The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 61

by S. E. Law

  Owen is as still as a statue as he listens, giving nothing away. He doesn’t say anything, and merely sits there with his back straight and his hands resting lightly on his knees.

  “So you see,” June finishes with a smile. “We’d like to have your blessing, Daddy. Especially since you may be a granddaddy soon.”

  That jolts the other man into action.

  “Are you sure about this, June? I have to say, it’s quite the chain of events. It feels like things kept happening, one right after another, rat-tat-tat. You haven’t even had a chance to let things sink in,” he rasps.

  June nods, her expression serious.

  “I know, but this is how I feel. It’s right with Forest, Finn, and Fred, even though we only just met. I feel cared for with them. I feel safe. I feel like even if the world comes tumbling down, I’ll be okay.”

  I interject then.

  “And that’s how you should feel, June. We love you, and we want you to be happy. We’ll do anything to make sure that that’s the case.”

  “Anything,” echo my brothers.

  Owen looks from his daughter to us, taking in our serious expressions.

  “You really feel this way about one another?” he asks slowly.

  “Yes,” rumbles Finn, his eyes direct. “June means so much to us, and we’d be honored, Sir, to have your blessing.”

  Owen nods then, before sagging a bit in his seat.

  “Well, I guess I can’t exactly say no,” he says ruefully. “Seeing that I’ve taken up with a sweet young thing recently myself. Still, three men is a lot June. Are you sure this is what you want?”

  The curvy girl gets up and moves to kneel by her dad. She takes his big hand in her own, and nods with tears in her eyes.

  “I’m sure, Daddy. I love Finn, Forest and Fred, and I want to explore with them. There are many ways to love, Daddy, just like you’ve always told me, and I’m in love with them. Please say you’ll accept our relationship and give us your blessing.”

  Owen looks for a long moment at his daughter’s upturned face before looking slowly at my brothers and me. It’s the face of a man who wants what’s best for June, and slowly, he nods.

  “Of course I support you, Junie,” comes his low voice. “I want what you want, and this is love just like any other love. It’s valid and real, and who am I to judge?”

  At those words, the tension in the air dissipates and we smile at one another. A real grin cracks across Owen’s face, and he lets out a big exhale before giving his daughter a hug.

  “I’m happy for you, Junie,” he says in a low voice. “You mean the world to me.”

  She hugs him back with tears in her eyes.

  “And you mean the world to me too, Daddy. But now I have Forest, Fred and Finn, and you have your new lady friend. Are we ever going to meet her by the way? Or will we have to keep referring to her as “The Mystery Woman?””

  All of us laugh then, and we rise for a group hug of sorts. It’s a bit awkward because my brothers and I are huge, as is Owen. But we manage it, with the curvy June squeezed between our tall forms, giggling.

  “Everything is going to work out,” I vow sincerely with a smile. “Don’t worry about your daughter, Sir.”

  Owen mock frowns.

  “I’m not worried about her. I’m worried about you. You don’t know Junie that well yet, and boys, well, I have a secret for you: you’re in for a wild ride!”

  With that, we all laugh while my brothers and I gather the curvy girl into our arms. After all, love is love, and with Owen’s blessing, we’re free to explore every facet of our relationship. Nothing was going to stop us from claiming our sweet brunette, but June’s father’s approval is the cherry on top.

  After all, the club is about dads and daughters, and both fathers and daughters matter very much. Now, the stars have aligned, and we have both June and a baby on the way. What could be better? Our band of brothers is ready to expand, and we’ll happily make room for one very treasured lady.



  Six months later.

  “What is this?” I ask, looking at the interesting-looking wall. “Why are there holes cut out in the middle? That’s really strange, don’t you think?”

  Finn chuckles, his blue eyes gleaming.

  “It is,” he says. “It’s a special thing brought back to us from Italy. We have a girl in the Lodge, Melissa, who just got back, and she gave us the idea.”

  But I’m still puzzled and I turn confused eyes to the brothers.

  “But what is it?” I ask. “Do you kick soccer balls through the hole? Or share donuts with one another? I really have no idea.”

  The brothers exchange sly glances.

  “No, actually. Have you ever heard of glory holes, sweetheart? Well, these are reverse glory holes, and with you pregnant, we thought you might enjoy them.”

  I stare at them, trying to digest the words. My baby moves in my belly, and I rub the smooth mound comfortingly.

  “I’m sorry? Reverse GH? What is that?”

  Forest gets a wicked look in his eyes.

  “Well, you know how regular holes work, right? They’re about three inches in diameter at waist level. Primarily men use them, and then women service them on the other side.”

  I nod, breathless.


  Finn chuckles, his body already stiff.

  “Well, this is the opposite. Here, the woman presses her bottom against the hole so that it juts out the other side. Then the man is able to take her every which way. He even has his choice of front or back,” he rumbles. “So long as the hole is big enough to accommodate her creamy curves.”

  In a second, my dress is off and I’m lush and nude in front of my men. My breasts are huge from pregnancy, and my hips have grown wider. All in all, I’ve already put on about fifty pounds, although I’m still in the second trimester.

