The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 22

by S. E. Law

  “The reason why Jess is in it is because she just turned eighteen. Her dad Tex sponsored her, and her membership was seconded by her stepdad Rex. Jessica was admitted upon a vote by the membership, and she’s only been a part of the group for two weeks. I was hoping she could keep her mouth shut for a little bit longer, but evidently not,” he adds ruefully.

  I shake my head.

  “Okay, but why did she have to wait until eighteen to be admitted? What’s this thing about voting? And why didn’t you want her to tell me? You still haven’t answered my question by the way. What dad posts sexy pics of himself online? It’s gross, Brent. Really gross. I nearly puked when I saw that post.”

  Brent sighs again, looking tired, but somehow also like a man with a plan. His fingers twist a bit on themselves, but then he sits up and sets his shoulders straight before meeting my eyes.

  “Marni, we didn’t tell you because I wanted to shield you for as long as possible. You’re an innocent. You’ve never had a boyfriend before, and these things … well, they’re not for the naïve. You see, sweetheart, Dads and Daughters is a daughter-swapping club. We dads swap daughters with one another for fun and enjoyment.”

  I stare at him.

  “What does that even mean?” I demand. “How do you swap daughters? You can’t exactly white out someone’s name on a birth certificate. So what does daughter-swapping mean?”

  Brent doesn’t dodge the question this time.

  “It means that we share daughters, sweetheart. If I’m in a city somewhere for a night, someone’s daughter might come out to spend some quality time with me. Then, the next night I’m likely in a different city. Another man’s daughter will come out to spend the night with me.”

  Slowly, the pieces are falling into place and I stare at my dad.

  “What do you mean, she spends the night with you?”

  Brent looks a bit uncomfortable and shrugs.

  “Well, our daughters tend to be very beautiful, and very sassy young things. As a result, I might take her to dinner and drinks, or maybe we’ll stop by a club and get to know one another. We talk and laugh, just like regular people.”

  “And then what happens?” I ask in a slow voice, although I already suspect.

  “If she’s willing, I might take her to a hotel. Or some girls don’t mind the back of the cab because they’re all daughters of long-haul truck drivers, sweetheart. We spend the night as a man and a woman, getting to know one another.”

  Holy shit. My dad’s part of some swingers club with his buddies and their daughters.

  “You must be shitting me,” I say slowly.

  Brent shakes his head.

  “No, I’m not. You’ve already seen the evidence.”

  Holy cow.

  “How long have you been doing this?” I demand.

  Brent looks me full in the eye.

  “Ever since your mom and I got divorced. I swear, before that, I never touched another woman. I’ve know about Dads and Daughters for years now, but I never stepped out on your mom. It was only until the divorce became final that I activated my membership.”

  I’m still so surprised that I can hardly move.

  “Did Regina know about Dads and Daughters?” I ask in a choked voice.

  He shakes his head.

  “No, never. The group only offers membership to single or divorced men. Even if a man is separated, that’s not enough. We’re a small, close-knit community, sweetheart, so we don’t want to trample on anyone’s emotions. We vet our members thoroughly, and we’re very careful about who can join.”

  “So you’ve been … um, having relations with young women for the last year when you drive.”

  Brent nods somberly.

  “It makes my job that much better, sweetheart. I know this is a shock to you, but my job is difficult. I’m on the road by myself for weeks at a time, eating greasy take-out while listening to country music. A man gets lonely, and it’s not easy to find companionship. Would you rather I hired a hooker?”

  “No!” I almost scream. “Of course not. But I had no idea that a dirty club like this could exist.”

  Brent nods.

  “I know, Marni. You’re young and innocent, and this kind of thing isn’t for a sweet girl like yourself.”

  I stop him right there.

  “But why is Jessica in it?”

  He pauses for a moment.

