A French Song in New York

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A French Song in New York Page 8

by Anna Adams

  “Let’s go Maude. I don’t have anything else to say to Thomas.”

  “Are you okay?” Maude whispered.

  “I’d be better if we were finishing the evening on our own instead of with these two. I really wanted us to talk.”

  “Why don’t you just stay a little longer?” Thomas asked. “We tipped them off about Julia heading to The Mood with her new crush. They’ll be gone soon.”

  Maude’s gaze shifted from an impatient Matt, to a desperate Thomas.

  “We should stay just five more minutes,” Maude finally said. “Then we’re gone. Please, Matt, just five minutes. They’ll take a couple more pictures and leave.”

  “I’m doing this for you.”

  He sat back down with his coat still on and folded his arms across his chest.

  Uneasy, Maude slid back into her own seat and forced a smile as the cameras clicked.

  Chapter 11

  MauMa’s double date with Lindsey Linton and her man.

  THOSE WHO WORRIED WHEN they heard Maude and Thomas Bradfield would work together on Soderline’s latest musical were wrong.

  Their respective other halves showed no apprehension.

  Couples Maude and Matt and Lindsey and Thomas were spotted enjoying a dinner out at The Silver Spoon.

  We couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but the two female singers and Thomas seemed to be having a great time.

  Matt, on the other hand, sure looked sulky. Is everything fine between Maude and Matt?

  Lexie Staz for Hollywood Buzz.

  BENJAMIN AND GRACE were in his room playing video games when her phone rang.

  Video game tournaments had become their tradition over the last month.

  Grace was, without a doubt, a better gamer than he was. There remained many games that she had never played for lack of financial resources. Being a gamer was expensive. Despite her inexperience, however, she was quick to learn and possessed an easiness with the joystick that was more due to dexterity than experience.

  Ben had often destabilized her by ringing her phone so she’d lose her concentration.

  This time, however, Grace did not bother to look at the caller and remained intent on winning the Tekken combat.

  “Not answering. If you think I’m going to press pause for a second while I’m winning, you’re dreaming. I know your underhanded tactics.”

  Grace swung the joystick and pressed X several times.

  “Wasn’t me.”

  The phone rang a second time and stopped ringing as Grace put Ben KO.

  “Yeah! I win again!” Grace jumped up and wriggled her toes. The dance of a champion.

  “Aargh, I’m better at Final Fantasy,” Ben winced. “Wanna play?”

  Grace took her phone.

  “You left me a message? You’re really taking this too far.”

  “I was playing. How do you want me to leave you a message?”

  “Must be your cousin. I don’t recognize the number.”

  “Don’t you have Maude’s number?”

  “I erased it last week because she was harassing me, calling me every five minutes to make sure I was in school.”

  “Doesn’t sound like her.”

  “OK, it was once, at lunchtime. Still, she’s a stalker. Come on, let’s play some more Tekken. I’m on a roll.”

  She put the phone on speaker and turned to the screen to choose her character.

  The voicemail played.

  “Hi Grace, it’s me ... your mom.”

  Grace dropped her controller. “Mom?”

  “I was calling, well, ‘cause I heard you were taking singing lessons. I hope you’re alright. I ... don’t have much to say. Except I hope you succeed at your audition. Good luck. Or should I say, break a leg? You already broke a leg when you were seven, so I guess you’re a lucky one already. Unlike me.”

  And as if she realized she was going off track, she cleared her throat.

  “Anyway, call me to tell me how the audition went once you’re done.”

  She hung up without saying goodbye.

  A female voice asked if Grace wished to save, delete the message, or call back.

  Grace saved the message and went back to the TV screen.

  “Aren’t you going to call your mom back?” Ben asked.

  “You heard her. She said to call her back after the audition, didn’t she?”

  “Well, yeah, but ...”

  “Then, I guess I’ll have to call her then. You don’t know her like I do.”

