The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 49

by S. E. Law

  I nod. I’ve been thinking about breaking up with Ryder for a while now, but I just shrug my shoulders.

  “Yeah, but we’ve already bought our tickets for Prom, and I feel bad dumping him now. We matched my dress to his tuxedo, and you know how Ryder was also voted a member of Prom Court this year. I kind of want to go with him,” I say tentatively.

  Kaylee snorts, flipping a long strand of golden hair behind her shoulder.

  “Nothing is worth staying with that guy even a day longer,” she says emphatically. “Nothing. You would have to poison me and tie me up to get me to date him.”

  “Yeah,” adds Britt. “You would literally have to beat me unconscious to get me to go to Prom with him,” she remarks helpfully.

  I roll my eyes and make a funny face.

  “Okay, who’s being dramatic now? How would you go if you’re unconscious?”

  My friends get innocent looks on their faces.

  “It’s just a saying,” smiles Britt.

  “Who, us, dramatic?” asks Kaylee innocently. “Seriously girlfriend, we’re just trying to help.”

  I take their hands in mine.

  “Yeah, but that’s the thing. I’ve already decided that I want to go with Ryder to Prom. His personality is bad, but we’ve already dated for two years. Plus, you have to admit that he’s really, really handsome. It’s basically the reason why he was elected to Prom Court. Everyone knows he’s a douche. It’s his good looks that get him places.”

  Britt merely makes a yuck face, like she’s just seen a squashed bug.

  “No guy is that good-looking,” she says. “Again, you’d have to beat me unconscious. I’m serious.”

  “Or some poison would be useful just about now,” adds Kaylee darkly, as Ryder comes sauntering back. “Save me!” she mock-cries, putting her hands around her neck in a mock strangle-hold. “Oh my god, save me.”

  But Ryder’s within earshot again, and quickly, we try to look innocent as he sets down the sodas on the table. Fortunately, my boyfriend has been distracted by something on his phone, and merely takes a seat without commenting. It’s probably Candy Crush, come to think of it, or some other inane video game. The rest of lunch goes by uneventfully, and we head back to class for the afternoon.

  But now, it’s the big night. Ryder’s going to show up at my dad’s house any moment to pick me up. I know he’s going to look like Prince Charming with his head of black hair, patrician profile, and strong jaw. The tux will look perfect on him, and we’ll match because his pink bow tie matches my pink gown.

  But yes, this gown. I do a half-turn in front of the mirror, studying my figure again. It’s a strapless mermaid-style dress which hugs my breasts and waist before gently flaring around the knees. The pink material is a sheer chiffon dotted with crystals, and when I twirl a bit, the fabric floats beautifully, as if I’m dancing across a ballroom floor.

  I smile to myself. Hopefully, Ryder likes it. God, he better because in fact, tonight is a very special night. We’ve booked a room at the hotel where prom is being held, and I’m going to lose my innocence to Ryder tonight. We’ve done a lot of stuff in the past, but we’ve never gone all the way. Instead, there’s been plenty of heavy petting along with some labored breathing, but we always stopped when it got too heated.

  After all, I want to save myself for a special occasion. Okay, maybe Ryder’s not the greatest guy ever, but at least he’s insanely handsome. I’ll be losing my virginity to a man who looks like a Greek god, even if he behaves like a child sometimes. My plan is to get him to talk as little as possible, maybe with the help of some alcohol. I don’t know. I’ve heard that too much booze can impair a man’s performance, and I don’t want to do that.

  Regardless, Ryder has a hot body, and that’s what I’m looking forward too. Plus, I’ve played with his tool in the past, and it’s decent. It’s about five inches long, uncut, and the diameter of a magic marker. I’ve traced the veins along the sides, making him moan, and tonight, I want to feel it deep within me for the first time.

  Suddenly, the doorbell rings and I hear my dad’s heavy footsteps approaching the foyer. The door opens with a snick and my father speaks.

  “Hey,” my dad greets, his voice a bit curt.

  “Hello, Mr. Richardson,” Ryder speaks from the first floor. “Is Kristy around?”

