The Story of Killian & Liri (Cruel Love Book 1)

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The Story of Killian & Liri (Cruel Love Book 1) Page 8

by Glenna Maynard

  Chapter 13


  “Do you kiss all your friends like that?” He says bitterly.

  “Are you stalking me? It’s illegal.”

  “Answer the question,” he demands.

  Who does he think he is?

  “Don’t. I don’t have the energy for it, Killian. Do you like me? Do you want to date me?”

  “No,” he says the word fast without a thought.

  “Exactly. So do us both a favor and stay away from me so I can find a guy who does want to take me out and won’t be ashamed to kiss me in front of his friends.”

  His dark eyes burn into me searing me with their heat. “Is that what you want, Liri? You want me to leave you alone?” He’s standing too close, looking too damn cute in his leather jacket and dark jeans. The smell of his cigarettes and cologne washes over me.

  I shudder as his fingers trail up and down my arm and his nose rubs along my jaw. His mouth is centimeters from mine. His lips touch the corner of my mouth and those stupid butterflies find me and I pull away.

  “Stop it.” Tears burn in my eyes. “I’m not going to be another girl you fuck just for the sport of it. I know who you are and what you do, but I’m not like you, Killian. I feel. I care. I have a heart. You’re cruel and you don’t care who you hurt as long as you get what you want. I’m not going to play your games. Why don’t you run back to Jackie, I’m sure she’s free.”

  He stares at me open mouthed and says nothing. His eyes narrow on my lips. My pulse rings in my ears again and my heart beats rapidly in my chest. He makes me crazy. I feel like I am losing my mind. I was kissing Hunter minutes ago, but I want nothing more than for Killian to put me out of my misery and kiss me. I shouldn’t want him to kiss me. I close my eyes and tell myself that when I open them again, he will be gone. I take a deep breath, and my lips part in invitation. I can’t seem to help myself where Killian is concerned.

  His thick arm hooks around my waist and he pulls me to him. His teeth dig into my bottom lip and he bites me with a growl.

  I gasp, opening my eyes, and pull on his unruly hair. Killian awakens something inside me. I don’t know what it is, but he knows exactly how to push my buttons. How to get what he wants but not this time. I swear I’m not going to kiss him back, but I can’t control myself.

  His lips move against mine, his tongue hot and demanding tasting of grape bubblegum, thrusting inside my mouth dominating me. Our tongues slide together, and I moan into his mouth. Warmth pools in my belly as those freaking butterflies swirl like they might carry me away.

  His kisses move down the column of my throat. His teeth nipping and sucking on my skin. He pushes his hand up my shirt and cups my breast over my bra.

  “You still want me to leave you alone,” his voice grates over my ear, raw and desperate.

  I close my eyes squeezing them tight, hating myself for loving the thrill of how he makes me feel. We both know how this will end though. If I don’t put a stop to this, I will give into him and he will break my heart when he tosses me to the side like every other girl who has been in his path.

  I take two deep breaths and open my eyes.

  Killian is staring at me with such hunger that my knees nearly give out. He makes me crave things I shouldn’t want. I swallow. “I want you to stay away from me.” My words come out weak, but the message is clear.

  He nods at me once then storms to his car and takes off.

  I’m shaking as I type a text out to Hayley.

  Liri: Hey, I’m gonna leave if you want to ride back with me. Liam might want to check on Killian, he just left, and he was um…upset—I think.

  Hayley: What about?

  Liri: Something I said to him.

  Hayley: He’ll be fine. We’ll talk tomorrow. Liam will drop me off before work.

  He’ll be fine but what about me? I instantly regret every word I said to him. I want to drive after him and take them back. I hate feeling like this. I’ve been here one week and already I am exhausted and wish I could go back to the safety of my bedroom and my mother’s arms.

