Dagger (Devil's Fury MC 4)

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Dagger (Devil's Fury MC 4) Page 8

by Harley Wylde

  I didn’t know which of my brothers had tried to hurt her, which meant I didn’t know who to trust. She’d said she hadn’t seen a name. Did that mean it was a Prospect who hadn’t had a name stitched on their cut? Or was it an actual brother and she was too scared to tell me? Sooner or later, I’d find out who it was and beat the fucker. The Devil’s Fury might not be law-abiding citizens, but there was some shit we didn’t tolerate.

  “Don’t make him stay if he’s uncomfortable,” Zoe said softly.

  I gave her a slight squeeze, hoping she’d catch the hint and keep quiet. Now that we weren’t discussing a possible relationship and were focused on her safety, she didn’t get a fucking say in the matter. I’d do whatever it took to keep her safe. There was no negotiating when it came to that, and if she decided to argue, I’d just spank her ass and do whatever was necessary to get the point across that she wasn’t in charge -- I was.

  I shifted, my dick getting hard at the thought of needing to punish her. Shit. I seriously needed to think of something else. Having her on my lap was already enough to turn me on. I hadn’t lied when I’d said she’d made me hard the moment I’d stepped outside and seen her in my fucking yard. I may like both men and women, but Zoe had a body that would have starred in my fantasies for a while. As it was, I now got to sleep next to her at night, and make her scream my name as she came. Only thing better would be having Jared there with us, or someone else if he decided he couldn’t handle it.

  Jared held Zoe’s gaze. “Would it bother you if I stayed in the guest room?”

  She shook her head and I felt her relax against me. Maybe I wasn’t the only one concerned about her safety while I was gone. I hadn’t realized until that moment she’d been a little tense. There was something I needed to take care of before I left her here. Maybe she and Jared could have a little test run right now to see how they got along without me around. I tapped Zoe’s thigh and she stood, giving me the chance to get up without dumping her on the floor.

  “Need to run to the clubhouse for a few. Stay with Zoe?” I asked Jared.

  “Yeah. I can hang here until you get back.”

  I pulled Zoe against me. “Need to take care of something. I’ll be back.”

  The way she chewed her lip told me she was nervous. I smoothed it with my thumb, tugging it free from her teeth. She leaned in closer, pressing tight against me. It was tempting to say fuck it and take her back to bed. But I knew damn well I’d worry about her while I was gone, and I needed to know if anyone would fess up about trying to get in her pants.

  “Maybe Zoe would want to take a walk?” Jared suggested. “I’d stay with her, make sure she’s safe.”

  I tugged on her hair. “Would you like that, corazoncito?”

  She nodded.

  I brushed my lips over hers, then took a step back before I was tempted to do far more. With a chin lift to Jared, I went to the bedroom and pulled on the rest of my clothes and my boots. I grabbed my keys and headed for my bike in the driveway. I was just far enough from the clubhouse that I didn’t want to walk. I could hear the music pulsing before the clubhouse even came into view, which meant it was likely a wild night. Normally, I’d partake of the pussy inside, get shitfaced, and have some fun. Tonight was different. I wasn’t here to get trashed or wet my dick. I wanted to know who the fuck put his hands on my woman.

  Demon was out front smoking, and by the smell, it wasn’t tobacco. He eyed me as I went up to the door, then held out his hand. I stopped, waiting to see what he had to say. If he’d been anyone other than the Sergeant-at-Arms, I’d have flipped him off and kept going. Demon had earned his fucking name, and I knew he was one of the last brothers I wanted to piss off.

  “Heard you have a woman now,” he said.


  He glanced at the clubhouse doors, then back to me. “And you’re already here? Doesn’t sound like you’re too happy with your choice.”

  “Not here to party,” I said. “Just need some information.”

  He grinned and took another drag off his joint, then rolled his neck until it cracked. Even though his gaze wasn’t on me, I knew he was still watching. I didn’t know what the fuck he wanted. After a moment, he waved me off so I went inside to see what I could find out. I didn’t even know where the hell to start. Making my way up to the bar, I waited for Beau to head over. He already knew what I liked to drink and slid a cold beer to me, but I wanted more than a drink.

