The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 24

by S. E. Law

  “So what do they think the solution is?” I ask, my heart fluttering in my chest. “Are they going to force Brent to re-join?”

  Jess laughs.

  “No, of course not, Marni. No one can force someone to join Dads and Daughters. The club’s not like that. But I’m not sure what their idea is, to be honest. They want to meet with you in private to tell you.”

  I try to hide my puzzled look.

  “Really? It’s that complicated of a solution?”

  Jess shrugs.

  “I don’t really know, Marni, because Tex and Rex wouldn’t tell me anything about it. They just said they wanted to talk to you before doing anything. I think they’re being really careful, to be honest. They want to get this right, and want to vet things with you before taking any action.”

  I agree. Tex and Rex do seem to be moving deliberately, as opposed to shooting off and acting foolish. As a result, I’m sitting at a hotel bar now, waiting for Tex and Rex to show. I’m nervous as all hell, and it’s probably obvious. My cocktail dress is a deep red velvet, and I put on matching red high heels and grabbed a red purse. This is what real women wear to swanky hotel bars, right?

  But now, I just feel out of place. Everyone at the bar must be twenty years older than me, and they all seem completely at ease. The men are wearing dashing suits, and the women have their hair swept in elaborate up-dos while also dripping with jewels. I felt so dumb ordering my Shirley Temple at the bar because who drinks virgin cocktails? Fortunately, the bartender didn’t bat an eye and merely procured my drink with an impassive expression, sliding it to me across the burnished wood surface of the bar.

  Nervously, I wait for Tex and Rex to appear. What are Jess’s dads going to say? How are they going to finagle me a place in Dads and Daughters, when my own dad doesn’t support my membership?

  Suddenly, the two men appear at the entryway, and I feel like all heads turn to them because Tex and Rex are that sexy. The truckers are huge, and clean up well when they want to. They both wear dark suits with blazing white shirts which show off their tanned skin. Tex and Rex must be at least six three too, with wide shoulders and long legs. They catch sight of me, and smile before striding over to the bar.

  “Hi,” growls Tex, towering over me on my left. Rex takes a seat to my right, positioning his large form at my elbow. He signals to the bartender, and the man immediately begins to pour amber liquid from a decanter.

  “Hey Tex, hey Rex,” I say shyly. “Are you guys regulars here? How did the bartender know what you wanted to drink?”

  Rex laughs, showing off even white teeth.

  “We come to the Delano Hotel on occasion,” he acknowledges. “We’re not always blue collar guys who hang out at greasy dive bars. We like to fancy-it-up once in a while.”

  “Oh of course,” I say quickly, turning red. “I didn’t mean to imply—”

  Tex steps in, putting a large brown hand on my small one. His touch is so warm and reassuring that immediately, I calm a bit.

  “Don’t worry, little one. Rex is just messing with you. There’s no need to get riled up because that man is just a shit-eating arse.”

  Rex snorts but then grins again.

  “No offense taken, brother,” he says, still smiling with a twinkle to his eye. “But Marni, we’re glad to see you tonight. We have some important things to discuss.”

  “We do,” adds Tex, suddenly going serious. “Thank you for meeting us because obviously, we have a crisis on our hands. But before we begin, we’d like to know a little bit about you, first, and what you want and what you’re hoping for.”

  I swallow heavily. Oh wow, they’re treating me like an adult and it makes me feel appreciated.

  “Well, this is all really new to me. Jess only told me about Dads and Daughters last week. The entire conversation was pretty random, to be honest.”

  Tex and Rex share a look and nod seriously.

  “But you understand what Dads and Daughters is about, don’t you? Jessica told you?”

  I nod.

  “She did, and Brent filled me in with more details afterwards. I was shocked at first, but then it made total sense, if that makes sense.” Oh my god, I can’t believe I sound like a parrot. I wish the floor would open up and swallow me right about now.

