The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 37

by S. E. Law

  “And variety is the spice of life,” I add.

  My dad chuckles.

  “You certainly have a way about you, Sugar,” he says while opening the car door. “Now, are you ready?”

  I nod and jump out of my side, before looking up at the big log cabin before us.

  “I’m ready,” is my chirp. Inside, my heart is beating like a drum. Am I really ready for what I’ll find inside Dads and Daughters? There’s only one way to find out.



  As soon as the front door sweeps open, Sienna launches herself at me and grabs me in a big hug.

  “Heyyy!” she sings. “Welcome to the club!”

  I laugh and look around at the environs. The lodge is huge and airy, with ceilings that must be at least twenty feet high. A big fire crackles in one corner, and there are a lot of comfortable-looking, low slung couches in the main living area. Colorful cushions dot the floor, and there are a couple animal heads on the walls.

  “Oh my gosh, do people hunt?” I ask.

  Sienna turns and looks at some of the deer heads.

  “I think some of the dads might,” she says. “But I’m not sure. They could be purely decorative. You can buy these from a catalog, you know.”

  I laugh.

  “I think you can buy anything on-line these days,” I say. “It’s the wonders of Amazon.”

  Sienna nods happily, her hands going to stroke her bump.

  “I know. I’ve been shopping on-line for baby things, and there are so many items to get! From onesies, to bottles, to the cutest changing pads.”

  My dad chuckles in back of me.

  “Changing pads? I didn’t know those could be cute. Can I get a kiss, sweetheart?” he asks.

  Sienna giggles and leans forward, locking lips with my dad. It’s a little weird to see my dad kissing someone, but then again, Sienna’s worked wonders for Jack. He went from being a walking corpse to a happily committed man, and as he smiles at Sienna, I can tell how much he loves her.

  “I’ll leave you girls to it,” he says with a wink at me. “Sienna, take good care of Natalie, okay?”

  She blows him another sassy kiss.

  “You know I will, boyfriend,” she says with a smile. Then she takes my hand and leads me to a couch before stopping.

  “Oh wait a minute, do you want a tour of the lodge before we get started? It’s not really a lodge actually. Or it is, but the dads own more than just this building. They actually bought a huge parcel of land and built a bunch of buildings on it, so a full tour would take a while. We’d have to grab the golf cart and go for a spin. But I’m happy to take you on the tour, if you’d like.”

  I smile.

  “Well, I think I’d like to go on the tour sometime, but maybe we can just start with chatting. How are you feeling, girl? My dad told me you’re expecting. Congrats!”

  Sienna plops herself down on a comfy couch and rubs her belly with a dreamy look in her eye.

  “I know, I’m so excited to have a baby,” she coos.

  “Do you know if it’s a boy or girl? I’m excited to be a big sister!”

  Sienna blushes and looks down at her bump, still caressing it with her hands.

  “No, not yet. But one thing that I do know is that I want to have a natural birth. I want Jack and Jock to be there, and no one else.”

  I stare at her.

  “Are you serious? But my dad and uncle know nothing about labor, Sienna. Sure, they have kids, but trust me: these guys are no experts when it comes to delivering children.”

  Sienna merely giggles again.

  “It’s fine,” she says. “They can learn. But meanwhile, what did Jack tell you about Dads and Daughters so far?” she asks.

  I blush.

  “A little, but not enough. He said that truckers started Dads and Daughters back in the day to meet their needs while they were traveling. The daughters service them when they pull into a rest stop. Is that right?”

  Sienna goes serious and nods.

  “It is, but just to be clear, it’s something that the girls do willingly. No one’s hands are tied, and no one is forced to do anything they don’t want. Plus, there are many ways for relationships to develop in Dads and Daughters. For example, I’ve never been with anyone except Jack and Jock. They were my first, and I’ve stuck with them ever since.”

  I bite my lip.

  “So serious relationships come out of this, don’t they?”

  She smiles happily.

