The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 27

by S. E. Law

  But Brent doesn’t give a shit about us.

  “Fuck them. They can fuck all the men in the world if that’s what they want to do. I want you to be you, Marni. You can’t engage in this debauchery with men twice your age. You’re over your head.”

  But our girl is tough. She merely tightens the belt on her robe with a yank, her eyes a steely brownish-gray.

  “No, Brent,” she says coldly. “You listen. This is me. This is what I want. I want Tex and Rex, and they want me too. Sure, what you saw was unconventional, but that doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. Nor am I some innocent who has no idea what she’s doing. What I feel for Tex and Rex is real, do you understand?”

  Brent looks at her with disbelieving eyes.

  “Do you hear yourself?” he asks. “You think you’re in a relationship with two truckers old enough to be your dad. In fact, they are the dads of one of your friends: Jessica’s biological father and her stepfather, to be precise. What the hell is wrong with you, Marni? Have you been brainwashed? I’m going to kill those fuckers,” he rages, his fists clenching and unclenching with white knuckles.

  But Marni isn’t intimidated. She lets out a long stream of air and stares right back at Brent.

  “I hear you, and no, I haven’t been brainwashed. This is love, Brent. Do you hear me? That’s precious.”

  “Love?” he cuts her off. “You’re crazy, Marni. You have been brainwashed and need the help of professionals. I’m going to call the cops and then a therapist. Hell, you need an entire team of therapists.”

  But Marni glares at him again, her eyes level.

  “And what’s going to happen? The cops are going to come over and see a domestic dispute between a father and his adult daughter. Do you think they’re really going to haul me off to jail? What are they going to do? Write up Tex and Mex for what exactly?”

  Brent sits back and thinks, and I can tell he’s stumped.

  “Fuck,” is all he says.

  Marni is triumphant.

  “Right,” she says. “I’m an adult woman, don’t you see, Dad? I’m in love with Tex and Rex, and we’re in a relationship. I know this isn’t what you wanted for your daughter, but life turns out differently from what you expect. Now, you can either accept it, or you can call the cops and alienate me forever.”

  Brent stares at her, and for the first time during this conversation, I can see that her words are getting through.

  “Fuck,” he says again, and then whirls around and stomps out of the room, the door slamming shut behind him.

  Tex and I have been holding our breaths as Marni turns back to the screen.

  “Are you okay, baby girl?” I ask tentatively. “That was one hell of a blowout.”

  “Yeah,” adds Tex, shaking his head. “I’m sorry we couldn’t be there for you.”

  Marni sits on her bed a little woodenly, her face expressionless.

  “I never thought my dad would catch me like that,” she says in a whisper. “It’s a nightmare.”

  That’s when my heart surges.

  “It was unexpected,” I concede, “but what you said meant a lot to me and Tex here,” I say. “You said you loved us. Is that true?”

  Marni takes another deep breath, her bosom rising and falling beautifully.

  “I can’t believe it,” she mutters to herself, still looking at the floor. But urgency is pulsing through our veins, and this time Tex takes the steering wheel.

  “Marni,” he says slowly, his voice low but pressing. “You said you love us, and we just want you to know that we love you. We were hoping that you would develop feelings for us, as we have for you, but it’s only been a month. We didn’t want to express ourselves because you’re so young. But Marni, we love you,” he says again. “Rex and I want you to know that we adore you, and would love to be in a relationship with you.”

  Our girl is still staring at the floor, her thoughts a million miles away. I don’t blame her, given the scene that just occurred. But then she looks up, stares at the screen, and a gorgeous smile breaks over her features.

  “I love you too, Tex and Rex,” she says softly. “But you have to admit that this is the most insane situation ever. I can’t believe my dad just caught the three of us with eggs up our asses.”

  “Well, yours wasn’t in your ass. Yours was in your pussy,” I say helpfully.

  She giggles then, and the tension eases.

  “You’re right, but still. My dad just caught us diddling ourselves over cyberspace. How fucked up is that?”

  I grin at her.

  “Very fucked up.”

  “So fucked up, in fact, that we might as well stick together,” adds Tex with humor in his voice. But then his expression grows serious again. “We love you Marni. I know this situation is confusing, complicated, and twisted beyond belief, but we love you, and the three of us will figure it out together, okay? Dads and Daughters, or no Dads and Daughters, it doesn’t matter. You belong with us.”

  Finally, Marni looks at the screen with a soft smile and a light in her eyes.

  “I know,” she says simply. “I love you too, Tex and Rex, and yes, we will figure it out.”

  With that, our hearts soar because suddenly, anything is possible. Marni has pledged her love to us, and with the curvy girl solidly on our side, our future is rosy and bright.



  Six months later.

  I spread my legs, baring my honey pot to the two men. The pink slit glistens, and my hole winks at them.

  “Tex, Rex,” I murmur. “This is all for you.”

  My two lovers stare at my sweetest spot, already flushed and dripping with nectar.

  “Baby, you look so good,” Tex growls.

  “You look even better with your big tummy,” Rex adds meaningfully.

