Billionaires Next Door : A Contemporary Romance Box Set

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Billionaires Next Door : A Contemporary Romance Box Set Page 16

by J. P. Comeau

  Annie hung up my jacket before she towel dried my hair. Then I kicked off my shoes, and slid into bed. The sheets were fresh, and I just let my body sink into them, wishing they still smelled like Jake but also thankful they didn’t.

  “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I said.

  Annie sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed my back until I fell asleep.

  That night I dreamed about Jake. We were a family with one on the way. I was walking down the aisle in a white wedding gown with a small baby bump. Annie and Richard were there, and Caley was the flower girl.

  I woke up the moment I got to the altar and saw Jake’s face. Then I realized he wasn’t in bed next to me, and cried myself back to sleep.




  I stood in Richard’s driveway, waiting for him to take me to the airport. As usual, he was running late, for what reason I didn’t know. All of my bags were packed, and I was ready to go. But the longer I waited for him, the more I thought about Julianna.

  “There you are,” I said as Richard walked out of his mansion.

  “In a rush to leave?”

  I shrugged and threw another bag into the car. If I was honest with myself, I did feel as though I had to get out of River Valley and head back to San Diego. The more I hung around, the more I wanted to drive to Julianna’s house and beg her to take me back. I couldn’t tell my brother that, though. “No, just don’t want to miss my plane.”

  Richard looked at me and tilted his head. He knew me too well. “It’s not too late to change your mind, you know.”

  I looked at him and cocked my head right back at him. “And why would I want to do that? Don’t you get lonely living here alone?”

  He shook his head and got into the car.

  “You know what I’m talking about,” he said. “Julianna. I’ve never seen you so happy as when you’re with her.”

  Richard had never actually seen me with a serious girlfriend because I had never had one. All he had to go on was what I told him about the women in San Diego, plus any articles that circulated of me online or in the supermarket tabloids. Based on what he read, he definitely knew that I wasn’t into relationships.

  Until I reconnected with Julianna.

  “We had a good few months,” I said. “But we both knew that it wouldn’t last. Besides, I’m sure I’ll find someone else just like her.”

  “I know that I’m this proud bachelor and all, but I’ve never felt about a woman the way you obviously feel about her.” He smirked at me as he started the car. “Yeah, we men tend to view women like desserts. You can enjoy apple pie, pumpkin pie, cookies, you know. But imagine finding that one dessert that makes you forget about all of the other ones.”

  I thought about what he’d said. Aside from making me slightly hungry, he did have a point. When I was with other women back in San Diego, I was always on the hunt for the next one. Although, over those few months in River Valley, not once did I want to hook up with someone else. “Yeah, I see what you’re saying. But I have a business to run.”

  “You know damn well that you don’t have to be in San Diego to do that,” he said. “We have this thing called the internet now. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. And besides, that’s the way you’ve been doing business for the last few months anyway.” He turned and winked at me.

  “It was just a fling,” I said.

  “A fling that pulled your heartstrings, and this is coming from a man who doesn’t believe in love.” My brother’s words started to really sink in.

  I pulled out my phone to see if she had sent me a text, but nothing. In fact, Julianna hadn’t contacted me since I had tried calling her that horrible night. Her text message had torn me apart inside, and I knew that it must have been hard for her to send. Remembering the look on her face when she walked into my office that day, after overhearing them say that I was needed back in San Diego, broke my heart.

  “I’ll be alright,” I said.

  Richard shrugged and kept on driving, as though he knew there was nothing more he could say to change my mind.

  We didn’t say much else on the ride to the airport. I was too busy looking at all of the places Julianna and I had visited over the past few months. The thought of never seeing her again kept eating at me, but I needed to do this for my company. Above all else, I wanted to make my dad proud.

  At least, that’s what I kept telling myself.

  We stopped at a red light right in front of the city park. I stared at it the entire time.

  “You’re making a big mistake,” Richard said.

  I didn’t respond. Instead, I looked at every face along the way, hoping to see Julianna. Maybe she was out with Caley and Annie.

  Caley. I shook my head, thinking about how I’d let her down was unbearable. As if leaving Julianna weren’t bad enough, I had to go and break Caley’s heart, too. Her Jakey was leaving without even saying goodbye.

  I never should have let Julianna introduce me to her.

  We drove out of River Valley, and I noticed the enormous mansion at the top of River Valley Hills to the left.

  “Oh, wow,” I said. “That’s the old Myer’s mansion, isn’t it?”