  But neither Tex nor Rex seem bothered by my word vomit, and they nod.

  “Good. What did you think of Dads and Daughters?” Tex probes gently. “And what are you hoping to get from it?”

  I take a deep breath before looking them in the eye.

  “To be honest, I was scandalized when I first found out the club existed. It sounds like a dirty swingers club, and it is. But Jessica explained it all to me: how long-haul truckers get lonely on the road, and crave female companionship. How you don’t like to pair up with random women in random cities. And how you give back to the daughters in the club by caring for them, and making sure the girls are comfortable and enjoy their time with you.”

  Rex nods.

  “Absolutely. If anything, the woman is our first priority, no matter how tired we are.”

  Tex nods thoughtfully.

  “We take our responsibilities seriously, and our female companions always come first. After all, the girl we’re with is someone’s daughter. If we know whose daughter it is, then she’s not just another anonymous face and name. She’s a woman to be protected and cherished, not to mention loved.”

  I stare at them.

  “Loved? Are you sure? How can you love someone whom you’ve only met once? Or even a few times?”

  Tex and Rex share a look.

  “There are many types of love, Marni. There’s the kind of love you feel for a long-term partner, and there’s the kind of love that you feel for someone you’ve just met. But neither one is more or less valid. They’re just different permutations of the same thing.”

  I nod slowly.

  “I suppose that makes sense. After all, I love my dog, but it’s a different type of love than what I feel for my dad.”

  The two men nod wisely.

  “Exactly,” says Rex. “And you don’t always have to be first in someone’s affections either. For example, maybe you have a girl that you see in a city every two weeks, and you enjoy your time with her. But you also have a woman that you maybe only see once a year, and you also enjoy your time with her. The first girl is obviously front and center, while the second woman is in second place, but it doesn’t mean that second place is worse. It’s just a matter of time, circumstance, and expectations.”

  Tex nods.

  “‘First’ and ‘second’ aren’t even the right labels to use,” he adds, “because it makes it sound like second is inferior. It might be better to refer to one as “Blonde” and the other one as “Red.” Neither is better; they’re just different.”

  I nod slowly.

  “But what’s this thing about expectations? How do you manage that?”

  Both men grow quiet for a moment. The air is solemn, and I stare at Rex’s big bronzed hand resting on the bar. The white of his sleeve contrasts with his tan skin, and idly, I wonder what it would feel like for him to touch me.

  “Good question,” he says in a low voice. “Expectations are key to our group because managing them is paramount for Dads and Daughters to survive. Basically, our members know that for the most part, this isn’t a long-term set-up. Actually, long-term isn’t the right word, because some of our dads and daughters have been meeting up for years now. But they know that generally, their private meetings don’t lead to a long-term relationship. These are one-offs, and any dad or daughter can call it off at any time.”

  I nod slowly.

  “It’s because you’re truckers right? You never know when or if you’ll be back to a certain city.”

  Tex nods thoughtfully.

  “That’s part of it, but it’s also that we don’t encourage long-term relationships for the most part. The dads are usually in their forties, while the women are half that. It’s a real May
December conundrum.”

  I stare at them.

  “But I think older men are hot!” I protest. “They’re certainly much better than the boys at my high school,” I say with an eye roll. “Those guys need to grow up.”

  Tex and Mex laugh, their low growls filling the air.

  “I’m glad you like older men,” says Tex in a slightly raspy voice.

  “Very glad, because we should talk about you now,” says Rex smoothly. “After all, what do you want, Marni? Jess mentioned you want into Dads and Daughters, but why?”

  I color because the answer is so embarrassing.

  “Well, it’s like what you said,” I begin haltingly. “I want to be taken care of my first time, and not pawed by some inexperienced boy. The guys at my high school are so awful it’s hard to even describe. They either seem to be steroid-fueled bodybuilders or tiny mice with eating disorders.”

  Tex and Rex look flabbergasted.