  Getting into the driver’s seat of my car, I try to fight the tears, but they come steady as rain. Why does this feel like I broke up with a boy I wasn’t even dating? I wipe at my cheeks and start my car. I drive around aimlessly. Maybe I am looking for his stupid car. I start to drive out to the clearing and see if he went there but then I get mad at myself. Why am I wasting so much time and energy on a guy who doesn’t want anything more than to torture me because he gets off on it in some sick way?

  No more.

  I stop at a gas station and fill my car up. I’m tempted to get on the road and drive home to where I can hide away. I can’t do that though. Instead I pick up some ice cream. When I get to the dorm, I pull off my jeans and put on my honey bee leggings and a tank top. I climb into my bed with my ice cream and my laptop, and I watch Vampire Diaries while I cry. I mourn the idea of what could have been if Killian were a good guy, but he’s not. He’s a jerk who is a skilled kisser who knows how to seduce goodie goodies like me.


  The next day I awaken with puffy eyes and a swollen lip where Killian bit me. I don’t let him bring me down though. I shed my tears and now I am ready to move on. I shower and go to breakfast alone in the cafeteria. Jackie is sitting alone with a textbook. She sees me and she actually smiles. I smile back at her even though it feels odd to do so. I grip my tray and carry it to her table.

  “Hey,” I say, softly.

  “Hey,” she replies and rolls her eyes. She moves her bag over a spot and says, “Come on. Sit down. No use in us sitting alone.”


  “You look like shit.” She laughs.

  “Ah ha. You’re sweet.”

  “That’s what they say.” She sneers and bites into her apple. “This in no way means that we are friends though.”

  “Definitely not,” I agree and take a bite of my sausage.

  “So Hunter…he was cute.”

  “He’s nice.”

  “You should go for it.”

  “Why, because you don’t want me with Killian?”

  “I don’t care who Killian fucks. You aren’t as bad as I thought you were and maybe you deserve better.”

  “Careful there. It almost sounds like you care.”

  “I still don’t like you.” She gives me an amused grin and goes back to her book.


  Hayley, Woodrow, Misty and, Porter start filling up the other chairs around us. I can’t even hide my shock when Porter kisses Jackie on the cheek.

  “Hey you.” Woodrow kicks my foot under the table.


  “You and Hunter…?”

  “I think so.”

  “I respect that.”

  “Good.” We trade friendly smiles and I feel this peaceful calming sensation as I look around the table at this group of friends and feel like I belong.

  Chapter 14


  Hunter: How was your class? Did you turn in that writing assignment?

  Liri: I got an A.

  Hunter: We should celebrate.

  Liri: What did you have in mind?

  Hunter: Dinner and a movie. My place?

  Liri. Sure. What time?

  Hunter: 5 good with you? I have to leave around 7:30 for a swim meet tomorrow.

  Liri: Sure. Address?

  He fires off the information and I smile. I’ve been texting with Hunter for the past few weeks.

  “Someone looks happy,” Hayley states.

  “I do feel happy.”

  “I talked to Mom this morning and she wanted me to invite you up next weekend. If that’s okay?”

  “Yeah. I think I’d like that.”


  “What are you doing with yourself tonight?”

  “Oh…” she tucks her hair behind her ear. “Going with Liam to the races. We’re doubling with…”

  “You can say his name. It’s fin
e. Killian is seeing Misty, right?”

  “He’s not dating her or anything,” she offers quickly.

  “It’s none of my business.” I finally told Hayley about the crazy week I had spent thinking that there was something between Killian and me. I’ve gotten it out of my system though. I have moved on to talking to Hunter. He’s a junior and a finance major. Theo and Uncle Cooper would love him I am sure.

  “What are you up to?”

  “I have a date.”

  “With Hunter?”

  “Yup. Dinner at his place.”

  “Sounds serious,” she teases.

  “I guess it could be. I really like him.”

  “Good. That’s great.” She smiles at me, but I can sense there is something she wants to say but is holding back. “There’s a party tomorrow.”