  “Oh yeah, for sure. I mean, look at me. Look at Layla too. We’re both in serious relationships with men we’ve met through Dads and Daughters. After all, you can definitely meet the right man and fall in love through the club. Why not? The dads are hot, and they’re certainly a billion times better than the guys in high school.”

  I shudder and roll my eyes.

  “Oh my god, high school boys are ridic,” I say drolly. “Stupid Peter Melpers was trying to lick my cheek during art class last week. It was so gross because he has the worst halitosis.”

  “Yeah, see?” asks Sienna with a wise smile. “The dads aren’t like that because one, they don’t engage in stupid antics. Second, the dads know how to take care of themselves. They’re alpha males who take pride in their appearance, so they have great personal hygiene. Plus, a lot of them work out like fiends,” Sienna confesses with a sly smile. “But you already knew that right?”

  I nod thoughtfully.

  “I do, because Jack hits the gym all the time. He says he has to, in order to put in sixteen hour days in the cab.”

  “Exactly,” says Sienna triumphantly. “That’s why so many girls appreciate what we offer. The dads are gorgeous and in great shape. If I hadn’t met Jack and Jock straight off the bat, you can bet I’d be doing the rounds,” she says with another sly smile.

  I merely giggle.

  “Well, seeing that you’re pregnant now, it’s probably good that you’re staying away from other men, right?”

  Sienna nods, still smiling.

  “Of course, but the club does something to you. It makes you want it. It makes a lot of women uninhibited, and it helps you break through any barriers you might have inside. Your repressed desires come bursting forth like a river that’s been set free.”

  I stare at her.

  “Holy shit. It sounds like how Amish kids go through Rumspringa. You know, that time during their adolescence when they sample the outside world and go buck wild?”

  Sienna nods.

  “Yeah, but usually Rumspringa focuses on boys. For the women in Dads and Daughters, it’s about introducing you to your inner goddess, and tapping that femininity within. You get to be with a ton of hot, handsome dads, and they take care of you too. They make sure that you’re emotionally prepared when the time comes, and help you transition to womanhood.”

  I nod slowly.

  “But do any of the girls ever feel disappointed?” I ask slowly. “It must happen, right? I mean, they must get attached to some dad who isn’t interested in them the same way.”

  Sienna nods.

  “It happens. I mean, I don’t know of it happening to anyone in particular because I only just joined the club myself. But I’m sure it happens because it’s bound to. If you pair nubile, lovely young women with OTT alpha males, you’re going to get a connection. Something is going to happen, that’s for sure. And love is unpredictable. Again, I don’t know of any sad stories myself but I wouldn’t be surprised. After all, teen girls are unpredictable.”

  I chew my lip, thinking.

  “Do all daughters join when they’re eighteen?”

  Sienna shakes her head.

  “No, not everyone. Some daughters just aren’t fit for the club. For example, I heard Marvin Light has a daughter who’s been a tomboy since birth. He’s not sure if she’s lesbian, but there’s a chance. So when she turned eighteen, Marvin let everyone know that his daughter wasn’t going to be joining, and it was no big deal. What would we do with someone li
ke Kit Light? She’s cute and nice, but she wouldn’t be interested in our club anyways.”

  “I see,” I nod.

  Sienna continues.

  “Plus, there are women who just aren’t a fit for Dads and Daughters,” she says. “Sometimes they’re mentally not there yet. Sometimes, even though they’re eighteen, they’re too naïve. For example, if a girl’s still playing make-believe with teddy bears and dolls, then she might not be a fit. Then again, we have some guys who are into DD/lg play, so maybe they are a fit,” Sienna says wickedly.

  “DD/lg?” I ask. “What’s that?”

  The other girl gets a sparkle in her eye.

  “It’s short for Daddy Dom / little girl. Basically, it’s age-play, and it’s a lifestyle. The dad is a ‘father,’ so to say, and the girl is his ‘daughter.’ He takes care of her.”

  I shoot her a puzzled look.

  “But I thought all the dads took care of the daughters,” I say.

  Sienna giggles again.