  “Boys have eating disorders?” asks Rex with bewilderment.

  I nod knowingly.

  “Oh yeah, it’s been going on for a couple years now, ever since Instagram came out. Everyone’s really focused on whether things are Instagrammable, meaning whether they photograph well. At first, it was just the girls who wanted outfits that popped and features that are contoured. But now, even some of the boys have fallen down the rabbit hole. They don’t wear make-up every day,” I add hastily. “But there are definitely some guys who put on make-up before they take a selfie to highlight certain features.”

  Tex and Rex stare with astonishment.

  “Make-up? On men?” Rex manages to choke out.

  I nod.

  “Oh yeah, definitely. They’re not gay either. In fact, some of the guys even have girlfriends. But they want to establish a presence on Instagram so that they can get contracts from advertisers. Then, after they get their first contract, there’s even more self-promotion,” I shrug. “It’s a vicious cycle.”

  Tex and Rex stare at one another before turning back to look at me with amazement.

  “Shit,” whistles one.

  “How kids have changed,” muses the other.

  “Well, I don’t have an Instagram account,” I say. “Sort of. Not really. I’ve never posted anything to it, and I set it on private, so no one can see, even though I don’t have anything up. I really just use it to look at other peoples’ accounts.”

  Tex and Rex grin at me.

  “You’re curious, aren’t you?”

  I blush, while nodding slowly.

  “Yeah, I like to see how other people live their lives. That’s part of the reason why Dads and Daughters is so interesting to me. I had no idea it even existed until Jess brought it up the other day! And it seems like a great idea too. Why not? Long-haul truckers find satisfaction on the road, while their daughters are taken care of by kind, considerate men.”

  Tex’s eyes gleam.

  “You seem to think the best of us.”

  I nod seriously.

  “My dad’s been a long-haul trucker for as long as I can remember, and I’ve met some of his friends. They’re good men. Our city is filled with good men, and I’d like to be taken care of by one of these men.”

  Rex’s eyes flare then, the blue suddenly becoming a sharp azure.

  “Well, it’s good to hear that Marni because maybe you’ll be open to our idea then.”

  My heart begins to beat heavily. My cheeks flush and suddenly, I grow aware of how close the two men are. Tex and Rex are giant sentinels on either side of me, their broad shoulders almost blocking out the light.

  “I’m definitely interested,” I say in a breathy tone. “I’d like to be a part of Dads and Daughters whether or not Brent approves. Do you think there’s any hope for me, or is the club really strict in this respect?”

  The men share another look, and something indescribable passes between them in the air.

  “Well, I think we have a solution,” begins Tex, tapping his fingers lightly on the bar. “But it’s an unconventional one.”

  I nod.

  “That’s okay. I’m open to all ideas.”

  Both men throw their heads back and laugh, showing off sparkling white smiles.

  “Well, that’s good,” says Rex, “because how would you like being with two men?” he asks. “And how do you feel about being with two men who are also into one another?”

  The blood drains from my face as I look between Rex and Tex’s handsome features. But they’re totally serious. Their blue eyes pin me to the bar stool even as my heart flutters and my pulse races. Are they saying what I think they’re saying? Are they suggesting that I take up with them, and that they’re also into one another? There’s only one way to find out.



  We watch as our words sink into Marni. Her eyes grow wide and her pink pout opens into a startled “O.”

  “You mean,” she begins hesitantly. “That I’ll be with you?”

  My friend nods seriously, although his eyes flare.

  “That’s right,” he says in a low voice. “Would you be open to that?”

  Marni’s cheeks blush prettily, and she squirms a bit in her seat.

  “Is this because I’m not in Dads and Daughters formally? Is it some kind of punishment?”

  I throw my head back and laugh, although the chuckle comes out a bit raspy. Then I reach forward and take her small hand in mine, enveloping her delicate fingers.

