AARP Falling Upward

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by Richard Rohr

  Hagberg, Janet. Real Power: The Stages of Personal Power in Organizations.Minneapolis, Minn.:Winston,1984.

  Hanna, Charles Bartruff. The Face of the Deep: The Religious Ideas of C. G. Jung.Philadelphia:Westminister Press,1967.

  Hart, Tobin. From Information to Transformation: Education for the Evolution of Consciousness.New York:Lang,2001.

  Hillman, James. The Soul's Code: In Search of Character and Calling.New York:Warner Books,1996.

  Hollis, James. The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife.Toronto:Inner City Books,1993.

  —. Finding Meaning in the Second Half of Life: How to Finally, Really Grow Up. New York:Gotham Books,2006.

  Inchausti, Robert. Subversive Orthodoxy: Outlaws, Revolutionaries, and Christians in Disguise. Grand Rapids, Mich.:Brazos Press,2005.

  James, William. The Varieties of Religious Experience.New York:Random House,1999. (Originally published 1902.)

  Johnson, Robert. Transformation: Understanding the Three Levels of Masculine Consciousness.San Francisco:Harper San Francisco,1991.

  —. Inner Gold: Understanding Psychological Projection. Kihei, Hawaii:Koa Books,2008.

  Johnston, William. “Arise, My Love…”: Mysticism for a New Era.Maryknoll, N.Y.:Orbis,2008.

  Julian of Norwich. (E. Colledge andJ. Walsh, trans.). Julian of Norwich: Showings (Classics of Western Spirituality).New York:Paulist Press,1977.

  Jung, Carl G. The Collected Works of C. G. Jung.Princeton, N.J.:Princeton University Press,1980.

  Katie, Byron. Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life.New York:Three Rivers Press,2002.

  —. A Thousand Names for Joy: Living in Harmony with the Way Things Are. New York:Harmony,2007.

  Kegan, Robert. In over Our Heads: The Mental Demands of Modern Life.Cambridge, Mass.:Harvard University Press,1994.

  Kelsey, Morton. Discernment: A Study in Ecstasy and Evil.New York:Paulist Press,1978.

  Lane, Belden. The Solace of Fierce Landscapes: Exploring Desert and Mountain Spirituality.New York:Oxford University Press, 1998.

  Levinson, Daniel. The Season of a Man's Life.New York:Knopf,1978.

  Loy, David. Nonduality: A Study in Comparative Philosophy.New Haven, Conn.:Yale University Press,1988.

  Marion, Jim. Putting on the Mind of Christ: The Inner Work of Spirituality.Charlottesville, Va.:Hampton Roads,2000.

  Matthew, Iain. The Impact of God: Soundings from St. John of the Cross.London:Hodder and Stoughton,1995.

  McColman, Carl. The Big Book of Christian Mysticism: The Essential Guide to Contemplative Spirituality. Charlottesville, Va.:Hampton Roads,2010.

  McLaren, Brian. A Generous Orthodoxy. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan, 2004.

  —. A New Kind of Christianity: Ten Questions That Are Transforming the Faith. New York:HarperCollins,2010.

  Miller, William. Make Friends with Your Shadow: How to Accept and Use Positively the Negative Side of Your Personality. Minneapolis, Minn.:Augsburg,1981.

  —. Your Golden Shadow: Discovering and Fulfilling Your Undeveloped Self. San Francisco:Harper San Francisco,1989.

  Moore, Robert. Facing the Dragon: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity.Wilmette, Ill.:Chiron,2003.

  Murphy, Desmond. A Return to Spirit After the Mythic Church.New York:Crossroad,1997.

  Naranjo, Claudio. The Divine Child and the Hero: Inner Meaning in Children's Literature.Nevada City, Calif.:Gateways, 1999.

  Needleman, Jacob. Time and Soul: Where Has All the Meaningful Time Gone—and Can We Get It Back? San Francisco:Berrett-Koehler,2003.

  Newberg, Andrew. Why We Believe What We Believe: Uncovering Our Biological Need for Meaning, Spirituality, and Truth.New York: Free Press,2006.