  “You notice anyone paying special attention to our newest batch of ladies?” I asked. He looked around, but I shook my head. “Not the club pussy. The women who are hands-off.”

  He rubbed at the back of his neck. “This have anything to do with Grizzly yelling something about you having a woman now?”

  “Maybe. What have you seen or heard?” I asked.

  “Nothing really. I know some of the guys have been talking about them. A few seemed to be eyeing them in a way they shouldn’t. At least, according to the Pres. He wanted everyone to give those ladies a wide berth, but I know some want under their skirts.”

  And that’s what I needed to know. “Anyone specifically mention Zoe?”

  He shook his head. “No names. Just shit talk in general about their tits and wanting to give those girls a good fucking. They don’t do it around the Pres or even around Demon and Wolf. Anyone can tell those three have a soft spot for them. Who’d have ever thought Demon could be nice?”

  I snorted, knowing he wasn’t wrong. The SAA wasn’t exactly known for his tact. Nor did he have a gentle side that I’d ever seen. Demon liked to get bloody, whether it was putting his fist through someone’s face or ripping out their insides. And the fucker would laugh while doing it.

  “Something happen to your woman?” Beau asked, his brow furrowed.

  “Yeah, and I want to know who the fuck is responsible. She was scared shitless when she showed up at my house, wanting my protection so she’d be safe at the compound. We don’t fucking hurt women. Not unless they’re deceitful, cold-hearted bitches who earned it like that whore who could have gotten Lilian killed. I’m surprised Demon didn’t do worse.”

  Beau smiled a little. “He wanted to. I heard Grizzly talking him out of it. When he found out a woman had died not too far from where he’d picked up Lilian, he wanted to kill the bitch.”

  I couldn’t blame him for that. The club pussy was expendable, but Lilian most certainly wasn’t. Not only was she Grizzly’s adopted daughter, but she was Dragon’s ol’ lady. And a mother. Yeah, the bitch had fucked up when she’d tried to put a wedge between Lilian and Dragon.

  “Someone put his hands on Zoe, and I want to know who the fuck did it,” I said.

  “Wish I could help, Dagger, but I haven’t heard shit. I might only be a Prospect, but I wouldn’t stand around and not stop something like that.”

  I knew he was right. Beau was a good kid. I ran a hand down my beard and scanned the room. Unfortunately, it seemed one of the whores thought it was an invitation. She hustled over and pressed her naked tits to my arm, batting her fake eyelashes at me.

  “Want to party?” she asked. Her lips parted and she slid her tongue over her bottom lip. “I’ll let you put it anywhere.”

  I shoved her away. “Didn’t call you over.”

  She pouted, but wandered off. At least she wasn’t pushy like some of them. With some luck, the latest batch were only here to have some fun. The ones who’d thought they would get claimed had left after Demon made an example of Cheri. Guess they hadn’t wanted one of us quite that bad. Good riddance as far as I was concerned. Even though I wouldn’t be dipping my dick in any of them anymore, the last thing the club needed was a bunch of troublesome women.

  I gulped down my beer, tapped the bar, and walked out. I could have tried talking to someone else, but they were either too fucking drunk, or had their dicks out. Whether they were drinking or fucking, I wouldn’t be getting much from them right now. I knew it had been a gamble, but I wanted this shit settled before I l

  I didn’t want to go home, not yet. It wasn’t that I was trying to put distance between myself and Zoe, but I didn’t like the thought of looking her in the eye when I left tomorrow and not being able to guarantee her safety. Yeah, I had Jared watching over her, and she’d get a property cut. Already wore my ring. Didn’t feel like it was enough. Not even close.

  My bike was only a few feet away when I heard the panicked scream. I jolted, scanned the area, then heard it again. Down the road that led to my house. I got on my bike and tore out of the lot in front of the clubhouse, hoping like hell one of the women wasn’t hurt. When I heard her scream Jared’s name, my heart nearly stalled. Zoe.

  I pushed my bike, going faster, until I whipped around a curve in the road and came to a skidding halt. Jared was down, knocked the fuck out, and someone wearing a Devil’s Fury cut was advancing on Zoe. Except it wasn’t someone I recognized. I put down the kickstand and got off. The man barely glanced my way, not seeming to be concerned someone else had come along. What the fuck?