  “Are you nervous?”

  “I’m ...”

  “You can tell me, you know. I won’t tell. I keep all of my sisters’ secrets.”

  “Sister? You see me as a sister?” She repeated the word as if it were a slur. Dismay swept over her face.

  “Well, yeah. You’re living here now. Aren’t we family to you?”

  Ben, who chose Eddy Gordo for his next battle, saw neither the disappointment nor the longing in her eyes.

  “Yes, brother Ben, I guess, if that’s how you see it.” She threw the controller on his bed. “I should go talk to Maude.”

  “Don’t you want to play some more?”

  “Later. Right now, I think, I need to sing.”

  “You’re afraid you’ll lose.”

  “You wish. I can kick your butt anytime. But I’ve only got one audition. And when I call my mom, I want to give her news that’ll make her proud.”

  She left the room and went across the hall to Maude’s.

  Maude and Jazmine were pouring over the latest edition of Hollywood Buzz.

  “Can’t believe they couldn’t tell how tense you were at that restaurant with Thomas and Lindsey.”

  “Matt was so pissed. They saw that. I wish I hadn’t asked him to stay. It was torture.”

  Grace knocked on the door.


  Maude turned her head and, noticing Grace, jumped from the bed.

  “What’s up?”

  Grace looked at Jazmine, uncomfortable.

  “I think I should leave you two. I’ll go check out what Ben’s doing.”

  “Probably crying over his defeat,” Grace said with a wan smile.

  Jazmine smiled back and left quickly.

  “Are you okay?” Maude asked once they were alone.

  “I’m fine. I just wanted to say, I’ll be more serious about the lessons in the future. If you still want me as a student.”

  “I never stopped wanting that.”

  “I’ll wake up in the morning. Maybe not at five, but would six be okay?”

  “That’ll be great.”

  “Do you think I still have a shot?”

  “I’m certain you’ll blow them away.”

  Grace turned to leave.



  “Thanks,” she said without facing her.

  She hurried out.

  Maude sat on the edge of her bed. For once, her meddling had earned positive results.

  Now, all she had to do was transform Grace into a worthy candidate in less than three weeks.

  Nothing a little hard work and courage could not accomplish.

  Chapter 12

  JAZMINE MET WITH JASON Taylor at the premiere of his latest movie, The Wind.

  Critics waited with impatience for the film, fans of Jason Taylor’s serious movies loved its trailers.

  But as she sat next to Jason at the screening that evening, all Jazmine could think about was Dev sitting on her left.

  They had barely spoken during the remainder of the filming of the three music videos and, now that she was so close to him, she hoped to reason with him.

  Glancing at him occasionally, she could tell the movie absorbed all his attention.

  She tapped on their shared armrest. Immobile, he stared straight ahead.

  Shifting positions, she brushed her shoulder against his.


  Jazmine sighed and got up, pushing through the entire row with a
profusion of apologies.

  She entered the hallway and ordered a soda at the fancy on-site lounge. Alone and lonely, she sat on a stool, sipping her Coke.

  Where had her powers of seduction gone? During her high school years, she’d broken more hearts than she could count. Until one boy had destroyed hers.


  She had not thought of him in a long time. The pain had subsided. She now accepted that he was not the boy for her.

  Dev was all she could think about. She’d never imagined she could fall for someone with the same intensity she’d felt for Jonathan. Yet here she was again, pining after someone whom she admired so much, it could easily turn into an obsession.

  From now on, she’d stay away from artists.

  Perhaps she should date an accountant.

  “Hey, are you okay?”

  Jazmine turned around and found Jason behind her. He sat beside her and ordered a ginger ale.

  “Is my movie that boring?”

  “It’s not really my thing,” Jazmine admitted. “But thank you for inviting me. I’m glad I came.”

  “So am I. It’s been a while since we attended a premiere together. Remember the last one we went to?”