  O'Murchu, Diarmuid. Quantum Theology.New York:Crossroad,1997.

  Palmer, Parker. A Hidden Wholeness.San Francisco:Jossey-Bass,2004.

  Panikkar, Raimon. A Dwelling Place for Wisdom.Louisville, Ky.:Westminster/John Knox Press,1993.

  —. Christophany: The Fullness of Man. Maryknoll, N.Y.:Orbis Books,2004.

  Pearce, Joseph Chilton. Spiritual Initiation and the Breakthrough of Consciousness.Rochester, Vt.:Park Street Press,1981.

  Pearson, Carol. The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By.New York:Harper & Row,1986.

  Plotkin, Bill. Soulcraft: Crossing into Mysteries of Nature and Psyche. Novato, CA: New World Library, 2003.

  —. Nature and the Human Soul: Cultivating Wholeness and Community in a Fragmented World. Novato, CA: New World Library, 2008.

  Smith, Cyprian. The Way of Paradox.London:Darton, Longman and Todd,2004.

  Smith, Huston. Forgotten Truth.San Francisco:Harper San Francisco,1976.

  St. John of the Cross. Living Flame of Love. (E. Peers, ed. and trans.).New York:Triumph Books,1991.

  Stein, Murray. In Midlife: A Jungian Perspective.Dallas, Tex.:Spring Publications,1994.

  Tarnas, Richard. The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas That Have Shaped Our World View. New York:Ballantine Books,1991.

  Taylor, Charles. A Secular Age.Cambridge, Mass.:Belknap Harvard,2007.

  Toolan, David. At Home in the Cosmos.Maryknoll, N.Y.:Orbis Books,2003.

  Tracy, David. Blessed Rage for Order: The New Pluralism in Theology.New York:Seabury Press,1979.

  Tugwell, Simon. Ways of Imperfection: An Exploration of Christian Spirituality.Springfield, Ill.:Templegate,1985.

  Underhill, Evelyn. The Ways of the Spirit.New York:Crossroad,1993.

  Watts, Alan. Behold the Spirit: A Study in the Necessity of Mystical Religion.New York:Vintage Books,1972.

  Whyte, David. The Three Marriages: Reimagining Work, Self and Relationship.New York:Riverhead Books,2009.

  Wilber, Ken. The Essential Ken Wilber: An Introductory Reader.Boston:Shambhala,1998.

  —. The Simple Feeling of Being: Embracing Your True Nature. Boston:Shambhala,2004.

  —. Integral Spirituality: A Startling New Role for Religion in the Modern and Postmodern World. Boston:Shambhala,2006.

  Wilber, Ken,Jack Engler, andDaniel Brown. Transformations of Consciousness: Conventional and Contemplative Perspectives on Development. Boston:New Science Library,1986.

  Xavier, N. S. The Two Faces of Religion: A Psychiatrist's View.Tuscaloosa, Ala.:Portals,1987.

  The Author

  Fr. Richard Rohr is a Franciscan priest of the New Mexico Province. He founded the Center for Action and Contemplation in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in 1987, where he presently serves as founding director. He is the author of more than twenty books, now translated into many languages. An internationally known speaker to thousands of people a year, Richard has traveled to many parts of Europe, Asia, Australia, and South Africa. Teaching on such themes as adult Christian spirituality, Scripture as liberation, male spirituality, politics and spirituality, nature and earth care, Franciscanism, interfaith dialogue, and the Enneagram, Richard uses these many platforms to communicate a life-changing worldview based on the Gospels.

  Richard is also well known for his numerous recorded teachings and his articles in the Center's quarterly publication, Radical Grace. He is a regular contributing writer for Sojourners and Tikkun magazines. To learn more about Richard's work and the Center for Action and Contemplation, please visit


  Abraham (biblical figure)

  Adam and Eve



  Albertz, Rainer

  Alcoholics Anonymous

  American Idol, heroism and

  Amish, as true conservatives

  Amnesia: about divinization; consequences of; divine union and; healing of; identity and


  Animas Institute


  Apostle's Creed


  Art, religious

  Art of Loving, The (Fromm)

  “As Kingfishers Catch Fire” (Hopkins)