  “Get away from her,” I demanded.

  The guy flipped me off. “Bitch wants it. She’s just playing hard to get.”

  “No, she fucking isn’t. That’s my wife, asshole. Back the hell off,” I said.

  He paused and turned to face me. Even in the darkness, I could see clearly enough to know this man wasn’t one of my brothers. I didn’t know where he’d gotten the cut, or how he’d made it into the compound, but I was sure the fuck going to find out. He stood straighter, but I noticed he swayed a bit. Drunk. Or high. Maybe both.

  I approached, keeping Zoe in my peripheral, but not willing to take my gaze off this ass. No way would he get away with this. Whoever he was, he’d just signed his own death warrant, and I was going to be the Grim-Fucking-Reaper who delivered him to hell. He’d touched what was mine. Frightened Zoe. Knocked out Jared. I wasn’t about to let that shit stand.

  My gaze scanned him and I noticed the name on his cut. King -- Treasurer. Son of a bitch. Where the fuck had he gotten that? I might not have known King personally, but I’d heard of him. And this asswipe was nowhere near old enough to be King, even if the man wasn’t dead already.

  “You’re not King,” I said. “So who the fuck are you?”

  He sneered, then spat at me. “I’m fucking royalty. All of you are in for a world of pain before I’m done. Starting with your bitches. I owe this one. Stupid cunt kneed me in the nuts.”

  “Too bad she didn’t kill you. Would have been kinder than what I have in mind.” I slipped my phone from my pocket and unlocked the screen with my thumbprint, then tossed it to Zoe. She clumsily caught it, nearly dropping it twice. “Corazoncito, call Demon and tell him where we are and to bring backup.”

  She hastened to obey while putting more distance between herself and whoever this shithead was. I’d be finding out before the night was over. He’d be spilling all his secrets and crying like a baby. Begging for his life. Wouldn’t do any good. He was dead as far as I was concerned.

  It didn’t take long for Demon and four other brothers to arrive. While they took down King, I checked on Jared. He was still breathing, but his face was already bruising. Fucker must hit like a sledgehammer. I looked over at King in time to see Demon hit him with a crowbar. I didn’t know why he’d brought it, but I wasn’t going to complain. Better than shooting him. That was the easy way out, and this little shit wasn’t getting off without some major pain.

  “He’s mine,” I said. “Put his hands on Zoe. Twice.”

  “Sorry, brother. I get him first. Need to find out where he got this cut and how he got in here. You can have whatever is left, assuming he’s still breathing when I’m done,” Demon said. “Right now, take care of your woman. I’ll get someone to drag Jared’s ass back to the clubhouse.”

  Zoe whimpered, her tear-filled eyes on Jared. I was about to say something that could damn me, but I didn’t like seeing that look on my woman’s face. “Take him to mine. I think Zoe wants to be there when he wakes. He tried to protect her.”

  Demon gave a nod. I got my phone from Zoe and called Nox. I needed him to bring a truck, and have Henry ride along. I’d already heard one of my brothers called for a truck to transport the imposter. While I wanted Demon to leave him alive, give me a chance to get vengeance for Zoe and Jared, I knew my priorities should be with my family, even if the club didn’t know that last part.

  I waited until Nox arrived with the truck, and once Jared was loaded, I helped Zoe onto the back of my bike and headed home. She clung to me, her face buried against my back. As much as I loved having her ride behind me, I hated the reason for it. Once the shitstorm was over, and Luis was home safe, I’d have to take her for a ride. At the house, she got off the bike but looked like she was seconds from collapsing. I lifted her into my arms and carried her inside, knowing the Prospects would bring Jared in.

  “Put him in the guest room,” I called over my shoulder. I took Zoe straight to the bedroom and pushed the door mostly shut. I set her down on her feet, but kept my arms around her.

  “He wasn’t part of your club?” she asked.

  “No, he wasn’t. You lied to me, didn’t you? You saw his name, knew who he was. Or at least who he was pretending to be.”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t see a name, but I did see his title. I worried he’d try to hurt me, or do something to you if you confronted him. I’m sorry, Dagger. I only wanted to protect you. And… I was scared.”