  “Jessica is in Dads and Daughters because she asked to be included,” he says delicately. “She’s been aware of Dads and Daughters for a while now, and she’s been bugging Tex to sponsor her ever since she was sixteen. Of course, he refused because it’s against the rules, not to mention illegal. But after she turned eighteen, Tex sponsored her, and now Jessica’s begun her trial membership. She’s going to try it out for a few months, and then we’ll decide as a group whether to extend her permanent membership.”

  I choke.

  “Wait. So Jessica’s a member, but I’m not?”

  My dad looks frustrated, and a little sad.

  “Yes, Marni, and that’s how I’d like to keep it. You and Jess may be best friends, but you’re nothing like one another. Jessica’s a wild child who loves going out and meeting boys, whereas Marni, you’re still reading romance novels where the heroine is whisked off by Scottish Highlanders.”

  “Don’t make fun of my books!” I say indignantly. “At least I read!”

  My dad nods.

  “Yes, but that’s my point, honey. You’re a bookworm and not ready for Dads and Daughters. You’re not the kind of girl who’s ready for this lifestyle. Imagine it honey. Truckers pull into our little city, or the city next door. You show up at the truck stop to meet him, exchange a few kisses, and then bam! You’re in his cab with him. Is that what you want?”

  My dad’s right. This is nothing like the books I read. In my romance novels, usually the heroine’s dating a man who’s a prince or a billionaire. She’s generally whisked off to a castle, or at least a ten-figure penthouse in New York City. Making love in a truck cab on a grimy mattress doesn’t really figure into these fantasies.

  But this is real life, and there are real-life concerns.

  “Are they going to let you stay in the Dads and Daughters club if I don’t join?” I ask slowly.

  Brent sighs for what feels like the umpteenth time.

  “It depends. They know that you turned eighteen a couple months ago, but I asked for an extension on your behalf. I explained to them about you, Marni. You’re just not ready. You’re not the type, full stop. This is a group where dads and daughters share, and you’re not like that. You’re going to go to college and be a professional woman. Hell, you might even be President one day!”

  I snort because no job seems worse than being President of the United States, although I’m flattered my dad believes in me. But still, I have to think about this.

  “Dad, this has been a huge shock to me,” I say slowly. “I can’t believe you’re part of a dirty swingers club.”

  Brent shrugs and his expression is grave.

  “I know, Marni. But a man has needs and this group has been around for decades, if you can believe it. They’ve been swapping daughters for years now, and some of these daughters grow up to be very happy, well-adjusted women. They span the gamut, from high-powered professionals to stay at home moms. There’s no permanent damage, and everyone benefits.”

  I squint at him.

  “But how do the girls benefit?”

  My dad takes a deep breath.

  “Sometimes, Marni, the first time isn’t easy for a woman. She’s tight, small, and needs to be stretched out. She needs a real man to look out for her, who cares about her, and isn’t just a stranger looking for a quick fix. That’s what the dads do. Maybe we’re only in town for a night, but we treat one another’s daughters with real respect and caring. We touch her in ways that make her feel good, and make sure she gets the proper amount of aftercare afterwards. Also, there’s a string of us. If I’m only in town for a nigh
t, the next guy is updated about her status, and he makes sure to take care of her like a good father would.”

  I stare at my dad, still not believing my ears. This is so crazy and dirty, and my dad is a member of it.

  “Nothing you said makes sense,” I proclaim. “In a way it does, but do you hear yourself? How can passing a girl off to another man be the equivalent of ‘taking care of her’? How can a one-night stand be good for young, naïve girls?”

  My dad nods.

  “I know, and the group has considered these objections in the past. There are definitely hazards to the way we conduct our relationships, but we’ve decided that the pros outweigh the cons. We want our daughters to be cared for. We want them to meet good men, and what better men than men we’ve chosen for them? Again, we vet our members very carefully, so it’s not the guys who are scraping the bottom of the barrel. Only the best of the best are granted membership.”

  I shake my head.

  “Yeah, but if this is what you think is best for the girls, then why isn’t it good for me? Like you surmised, I’m inexperienced. I could use the touch of a good man. Why not one of your friends, like you’ve been saying?”