  Richard squinted his eyes and nodded.

  "How long has that been on the market?”

  “Beats me,” Richard said as we approached it. “Why? Are you interested in real estate all of a sudden?”

  I squinted my eyes as we passed the For Sale sign, but couldn’t read the numbers fast enough.

  “Go back,” I said as soon as we passed it.

  Richard turned the car around, parked right in front, and I got out.

  The mansion was exquisite, with tall, white pillars and floor-to-ceiling windows. It also had details that I knew Julianna would love, such as Victorian trimming around the top and shutters on some of the windows. She always loved homes that weren’t so cookie-cutter. Her current home blended in with all of the other ones on the street. She would love a place like this.

  I pictured Julianna and Caley walking up the path, smiling from ear to ear at their new home.

  Am I crazy?

  Before I knew it, I was searching for my cell phone.

  I grabbed it from the passenger side of the car and called the number. Richard watched me the whole time from his car with an entertained smirk on his face.

  “Yes, I’m calling about the old Myer’s mansion that’s for sale. 1000 Crestwood Drive. Yes. How much?”

  The real estate agent gave me all of the information about the property, including the number of bedrooms and bathrooms, along with the price. Once she knew who I was, she offered to come right over and show me the house.

  Richard mouthed the words, “What’s going on?”

  I gave him a thumbs-up, and like a true sibling, he was in tune with what I was doing.


  I was in the cab just leaving River Valley to head to the gallery, trying my best not to think about Jake and everything that had happened. It had been a full week since I’d sent him that text message. While I’d never returned his call, I was secretly hoping he’d just show up to my house or the museum to profess his love for me.

  As I went to reply to an email from a new artist, my cell phone buzzed in my hand, and I saw it was Annie.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “I need you to come quick,” she said. “It’s an emergency.”

  “Oh my God! Where are you?” I tapped the cab driver on the shoulder

  “The park. Can you come now?”

  “I’m on my way.”

  I hung up the phone and looked at the driver. "Can you turn around and go to the city park, there's a family emergency?"

  He nodded. "Of course."

  My heart was racing as we drove to the park. I had continually tried to call Annie back for more information, but she didn’t answer. Something was wrong with Caley. Bad thoughts raced through my mind as I wondered what it could be. Why didn’t she tell me what i
t was? Why didn’t she answer her phone?

  The cab pulled into the park and I got out, frantically searching for my sister and daughter.

  Instead, I saw Annie, Caley, and Richard all dressed to the nines standing beside a tree.

  “What’s going on?” I yelled, racing toward them very confused.

  Annie was in her vintage Chanel suit, Caley was in one of the dresses that Jake had bought her, and Richard was wearing a Gucci suit and a bowtie.

  I slowed my pace, furrowing my brow. “What is this, some kind of a prank?”

  None of them said a word, and that’s when I saw Jake step out from behind the tree. He was also wearing a suit. The closer he got, the harder my heart pounded in my chest.

  “Julianna,” he said. “I love you more than I think you’ll ever know. The thought of spending the rest of my life without you tears my heart to pieces, and I never want to have those thoughts again.”

  “Jake,” I whispered.

  “I bought the old Myer’s mansion,” he said. “And I want to live there with you and Caley.”

  He handed me keys.

  “Are you serious?” I looked him in the eyes for reassurance, as if that grand gesture wasn’t enough.

  “Yes,” he said. “I can’t do anything in my life without you. I’m moving back to River Valley permanently. It’s a done deal for me, please say it is for you, too.”

  I wrapped my arms around him, and he picked me up, swinging me around. Annie and Caley giggled and clapped as Richard let out a whistle.

  And me, well, all I could do was sob happy tears and squeezed Jake as tightly as I could.

  “Yes, yes… yes,” I whispered into his ear.



  I still couldn’t believe my life. Every day I woke up in the beautiful mansion that Jake had bought for us, had breakfast with Caley and the man I loved. I had never felt so happy. If you had asked me a year ago if I saw that happening, I’d have laughed and walked away.

  Yet, I really did get my fairytale ending.

  To celebrate the launch of my new interactive art gallery, and also because it was beautiful outside, we were having a big get together in our backyard. In addition to Annie, Richard, Caley, Jake, and me, all the rest of our family members had shown up as well.

  Jake still had to travel, but it was never for extended periods. For the most part, he did all of his work in his home office. He was even able to see the expansion go through overseas. Now he was working on developments in Japan and Germany. Jake learned that it was his company, and though he had done things the way his father had taught him, it wasn't the only way. He could have a life, and goals, and a company all at the same time.