  Augustiner />


  Barfield, Owen


  Beck, Don

  Becker, Ernest

  Belief, versus knowing

  Bible, translations used

  Blake, William

  Bonaventure (saint)

  Both-and thinking

  Brothers Karamazov (Dostoyevsky)

  Brueggemann, Walter


  Butcher, Carmen Adevedo

  Calling, first and second

  Campbell, Joseph

  Catholic Church: as accountability community; as bride; communion and; conservatism in; father wounds and; good old days in; institutionalization in; liturgy and; necessary suffering and; as paradox; scandal in; Second Body of Christ and; as unified field; wisdom of nuns in; worldview of

  Catholic Workers, as true conservatives

  Cavafy, C. P.

  Center for Action and Contemplation

  Change, resistance to

  Childhood: conditional and unconditional love and; law and limits and

  Chodron, Pema

  Church, universal: early Christianity and; Eastern Church fathers and; elitism and egalitarianism in; emerging Christianity and; Jesus’ definition of church and; repeated crucifixion of Christ and

  Church fathers, on divinization

  Clare of Assisi

  Clement, Olivier


  Cloud of Unknowing, The (Butcher)

  Common good, heroism and

  Conscience, internalized






  Criminal justice. See also Jails and prisons


  Dalai Lama

  Dance: cosmic; general; survival versus sacred


  D'Arcy, Paula

  David (biblical king)

  Day, Dorothy

  Death: acceptance of; avoidance of; denial of; mystery of; of self; as subject in literature; transition between halves of life and



  Dillard, Annie



  Divine Comedy (Dante)

  Divine gaze



  Down-up pattern: faith and trust and; falling upward and; in legends and literature; perfection and goodness and; resistance to; in science; as secret of the soul; in spirituality; tragic sense of life and; trampoline effect and

  Dualism: bipartisanship versus transpartisanship and, ; versus both-and thinking; creation and evolution and; immaturity and; law and freedom and; versus peace; sequencing of; in Thomas Merton's writings

  Duns Scotus, John

  Education, grade inflation and

  Ego: boundaries and; deconstruction of; economy of merit and; egocentrism and; failure and; foil for; limitation of; loyal soldier and; pick-and-choose morality and; status-quo preference of; structure of; superiority complex and; undercutting of; wheel of development and

  Einstein, Albert

  Elders: as “grand” parents; hereness of; human fullness of; mirroring and; stages of development and

  Eliot, T. S.

  Enlightenment, tradition and


  Entitlement, sense of

  Erikson, Erik


  Esau (biblical figure)

  Esther (biblical queen)

  Evangelicals, neoconservatism and

  Eve (biblical figure). SeeAdam and Eve

  Failure: balance and; ego and; God's providence and; lack of apology and; opportunity and; purpose of; redemption and; wholeness and




  Field, unified. See Unified field

  First half of life: big three concerns of; calling and; churches’ validation of; creation of container and; done poorly; dualistic thinking and; as foundation of house; Gospel in; identity and; infantile grandiosity and; institutions in; lessons of; loyal soldier and; mirroring and; naiveté of; provisional personality in; purity and; regressive restoration of; security and; Ten Commandments and; as warm-up act, viii; wisdom in; writing the text and. See also Life transition


  Four Quartets (Eliot)

  Fowler, James

  Francis of Assisi: conditional and unconditional love and; journey of; on kissing a leper; lifetime of falling and; spirituality of imperfection and

  Franciscans: as accountability community; as bride; God and humanity and, ; particular stories and; Rohr as; rules and

  Frank, Anne

  Frankl, Victor

  Freedom: forgiveness and; inner; law and; love and; to say yes or no; self-exclusion and; in Thomas Merton's writings; truth and

  Freud, Sigmund

  Friendship, mirroring and

  Fromm, Eric

  Frost, Robert



  Gebser, Jean


  Gethsemani monastery

  Gilligan, Carol

  Girard, Rene

  Globalization, identity politics and

  God: authentic experience of; children of; compassion of; conspiracy of; creation and; desire and; disappointment in; as Driver; failure and success and; falling into; filling of vacuums and; free will and; gaze of; goodness of; hiddenness in; inner experience of; kingdom of; love of; mercy of; mind of humanity and, ; as mysterious and outpouring; obedience to; parts and the Whole and; paths toward and away from; perfect receiving and; presence of; qualities of; as stumbling stone; superego and; Ten Commandments and; transformation and; True Self and; union with; vision of; voice of