  I giggle because I’m about five months pregnant with their baby. We don’t know whose child it is, but it really doesn’t matter: Tex and Rex are over the moon at being fathers again.

  “Sweetheart, this is wonderful,” Tex breathed when I told him the news. “I never thought I’d be a daddy again.”

  Rex’s reaction was even more emotional. He wiped away a tear and smiled at me blearily.

  “Marni, I can’t tell you how much this means to me,” he growled in a low voice. “You know that my only child was Jessica. After her mom and I divorced, I didn’t see her much. I didn’t think I’d have children again, but now, you’ve given me the best gift ever.”

  My insides went mushy too, and I threw my arms around my two men.

  “We’ll raise this baby together,” I vowed, pulling their huge forms close. “Somehow, we’ll manage.”

  That’s been the story of our lives so far. We’ve been muddling through the complicated tale of our relationship, and it’s worked out okay. We revealed everything to Dads and Daughters, and fortunately, no one cared that we were in a threesome. In fact, quite a few girls enjoy menage scenarios, and I hear that there’s a particular daughter named Sienna who’s very interested in them.

  My dad has come around as well. Brent was enraged to find out about my relationship with Tex and Rex, especially because it happened behind his back. But our reasoning made sense: what was the point of quitting now? Brent re-joined the group, and to Jessica’s delight, he was her first.

  Initially, I didn’t want to hear about any of the gory details because this is my dad. But Jess just kept burbling on and on, raving about how gentle and kind Brent was. I caved in one day and listened with half an ear, expecting the worst.

  But to my surprise, I was able to listen with equanimity, and their rapport was real. In fact, Jess and Brent are in a committed relationship now, much to everyone’s surprise. I didn’t think my flighty friend was ready for a steady, but it seems that she and Brent get along great, and with the right person, anything is possible.

  Which leaves the issue of Tex and Rex’s bisexuality. To be honest, it doesn’t seem to be a problem within Dads and Daughters. Most membe
rs aren’t bisexual themselves, but they don’t seem to really care. After all, Dads and Daughters is about unconventional love, and this is just another manifestation of that. As for me, I feel so lucky to be with two men who are also into one another. It feels as if there’s more love all around, and that our sensual sessions together are tripled with pleasure.

  Now, I’m five months pregnant and lying on the mattress with my honey out for them to enjoy. My hard nub pulses and Tex and Rex look ready to devour it. But I stop them.

  “Did you know that something strange happened to Sienna the other day?”

  The two men are on their hand and knees already, stalking me like two lions hunting their prey.

  “Sienna who?” drawls Tex.

  “Why does it matter?” grunts Rex.

  I stop them before they can come any closer.

  “Well, she was using one of the toys you gave her. One of the ones that you can control remotely from your phone. She said that a strange voice began talking to her while she was using it.”

  That gets Tex and Rex’s attention.

  “What?” Tex demands, sitting up. “What the fuck? Someone must have hacked it. Is she okay?”

  “Goddamn,” adds Rex. “You never know with these new devices. I heard hackers broke into nanny cams too, and started saying random shit. That must have been fucking scary.”

  I nod.

  “Sienna was scared at first, but then the voice went deep and began telling her to do things. You know, dirty things. She didn’t turn it off, and in fact, they went into the deep end together.”

  Both men stare at me, their huge forms bronzed and muscular.

  “So Sienna actually talked back to the voice.”

  “She did,” I confirm. “And she liked it.”

  Tex and Rex shake their heads while approaching my curvy form again.

  “Holy shit,” Rex growls. “We’ll talk about it afterwards, but that’s messed up.”

  “It is,” I agree coyly. “But that’s teledildonics for you. Any random person can hack into your device and start talking to you from anywhere in the world. It just so happens that Sienna’s hacker likes her curves, and evidently, she likes him too.”

  Both men growl, their blue eyes flaring once more as they stare at my sweetest spot. But they’re not interested in talking anymore. Tex leans down to swipe at my tiny hole with his tongue, as Rex pushes my knees up to bare my bottom before kissing that pink wrinkle gently.

  “Ooooh,” I moan, my head tilting back. “That feels so good.”

  “It’s going to feel even better after we’re done with you,” Rex rasps, already lying down. This time, I know what to do. I get up as well and straddle him before lowering my bottom onto Rex’s huge shaft. My pucker stretches to take his hardness, but after months of practice, I’ve got it down.

  “Mmm,” I moan, eyes drifting shut. “This is wonderful.”

  “It’s going to be even better in a second,” growls Tex as he kneels in front of me. When my bottom is fully seated on Rex’s pole, Tex begins nudging my front entrance. The pink folds welcome him, and he eases in, making sure that I’m stuffed full.

  “Oh fuck baby,” he grunts. “You feel so good. I can feel Rex through your thin wall. Are you ready?”

  I nod and we’re off to the races. The men syncopate their actions so that one pushes forward as the other pulls out, making sure that I always have a thick member inside. I mewl, my nips tightening, and soon climax is close.

  “Oh god!” I scream deliriously. “Yes, like that!”