  “Oh no. I am done with the parties. I think my mother might be driving up tonight. You should go to lunch with us. We will probably do a girls day. Get our toes done and do a little shopping. My treat.”

  “You sure? Liam has to work but I am meeting up with him later. I don’t want to intrude on your day.”

  “Please come. If you’re there she won’t pester me with her list of don’ts.”

  “Only if you’re sure.”

  “I am. Now help me get ready for my date.” I’m nervous. I’ve never had a real date before. It feels like my first. Hunter and I have met up for lunch and coffee through the week between classes. But I have never gone to a guy’s place for dinner. Or to dinner with a guy period. I was supposed to have that date with Woodrow but then…I stop myself. I don’t want to think about Killian.

  I haven’t seen him but once in passing. I was coming out of the dorm and his car was passing by. I don’t think he even saw me.

  I wear the black dress and Hayley does my makeup like she did for the first party we went to. My hair is down and curled in bouncy waves. I feel good. Maybe even a little sexy. I am looking at my backside in the mirror, wondering if it may be a little too revealing for dinner at Hunter’s place. A knock sounds at our door.

  “That’s probably my man.” Hayley beams and grabs her phone.

  I grab my wristlet. “I should get going to.”

  I follow her to the door and Liam and Killian are standing in the hall with Misty. I give them a little wave.

  Liam whistles. “Where you off to in that dress?”

  “She has a date,” Hayley answers for me and for a second, I think Killian flinches. I can’t be sure. I am trying really hard not to look at him. Maybe I am not as over my crush on him as I thought I was.

  “You look hot,” Misty compliments me with a genuine smile. She comes off a bit ditzy but she’s really sweet.

  “Thanks.” I go to step past their group and Killian’s shoulder bumps into mine forcing me to look at him. Those dark eyes suck me right in and he smirks satisfied with the effect. “Excuse me.” I take a breath, and I can smell his cologne. He takes a step back, and I keep strutting down the corridor. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Hayley.”

  The elevator doors closes, and I collapse against the wall. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I hardly know Killian but seeing him just now drained me. He’s like a sucker of energy or something. I wasn’t jealous at all of Misty being with him. It’s just him—he does something to me. I can’t explain it.

  I get into my car and plug the address in on my GPS.

  Hunter lives in the nice part of town in one of the more expensive buildings. Considering we were both counselors at the same camp his family probably has money. Not that I care about that.

  I greet the doorman after parking my car in the guest space. “I’m here to see Hunter Croneil.”

  The older man gives me a friendly smile in greeting and escorts me to the elevator.

  I gently knock on the door. I can hear soft music coming from the other side. The door opens and Hunter is waiting for me with a smile and a red rose. He’s wearing a dark blue button-down shirt paired with black dress slacks. He’s handsome in the boy next door way. I remember the muscles he had from swimming and rowing when we were at camp.

  “You look beautiful.” He hands me the rose and shows me inside.

  “Thanks. Do you live alone?” I look around the apartment. It’s clean and everything appears brand-new.

  “I actually stay here with my older sister, Jill.”

  “I think I remember her from family day. What’s she into these days?”

  “She’s a doctor.”

  “Oh wow. That’s great.”

  He shrugs. “Are you hungry?”

  “A little.”

  “I ordered out. Sorry I’m a terrible cook. I wanted to take you out but the restaurant I like was booked on such short notice.”

  “Staying in is good.” I smell my rose and put it on the kitchen counter.

  “Is your sister working?”

  “Yeah she is pulling a weekend at the hospital. So it’s just you and me.” He winks and I blush. “I thought we could eat out here on the terrace.”

  He pulls back a curtain to reveal a table set up with lit candles and more flowers. “Wow.” I am touched at the effort he put into this date.

  “Are you impressed?”

  “I am. After spending time with my friends, I was almost expecting beer and pizza.” I laugh.

  “That’s because you’ve been spending your time with boys.” Hunter brushes his hand over mine and squeezes once before pulling my chair out. “Wine?” he offers.