  Brent gets a pained look in his eye.

  “Marni, get real,” he says sharply. “I’m looking out for you. This isn’t for a ditz who’s going to startle at a man’s touch. This is only for girls who are ready, and who can handle it.”

  I’m offended now.

  “Did you just call me a ditz? For your information, I’ve made honor roll every semester in high school, bar none. So who’s the ditz?”

  My dad sighs heavily.

  “Seriously Marni, sometimes it’s so difficult to have a conversation with you. Are you purposefully twisting my words? I’m not saying you’re a ditz. I’m just saying that you’re not the right type. You’re a bookworm. You like to read rags to riches stories about modern day Cinderellas rescued by handsome princes. This isn’t that. Dads and Daughters is very real, and none of it is fantasy. You’re not a fit.”

  But the contrary part of me is pissed now.

  “I am a fit,” I proclaim. “I want in.”

  Of course, I’m not really sure that I want in. This swingers set up is so filthy, and I’m still shocked to find out about it. I’m even more shocked that my dad is a member. How many girls has he slept with? Does he keep in touch with any of these girls? What do they look like?

  But Brent merely shakes his head again, and this time his expression is resolute.

  “No, Marni. You’re not going to be a member of Dads and Daughters. I’ll give up my own membership if I have to, in order to keep you out of it. I don’t want you hurt, and that’s that.”

  I’m about to protest, but my dad gets up, rising to a towering height. He glowers at me, his blue eyes almost glowing.

  “You’re not going to be a part of Dads and Daughters, Marni. It’d be better, and healthier, if you just forgot everything you learned, and put it out of your mind.”

  With that, he stalks off, his long legs carrying him into the bedroom. But I stay in the living room, my head still spinning. Holy shit! What a dirty group! Maybe my dad’s right, and I’m not your typical inductee into Dads and Daughters. But I want to find out more, and there’s no way he can stop me.



  The next day, Jessica accosts me in the hallway of our high school.

  “Oh my god,” she cries with tears in her eyes. “Your dad is going to drop out of Dads and Daughters! He said he had to do it because of youuuuu! Oh my god!”

  Shushing Jess, I pull her into a deserted classroom and shut the door firmly. It’s dim inside, and I don’t bother to turn on the lights.

  “Jess, shhh! We’re at school. People can hear you,” I hiss.

  But my friend doesn’t care, and her blonde curls bobble as she sobs.

  “How could you do this, Marni? Your dad was going to be my inductor! You know, my first? I’ve been looking for it for so long, and now you’ve gone and made him quit!”

  I stare at her.

  “What? What are you talking about?”

  Jess begins babbling as tears roll down her face.

  “I’ve been waiting to join Dads and Daughters for ages, Marni. Ever since I found out about the group when I was sixteen, and one of the reasons is your dad. I’ve had a crush on Brent for so long, and I want to lose my virginity to someone that I love and respect. I want it to be your dad, and it was finally my time! Do you realize how long I’ve been waiting? And now I have nothing!”

  I stare at her.

  “What do you mean, someone you love and respect? You don’t know Brent.”

  She sniffles.

  “Maybe it’s not love as in true love and we’re getting married, but I do love your dad, Marni. Brent’s been there since I was a kid and he was always so kind to me. Plus, he’s hot, remember how I was telling you? So when I finally was admitted to Dads and Daughters, I made a request: I wanted my first time to be with your dad, and they said yes! But now you’ve screwed it up! Brent let the group know that he was quitting effective immediately because he’s having trouble managing his daughter.”

  I stare at her.

  “I didn’t tell him to quit,” is my indignant reply.

  “Well, what did you do then?” she slobbers between tears. “We were supposed to consummate our relationship next week, but now it’s been called off. You must have done something!” she insists.

  I step back and try to think, holding both hands up.

  “Yesterday, I went home after our study session. I asked Brent about this Dads and Daughters business, and he told me it’s a swingers group.”

