by Charles Baum
p. 237
yeast chromosomes: Murray and Szostak (1983).
p. 237
“Even then . . .”: [Jack Szostak to RMH, 21 August 2004] He
continues: “We tried to build an artificial chromosome in yeast by putting
together all the pieces known at the time—centromeres, origins of replica-
tion, telomeres, genes. But the construct we made didn’t behave like a nor-
mal chromosome, which led to the discovery that simple length was
important. . . . I’m still following this principle. We think we understand
‘life’—if we’re right, we should be able to build a cell that acts like it’s alive.”
p. 237
first series of ribozyme experiments: Doudna and Szostak
(1989), Doudna et al. (1991), Bartel and Szostak (1992), and Green and
Szostak (1991).
Szostak writes: “[Jennifer Doudna] was actually the first person in my
lab other than myself to start working with ribozymes. . . . The other stu-
dents involved in that work were David Bartel and Rachel Green—also both
remarkable success stories.” [Jack Szostak to RMH, 21 August 2004]
p. 237
Szostak’s objective: Ellington and Szostak (1990, 1992), Bartel
and Szostak (1993), Szostak and Ellington (1993), Sassanfar and Szostak
(1993), and C. Wilson and Szostak (1995). Early work is described in Joyce
(1992). For a review, see Lorsch and Szostak (1996).
Recent experiments by Szostak’s group focus on the evolution of an
alternative TNA molecule—the simpler analog of RNA that incorporates
the 4-carbon sugar threose. Szostak writes: “By doing in vitro evolutionary
experiments with TNA sequences (something we’re just now able to start)
we can see if it’s possible to evolve TNA molecules with specific binding or
catalytic properties. If the answer is yes, then one could at least imagine TNA
based life-forms.” [Jack Szostak to RMH, 21 August 2004]
p. 238
David Bartel: Szostak et al. (2001).
p. 238
Synthetic Life: See, for example, Szostak et al. (2001), Gibbs
(2004), and Rasmussen et al. (2004). Szostak writes, “What we’re doing is
really no different from what you or any other pre-biotic chemist is trying to
do. We define possible reactions, see what works and what doesn’t, and hope
it all points to a plausible pathway. Our experiments happen to involve poly-
mers and large aggregates of small molecules, instead of small molecule re-
actions, but the principle of testing by experiment is the same.” [Jack Szostak
to RMH, 21 August 2004]
p. 239
Martin Hanczyc and Shelley Fujikawa: Hanczyc et al. (2003).
p. 239
encapsulated RNA strands: David Deamer has demonstrated
another simple mechanism for incorporating RNA into vesicles. When he
dried a solution with lipid vesicles and RNA strands, the vesicles collapsed
into thin layers of molecules with RNA interleaved. When water was added,
the vesicles reformed with RNA trapped inside (Shew and Deamer 1983).
See also Deamer (1997, pp. 254-255).
Swiss biochemist Pier Luigi Luisi demonstrated that lipid vesicles could
“replicate” if larger vesicles were forced through a fine mesh (Luisi and Varela
1989, Luisi 2004).
p. 239
To test their ideas: Chen et al. (2004, p. 1476) conclude, “Dar-
winian evolution at the organismal level might therefore have emerged ear-
lier than previously thought—at the level of a one-gene cell.”
When asked if this model represents a metabolism-first or genetics-first
origin, Szostak replied: “I don’t think it’s metabolism first, at least in the way that’s normally thought of, but it’s also more than the simplest genetics-first
models since there is both the spatial and informational aspect to the sys-
tem. . . . Of course, if there is a way of having [RNA nucleotides] generated
inside the vesicle by some network of metabolic reactions, that would be
great. In fact, if the network of metabolic reactions works by the uptake of
small membrane permeable molecules . . . and generates larger impermeable
molecules, then the same osmotic effects would operate and drive vesicle
growth, potentially providing a selection for better metabolic networks.”
[Jack Szostak to RMH, 7 September 2004]
p. 239
“If we can get . . .”: Jack Szostak, as quoted in Howard Hughes Medical Institute News, September 2, 2004.
p. 241
“Anyone who tells you . . .” : Kauffman (1995, p. 31).
p. 243
cooperative chemical phenomenon: Such a symbiosis of me-
tabolism and genetics would have foreshadowed events billions of years later,
when precursors of our own complex cells are thought to have incorporated
smaller, metabolically efficient cells. According to Margulis and Sagan
(1995), mitochondria, the energy-processing organelles in eukaryotic cells,
are symbionts.
p. 245
“Once to every man and nation . . .”: American poet James
Russell Lowell wrote this poem in 1845 for the National Anti-Slavery Stan-
dard. It subsequently became a rallying hymn for abolitionists.
p. 245
emergence of consciousness: The theory of emergence sug-
gests that the path to self-aware life, if not specifically to the human species,
may be deterministic. See, for example, Chaisson (2001) and Morowitz
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