The Farang Affair

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The Farang Affair Page 26

by J. F. Gump

  For the first time since he had met Nuang, he wondered what he had gotten himself into. If she was cold-hearted enough to desert everyone she loved, she might be capable of anything. She might even be crazy.

  He had calmed a little by the time he finished the beer. After a few minutes of self debate, he decided to go back to the bars. He needed to know what was going on and he wanted to make sure that Nuang was okay. Even if she was crazy, he didn't want anything to happen to her.

  He had just slipped into a clean pair of jeans when there was a light tapping at the door. Instinctively, he knew it was Nuang. With heart pounding, he yanked the door open.

  Nuang pushed past him in total silence. Her face was set with determination. She pulled the liner from the trashcan, went to the closet, and began shoving her clothes into the plastic bag.

  "What are you doing?" he asked, ignoring the obvious answer.

  "I am leaving," she said without looking up.

  After sex, power, and money, the fear of loss is one of man's mightiest driving forces and Jon was feeling it now. It came unexpected and with uncontrolled frenzy. Minutes earlier he would have been relieved to have her gone. Now he would give anything to make her stay. His mind reeled with conflicting emotions. "Why?"

  "I don't want you to get hurt." She continued filling the bag.

  "Who are those people?"

  "I told you already!" The bag was full but there were still clothes in the closet. She swapped a dress for a pair of jeans, tied the bag shut, and then stood and ran from the room.

  Jon's heart stopped. He chased after her. She was already on the stairs when he stepped into the hallway. "Wait. You can't leave like this."

  Nuang looked back at him. Tears filled her eyes. "You don't understand. I can't stay like this, either." She continued her flight down the stairs.

  "I love you!" he shouted as she disappeared from sight. There was no response.

  He ran back to his condo. Quickly he finished dressing and went outside. A fast scan of the bars proved that Nuang wasn't there. He sprinted to Second Road. He looked up and down the street but didn't see her. He turned toward the bars and one girl pointed north. Jon hurried in that direction.

  He had no idea where he was going but he kept moving. He searched every bar all the way to Dolphin Circle. She wasn't at any of them. She had disappeared.

  At that moment he realized Nuang was truly gone. His emotions darkened to depression. Nuang wasn't the first woman who had ever run away from him, but she was the first one who didn't say goodbye. Suddenly, he wished he had never come to Thailand. He would be glad when his job here was finished.

  Chapter 52

  Itta was stopped by one of the bar-girls as she approached the man sitting alone on Soi 6.

  "I think he is drunk," the girl said. "He wants to be left alone. You don't work here anyway, so you should just keep on walking."

  "I know him," Itta responded. She stared at the girl as if daring her to disagree. When the girl didn't respond, she added, "Bring me a Singha, and one of whatever he is drinking." She flipped her long hair over her shoulders and went to stand beside the farang. "Do you remember me?"

  "Go away," the man grumbled without looking up.

  "I bought you a beer."

  The farang looked up. After a short pause he said, "I met you on the flight from Tokyo. I'm sorry; I don't remember your name."

  "Never mind. I am Itta. I was just thinking about what you said to me as I was leaving the Bangkok airport. Something about the Bongkot family in Phitsanulok. I thought maybe you know my brother Anan. He lives here in Pattaya."

  "Who are you?" he whispered.

  "My name is Thichakorn Bongkot, but everyone knows me as Itta. I am the second oldest sister of Anan."

  Itta watched his reaction. His shock was unmistakable. She knew about her brother's sexual preferences and had accepted it long ago. She figured this man and Anan had once been lovers, or maybe they still were.

  "Does he have a sister named Math and a mother named Nui?" Mike asked.

  A strange, fluttering feeling invaded her. She had often wondered what sort of men her brother found attractive, but she had never expected to meet one of them. This man didn't look gay at all. "Yes, it's the same," she nodded.

  "Your sister was a cunt and a whore," Mike hissed. "Get away from me."

  Itta's head spun trying to make sense of what he had said. "If you have some problem with my brother, I don't care, but you can't talk like that about my sister."