  “No, it goes beyond that. With DD/lg, it’s a complete lifestyle. They really get into it. The little girl might wear cute babydoll dresses, and put her hair in pigtails. She might drink from a milk bottle, and ask for a pacifier. She might also want to play tic-tac-toe and do little girl things, like play Barbie and color. Things like that.”

  I stare at Sienna.

  “You’re kidding.”

  She shakes her head, bemused.

  “No, I’m not. More people are into it than you think. There’s even a children’s playroom at the Lodge for couples who follow the lifestyle. They girls like to play down there, and the daddies supervise them.”

  I stare at her with my mouth open.

  “But do they … you know, go through initiation like everyone else?”

  The other girl gets a gleam in her eye.

  “Oh sure. Definitely. It’s only afterwards that DD/lg relationships develop, or at least I think that’s how it works. Basically, a dad and a daughter will express their mutual interest in the lifestyle, and then they hook up. But they’re definitely getting to know one another in a biblical sense, if that’s what you’re asking. She might be wearing innocent white cotton panties, but they’re definitely coming off for Daddy’s big tool when the time comes.”

  I blush because the scenario is utterly titillating.

  “Holy shit,” I whisper.

  “I know,” says Sienna with a grin. “It’s dirty, right? But the guys and girls who do it love it. I think, in fact, that we have a girl getting ready for initiation who’s already expressed interest in the lifestyle. What was her name again? Pamela? Adriana? I can’t quite recall, but I can put you in touch if you’re interested.”

  I blush, and shake my head furiously.

  “Oh no, no thanks. I wasn’t interested in it for myself. I was just curious,” I say lamely.

  Sienna shoots me a knowing glance.

  “That’s okay girl! Let your inner goddess out because this is the time and place to explore. After all, where and when else will you get the chance? A lot of girls actually end up married at some point while leading conventional lives. They’ll have two point five kids and the house with the white picket fence. Dads and Daughters is nothing but a fond memory by then.”

  I blink, startled.

  “Really? Girls actually go on to lead normal lives?”

  “Definitely,” nods Sienna. “This is their time to sow their wild oats. They get to service dozens of men, multiple times a week if they want to. No one looks down on them, nor does anyone call them a whore. Plus, it’s all within the safety of the club. The men are vetted, and they treat you with care and a firm touch. So why not? It’s like Spring Break, but even better.”

  I blush.

  “Holy shit. I had no idea.”

  Sienna winks again.

  “I know, girl, because that’s the point. The club doesn’t want people to know about our activities. The location of the Lodge is a secret, and we don’t talk about the club with non-members. Even though everything we do is legit, I don’t think the wider world would be okay with it. There are just too many prudes and conservatives out there, you know? I mean, what would people say if they knew I was expecting a baby with two men, who are also brothers? They would say I was a whore and that we belong on Jerry Springer.”

  “I know,” I say. “But they haven’t seen how much you’ve helped my dad. Jack used to be so depressed, Sienna, but after he met you, there was a spring in his step again. He used to beat himself up at the gym, whereas now, I think he’s a lot healthier about it. He’s not working out three times a day anymore. He’s cut back so he’s still fit, but happy and reasonable too.”

  Sienna sighs a little, her cheeks going pink.

  “I know,” she says in a dreamy voice. “And I love the fact that Jock and Jack work out so much. It’s heavenly being with them,” she says with a wink. “I know it must be so awkward hearing me talk about your dad and uncle like this, but it’s true. They’re gorgeous, and I’m the lucky beneficiary.”

  I giggle.

  “It’s okay. I just want my dad to be happy, and with you, Sienna, it’s happened.”

  She laughs and pats my hand.

  “But what about you, Natalie? What do you want from the club? I know Jack just told you about it, so it must have been a shock.”

  I nod slowly.

  “It was. When Jack told me he met you through Dads and Daughters, I had to pull my jaw up off the floor.”

  Sienna laughs.

  “Why, how did you think we met?”

  I shrug.