  “I do! It was an alien movie. It was during your supernatural phase. Aliens and vampires. Gosh, vampires are out of style. It’s strange how a trend just dies like that.”

  “Good thing I expanded my artistic views. I play in things I’m proud of now. That’s why I wanted you to come. Can’t say I’m unhappy you contacted me a couple of months back.”

  Jason’s eyes glowed and Jazmine stirred her ice cubes, debating whether she should tell him what was on her mind.

  “Jason, I have to ask. You’re not still in love with me, are you? Not after all this time.”

  By adding a succession of negatives in her sentences, she hoped he would answer with a denial.

  Instead, he queried, “You’re asking because of Dev, aren’t you?”

  “D-Dev? Why would you ... Did he say something about me?”

  “He was pretty pissed at me for not telling him who you were to me. I got the distinct impression he might have feelings for you.”

  “I thought he did, but he’ll never act on them if he thinks you’re still in love with me. Are you?”

  He took her hands.

  “Jazmine Baldwin, I’ll always have these stubborn remnants of feelings I wish I could get rid of.” Jazmine lowered her head, embarrassed. His hands were big, but soft, and they caressed hers with warmth.

  “But,” he continued, “I’m not in love with you. And though I wouldn’t say no to dating you again if ever you were willing, I’d never stand in the way of your happiness. Dev is a stand-up guy. Just don’t hurt him the way you hurt me.”

  “It was that bad, huh? I’m sorry. I should’ve told you I wasn’t looking for anything serious back then.”

  “And you should’ve broken up with me face-to-face. Not through a text message.”

  “I’m amazed that you like me still regardless.”

  “Dev and my other friends helped me get over the harsh feelings. There might have been a game or two of darts with pictures of you as the target. Some with his ex-girlfriend. We were both going through withdrawal.”

  “Good to hear you kept your sanity.”

  He squeezed her hands. Tilting her head with gratitude, she smiled, relieved of a weight that had been plaguing her.

  Until she saw Dev walking toward them.

  Retrieving her hands from Jason’s grasp, she moved away from him.

  “Don’t mind me,” Dev said, turning away.

  “No, wait,” Jason said. “Stay. We were just talking about you.”

  “I don’t know what she said, but I swear, I’d never jeopardize our friendship.”

  “What do you think I said exactly?” Jazmine asked.

  “I guess that there might have been a moment when I could’ve imagined going out with her. But as soon as I found out who she was, I stepped aside.”

  “You’re a good friend,” Jason said. “But you’re dumb.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Why didn’t you just tell me straight away that you liked her? I could’ve told you that I won’t stand in your way.”

  “You sure? Even after all those things you said about her being a heart-breaker, a manipulator and that she cut your heart into millions of little pieces and blew them in the wind like a dandelion ...”

  “Hey!” Jason shrieked. “Artists,” he said sheepishly. “We’re overly sensitive. And apparently can’t keep our mouths shut.”

  He took an amused Jazmine by the hand and drew her closer to Dev.

  “You should talk. I’m going back to my premiere. It’s almost over. You two don’t know what you’re missing.”

  But they were no longer listening to him. They did not see the long, wistful glance Jason gave Jazmine before reentering the room.

  Dev arrested all of Jazmine’s senses.

  “I guess we should talk about us,” Jazmine said tentatively.

  “Is there anything left to talk about?”

  “You’re sure you want to be with a heartbreaker? A manipulator? A­­—”

  Dev’s lips found hers and interrupted any sentence and any logic that might have rendered this pairing objectionable.

  There was no reason why they should not be together. No obstacle to overcome.

  And when the crowd screening the movie erupted into applause at the film’s end, it appeared the gods of Hollywood had blessed the newly formed couple.

  Chapter 13


  Her highs glided over mountain tops until they reached the skies. Her lows went deep into the surface of the earth. Her talent was as rare as the soil’s underground riches.

  In three weeks, her daily toil had helped the tremendous progress she’d made.