  That’s my cue. I step out of my room and begin descending the stairs. The show goes as intended, and my dress floats beautifully. Every strand of hair is in place, and my make-up is flawless. Ryder stands stock still in the hallway as his eyes bug out. A bouquet literally drops from his limp fingers onto the floor. Good.

  “Wow,” he breathes.

  “You like?” I giggle after reaching the first floor. I lean forward to give him a chaste peck on the cheek. “Thank you for the flowers,” I say, nodding to the pink roses on the ground.

  Tyler goes red and bends over, scrabbling to pick it up.

  “Oh yeah, sorry,” he says, handing them to me. Then he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a slightly wilted pink corsage too. “Here, let me put this on you,” he says.

  I stand there, unmoving, as Ryder’s hands fumble with the delicate flowers at my bosom. My dad’s eyebrows knit together, and his arms are folded over his chest. It only makes my boyfriend more nervous. I don’t blame him because my dad is a huge, burly guy. James has muscles that go on for days, and he’s probably an inch or two taller than Ryder. It’s like looking at the difference between an adult male, and an adolescent who’s still growing.

  Nonetheless, Ryder manages to get the corsage pinned above my left breast, and I take his arm gaily while reaching for my purse.

  “Bye Daddy,” I say, blowing a kiss to James. My dad cracks a smile for a moment, but then his glare goes back to Ryder again. It’s as if he knows what we have planned for this evening. I told James that the hotel room was for a private party with my friends, but my dad wasn’t born yesterday. He knows that Ryder and I are probably getting up to no good, and he’d be right.

  “Bye,” James says in a vaguely threatening voice. “Take good care and stay safe,” he says.

  “We will,” I reply while blowing another kiss in his direction. “You don’t need to worry, Daddy!”

  With that, Ryder escorts me down the walk to his shiny blue Mustang parked in front of the house. My dad’s still glowering at us from the stoop, but then he goes back into the house and shuts the front door. Ryder helps me into the car, and then slides into the driver’s seat before mopping at his brow with a handkerchief.

  “Whew!” he remarks. “Your dad always gives me the heebie-jeebies.”

  “Why?” I ask innocently. “It’s not like he greeted you with a shot gun on the front porch.”

  “I know,” whines Ryder, starting up the car. “But I always feel like he’s judging me.”

  “Of course he is,” I reply. “You’re taking his daughter out on a date. He wants you to treat me well, and so long as you do, James will treat you well too,” I say archly.

  Ryder shoots me a side look.

  “I always treat you well, Kristy. Besides, things are going to be fun tonight, baby girl,” he says in a silky voice while sliding one hand onto my thigh. “Don’t worry about a thing. Your new daddy will take care of you.”

  I fight the urge to laugh because Ryder is nothing like my father. Ryder is a sapling, while James is a sturdy oak. Ryder’s going to community college next year on his parents’ dime, while my dad has been working since he was seventeen. Ryder takes everything in life for granted, while my dad appreciates everything that comes his way.

  After all, James hasn’t had an easy life. He met my mom at a party when they were in high school, and they had a fling. Heck, a fling is too generous of a description. He had a one-night stand with her, and she got knocked up. She didn’t want a baby for a variety of reasons, but he convinced her to go through with the pregnancy. That baby was me.

  After I was born, my mom dumped me into his arms and ra
n off to god knows where. We haven’t heard from her since. Plus, it must have been difficult for James as a single dad with a newborn, but he managed. He got a job as a long-haul truck driver, and fortunately, it’s a position that pays good money. When he was away working, he hired the best babysitters and nannies for me. When he was at home, he spent every available moment with me.

  As a result, I had a great childhood. I felt loved and cherished, and never thought I was missing something because I didn’t have a mother. But now, to be honest, I’m a little worried about him. I’m graduating from high school, and about to embark on a new life. I’m not sure what’s going to happen in the next few years, but it’s time for me to fly the coop. So what is James going to do? He’s been single for as long as I can remember, and I don’t want him to wither away in our little house. Sure, he’s dated some women here and there, but they never seemed to stick around long. Instead, my father has always been focused on being a good dad, and I appreciate it.

