The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 66

by S. E. Law

  But instead, Melissa is the opposite. She’s lush, curvy, gorgeous and so intelligent. She knows a lot, and part of it has to do with her upbringing. Living in a group home wasn’t easy, and being a teen girl with no adults in her life must have been difficult.

  For example, we talked a bit about her mentor, Shoshanna.

  “So when Shoshanna introduced you to Dads and Daughters, what did you think?” I ask slowly. “Were you horrified? Excited? Aghast?”

  Melissa looks thoughtful for a moment.

  “I was careful,” she begins. “Shoshanna had already told me about the group, so I wasn’t shocked by what we do. But still, it’s one thing to talk about it, and another to actually come to a Lodge and meet the men.”

  Matteo nods, his blue eyes unreadable.

  “But did you feel that Shoshanna was pimping you out?” he asks slowly. “After all, she was an older girl ‘recruiting’ for the club. Didn’t that strike you as being a bit unconventional?”

  Melissa shoots us a wry look.

  “Do you mean, was I skeeved out?” she asks. “No, not really. You see, Shoshanna was my guardian angel at the group home. I was just a middle school girl when I arrived, and she looked out for me. It’s like having a big sister show you the ropes. Shoshanna made sure the other kids treated me with respect, and that I didn’t get bullied. I worshipped her.”

  I nod.

  “Yes, but don’t you think that colored your perception of Dads and Daughters?”

  Melissa thinks for a moment and nods.

  “Yes, of course. Shoshanna was in it, and as a result, I wanted to be a member of Dads and Daughters as well. But she’s a good woman,” Melissa says firmly. “We’re girls who didn’t have many choices. We had no families, no money, no education, and no nothing. Shoshanna did the best she could, and she looked out for me too. She lives in Florida now with her husband and kids, and you would never guess that she used to be an orphan, much less a member of Dads and Daughters.”

  My friend and I nod.

  “We’d like to meet her sometime.”

  Melissa grins.

  “I’d love for you guys to meet her too,” is her saucy reply. “Shoshanna can give as good as she gets, so be prepared. She lives near Disney World. Have you heard of that before? Maybe if we go to visit her, we can also swing by the happiest place on Earth.”

  Matteo and I smile at the pretty brunette.

  “Disney has a EuroDisney theme park in France, but we’ve never been,” I say drolly. “Maybe going to the source will be even better.”

  “Of course it will!” exclaims Melissa. “Mickey Mouse and Goofy speak English, and it’ll be good to hear them in their native tongues. Not that French isn’t awesome of course, but Mickey has a particularly squeaky voice that can’t be duplicated except in English.”

  We look fondly at her.

  “Of course not, cara. Do you speak French?”

  She shakes her head, those cheeks blushing prettily.

  “No. Like most Americans, I only speak one language: English. I can understand some Spanish, and even some Mandarin Chinese, but not much else.”

  I stare at her, amazed.

  “Mandarin? But how?”

  The curvy girl shrugs.

  “Well, the club is expanding. They haven’t opened any lodges in China, but some of the materials we buy are manufactured overseas. It’s helpful to understand what the vendors are saying. Of course, I can’t really understand them, but I can pick up a few snippets here and there, and that’s enough to put the fear of God in them.”

  Matteo and I stare at her nonplussed.

  “You’ve been helping out with development?” he asks. “Since when?”

  Melissa shrugs nonchalantly.

  “Oh, since maybe about a year ago. I know that only dads are supposed to take care of “business,” but after my Lodge realized that I had a good head for languages, they put me in charge of vendor contracts. Sounds important, doesn’t it?” she asks cheekily. “It’s almost like a real job.”

  I whistled, impressed. Our sweet girl isn’t just an animal in bed, but she’s also incredibly accomplished and intelligent. Within a short time, she’s made herself useful at her Lodge, and even gotten herself sent overseas to help with our Italian expansion. Knowing her penchant for business, Matteo and I have decided to take her on a tour of the lot.

  We walk on a dirt path, heading to one of the smaller buildings.

