The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection

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The Man of My Dreams: A Forbidden Box Set Collection Page 70

by S. E. Law

  It would be nice to go home early, even if my entire life revolves around this job. I admit, I’m not the best student, but much of the reason I don’t always do my homework is that I don’t have time. Olly doesn’t work as many hours as I do at Sparkle Maids. She would if she didn’t have to babysit her brother after school every day because her family needs the money too. But they need her as a babysitter more. Unfortunately, I don’t have a cute little brother as an excuse.

  I stand up and stretch. My back cracks as I reach for the ceiling. Some dirty water spills from the sponge in my hand and lands on my head. Eeew, gross. Typical.

  I survey the area I’ve just cleaned. It now matches the rest of the floor, which I’ve already scrubbed. There’s only one area left, and grabbing my bucket, I scurry over to the last remaining part of the floor. I have to crawl behind a suit of armor to reach this section, and the heavy metal looming over me makes me uneasy. It’s a precarious place to be. It looks like it could come crashing down on my head, and I don’t even want to think about how much it would cost to replace.

  I shudder, careful not to even jostle it. I’ve cleaned around expensive items before, and it’ll be fine. Sighing again, I dip my sponge in the bucket of water and start to wring it out when suddenly, the door slams open.

  I go as still as a mouse. Who’s there? But the intruders can’t see me from where they stand by the entryway, and I hear a woman’s purring voice.

  “Come on, Elliot. I don’t see what the big deal is.”

  A woman bats her eyelashes at a man in the room. She’s skinny and blonde, and her makeup is caked on in far too many layers. It’s the kind of makeup my mother wears when she’s going out, and that’s saying something. One more layer, and these women will be drag queens.

  The woman puts her hand on the man’s chest, and I see long, perfectly-manicured red claws. But the man, who has his back to me, takes a step back. I cringe. The floor is still wet, and if he falls, it’ll mean a lawsuit. Technically, he’d have to sue the owner of the house, but it would still be considered my fault. I’d be fired.

  “I think you should go, Brina.”

  The woman, who must be Brina, pouts.

  “You don’t mean that, Elliot. No need to be extra cautious. We’re the only ones here.”

  This is where I should announce my presence. I’m about to open my mouth and put a stop to this scene when Elliot cuts me off.

  “Brina, I’m going to say it again. It’s time for you to leave.”

  Brina pouts, and clearly, this woman is used to getting her way. She is not taking no for an answer, especially not when there’s a man like Elliot around. Although I can’t see his face, I can tell from his broad back and deep black hair that he’s likely very handsome.

  But his looks have nothing to do with me. What I need is for this couple, or whoever they are, to leave before they realize I’m here. It’s not like I’m doing anything wrong, but I don’t want to get caught. They might accuse me of eavesdropping or being a voyeur, and that’s not me. I’m trying to earn a paycheck, that’s all, and Sparkle Maids is my lifeline. I can’t afford to lose this job because of a ridiculous situation.

  Plus, if they don’t leave soon, I won’t be able to finish cleaning in time to cut out early, and I really want to get home before the sun goes down today.

  But who are these people? I turn to sneak a peek at them. Brina appears to be wearing business clothes, but really sexy ones. She has a blouse with a bow that ties around her neck, and her blonde hair is swept into an Ivana Trump-style chignon. Elliot, whose face I still can’t see, is wearing a dark suit.

  It’s possible they work at Millbrook Manor. I don’t know, and it really doesn’t matter because even if they do work in the house, why are they here? Rooms being cleaned are usually off-limits. They’re probably tracking dirt all over my recently scrubbed floors, and I’ll be pissed if I have to clean them all over again.

  I squint at the area around their feet. It looks okay so far. Okay great. I take a deep breath, ready to announce myself, but then the blonde woman springs into action. She literally puts a hand on his chest and pushes him until he’s backed up against the desk. Oh shit, they’re so close to me now! I’m still crouched behind this dang suit of armor, but I can see them clearly. And god help me, but they still think they’re alone. Who knows what shenanigans are going to happen next?

  I glance longingly at the door. How do I make my escape?

  Then, Brina puts her long claws on Elliot’s broad chest, and leans in, her eyes closed and lips pursed. A look of disgust flits across his face, which she doesn’t see, and then he averts his head. The guy isn’t going for it.

  “Brina, I’m serious. Don’t make me call Edwards.”

  Please, please, please call Edwards. Save me from this situation. Help me escape. I bet they’re not even supposed to be in here. Offices are usually off-limits to the general staff, and these people likely aren’t supposed to be here either.

  Then, Elliot turns around, and I hold my breath. Oh shit, I hope he doesn’t see me. I stay perfectly still, barely breathing, but then the air freezes in my lungs when I catch a glimpse of his face. This guy isn’t just handsome; he’s downright gorgeous.

  Deep blue eyes wince a bit as he dodges Brina’s kiss again. He’s got black hair swept off a strong brow; a square-cut jaw; and bronzed skin that suggests summer in St. Barth’s. I’d love to get a piece of him.