  “No, honey. We’re not punishing you, and we never would. We just want to open Brent’s eyes, that’s all. We figure that by taking you, he’ll have no choice but to re-join. After all, his daughter’s already been with two men in the club. What’s he got to prove by renouncing his membership?”

  Marni nods slowly.

  “If I were with one of you, Brent might not re-join. But if I’m with both of you, then it’s like going to the dark side.”

  I shake my head.

  “It’s not going to the dark side, sweetheart. It’s just that we want to make a point, and we might as well strike hard, fast, and often. By being with both of us, you’re showing that you’re committed to the underlying ideals of Dads and Daughters. You want to be a part of the group, and you’re willing to demonstrate just how much.”

  But Tex cuts in then.

  “Of course, there are no guarantees,” he says in a gravelly voice. “Human nature is unpredictable, and Brent’s showed that he can be stubborn. But if you’re with two of the daddies, then it demonstrates that you’re all in. One daddy could be a fluke; two daddies definitely isn’t.”

  Marni colors, her generous bosom quivering in the low-cut vee of her dress. From my vantage point, I can look right in, and the vanilla mounds make my mouth water and my body jerk.

  “Yes, but how do I handle both of you?” she asks in a breathy voice. “I’m new to this,” she adds.

  Tex takes her other hand, clasping it gently in his own large paw.

  “We’ll show you,” he growls. “This is something we’ve done before, and trust me baby, you’re more than well-equipped to handle us. But the larger question is: are you interested?”

  Marni looks down at her lap for a moment, and then looks up again, biting her rosy bottom lip. She nods.

  “I am,” she whispers. “Very much so.”

  Heat floods my body, and I can feel myself hardening right there at the bar.

  “Yes, but what about what we just mentioned?” I ask in a silky voice. “Are you ready to see Tex and I together as well? Or is that something that turns you off?”

  Marni’s eyes go wide and her breathing accelerates. Her generous mounds heave up and down, and I can feel her pulse fluttering delicately in her wrist.

  “I think I’d like that,” she whispers with another beautiful flush. “In fact, I think I’d love it.”

  It’s settled then. We’re going to initiate Marni into Dads and Daughters with or without Brent’s approval. Sure, what we’re doing is illicit. In fact, we’re breaking
club rules because without her dad’s approval, Marni’s supposed to remain untouched. But opportunity has unexpectedly arrived, and neither Tex nor I are men who are going to let this little girl slip through our fingers.

  Immediately, we both stand, our tall forms towering over the curvy girl.

  “Check,” I say in a harsh voice to the bartender.

  “I have the key card,” growls Tex, pulling a small, neat square from his pocket. “We rented a room upstairs, baby girl,” he drawls. “Are you ready to be initiated?”

  Marni swallows visibly, her cheeks flushing.

  “Right now?” she asks in a whisper.

  I nod shortly.

  “Right now,” are my words. “There’s no better time.”

  Marni sits on her bar stool for a moment, looking undecided. But then that curvy form slips off, and she reaches for her purse while teetering a bit in her heels.

  “I’m ready, Tex and Rex,” is her breathy reply.

  With a growl, we lead her from the bar area to the lobby, and I press the elevator call button with one large hand. I want to say that I’m cool, confident, and self-assured, but in fact, my bronzed hand trembles a bit from anticipation and excitement. After all, Tex and I have been eyeing Marni for years. She’s been on our radar since she and Jess were nothing more than children. But now, the time has come to initiate Marni into womanhood, and neither of us can wait.



  Oh my god, is this really happening? The bell dings, and we step into the gilded box of the elevator. The interior is wood-paneled with gold edges, and I shyly stand in the middle between Tex and Rex. As the doors close, I’m reminded of just how small I am compared to these two men.

  After all, the alpha males are powerfully built. They’re both at least six three, with broad shoulders and long legs. Their huge forms seem to take up all the space in the elevator, and suddenly, it’s as if I can’t breathe.


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