  “So what are you going to build out here?” she asks, breathing in deep. The smell of pine and citrus greets our senses, and the chilly air is refreshing as it blows over our skin.

  “Just another house,” growls Matteo. “We want more than one place to sleep. It’s great to have a main Lodge, but it’s also important to have overflow accommodations in case we get more visitors than anticipated.”

  Melissa nods wisely.

  “Yes, we definitely do that at my home club too. We don’t get that many out of town visitors because we’re sixty miles from the nearest big city. As a result, the truckers generally don’t detour from their routes to stay at the Lodge because it will cost them time and money. But sometimes, there’s a big event nearby and we’ll get a crowd. That’s when the extra accommodations come in handy.”

  We stroll further into the forest as birds chirp overhead. It’s peaceful, and I take her small hand in mine. It feels right there, and we stroll companionably.

  “What kind of events will draw a crowd?” I ask, as Matteo takes her other hand. “Truckers are notorious for being hard workers, so it seems unlikely that they’d deviate from their routes.”

  Melissa grins.

  “Yeah, it takes a lot. Once it was a Rolling Stones concert. Isn’t that hysterical? Mick Jagger is in his seventies and so craggy looking, but evidently a lot of dads listen to the Stones and adore him. We had a packed house that weekend.”

  Matteo chuckles.

  “Sure, we love the Rolling Stones too. I love Bob Dylan even more.”

  Melissa giggles.

  “You guys definitely have old fogey tastes in music. Personally, I prefer Billie Eilish or Ariana Grande. They’re totally different performers, but so artistic and cutting edge in their own ways.”

  I smile at her. A shaft of light has cut through the forest canopy, and highlights her brown curls. It forms a golden halo around Melissa’s head, and she looks positively virginal while strolling through this pristine wilderness.

  “Well, I don’t know who Billie Eilish is, but I know Ariana Grande,” I say dryly. “I even know that she can hit the whistle register the way Mariah Carey does.”

  Melissa’s entire face lights up.

  “I know! She’s super talented, and it’s incredible to listen to, isn’t it? Of course, Mariah is the queen and those high notes are her ‘thing.’ But Ariana Grande can do it too, and I love her look with that signature high ponytail.”

  Matteo grins.

  “I prefer your curls, cara. Italians like their girls saucy and full-figured, and you are perfect, Melissa.”

  She smiles and ducks her head.

  “You don’t think I’m too big?”

  Matteo and I both snort.

  “Of course not,” I growl. “We like our women full and ripe, with bodacious bodies that they’re willing to share. You, cara, are exactly a Perfect Ten, as they call it in America.”

  Melissa’s cheeks grow red.

  “I’ve never even thought of myself as a Perfect Ten,” she begins hesitantly. “At most, a five. I’m busty in all the wrong places and –”

  That’s when Matteo cuts her off.

  “No sweetheart, you’re busty in all the right places,” he rumbles, those blue eyes gleaming. “You have big Double Ds as well as a fleshy bottom that’s exactly right for our cut-outs. If you were as thin as a coat rack, we’d never be able to get those glory holes to work.”

  “We love you the way you are,” I add meaningfully. “In fact, if you gained twenty pounds, you’d be even more be

  Melissa smiles shyly, and then she spots something ahead on the road and brightens.

  “Oh, a porta-potty!” she says with a relieved smile. “I need to go, so this is perfect. It’s so weird that there’s one in the middle of the forest, but I guess it makes sense. There’s a lot of construction going on, so I bet the workers put one here so that they could visit it when the need arises.”

  Matteo and I share a glance.

  “Sweetheart, that’s not your average porta-potty,” I begin.

  “You know us,” adds my friend with an amused look. “We like things a certain way, and we’ve incorporated holes in this porta-potty as well.”

  Melissa stops dead in her tracks to look at us with wide eyes.

  “Are you kidding?” she gasps. “You put glory holes in a porta-potty?”

  “It’s not a real porta-potty,” I say quickly. “No one does any business in it, nor are there chemicals or any plumbing hook-ups. It’s a structure designed carefully for outdoor pleasure.”