  But this isn’t the time to think of that. I glance flirtatiously at Ryder while stroking my fingers gently over his knuckles.

  “Are you ready for our big night?” I coo. “It’s going to be fun, don’t you think?”

  Ryder looks over at me and laughs huskily. His blue eyes gleam in the evening light, and I feel a tingle of heat shoot through my belly.

  “Oh yeah, it’s going to be amazing,” he growls, inverting his palm so that we’re holding hands. “Ah-may-zing.”

  I giggle. I wish my boyfriend had a better vocabulary, but that’s fine. Ryder’s never been academic, and his reading consists mostly of graphic novels and the occasional men’s magazine. Boys will be boys, I suppose.

  Finally, we arrive at the hotel, and Ryder pulls into the circular U of the driveway. He rushes around the car to open my door for me, taking my hand and helping me out as if I’m a princess.

  “Why thank you,” I say coyly.

  “Of course,” he says, those blue eyes running up and down my form hungrily. “Hubba hubba.”

  Again, my boyfriend’s not really a poet, but that’s fine. I just want his body tonight, and then maybe tomorrow, we’ll break up. Who knows? Ryder puts his arm possessively around my waist, and as we step into the hotel, I shoot him a flirtatious look. Tonight, my innocence will be taken, and I’m looking forward to it.



  “So where’s Ryder?” Britt screams into my ear. “He was crowned Prom King, and I want to congratulate him! It’s so weird that he’s not here!”

  I look around the sea of gyrating, shimmying bodies. The ballroom at the hotel has been done up in soft pinks and sea foam greens because this year’s prom theme is “Under the Sea.” Pinatas of aquatic creatures hang from the ceiling and there are a couple nets and tridents strung somewhat randomly on the walls.

  “I don’t know,” I scream back with confusion. “I haven’t seen Ryder since he was crowned. Maybe they’re taking pictures?”

  Britt shakes her head, still trying to be heard over the thumping beat.

  “No, they did that right after the Prom Court presentation. That’s over and done with.”

  I shrug, just as befuddled while scanning the crowd again.

  “I have no idea!” I yell over the music. “Maybe he’s in the men’s bathroom!”

  Annoyed, I look around the ballroom for the umpteenth time. It’s been fun seeing all my friends, dancing to the beat, and then getting amped up over the Prom Court spectacular. My heart pumped with excitement as my boyfriend walked up on stage to accept the scepter and crown bestowed upon the king each year. Ryder looked so handsome and charming, and very much like a movie star with his deep tan and flashing smile. Plus, as he accepted the regalia, he waved and blew a kiss to me in the crowd. My heart accelerated and my insides loosened. I was ready to be his receptacle for the night, and to feel his hardness deep inside.

  But now, Ryder’s gone missing. What the hell? How annoying. I roll my eyes and scream in Britt’s general direction again.

  “I’ll go look for him! We want to get the party started ASAP!”

  My friend nods and high-fives me, not attempting to make herself heard over the thrumming beat. Hitching my dress up with annoyance, I step out of the hotel ballroom and into the carpeted hallway. The place they picked to host prom is nice. There are chandeliers and elegant wall sconces in ornate niches on the walls. There’s also cream-colored molding lining the ceilings and deep red carpeting which gives the hotel an old-fashioned, Hollywood elegance.

  But where’s Ryder? Annoyed, I let out a stream of air from my nose. He better not be getting drunk because otherwise, he won’t be able to perform tonight. Where is that boy?

  Feeling more and more annoyed, I wander around the maze downstairs. This hotel is huge, and we’re not the only party here. There are several ballrooms, and it appears that more than a few are in use. To the left is a convention where everyone looks like a nerd, with their heads bent over their phones while wearing glasses as thick as Coke bottles. Maybe they’re discussing the latest robotic technology. Uninterested, I move on.

  To the right looks to be a giant family reunion, and the attendees actually look quite cute in their matching t-shirts. They’re posing for pictures with one another while feasting on Mexican food, and my heart contracts a bit. I wish I had a family so numerous and warm-hearted, but so far, it’s only me and my dad.