  "I have a problem with your family. They are all liars and pieces of shit."

  A powerful rage tore through her. "Who are you to say anything about my family? A farang coming to my country to have sex with my brother and God only knows how many other boys." She stood up "I think I know who the piece of shit is."

  "I hate your brother. I once loved your sister but now I hate her too. I hate anyone named Bongkot and that includes you. Now get away from me."

  Itta's head swirled. "What do you mean you once loved my sister. Do you mean Math? Who are you?"

  "My name is Mike Johnson and your sister was a cunt. Now leave me alone."

  Itta struggled to make sense of what she was hearing. Sitting here was the man she had heard so much about. The man her sister Math had once loved and planned to marry. Something was going on but she couldn't imagine what. "I don't understand any of this. How can you hate someone you loved."

  "Your sister never loved me. She only used me to get my money. I’m sure I'm not the only man she's fucked over. Thank God it will never happen again." He stood to leave.

  Itta stared, dumbfounded. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. Math had called her many times and there had never been any doubt about her feelings for this man. Math would have done anything and sacrificed everything for him. If her sister had used him, she didn't understand how. Unless Math had lied, this was the man she wanted to spend her life with. Itta reached out and put her hand on his arm. "That's not true. My sister loved you."

  Her light touch stopped him from walking away. He kept his voice low, even, and distinct as he spoke, "You're a liar, just like your sister. I saw Anan today and he told me the truth. Math made a fool of me and I will never forgive that. Forget what I said at the airport about the Bongkot family. Those were phony words from a false dream."

  Suddenly Itta understood what had happened. "So, you have seen my brother? He told you that Math never loved you, and you believed him? Anan is the biggest liar in Thailand. I swear to God, my sister loved you with all her heart."

  Mike turned back to her. He knew it could be true. He had never liked Anan, and he was sure Anan felt the same about him. What if it was all a lie? What if Anan had only been trying to hurt him. He could imagine Anan doing that. His angry scowl gave way to a pleading expression. "Jing-jing?" Really?

  "Chai, yes, jing-jing." She waved at a barmaid with her free hand and pulled Mike back to his seat with the other. "Please sit with me for a minute. I will tell you everything I know."

  Mike stared at her for a second and then sat back down. He wanted to hear that he hadn't been duped, that he wasn't a fool. "I'm listening," he said.

  Itta ordered two more beers. Then she told Mike of every conversation she ever had with her sister. She held nothing back, not even Math's doubts about his love for her. Once or twice as she spoke, Mike's eyes filled with tears. His memories must be very strong, she thought. In a while she finished talking, leaned back, and waited for him to speak.

  "I want…" he started, but didn't finish his sentence. Tears spilled from his eyes and he turned his head away from her.

  Itta was surprised. She had never seen a man cry in public. A few of the bar-girls looked in their direction, but they said nothing. She laid her hand gently on his back. "I'm sorry if I hurt you. I thought it would make you feel better to know how much Math loved you."

  He took a deep breath and spoke in a low, husky whisper, "I want to thank you for being here. When I saw Anan, I believed
everything he told me. Now I know it was nothing but lies. You have made me a happy man."

  On impulse, she pulled him toward her and he didn't resist. She held his face against her shoulder. His tears dampened her blouse. She wished she could stop his pain.

  After a minute Mike sat erect and rubbed hard at his face. "I'm sorry; I feel better now. I loved your sister and it's important to know that she loved me, too."

  "Mai pen rai," she spoke softly. "I understand."

  He wiped at his eyes with a bar napkin. "Why are you here? I mean, I'm happy you are here, but I thought your home was in Phitsanulok."

  Her thoughts rushed back to everything that had happened since she had returned to Thailand. "I came here to find my sister, Nuang. Do you know her?"

  "Yes, I know Nuang. I met her when Math and I were in Chiang Mai." He had seen her again at the sympathy ceremony he'd had for Math, but he didn't mention that time. It was a secret better left unspoken. "Is Nuang here in Pattaya?"