  “It is no such thing!” Jess interrupts indignantly. “We don’t swing. We’re a close-knit community who care about one another, and sure, we partner swap a little, but it’s not the same as swinging.”

  “It is the same as swinging,” I say wryly. “And the fact that it’s between dads and daughters gives it an added dirty twist.”

  “Okay,” says Jess with a huff. “But seriously, Marni. What did you do that made your dad quit?”

  I shake my head at a loss for words.

  “I didn’t do anything, I swear. Brent told me about the group, and I asked whether I should join. I understand that it’s a requirement that both the dad and daughter join in order to stay active.”

  Jess nods, and then sniffles again.

  “Yeah, that’s pretty much true but there are a couple exceptions. For example, if a daughter is really unattractive, medically disabled, or simply not a fit for the group, the membership can vote to exclude her. In those cases, she never finds out about the group. No one ever tells her.”

  I nod.

  “That’s true, but I don’t fall into either of those categories. At least I don’t think I do. Brent said he petitioned Dads and Daughters for a delay, so that I could have a little more time before joining.”

  “That’s right,” sniffles Jess. “Most girls join when they’re eighteen. You had your eighteenth birthday a couple months ago, but they were holding off due to your dad’s request. But it’s not like they were going to hold off forever, so I figured there was no harm in telling you.”

  I nod.

  “But that’s the thing, Jess. I think my dad was deluding himself. You see, Brent doesn’t think I’m a fit for the group at all. He thinks I’m really nerdy and dorky, and no one would want me.”

  Jess scrunches her nose at me.

  “Don’t be silly. You need the group exactly because you’re nerdy and dorky. Otherwise, you’re just going to lose your cherry to some dude in college who bangs you in ten minutes and then leaves you to clean yourself up. That’s what Dads and Daughters is about. This way, you get an experienced man who can make your first time wonderful. He’ll take care of you, and make sure that you have an out of this world experience.”

  I nod.

  “Yeah, that’s what I think too,” I say slowly.

sica brightens.

  “Well, did you tell Brent that?”

  “I did! Well, kind of,” I amend. “We sort of got into a fight.”

  Jessica shakes her head again.

  “But about what? This is my future hanging by a thread, Marni. I can’t believe you’d be so careless.”

  I roll my eyes in the darkness of the classroom. Sometimes, Jessica is so dramatic I feel that she should be an actress and go straight to Hollywood.

  “Jess, I’m not even sure what we argued about. But my dad doesn’t want me to be a member of Dads and Daughters, and he put his foot down. By quitting immediately, I think he was making it final. There’s no way I can apply for membership now.”

  Jess nods but she looks thoughtful.

  “Well, let me ask my dad,” she says. “As you know, Tex is in the group. So is Rex, my stepfather, for that matter.”

  I nod.

  “Yeah, my dad told me Tex sponsored you, and Rex seconded the sponsorship.”

  Jess brightens.

  “They did. My daddies love me so much and I appreciate their efforts. Let me talk to them, and see if there’s anything to be done. I mean, would you be interested in … I don’t know, maybe circumventing the rules of Dads and Daughters?”

  I squint at her.

  “But how?”

  She shrugs.

  “Tex and Rex are smart men. I’m sure they’ll think of something. Besides, they’ve known Brent for a long time now. Maybe they’ll talk to him and persuade him to change his mind. Or maybe, they can get you into the club without Brent being a member. That’s not what I want though,” she says quickly. “I’ve been dreaming of Brent for so long, and I really want my first time to be with him.”

  I stare at her.

  “You know how wrong that sounds, right? You’re literally talking about losing your virginity to my dad.”

  She sighs and flushes with pleasure.

  “Yeah, but it feels right. I just know it. With Brent, it’s going to be amazing, and I don’t even mind losing it in the back of a truck cab if he wants. Of course, we live in the same city so we could easily use his bed or mine. But I’m just saying,” she giggles.


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