  But of course, this man is way out of my league. Handsome men wearing suits don’t exactly date the maid scrubbing the floor. He cringes slightly again at Brina’s proximity and then makes his escape by side-stepping her to stand by a window. Brina is disappointed, but not dissuaded, and she follows him. This girl is not giving up. I would admire her persistence if I wasn’t so annoyed with this whole situation right now.

  “Elliot, you don’t have to be afraid. This can stay between us. Why are you resisting?”

  The look on his face is frozenly polite.

  “Because I’m not interested, Brina. What don’t you understand about that?”

  Brina wraps her arms around Elliot’s waist from behind. If I hadn’t been a witness to his objections, I would think this was a nice photo opportunity. Except that it’s not. The woman continues with her endless chase, and it actually starts getting pretty pathetic, to be honest. Two minutes of Brina trying to coax Elliot into kissing her turns into ten. The guy has said no in every single possible way, but this woman just doesn’t get it. I’m not sure what her end game is. Does she want sex? Or compliments? Or attention? It’s really unclear right now.

  What is clear, at least from my point of view, is that nothing is going to happen. Elliot couldn’t be less interested, and that frozen smile on his face hasn’t melted yet.

  For some reason, that thought brings a smile to my face. I don’t know the man at all, and I have no stake in the matter. However, for some reason, I don’t want them to be together. He seems too classy for this blonde broad. Then again, this whole situation is just weird. I glance at the door. Should I make a run for it? I can move fast. I could do it without them noticing, I think.

  Then, my shoulders slump. I could get myself out of here, but what about my cleaning supplies? There’s a bucket of filthy water, as well as a mop, rags, and assorted cleaning fluids. I can’t just leave that here unattended.

  Elliot takes Brina’s hands and puts them down firmly by her side. I can’t see his expression, but based on Brina’s pout, she’s starting to get the message. It’s about time.

  “Brina, I need you to leave now. If you don’t, I will call Edwards, and if you don’t listen to him, I’ll call the police.”

  Brina frowns, but then she giggles.

  “Okay, boss,” she replies, giving him a mock salute. “You got it,” she says while sniffing a bit and then flouncing out of the office. Despite the rejection, there’s a gleam in her blue eyes. I know this woman hasn’t given up yet. She’s got her eyes on the prize, and she’s not goin
g to let go until she’s got her claws into him.

  Meanwhile, the man, Elliot, sighs, watching her go. His broad shoulders slump, and if I could see his face, I would probably see relief mixed with annoyance.

  I nearly laugh at how the whole scene played out. How bizarre! Nothing like that has ever happened on a job before. Sure, there have been awkward moments when I’ve tiptoed by bedrooms where people were clearly having sex, but nothing like this. I just witnessed a scene from a third-rate soap opera, and it was pretty amusing.

  But they can’t know that I saw, because obviously, it was meant to be private. Now, I still have the problem of leaving before Elliot realizes I’m here.

  Bingo! He’s walking toward the door now. Finally, they’ll both be gone, and I’ll be able to finish cleaning. I’m still ahead of schedule. If he leaves now, I’ll still be able to leave early, provided Rebecca has no more assignments to dole out.

  But instead of walking out the door, Elliot pulls it shut.

  My heart pounds.

  Oh shit. What do I do now?

  I cower back against the wall. I’m not doing anything wrong, technically. I have permission to be here, after all.

  But Elliot doesn’t come to stand by the suit of armor where I’m hidden. Instead, he walks purposefully to the desk and sits down like he belongs there. Like this is his place.

  Realization hits me suddenly. That’s why he’s so well dressed. It’s because Elliot is the boss. This is his office. This is his house. Heck, his last name is probably Millbrook.

  Shit! I should have left when I had the chance. The ultimate boss is right here, and I just witnessed an embarrassing scene between him and his would-be girlfriend. If he finds out, I’ll definitely be toast.

  I’m starting to panic. I can’t get fired. I make good money at the maid service, and there aren’t a lot of jobs available in Millbrook. If I lose this position, I might not find a new one, and then my mom and I will really be screwed.

  The door isn’t that far away. I can escape now if I do it quietly. The fact that it’s closed poses an issue, though. Well, I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.

  I swing my legs around so that I can start my crawl to the door. Suddenly, my foot hits something, it tips over, and the floor is suddenly covered with mucky water. I forgot my bucket was next to me.


  Elliot looks over, startled. Our eyes meet, and the connection is electric. I’m literally trapped in place by his stare.

  This is the most attractive man I’ve ever seen, and I’m on my hands and knees in front of him, wearing a ridiculous maid’s outfit with my breasts practically spilling out of the neckline. Plus, I just spilled a bucket of dirty water all over his expensive floor.

  Way to go, Kaylee.

  To be continued…

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  About the Author

  Let go of your inhibitions because S.E. Law is about to take you for a wild ride with over-the-top alpha males who CLAIM their women. Fan of candy canes, popsicles, and anything rainbow.

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