  "Yes.”. She knew he was lying about how well he knew Nuang. She knew he had returned to Pattaya after her sister Math had died because Nuang had called her in Scotland and told her about the ceremony. Nuang had seemed quite enamored with this man. He was practically all she had talked about.

  An ugly thought entered her head as she remembered what Nui had told her about Nuang and a half farang baby and a foreign lover. Was this that man?

  "I guess you haven't seen her?" she asked.

  He hesitated slightly before he answered. "I haven't seen Nuang in over a year. I have seen only your brother. Is she living with him?"

  Itta wasn't sure how much she should tell him. If he wasn't involved with Nuang then this was none of his business. It was a family matter. Somehow, her logic didn't seem right.

  "I don't know where she lives." She twisted the napkin in her hand. "Nuang has run away. She took her baby and ran away."

  "Baby? Nuang has a baby?" Memories of one year past flooded his senses. "How old is her baby?" He prayed she would say just born.

  Itta started to answer but was interrupted by a loud horn and the screech of tires. She was happy for the distraction. She looked toward the noise and caught a brief glimpse of a taxi speeding erratically up Second Road. "Crazy drivers," she said.

  "Yeah," Mike smiled. "I think Pattaya does that to people."

  "What did you ask me? I forget."

  "I forget, too," Mike was happy for the chance to change the subject. "Hey, look, Soi 6 isn't exactly my favorite place in Pattaya. I'm getting out of here as soon as I finish this beer. Wanna come with me?"

  Itta smiled. She wanted to continue their discussion about Math and Nuang. "Sure, why not?" She picked up her beer and finished it in one long swallow. "I'm ready wherever you are."

  Mike chugged his beer. "I have to use the toilet first." He laid 500 baht on the table. "Take care of the check-bin. I'll be right back." He winced as he stood.

  "Are you okay?"

  "I fell and broke my ribs a couple of weeks ago. It still hurts when I move the wrong way."

  Minutes later they were on their way north up Second Road toward Soi 2 and Dolphin Circle. They had gone less than a block when Itta stopped and pointed.

  "Do you see that woman?" Her voice was shrill with sudden excitement.

  "Which one? I see lots of women."

  "That one there. The one carrying the plastic bag. I think it’s my sister. Come on, I have to catch her." Itta set off at a full run.

  Mike tried to keep up but his ribs protested. "Sorry, I can't run anymore," he shouted at her.

  Itta stopped. "I can't wait, I must see if that's Nuang. How can I find you later, in case we get separated?"

  "I am staying at the Amari Hotel. Do you know where it is?"

  Itta nodded. "I will find you." She ran as fast as her feet would carry her. Ahead she saw the woman veer left on the soi leading toward the Pattaya International Hospital.

  Mike watched as Itta vanished around the corner. He hurried as fast as his aching ribs allowed. Soon he was walking down the narrow street leading to the hospital. He had gone only a few steps when an eerie rush of danger flooded through him. Goosebumps made his arm-hair stand on end. He had an overwhelming urge to turn and run away as fast and as far as he could. It was checked by a more powerful need to know what was going on. He walked stiff-legged down the sidewalk. When the emergency entrance came into view, he saw Itta. She was talking hard and fast to someone whose face was hidden by shadows. He continued his walk until he was at the edge of the drive.

  At that second a Thai man exited the hospital. Mike had seen the man before but didn't know where. Three steps closer recognition burst to the forefront. It was Math's brother-in-law, Nuang's husband. He even remembered the man's name, it was Surat. Mike wanted to turn and leave, but his legs propelled him forward by their own accord.

  After being questioned by the police, Surat had watched the activities taking place around him. They had continued questioning the girl named Pajeeka long after they had finished with him.

  Somjit stood in the middle of the emergency-room waiting area, her arms wrapped around herself. An occasional whimper came from her mouth.

  A few minutes later an older, well-dressed Thai man entered the hospital. He went directly to the police and the woman they were arresting. Surat couldn't hear all of their words, but the policemen seemed intimidated. There was no doubt the man was rich. After a few minutes, the police took the woman away and the rich man disappeared down a hallway. A short while later a nurse took Somjit away, too.