  “I don’t know. I guess I never really thought about it. We’ve all been part of the same community for so long, that I figured you knew my dad and uncle from the neighborhood. I figured you just met at a bar or something, and then things took off from there.”

  Natalie smiles.

  “Yeah, but I’m only nineteen. How would I have gotten into a bar to begin with?”

  I laugh.

  “Come on, so many bouncers look the other way. Especially if you’re a pretty young girl like yourself, Sienna. Just flash some random ID at them, and then whoosh! You’re in.”

  The older girl laughs a little.

  “Well, I think you’re giving me more credit than I deserve. I’m pretty much a bookworm who doesn’t really go to bars. The few times that I did go out were pretty disastrous too,” she says drolly.

  “Really?” I ask, perking up a bit. “Me too! I’m such a dork because I stay home a lot and watch Hallmark movies, but I like them! They’re always so sweet and thoughtful. Although I’ve been skipping the ones with Lori Loughlin in them recently.”

  Sienna pulls a face while rubbing her tummy again.

  “I know, right? I can’t believe she paid half a million dollars to get her daughters into college. And she still thinks she’s innocent too! What the hell? So disappointing.”

  I nod.

  “I agree. These days, I just switch off the channel when Lori Loughlin comes on. Not that she gets much air-time though,” I say. “Hallmark’s not really running her movies anymore.”

  Sienna shudders.

  “For good reason. I wouldn’t try to bribe anyone for my babies. At least, I don’t think I would. But that’s for later,” she says with another smile. “So back to my original question: what do you want from the club, Natalie? Is it something you’re looking forward to, or something you’re dreading? How do you feel about everything you’ve learned so far?”

  I blush and go red for a moment. There’s no reason to be embarrassed, but suddenly, I find myself stammering.

  “Well, I’d like to think about it for a moment. By the way, do you have a bathroom around here? I suddenly realized that I really have to go pee.”

  Sienna gets a knowing look on her face.

  “Sure, honey. Just go down this hallway. You’ll pass what looks like a bathroom, but that one’s under construction. So go past that, all the way to the end, and then make a left. Then tu
rn left again, and you’ll see two doors on the right. One of the doors will be painted blue, and that’s what we’ve been using for a bathroom lately. I’m sorry the directions are so convoluted, but you know how construction is.”

  I nod quickly.

  “Oh of course. Thanks so much. I’ll be right back.”

  Quickly, I stand and make my way across the main area to the hallway. When I turn, Sienna’s looking down at her tiny belly while stroking it with a soft smile. A shaft of sunlight hits her curly hair, basically giving her a halo. She looks so beautiful and content, like a Madonna at ease, and it’s all because of the club. Will I be so happy when I become a member? Do I even want to become a member? There’s only one way to find out.



  I make a left as Sienna instructed, and then a right. Oh, there are the two doors. Sure enough, one is painted a dark, almost shiny, blue, and I knock hesitantly before pushing it open. There’s no one inside, and I let myself in before shutting the door.

  It’s a spacious bathroom, and like everything else in the lodge, decorated with rustic luxury. The white tile floor sparkles and matches the sparkling ivory granite countertops. There’s a cheery polka-dot print wallpaper which I find a little odd because the vibe is quite feminine, but then again, this is the lodge’s back-up bathroom. Maybe they designed this bathroom especially for women because there are flowers on the commode and cute white lace curtains in the window. It’s a nice touch.

  But I’m still a bit rattled by everything I heard. I turn and stare at myself in the mirror. It’s the same Natalie staring back, but also a different woman as well. My eyes are wide and look absolutely huge. My cheeks are flushed a pale pink, and my lips look bee-stung because I keep biting them from the shock of everything I’ve learned.

  After all, who wouldn’t be surprised? Dads and Daughters is an utter revelation. Even if Jack and Sienna keep saying that it’s not a dirty swingers club, I know it is. After all, the dads are basically swapping daughters on a regular basis. They’re making love to their friends’ nubile, teenage daughters, and enjoying it.


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