  I tipped her chin up and pressed my lips to hers. “You’re going to pay for lying to me, corazoncito. I’m going to spank that ass, but not right now. Jared needs us. Can you hold it together a little while longer?”


  I leaned in closer and dropped my voice. “I won’t be forgetting that spanking. Might not happen right now, but sooner or later, your ass is going to be red. By keeping shit from me, you put yourself and the club in danger. Can’t have that, Zoe.”

  A flash of fear entered her eyes and I felt like an ass, but I couldn’t let this slide. If she’d spoken up, I could have confronted our current Treasurer, Savage, and we would have quickly discovered something was incredibly wrong. Maybe if we’d known there was an imposter, we could have found him sooner. What if he’d hurt someone else while he was here? Shit. I needed to have someone check on the other women.

  I traced her nose with mine. “And, corazoncito, when I’m done spanking that ass, I’m going to fuck you until you can’t stand up. I’m fucking furious. You could have been hurt or even killed. When I realized that was you I heard screaming, I about had a Goddamn heart attack. I could have lost you.”

  She reached up, her fingers trembling as she touched my jaw. “I’m sorry, Dagger. I promise, I won’t lie to you again.”

  I kissed her once more, then walked out to check on Jared. If he was down for the count, I couldn’t very well leave him to watch over Zoe. But the longer it took me to reach Mexico, the worse my chances became of actually bringing our son home. And yes, Luis was our son. Not only Zoe’s, or even Zoe’s and mine. He belonged to Jared too because whether he wanted to admit it or not, Jared was just as much mine as Zoe was.

  Just had to convince the stubborn fucker of that.

  Chapter Eight


  When I’d seen the man coming out of the shadows, I’d recognized him, and been terrified. Then he’d hit Jared. Not once. Not twice. Three times. Rapid punches that had knocked Jared out cold. If Dagger hadn’t heard me, hadn’t come to save me… I shivered, not wanting to think of what could have happened. Would Jared have died? Would I? It never occurred to me the man wasn’t really part of the Devil’s Fury. Dagger was right. If I’d said something sooner, then maybe they could have found the man before he hurt Jared.

  Dagger sat on the edge of the guest room bed, holding an ice pack to Jared’s battered face. I lurked in the doorway, not wanting to interrupt. Even though Dagger had said more than once he and Jared weren’t exclusive, I could tell t
he other man meant something to him. No one had ever been as tender with me as he was right now with Jared. Except maybe Dagger, as I thought back to the gentle touches and nice things he’d done for me. But this was different. I could clearly see the connection between them. Dagger might have been married to me on paper, but I knew I didn’t have his heart. The man who lay unconscious had more of a claim to him than I did.

  The big biker came off as gruff and a bit scary, but deep down, I had a feeling he was capable of love. Despite his past, and the way he kept people at a distance, one day Dagger would fall for someone and fall hard. I swallowed the knot in my throat, when I realized that person might very well not be me, and I’d trapped him. It was clear he cared for Jared, maybe even loved him on some level. While Dagger was good to me, it wasn’t the same. Might never be.

  It felt wrong, watching them, like I was intruding on their time together. Even though Jared hadn’t woken, I didn’t think Dagger would want me in there with them. I backed up and decided to make some coffee. Now that Jared had been injured, I didn’t think my husband would be leaving in the morning for Mexico. In fact, it was possible he’d changed his mind entirely. My heart ached at the thought of my son. If I hadn’t seen a picture of Luis, then I wouldn’t have even known what my own child looked like. I might have come to this country with the best of intentions, but the fact remained that I’d abandoned him.

  What kind of mother did that?

  “A rotten one,” I muttered to myself.

  My hands shook as I prepared the coffeemaker, and I spilled grounds across the counter. Once the pot was brewing, I cleaned up the mess I’d made and sat at the table, uncertain what I should do. Maybe it wasn’t too late to fix things. I didn’t know who had my son, or if Luis was in trouble, but it wasn’t fair to ask Dagger to go after him. Yes, their President had said the men who had Luis were into human trafficking, but part of me hoped that wasn’t why they had Luis. It was too much for me to handle, the possibility my son could be sold or hurt. But Dagger needed to be here right now, especially now that Jared was injured. And it had been my fault. He had every right to be angry with me.


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