  Then, I come to a corner alcove, and make a right. The hallway here is a bit deserted, and I pad silently down the aisle. I pass a set of big double doors that are slightly open, and peek inside.

  Goodness, what’s going on here? The men inside are dressed in tuxedos, but these are no high school boys. Instead, they’re gorgeous, older alpha males with handsome visages and compelling physiques. They loiter around with drinks in their hand, while the rumble of low voices fills my ears. They’re so intriguing that I desperately want to know more.

  But where are the women? At the moment, it appears to be an all-male gathering. Could they be waiting for the women to arrive? Or wait – could this be a gay event of some sort? I pause for a moment, just observing, but then shake my head. These men don’t give the air of gay men, and they definitely don’t seem interested in each other that way. There’s no flirtation, nor coy looks. Instead, these are alpha males who are clearly hetero. They must be waiting for something to begin, although I’m not sure what.

  Slinking back from the door, I step away. I’m not sure what’s going on here, but my heart’s beating quickly in my chest, as if I’ve seen something I shouldn’t. Sure enough, a security guard materializes from nowhere and frowns at me while swinging the double doors shut with a resounding thump. All sounds of the party are muffled, and I’m left in the empty hallway. Weird. What was that about?

  But right now, I need to find my boyfriend. This is supposed to be the hottest night of my life, and instead, I’m wandering a maze by myself in the lower level of our prom hotel. What’s going on? Determined, I take a deep breath and head back towards the party to locate Ryder.



  My heel catches on my dress, and there’s a ripping sound. Not a loud rip, fortunately, but definitely a small rip. I stop and bend over, my fingers questing over the material. Oh shit. My skirt tore at the hem, and it’s pretty bad. It’s nothing to cry about, but I definitely want to get it fixed up.

  But how? Suddenly, inspiration strikes. A lot of hotel rooms provide sewing kits, and there might be one upstairs in the room we rented. Quickly, I fish around in my purse for the key card and pull out the gleaming white rectangle, looking at it with satisfaction. This is the answer.

  I push the button to call the elevator, and soon, the golden doors open. I step inside, leaving the ballroom level behind, and look up as the doors slide closed. The numbers illuminate as I’m swept upwards into the sky, and I hum to myself. This is an annoying interlude in what’s supposed to be the best night of my life, but it’s fine. No one wants to dea
l with a torn prom dress, but it’s a good time to rest my feet for a bit, and to make sure everything’s set up. After all, this is my special night, and I want things to be perfect for when Ryder and I finally consummate our relationship.

  The elevator doors slide open, and I step into the understated grace of the hallway. Golden wall sconces illuminate the walkway, and I tread softly over thick carpeting. Ah ha, here it is to my right. I walk down the hall, the train of my dress draped over my arm, and stop in front of our door. Fumbling in my purse, I locate the key card again. But before I can swipe the hard, white rectangle over the sensor, a strange moaning sound hits my ears. What is that? To my surprise, it sounds like it’s coming from inside the room, and I lean closer in confusion.

  Wait, there it is again. A long, low wail comes from within the space, followed by some heavy slapping sounds and then a series of grunts.

  “Oh yes!” a woman cries from within. “Ummm, right there!”

  What the hell? Have I gotten our hotel room number wrong? Confused, I lean back to glance at the sign, but this is definitely Room 612. Did another couple take over our room accidentally? I’m confused, but I decide to confront them. This is my big night, and I need to shoo them from my special place so that my love nest is ready.

  But as the door swings open, I’m rooted in place as my eyes bulge from their sockets. What the fuck!?!?! It’s not some random couple. It’s my boyfriend, Ryder, banging one of my best friends, Kaylee. What the hell?

  I let out a shrill scream, and the two of them look up, startled. Their eyes are dazed with lust, and I get a view of Ryder’s bronzed buttocks as he pulls out from Kaylee. Oh my god. My hand goes to cover my mouth because there’s a tell-tale ring of deep red around the base of his pole. Instead of taking my virginity, he’s taking my friend’s virginity!

  “What the hell?” I finally manage to scream in a hysterical frenzy. “What’s going on?”


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