  “I want to try,” I breathe, already stroking my hard nub. “I’m ready.”

  The brothers laugh, but they sense my urgency.

  “Anything for a pregnant girl,” Finn rasps. “Back yourself up, baby. We’re going to the other side. Oh shit, oh shit. Here it comes.”

  With that, it happens. I press my bottom against the hole, and sure enough, a large pole nudges against my small entrance. A mewl escapes my lips as slowly, it eases in until it’s fully buried in my love tunnel.

  Oh god! It feels so good and I let out another cry of ecstasy, panting with need. Ever since we confirmed my pregnancy, I’ve needed even more of Finn, Fred, and Forest. My hormones have me raging constantly, and the only way to soothe my hunger is by feeding the beast morning, noon, and night.

  As a result, it’s good that I’m dating three brothers. There’s no way one man could keep me satisfied, and as I scream again, one of the brothers finishes in me. Hot jets of liquid pulse into my secret spot, but they’re not done yet. He pulls out, and another man, takes his place, groaning as he slides in deep.

  “Oh oh oh!” I squeal. “Yes! So GOOD!”

  The second man pumps in and out a few times before exploding with a roar.

  “FUCK!” he bellows from the other side of the wall. “Yessss!”

  But we’re still not done. He slips out, and the third man takes his place. I inhale sharply as that huge rod presses against my raw, ravaged hole, testing me to my limits. I literally brace my hands against the wall, moaning as the deep penetration.

  But soon, the man is in, and our voices begin to rise as the pleasure builds.

  “Oooh,” I moan, my eyes drifting shut as my kitty is pounded deep. “Mmmm.”

  “Yessss,” the man hisses on the other side. “Oh shit, it’s com—!”

  But it’s too late because he explodes in me like a geyser, drenching me with male seed. Fortunately, I find my climax too and scream aloud as my body convulses, my sugar walls squeezing him tight.

  “Oooh!” I moan again. “Unnnnh.”

  Finally, the pulsing begins to rece
de and the man pulls out. Three hot globs of seed drip from my slit as I slide down the wall to sit on the floor, exhausted. Oh my god, did that really just happen? I should be used to servicing Fred, Finn, and Forest all at once, but sometimes, it still takes my breath away.

  My three men reappears, their tall bodies dwarfing my small, curvy form.

  “Oh shit, are you okay?” rumbles Finn, immediately sweeping me into his arms. He carries me to their suite, and deposits me gently on the bed.

  “Is the baby alright?” asks Fred with a concerned look on his handsome face.

  “I’ll never be able to forgive myself if something’s happened to the child,” vows Forest, his expression dark.

  But I merely laugh gently and take their hands in mine.

  “The baby is fine,” I say. “She just got an example of how much her daddies love her mommy.”

  The men squeeze my hand, their blue eyes flaring.

  “Do you know if it’s a girl, June?” rasps Forest. “We’d love to have a daughter.”

  I nod, flushing happily.

  “It’s a girl!” I smile. “You’re going to be daddies to a tempestuous girl with an independent streak!”

  “So long as she’s just like you,” growls Finn, stroking my curls with a loving hand. “We want little May to be just like her mommy.”

  “May?” I ask, my eyebrows going up.

  “Yes,” the men growl. “You’re June, so she can be May.”

  I laugh, the melodious tone like a salve over their souls. I can literally see the Connaughts relaxing a bit as the giggles enter their ears.

  “Maybe we can have an April later,” I joke. “Or even a January or an August.”

  But my lovers are serious. They grasp my hand more firmly in theirs, and look into my eyes, blue gazes blazing.

  “We’d love to have more babies with you, June. For every month of the year, in fact.”

  I giggle again.

  “But that’s twelve kids. How would that even work?”

  Finn, Forest, and Fred merely grin and shrug, their big forms relaxed and confident.

  “There are three of us, and you’re a very fertile girl, June. We think you could definitely have twelve children. We just have to put our minds to it.”

  “Or we have to put something else into it,” I quip, rolling my eyes at the little pun.

  Forest, Finn, and Fred laugh though. They actually think I’m funny, and often refer to me as their “Funny Girl.” I love keeping them entertained, but suddenly, my expression grows thoughtful.

  “You know that girl, Alizeh, who my dad wanted me to talk to a long time ago?”

  The men think for a moment.

  “Sorry, we don’t know her,” says Fred. “Oh wait. Is she the one with blonde hair?”

  I nod.

  “Yeah. It’s weird, but she was asking me about my botched initiation from a long time ago.”

  The brothers smile again.

  “That? That’s a thing of the past.”

  “I know,” I say. “But I told her what I saw, and let’s just say that Alizeh was very interested.”

  The men look at me curiously.

  “What do you mean?” asks Forest slowly. “What did you see? We know there was a man in the shadows ready to claim you. Did you see see him?”

  I flush.

  “Well, I saw the part of him that was going to do the claiming. Or rather, I saw the parts of them that was going to do the claiming, and they were huge.”

  Forest, Finn and Fred look confused.

  “But there was only one man. Are you saying you were going to be claimed by two guys?”

