucks me as good as he does.”

  In one harsh thrust, I’m inside her, the wet walls of her tight little hole grabbing my cock, as I push deeper. “Surely, he must bore you by now.”

  She tongues the corner of her mouth, eyes heavy with lust. “Never.”

  “Your boyfriend is a lucky man,” I say, my voice raspy and husky with the desire to come all over her. To mark her with my scent, so any man who comes near her will know she belongs to me.

  She lets out a breathy chuckle and tips her head back. “I’d say I’m the lucky one right now, Father.” Her brows come together in a cross between pain and ecstasy. “Oh, fuck!”

  A little loud for an airplane bathroom, and I’m certain anyone outside the door has gotten wind of what we’re up to.

  At the knock on the door, we don’t stop. My hips pummel into her like a man drilling for oil, even when the stewardess asks, “Miss Mercier, is everything okay in there?”

  “Yeah–” Ivy chokes out. “Oh, God, oh, God, oh, my fucking God!”

  Two more pumps, and her back stiffens, the pinch of her eyebrows softens with her smile, and the beautiful glow plastered on her face is more than I can stand. Hot jets of cum spring from my dick as I bury my face in her neck, breathing in her sweet floral scent.

  “Ah, pécheresse, you are a bad girl.” Pulse after mind-blowing pulse feeds into her, as if we’re two cables, spliced together in one constant flow of electricity. “Holy fuck.”

  “Holy, indeed.” She steals deep breaths and grabs either side of my face, pulling me toward her lips. “Bore me. As if.”

  I kiss her again, savoring the flavor of her skin against my tongue. “I swear you taste sweeter every time you come.”

  “It’s the purity of your holy cock.”

  Snorting a laugh, I push away from her, letting her feet hit the floor once more. “My holy cock? You make it sound like an object of worship.”

  “It kind of is. I mean, I pretty much worship it.”

  The plane jerks, knocking both of us to the side, and I catch her in my arms, before she tumbles to the floor.

  “Jesus, the turbulence is horrible.” A hint of fear carries on her voice as she sets her hand against the wall, steadying her balance.

  “Even luxury jets aren’t immune from the laws of physics.”

  Smiling, she bends forward and pulls up her panties while I refasten my belt. “Next time, we’ll use the belt.”

  “Next time?”

  “Oh, yes. This is a ten-hour flight, baby, and I need distraction from the impending landing.”

  I brush the hair out of her eyes and tuck it behind her ear. “Are you nervous?”

  “To land? Or to visit the city I’ve been dying to see since I was a little girl? Or the mansion that apparently belongs to me?”

  “All of the above.”

  “Yeah, I’m crawling out of my skin a little here.”

  I pull her into me and plant a kiss on her forehead. “It’s going to be a different life for you, Ivy. One I hope makes you happy. You’ll never want for anything again.”

  Her head shakes against my chest, and she pulls back just enough to look me in the eyes. “I’ll always want for something, Damon.” Pushing up on tiptoes, she grips the back of my neck and tugs me to a kiss. “I’ll always want you.”

  “You have me.”

  “I do, but I want to spin you up in my little spider web and keep you forever.”

  I frown down at her, trying to push the visual of her face on a big spider out of my mind. “That’s incredibly disturbin

  Chuckling, she rests her cheek against my chest. “Seriously, though. You’ve always felt a little … off limits. Even after the whole priest gig. I still don’t feel like you’re entirely mine. Like there isn’t enough money in the world.”

  “Ivy … I’m guessing there will be men, wealthy men, who’ll want to combine fortunes, expand their empires. You’ll be one of the most sought after women in all of Europe.”

  “I don’t care about combining fortunes, or other wealthy men. I want you. I’d give up the money for you.”

  I run my thumb along her jaw, contemplating the thought of the two of us, turning back to months before, when she was working some shitty waitress job, while I spent all day scouring Help Wanted ads. “What could I possibly give you that you don’t already have?”