  The pretty brunette is still dumbstruck.

  “But how?” she gasps. “What do we do?”

  We’ve come upon the blue rectangular cube. It looks a great deal like a porta-potty, but appearances are deceiving. Matteo takes the initiative and steps over to the door. It swings open, but instead of a toilet seat, it’s featureless inside.

  “It’s empty,” says Melissa in a slow voice. “What does that mean?”

  My friend steps in, and then reaches for a hinge. When he snaps it a certain way, a cut-out reveals itself in the wall of the blue cube. The cut-out is quite big, but it’s different from the wall cut-out we used back at the lodge. Matteo demonstrates.

  “You see, this hole is actually malleable,” he begins. “Well, maybe malleable isn’t exactly the right word. But using this dial, we can control the size of the cut-out,” he says, turning his wrist to the right. Sure enough, the cut-out contracts a bit, using cunningly placed pieces of plastic arranged in a spiral fashion.

  “But why do you have this?” Melissa whispers, unable to tear her eyes from the scene. “What’s the point?”

  I step in smoothly.

  “Well, as Matteo has demonstrated, you access the dial from the inside of the Cube, as we like to call it. What that means is that a girl can get into the cut-out, and then close the dial so that only her back half is exposed. For the pleasure of men, of course.”

  Melissa’s jaw gapes open.

  “You mean that a girl puts herself into this cut-out with her bottom and legs sticking out,” she begins slowly. “Then she closes the dial so that she can’t see anything but the interior of the Cube. Then men come along, and use her sweet holes any way they like?”

  “Pretty much,” I say. “It sounds rancid and it is, but it’s a special design that came out of a lab in California. Evidently, the scientists there are geniuses and they specialize in all sorts of interesting toys. They were the epicenter of teledildonics, if I remember correctly.”

  Melissa shakes her head, still trying to process what I’m saying.

  “So I’d kneel in front of this cut out, and then stick my head and torso through so that the cut-out hits at waist level. Then I’d reach for the dial and adjust it so that the skirt comes out and closes my head and shoulders off from the bottom half of my body.”

  “Yes,” growls Matteo, his eyes flaring. “Does it freak you out? Or does it turn you on?”

  Melissa’s still shaking her head.

  “It’s crazy,” she breathes. “What girl would use this? Why would a woman make herself available to any random passerby in the forest? It’s so strange!”

  I shrug.

  “Well, it is in keeping with Dads and Daughters. The daughters exist for the pleasure of truckers, and this is just another development in that vein. Suppose a trucker is walking between the Main Lodge and a subsidiary building. He decides to rest and comes upon the sweet sight of a woman’s generous bottom, offering her holes to him, no holds barred. He sees a big white rump as well as a sweet slit and brown cherry. If you ask me, this lives up to the mission of our club one hundred percent.”

  Melissa is still staring, but she seems able to breathe again.

  “Yes, I agree,” she says finally. “But it still seems strange to just hang out here, making your body available. I mean, it can get cold! And there are animals.”

  Matteo laughs heartily.

  “I’m sure no one would do this at six a.m., and Italy has a very mild climate, sweetheart. I think there are enough warm weather hours of the day for a woman to do this for a bit. Plus, the animals are more scared of you, than you of them.”

  “Even bears?” asks Melissa shyly. “I’m afraid of bears.”

  I grow somber.

  “There are very few bears left in Italy, sweetheart. The only ones left are the Marsican brown bears, which are found in the Abruzzo National Park. That park is quite far from Milan, fortunately.”

  Melissa nods.

  “I see.”

  I grin at her.

  “Besides, the Cube is untested as of yet. No woman has used it, nor man for that matter. This is straight out of the lab in California.”

  Matteo joins in, his blue eyes gleaming.

  “Would you like to try it out, cara? We could take it for a spin, and initiate it, so to say. I can think of no better woman than you, Melissa.”

  The curvy girl bites her lip, still looking at the blue Cube. But then she turns to us, all smiles, and giggles again.