  Surat sat for a long time wondering if that was it. No one had told him he could leave, but no one had told him to stay, either. Finally he decided to go outside for some fresh air. Maybe Nuang would come back and he wanted to talk to her. He had a lot more to say. As he stepped through the door, he saw a farang walking toward the hospital entrance. He didn't notice the two women standing in the shadows to his left. When the farang moved under the streetlight, Surat realized he knew the man. It was the American his sister-in-law Math had brought with her to Chiang Mai. Why was he here?

  Suddenly his random thoughts gelled and everything became undeniably clear. Nuang had been living with this farang, her deceased sister's lover. For once Anan had told the truth; he was seeing it with his own eyes. Now he could put a face to the images he had only guessed at yesterday—images of a farang impregnating his wife. The man walking toward him was the father of his wife's baby. He knew it as sure as his name was Surat.

  He felt surprisingly calm. Maybe it was because he had already suspected the truth, or maybe it was because he had had enough time to become hardened against Nuang. Maybe he was simply in shock from everything that had happened. He stood, unmoving, torn between killing the farang or just saying fuck-it and going back to Chiang Mai. His decision took less than a second. He couldn't live—didn't want to live—with the disgrace of what Nuang had done. He took a deep breath and hurried to his taxi.

  As Surat pulled the pistol, his father’s pistol, from under the front seat, he remembered the man's name. It was Mike. The images of this farang having sex with Nuang assaulted his senses. He turned, stepped toward, and aimed at the farang.

  "You are going to die," he said.

  For a moment, Mike only stared back. Surat had a pistol and it was pointed at him. His first impulse was to run but his legs failed him. The gun was a powerful influence. It took all his effort to speak. "What are you doing?" His words came out high pitched.

  Surat didn't recognize Mike's words, but the look on the man's face told him that the farang was terrified.

  "Surat!" a shout pierced the air. "Put the gun down!" It was Nuang. "Please, put it down now."

  "Stay away from me, whore. Or I will kill you too." He kept his eyes on Mike.

  "I'm not a whore." Her face flushed in the pale streetlight.

  "And I'm not blind. I've seen your baby and now I've seen your farang."

  Nuang opened her mouth but nothing came ou
t. She took a deep breath and managed to whimper, "Please, Surat. I love you."

  "Fuck you, Nuang. Do you think I'm stupid. I know what you love and it's not me." Images of her having sex with this farang tore through him again. "You have made me the biggest fool in the world and I hate you for it."

  "Please, Surat, I never did that; I would never do that to you." Lies and guilt showed clearly in her weak tone.

  "The baby's not mine, Nuang. Do you understand what I am telling you? It's not mine. It belongs to your farang, not me." He tightened his grip on the pistol and took another step toward Mike. "You fuck my wife," He spit out the few English words he knew. Hatred boiled through him. "I will kill you now," Surat said in Thai.

  Mike understood the English perfectly. He didn't understand the Thai words, but he didn't have to. The gun said it all. He was about to die for past sins. He held his hands in front of him, as if they could stop a bullet. It was a superman gesture in mortal clothing. His head spun so fast he thought he might faint. Alternating urges of fight or flight assaulted him. His male ego demanded that he attack; his sense of survival ordered him to escape. He staggered backwards and dropped to a crouch instinctively making his target smaller. His mind churned a thousand thoughts. He noticed that his ribs didn’t hurt. He searched for reason amidst the madness. "I never fucked your wife!" he shouted. He wondered how much English Surat understood. He adjusted his words to pure basic. "No fuck you wife."

  Surat narrowed his aim to the Mike's head. He was surprised at the man's fear of death. He was even more surprised that his finger would not respond to his command to pull the trigger. He took a step forward. The sounds of the city faded until he heard only his heart pounding in his ears. He wondered if the farang's bowels would empty before or after he died.

  At that instant, Isara stepped through the hospital doors and hurried down the drive. "Surat! If you pull that trigger, it will be the biggest mistake of your life."

  Surat flicked his eyes toward the intruder. It was the older man he had seen inside. "This is none of your business."

  "It's enough of my business to know you are about to shoot an innocent man."


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