  The shine in her eyes magnifies their bright spring green. “Love. A family, maybe? And no one quotes dirty Bible verses better than you.”

  We both chuckle at that, and I grip a handful of hair, tipping her head back for another kiss. “Shit. I’m going to have to start saving up for a ring.” I’m not entirely destitute, I just haven’t had the ambition to sort through my father’s crooked affairs to know where he’s hidden his accounts. And I’m not certain I want to be the heir to his blood money, if I do.

  “Doesn’t have to be fancy. Any ring will do.”

  I glance around the bathroom, and my eyes zero in on the white satin satchels that hold fancy soaps, tied with white ribbons. Reaching to the side, I untie the ribbon, and smile, dropping down to one knee.

  “Ivy Mercier, over the last couple months, I’ve come to realize that sometimes life gives us a second chance. What begins in tragedy can somehow blossom into something beautiful. When I met you, I had already rejected the possibility of new love. But you … you wouldn’t relent so easily.” I smile at the memory of her persistence, the flirtations that effectively wore me down over a matter of weeks. “You blackmailed me. Roped me into your dysfunctional little world.”

  With a light punch to my arm, she chuckles.

  “You chased me damn near to Mexico. And blew up a drug lord’s tunnel to find me.” With a sigh, I rub my thumb over her soft skin. “Eventually, I couldn’t help but fall madly, deeply, insanely in love with you. So, with that said, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  Tears fall down her cheeks, and she wipes them away as she nods. “Yes. I would.”

  At that, I wrap the ribbon around her finger twice and awkwardly tie it in a small bow. With her hand in mine, I push to my feet, and she wraps her arms around me.

  “Proposal in an airplane bathroom. This has to be the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  Rubbing my jawline, I frown. “Damn … I’m gonna have to up my game a little.”

  She toys with my hairline at the back of my head and giggles. “We have time.”

  Leaning forward, I set my lips to her neck and kiss her collarbone. “Would you have really given it all away, though?”

  “For you? Every penny. Well, except what I plan to spend on Miss Garcia’s new house. And the check I plan to send Sergio for college. But everything else, yes.”

  “You are something special, Pécheresse.”

  “The jet, too. I think I’d want to keep that. And the mansion? I mean, it’s in Paris, so, why not, you know?”

  “Okay, I get it.” I smile against her skin.

  “Maybe the house in Fiji, too, because, hello. Everyone needs a vacation, even poor people.”

  Rolling my eyes, I groan. “You can stop now.”

  “The miniature horses. The vineyard. But that’s it. Everything else, I’d give up.”

  “I’d give up everything for you, too.”

  She pulls away, staring up at me. “Except the collar, right?”

  “I already gave up the collar.”

  “No, I mean, the actual collar. We’re keeping that.”

  With a huff, I shake my head. “Whatever floats your boat.”

  “Oh! I forgot about the boat! I’d keep that, for sure. I mean, how else would we get to Fiji, right?”

  “You’re impossible, woman.”

  “I’m your impossible woman, now. So, with that in mind, we should probably set aside the cash you’re going to need for therapy, too. And drugs.”

  “You are my impossible woman.” Hooking a finger beneath her chin, I tip her head back. “Don’t you forget that.”

  Her lips stretch with the smile of a woman who has everything in the world and she knows it. “I promise I won’t.”


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  Keri Lake is a dark romance writer who specializes in demon wrangling, vengeance dealing and wicked twists. Her stories are gritty, with antiheroes that walk the line of good and bad, and feisty heroines who bring them to their knees. When not penning books, she enjoys spending time with her husband, daughters, and their rebellious Labrador (who doesn’t retrieve a damn thing). She runs on strong coffee and alternative music, loves a good red wine, and has a slight addiction to dark chocolate.

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  Table of Contents

  Title Page






  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18


  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Authors Note

  Other Books By Keri Lake

  About the Author



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