  But as she sang Lilac’s solo, Pretty Face, on the stage of the imposing Morningside Theater, she held back.

  “You’re not Lilac,” Maude commented, once her student finished her solo. “Your technique has improved but you’re not in character.”

  “It’s hard to be. We’re so different. She’s wealthy and her only problems are being supposedly misunderstood.”

  “I get that. I really do. But you have to use your imagination. The audition is in two days. Close your eyes and picture yourself in a beautiful dress.”

  “Have you ever seen me in a dress?” Grace moaned. “I’ve got wide thighs and no shape whatsoever. I don’t think I’m Lilac material. Either your producer will like my voice or he won’t.”

  “You know that’s not enough.”

  “I don’t have any imagination! Not when it comes to imagining a whole different lifestyle. I didn’t grow up in a mansion. I don’t have a nanny who teaches me French. I’m invisible to B-I mean, the boy next door!”

  Grace looked at Maude sharply and turned away.

  Maude cleared her throat.

  “What you need is to become Lilac. And I can help you.”

  “Do you have a magic wand?”

  “All you need is to spend an entire day in Lilac’s shoes. From here until the end of the day, I’ll be Violet. And you’re Lilac. I’m at your service and we will do things only Lilac would do. If you were a rich girl in New York, what would you do? Lilac?”

  Grace closed her eyes.

  “I want to get a manicure. And a massage!” she shrieked. “I want lots and lots of junk food. And I want to go to the movies and have it be exclusive, just for me. I want a bunch of expensive clothes.”

  Maude grinned.

  “Lilac Goldsmith, your wishes are my command. Let’s start with expensive brands.”

  Maude took her phone and sent a text message. Immediately afterwards, her phone buzzed. She read the message and smiled.

  “Let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “You’ll see.”

  Grace stomped her foot. “Vio
let, I won’t take another step unless you tell me, Lilac Goldsmith, where it is we’re going.” She raised her nose in the air and crossed her arms.

  Pleased to witness her quick and ready transformation, Maude obliged.

  “Very well, Mistress Lilac. Brands send my stylist a bunch of clothes and accessories they want me to wear. I drive Donna crazy because I only occasionally accept to wear them. Let’s just say that she’s thrilled we’re coming over.”

  Grace clapped her hands. “Violet, take me to your stylist this instant.”

  They met Donna on Soulville’s sixth floor.

  “Maude, darling! I knew you’d come around someday and beg for my fashion advice. I’m still mad at you for not wearing my friend’s, Katia Lamorcia’s, dress to the NAM awards last year.”

  “I didn’t win any award. I’d have made a poor advertisement for Katia.”

  “There’s no such thing as bad publicity. Even if it is ‘hey, who’s the designer for that loser?’ If you want my honest opinion, you lost because you weren’t wearing the right dress.”

  Maude winced. She’d painfully recovered from the humiliation of receiving six nominations and not winning a single one. Still, the reminder coupled with the word ‘loser’ was not pleasant.

  “Here’s Gr ... I mean Lilac. My friend and future colleague for Violet’s Voice.”

  “Oh, that musical you’re doing with Thomas Bradfield. I heard all about it. This girl’s going to be in it?”

  “I’m not technically—”

  “Yes, she is,” Maude interrupted. “She’s Broadway’s next star. And we’re heading out. We need to look like super rich, spoiled, bratty stars. Especially Lilac.”

  “So excited! Alright, Lilac. Come over to the dark side.”

  She took Grace by the hand and led her to a walk-in closet.

  Grace soon came out twirling and giddy in a Valentino embroidered silk dress.

  After that, they spent hours at a Russian & Turkish bath house.

  While they were in the sauna, Maude asked Grace, “You mentioned a boy next door. Do you care to elaborate?”

  “I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  “I have a hunch.”

  “I’m sure you don’t. I’m pretty good at hiding my feelings.”


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