  “Um… water. I still have to drive home, and I am only eighteen.”

  “I’m not legal either he laughs. I’ll be twenty-one next semester, but Jill keeps the fridge stocked. It helps her unwind after a long shift.”

  “I better stick with the water tonight. Maybe next time though.”

  “So there is going to be a next time?”

  “I think so.”

  He brings me a plate of mushroom and cheese stuffed ravioli that is to die for. He’s actually at the university on a swimming scholarship. He could have gone to the Olympics but hurt his shoulder. He could lose his scholarship if he loses his ability to swim competitively.

  Hunter doesn’t seem to be concerned about it, and I don’t push the subject.

  After dinner we move to the living room and he turns on a movie.

  “I’m glad you came tonight.”

  “I’m glad we bumped into each other at that party.”

  “I have a confession.”

  “You do?”

  “One of my scholarships is through your Uncle Cooper and when he showed me your picture, I remembered you from summer camp. I am embarrassed to admit this, but I looked you up and found your Picsnap profile and used the find my friend feature to bump into you at the party. I wasn’t even invited.”

  I cover my mouth. “Are you serious? You know Cooper?”

  “Yeah. I interned for him last summer. He knows my dad. But I am more concerned with the fact that you didn’t bat an eye that I practically stalked you to stage running into you.”

  “It’s kind of sweet.”

  He leans closer. “I think you’re sweet.”

  “You do, huh?”

  “Mhmm,” he murmurs and moves forward to kiss me. Our lips meet and he prods at my lips demanding entrance and I give it to him. The kiss is gentle and slow. Still no butterflies but I tell myself there could be one day.

  Chapter 15


  “God, that feels amazing.” I let out a moan as strong firm hands massage my calves.

  Hayley giggles. “It must. You sound like you are about to experience a big O.”

  I nearly spit my lemon water out.

  My mother’s eyes go wide but she doesn’t say anything.

  “So, Hayley. Tell me about you. What are your goals?”

  “Early education. I want to work with special needs children.”

  “That’s nice. How’s your mother?”

  “She’s good. She owns her own salon now and rents
out six chairs.”

  “I always liked Sandy,” Mom lies through her teeth, but I don’t comment. I wouldn’t want to hurt Hayley’s feelings.

  “I’ll tell her hello when Liri and I go see her next weekend.”

  “Oh. You girls planning a trip?” I can tell Mom is upset she didn’t hear it from me that I am going to be visiting with my birth father’s family. I hadn’t found a way to bring it up to her yet. It was hard enough to convince her to let me room with Hayley. She was open to the idea to a point, but it was Theo who convinced her that it would be good for me.

  “Yes. We are. I uh. Well I am going to see my father.” I drop the bomb and wait for her to explode.

  She coughs. “Do you think that it is a good idea?”

  “I don’t know but I feel I owe it to myself to go.”

  “Do you…would you like for me to come with you?” Her eyes start to water.

  “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine. It’s just it brings up a lot of memories. James was always handsome. He was wild and free. Nothing could tie him down. God knows I tried and then you came along, and I had someone else to hold onto. You were my anchor, Liri. I wish you could have been for him what you were for me. I don’t want you to be disappointed. He can get mean.”

  “Mom.” I reach over and squeeze her hand. “You’ve seen him?”

  “I have. Not for a few years now. Not since Theo and I moved him to a new facility.”

  “You…Theo pays for his care?”

  “He didn’t want you to know. He said that James brought him us and for that he would always owe him. He is all the time doing sweet gestures. You know how he is, Liri, don’t mention it to him.”

  Hayley is being quiet, and I wish she’d giggle or say something to lighten the mood. “Hayley dates a mechanic,” I blurt out.

  “Oh. Well that’s nice. Does he have a passion for cars?”

  “Yeah. He’s big into racing and making modifications. His goal is to one day own his own garage.”


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