  Gospel: big message of; creation and; in first half of life; as good news; healing and growth and; leaving home and; problem inside a solution and; spiritual journey and; tragic sense of life and; as wedding partner

  Grace: versus certainty; economy of; life transition and; redemption and; stumbling and

  Graves, Clare

  Gregory of Nyssa

  Hades, Odysseus in


  Halves of life: metaphors for; as morning and afternoon; necessity of; no versus yes and; old and new wineskins and; outer and inner journey and; Rohr's reasons for writing about, viiviii; tablets of the law and; vocabularies of. See also First half of life; Life transition; Second half of life

  Happiness, meaning and

  Heaven: as charged concept; divine union and; exclusion versus inclusion and; hell and; life's journey and; now and later; practicing for; as state of consciousness

  Hell: as charged concept; heaven and; life's journey and; loss of divine union and; in the present; self-exclusion and; as state of consciousness




  Heroes and heroines

  Hesse, Hermann



  Hollis, James


  Holy Spirit

  Home: being versus doing and; as goal of sacred story


  Hope, Holy Spirit and

  Hopkins, Gerard Manley



  Humiliation: Rohr's prayer for; self-knowledge and; shadow work and; stumbling and; tragic sense of life and

  Humility, holiness and


  Identity: versus commonality; divine gaze and; Japanese soldiers and; mistaken; narcissistic fix and; persona and shadow self and; as place to stand; religion and; True Self and

  Indigenous people, healthy psyches of

  Initiation. See Male initiation

  Institutions. See also specific institutions

  Integral Theory



  Iroquois Nation

  Isaiah (prophet)

>   Islam

  “Ithaca” (Cavafy)

  I-Thou relationships

  Jacob (biblical figure)

  Jails and prisons


  Jaspers, Karl

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jeremiah (prophet)

  Jesus: as alpha and omega; on befriending opponents; on binding and loosing; both-and thinking of; calling of disciples by; on change; church practice and; as Cosmic Christinvitation n2, ; criticism of own religion by; crucifixion of; definition of church and; on doing God's will; down-up pattern and; family and; on first and last; foolish-sounding wisdom of; on gaining the world; on God's gifts; on good trees and bad; on goodness of God; healing stories and; heaven and hell and; incarnation and; John the Baptist and; journeys and; on kingdom of God; on lamp of the body; on lamp within; on law and freedom; on least of these; on life beyond security; on living water; on losing our life; lost-and-found parables of; on obedience; on old and new wineskins; outsiders and; on pearls before swine; on Pharisee and tax collector; on plank in eye; process language and; on prodigal son; redemption and; as risen Christ; Samaritan woman and; as savior; on sowing seeds; as spiritual authority; on straining out gnats; as teacher who said yes; tragic sense of life and; transfiguration and; on unclean spirit; on wisdom; wounds of

  Jews and Judaism

  Joan of Arc

  John of the Cross

  John of the Ladder

  John Paul II (pope)

  John the Baptist

  John XXIII (pope)


  Julian of Norwich

  Jung, Carl: on goals; on morning and afternoon of life; on mysteries of life; on stumbling; on suffering; on two halves of life


  Kegan, Robert

  Keller, Helen

  Keyes, Kin

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kohlberg, Lawrence

  Kohut, Heinz

  Law and limits: broken tablets and; Franciscans and; freedom and; as goad to kick against; healthy growth and; immature responses to; institutions and; legalism and; misuse of; predictability and; presumption against; proving of purpose of


  Life transition: as adventure; crossover points and; from elitism to egalitarianism and; falling upward and; grace and; inhibition of; loyal soldier and; luck and; mystery and; pain and; sequencing and; simplicity and; wisdom and

  Liminal space


  Love: civilization of; falling in; freedom and; great; possession and; as subject in literature; unconditional and conditional


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