  I giggle and nod.

  “You must have been sitting over on one side, so you could only see part of what was happening. I was being approached by two men on both my right and my left sides. I didn’t see their faces, but I saw their tools, and they were absolutely enormous. Alizeh was asking me about that because … well, I guess she’s curious.”

  The men’s eyebrows practically fly off their foreheads.

  “Curious in what way?”

  I smile.

  “I don’t think she’s ever had anything like that before. Not in size or number. She’s been servicing truckers who pull into our little town, but she says most of the guys are just average, which makes sense. But she’d like to sample something like that, and I said I’d ask around. Do you know who those men were?”

  Forest, Finn, and Fred shake their heads.

  “No, baby. We didn’t even know there were two guys ready to be your initiators. We were too focused on you the entire time.”

  I giggle.

  “But could you find out?”

  They exchange glances with one another.

  “I’m sure we could,” says Finn smoothly. “We’ll ask around and let you know.”

  “Oh good,” I smile. “Thank you. Thank you for everything, in fact. Thank you for putting up with my weird moods during pregnancy, and my insatiable appetite: for food and for you.”

  The three men merely bend to press kisses to my lips.

  “Of course, June,” breathes Fred. “We love you.”

  “Always,” adds Finn.

  “Forever,” says Forest emphatically.

  And with that, my fate is sealed. Me and my baby are ensconced in the strong arms of three huge, hard truckers, and we’ve found our place in the world after long last: home, with this gorgeous band of brothers.


  More in the Sweet Treats Series

  Watch Alizeh handle the two giant mystery men who were supposed to be June’s initiators in Double XL, available here. (Double XL is found in the anthology Man of My Dreams.)

  Are you curious about the saucy girl Owen met during Prom? Then pick up Forbidden Fruit, available here.

  Italian stallions know just how to please Melissa in this tale where the meat meets the pasta. Her Italian Wedding is available here.

  The two cherry farmers are plucking Courtney’s cherry this season in Her Juicy Cherry, available here.

  Who falls in love with her friend’s dad and stepdad? Read Marni’s story in Her Honey Pot, available here.

  If you like washing machines that go thump and two men who like to take, then you’ll love Naomi’s story, Please and Tease, available here.


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  Her Italian Wedding

  By S.E. Law

  Sign up for my mailing list and get a free book here!

  About This Book

  What are these holes in the wall? I murmur. The two Italian truckers merely smile mysteriously. Would you like to try, cara?

  I’ve always dreamed of traveling, but never had the chance.

  When the club offers to send me to Italy for a “demonstration,” I jump at the opportunity.

  Supposedly, Italian men adore curvy girls, and I have just the right amount of sass and spirit to satisfy them.

  But Matteo and Domenico are more than stallions.

  They’re hardened, muscular, Italian stallions who like things a certain way.

  They show me a wall with very interesting cut-outs and tell me that it’s for my pleasure.

  But what happens when I discover I’m carrying their baby in my belly? Will Matteo and Domenico leave their homeland, or will I return to the United States alone as a single mom?

  The saga of Dads and Daughters continues with a sojourn to the passionate climes of Italy. Join Melissa as she takes in the sights with the help of two handsome, hardened Italian truckers who speak a foreign language with ardor. It’s another steamy session with your favorite sassy heroine and her OTT alpha males! No cheating, no cliffhangers, and always an HEA for my readers.



  “Hey guys,” I sing. �
�Thanks for coming!”

  Natalie and Naomi give me hugs as they enter the lounge. We’re in a large, spacious room at the Lodge and it’s festooned with red, green and white streamers. There’s a cake to one side along with other sweet treats, and girls are scattered about the couches, laughing and talking.

  “Wait a minute,” says Naomi with a mock frown while looking at the streamers. “It’s not Christmas, is it?”

  “No,” I laugh. “I’m going to Italy! That’s what this party is for, remember? Red, green, and white are the colors of Italy’s flag.”

  Naomi throws her arms around me while giggling.

  “Of course I knew that red, green and white are Italy’s national colors,” she laughs. “At least I think I did,” she giggles.

  Meanwhile, Natalie rolls her eyes and thrusts a gift into my hands.

  “Just a little going away present from me, Gary, and Gascon,” she says with a wicked smile. “I think you’ll like it.”

  I look at her with my eyebrows raised.

  “Is it something I can open in front of everyone, or is it something that I should wait to do when I’m in private?”

  Natalie lets out a peal of laughter, tossing her curly brown hair back.

  “You can open it here,” she says with a giggle. “It’s not that crazy, at least not by Dads and Daughters standards.”

  We all laugh while joining the other girls on the couches. The atmosphere is relaxed and easy-going because we’re a close-knit group. We’re the daughters of the Dads and Daughters club, and the ladies have gathered today to throw me a going away party. I’m headed to Italy next week to help start a new Lodge, and it’s going to be fun. Of course, I don’t quite know what I’m getting myself into, but that’s okay. As a First Daughter, I’ll have first dibs on the Italian truckers traveling through Milan, and that’s worth it to me.


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