  Both men join me as I summit the cliff. Tex and Rex roar, filling my two holes with gallons of hot juice even as my bottom and pussy contract wildly, pulling their seed deep inside.

  After we’re done, the men slowly pull out, their huge shafts glistening with my desire.

  “That was a good position,” I say, gently rubbing my belly. “I’m glad we found ways to do things where we don’t crush the baby.”

  Tex and Rex merely flick amused glances my way.

  “Our baby is going to have a crater in his head from his daddies’ big shafts pounding away inside,” Tex growls.

  “Oh my goodness, you’re so vile!” I squeal, lightly swatting him on the arm.

  “But it’s true,” says Rex, gathering me into his arms. “We love you so much, Marni, and we can’t get enough. Will you be ours forever?”

  I stare at them.

  “Are you asking me what I think you’re asking me?”

  Tex nods, and suddenly, a diamond ring appears in his palm. It glints madly as shafts of light flash throughout the room.

  “We are,” he growls. “We want to marry you, Marni. We want to take you out of circulation from Dads and Daughters, although of course, you’ve never really been in circulation. But we want to make things permanent, and establish that you belong to us. Will you, sweetheart? Will you make me and Rex the happiest men in the world?”

  I throw my arms around them, a warm glow suffusing my form.

  “Of course I will,” I murmur with tears in my eyes. “This is my dream come true.”

  The men cuddle me in their strong arms and I let out a great sigh of happiness. After all, I have my baby, my two fiancés, and a world of love and caring before me. I’m a lucky woman and will never regret my decision to be a part of Dads and Daughters.


  Did you enjoy reading about Dads and Daughters? Then pick up Second Helpings for the next filthy installment in the Sweet Treats series!

  Want to hear about Natalie and her introduction to glory holes at the Lodge? Then pick up your copy of Sugar Walls here.

  If you like washing machines that go thump and MMF bisexual romance, then you’ll love Naomi’s story, Please and Tease, available here.

  I was headed to prom when my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend! To make it all better, a gorgeous dad steps in to claim his Forbidden Fruit. Kristy’s story is available here.

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  Second Helpings

  By S.E. Law

  Sign up for my mailing list and get a free book here!

  About This Book

  We did a filthy swap, and now she belongs to us.

  My brother Jack and I belong to a group called Dads and Daughters. The club is exclusive, very private, and a lot of fun.

  After all, as long-haul truckers, we need relief after sixteen-hour days on the road. That’s where the daughters come in.

  They meet our every need.

  But Sienna is a woman who gives more than you expect.

  The curvy girl gives and gives and gives because it’s her first time.

  Or more accurately, it was her first time … with us, plural.

  After all, my brother and I are demanding men.

  We like our women to have big appetites …

  And it’s up to us to teach Sienna how to enjoy second helpings.

  The sassy girl gets taught the lesson of a lifetime by two handsome, OTT alpha males who know the ins and outs of trucking like the back of their hand. Technology plays a dirty role in this story, but it’s a fun kind of technology that will make you start looking up words in Urban Dictionary with a blush on your cheeks. No swords cross because this story is all about HER. No cheating, no cliffhangers, and always an HEA for my readers.



  “Hi Daddy,” I sing as I swing into the kitchen. “You’re home early.”

  My dad’s just come in the door, and I can see that he’s tired from the way he walks. His red plaid shirt looks a little rumpled as he hangs his leather jacket on the hook by the door, and then bends down to shuck off the beat-up boots on his feet.

  “Oh yeah,” says Tyler. “I put the pedal to the metal, and fortunately there wasn’t too much traffic on t
he I-90 corridor. I got home just in time for dinner, I see.”

  I nod, hovering over the stove where there’s a pot bubbling and steaming with spicy aromas.

  “Yep, and I just got this new crockpot, so there’s plenty for both of us.”

  Tyler frowns at me.

  “Sienna, you didn’t just go off and leave this pot on its own, did you? I know I’ve talked to you a couple times about electrical appliances. You can’t leave things plugged in without keeping an eye on them, even if it’s on low heat. You can’t leave crockpots alone either, no matter what the manufacturer says. This house is an old one, and the wiring dates back a hundred years. We don’t have modern circuit breakers, and it’s not safe to leave electrical appliances unattended.”

  I nod even while reaching for a protective mitt. I slip the chubby glove onto my hand and then lift the top of the crockpot and sniff deeply. A rich aroma wafts out, and I can almost hear my stomach growl.

  “I know, Dad,” I say. “And trust me, I hear you. But this isn’t just any old crockpot. This is a special Japanese thermal pot. See? It doesn’t plug into the wall. It’s specially insulated so that you can cook something on the stove, and then dump it into the thermal pot to finish cooking. The insulation does all the work, and it doesn’t require any electricity.”

  My dad looks stumped, rubbing a big hand over his stubbly chin. His blue eyes look doubtful.

  “Are you sure about that?”

  “Yep!” I say cheerily. “See, look.” I turn the crockpot around three hundred and sixty degrees, and sure enough, there’s no socket for an outlet. The pot isn’t connected to a wire, and there’s nothing tapping into the wall.


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