  “Why not? I’ve already learned so much and frankly, I love Italy. Let’s try it, mio amore.”

  We all laugh then, and as the beautiful brunette begins to show us her assets, my heart rate accelerates. After all, it isn’t everyday a gift from God drops into your lap, but with Melissa, it appears that Matteo and I have found our missing third.



  I can’t believe my life. First, there was the naughty session in the forest with Domenico and Matteo. They convinced me to give the Cube a try, and I agreed because I was titillated by the possibilities. I’ve always been a big believer in the tenet that a daughter’s job is to provide pleasure to traveling truckers, and the Cube was another way to explore this avenue.

  So I took advantage of the opportunity and disrobed until I was in nothing but my cute little kitten-heels.

  “Like what you see, boys?” I cooed. Both Matteo and Domenico could hardly speak as they dropped trou, their huge bodies hard and hungry. I merely laughed and got on my knees before squirming through the cut-out. Then, I turned the dial, and the cut-out closed so that I was alone with only the front half of my torso in the Cube. Of course, my back half was out in the open for the men to enjoy.

  And enjoy, they did. Again, Matteo and Domenico traded off using my sweet hole. One man would push inside, doing a few strokes, before switching positions with the other man. I was supposed to focus on who was who, and indeed, I noticed when the huge rod with the left-leaning curve entered me. But it felt so good the entire time that I merely moaned before convulsing with pleasure.

  After all, how many girls are as lucky as I am? Most girls my age are home alone, barefoot and pregnant. They might be married to guys who drink beer all day before coming home and drinking beer all night. But instead, I have two handsome Italian stallions who appreciate me, and who support me in every way.

  Domenico and Matteo are so supportive, in fact, that they’re accompanying me to Florida to meet Shoshanna. In the last six months since I met them, we’ve become really close. So close, in fact, that I’d say we’re in a committed relationship. We haven’t talked about anything formally yet, but the three of us get along so well. We’ve been overseeing the construction of the Lodge, and it’s been fantastic. We’re almost done, and we’re getting ready to send out invitations to Lodges all over the world to celebrate our Grand Opening.

  But Matteo and Domenico want more. This isn’t just about having a good time and enjoying one
another’s bodies. Instead, they want to know me, and I was shocked and pleased when they said that they’d like to meet Shoshanna.

  “But why?” I gasped. “She lives so far away!”

  The two men were somber, and their big bodies were still.

  “Because she means a lot to you, cara. She’s the mother and big sister you never had, rolled into one. More than once, you’ve referred to her as your guardian angel, and we want to meet her because of that. She’s obviously someone special to you, which means she’s special to us as well.”

  Those words warmed my heart, and I was so happy that tears began slipping from my eyes.

  “Of course,” I said in a choked voice. “Let me just give her a call, and I’ll arrange it. I’m sure Shoshanna would want to meet you too.”

  The two men nodded and pressed kisses to my mouth.

  “Cara, you are so dear to us,” murmured Matteo against my lips. “We want what you want.”

  Meanwhile, Domenico stroked my curves.

  “We will always want what you want, Melissa,” he growled. “No matter what, and in any form.”

  With happiness suffusing my form, I dialed Shoshanna later that day, and sure enough, the older woman was excited to have me come visit. She was even more excited when I mentioned I’d be bringing two men from Dads and Daughters.

  “Oooh,” she cooed. “I haven’t laid eyes on handsome men in so long! Definitely bring them by, Melly. You know how Boca is. All of our neighbors are seventy if a day.”

  I laugh.

  “But Shosh, that’s how Boca has always been. It’s a retirement community for zany old people who wear visors and bright-colored shirts.”

  “Don’t remind me,” she grumbled playfully into the phone. “But yes, definitely come! How about next month?”

  With that, the trip was booked and now I’m on the plane with Domenico and Matteo. We were a little afraid that our flight would be canceled because of coronavirus fears, but it seems the pandemic has abated somewhat. We flew in peace, and are now touching down at Palm Beach International Airport.


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