  I was just putting the finishing touches on a salad when Caley called me outside.

  “Just a minute,” I said, grabbing the bowl.

  I walked into our spacious backyard, setting the bowl on the table inside the gazebo. I wiped my hands on the dishtowel I had tucked into my apron and lifted my head to look for Caley.

  My mouth fell open.

  There was Caley, standing in one of her beautiful dresses, holding a small box. I tossed the towel on the table and took off my apron as Jake walked up to her, putting his hands on her shoulders, smiling at me.

  “I love the two of you so very much,” he said.

  Caley started giggling, and that made Jake smile.

  He then pulled a ring out of the box, got down on one knee, and said, “Will you marry me, Julianna?”

  Caley clapped her hand over her mouth and nodded her head dramatically. It took me a second to really let the words sink in. When they did, though, there was no holding back.

  “Yes!” I screamed so loudly that I even scared myself a little bit.

  Everyone started cheering as he took me in his arms. Jake laughed at my reaction. I put my shaking hand out, and he slipped the enormous diamond on my finger. It was beautiful and sparkled like crazy.

  I admired the ring for a while before leaning in to give him another kiss.

  Caley jumped up, tugging on my shirt.“Mommy, Mommy! Are you happy?”

  I laughed, grabbing her and hugging her so tightly. “Of course, Caley! I don’t think I could be any happier.”

  “Were you surprised, though?”

  I looked into her eyes and smiled, then placed my hand on my belly.

  “Yes, and guess what? I also have a surprise, too.”

  I looked up at Jake, who looked confused, that is until he saw where my hand was. His eyes went wide and he ran his hands through his hair. “Wait, are you — ”

  “Yes. Caley, you’re going to be a big sister!”

  Everyone around us gasped and started clapping this time.

  Jake put his hand to his chest and bent over. For a moment, I was afraid he was unhappy. But as he stood, I could see the tears in his eyes and the smile on his face. He leaned down and picked up Caley with one arm while pulling me into a hug with the other.

  "I love you two so much," he said. "This is truly a dream come true. I have everything I'd ever wanted. I’m the luckiest man alive.”

  I leaned back, tears trickling down my cheeks. "We love you too. And and I couldn't have asked for a better partner."

  "And daddy," Caley squealed with a smile.

  That day in River Valley was one of many that became our happily ever after.





  After adjusting the vertical blinds a bit, I greeted several of my clients as they entered my yoga studio this morning. The classroom had floor-to-ceiling windows that faced the east, which was perfect for my morning classes. In the evening, I used another space at the opposite end of my suite. That one faced the west. It allowed my clients the chance to reconnect with nature while watching the sunset. The studio’s views and earthy decor, along with supportive instruction, were the reason my business was always busy even in my small home town of River Valley.

  It wasn’t long before I found myself speaking words of encouragement and calmly adjusting their poses. My best friend, Crystal, had just started working with me a few weeks ago, and we were co-instructors for each class. Her job was to stand behind everyone while they watched me and support them as needed. If I saw more than one student struggling with a pose, I’d lend her a hand.

  I was so proud of Crystal for finishing her Holistic Health Doctorate, and I knew that she’d be a fantastic yoga instructor when her hands-on training here with me was finished. Crystal and I shared the same passion for overall mental and physical wellbeing, and I was thrilled to have her help in my studio. Once she got the hang of it, she’d be on her way to teaching classes of her own.

  And it was also pretty awesome to have my best friend back home with me.

  “Very good,” I calmly said to my class. “You may release.”

  I sat facing them with my back toward the window. As the sunlight began radiating across all the faces in the space, I finalized our session with a full minute of slow, steady breathing, and then dismissed the class.

  Crystal walked over to me once everyone left. “How am I doing?”

  I wrapped my arm around her waist and hugged her.

  “You’re doing great,” I said. “You’re gonna make one hell of a yoga instructor.” She chuckled as we made our way back to my office. The whole place was exactly as it should be. Calm, peaceful, and serene.

  We sat down at our desks, directly across from each other, and took turns making some herbal tea in the K-Cup machine. She and I were alike on so many levels. Crystal wasn’t some fake yoga instructor who partied and did drugs on the weekend. I knew for a fact that she practiced the lifestyle I encouraged at my yoga studio, which was why I was so eager to have her join me.

  “What can I improve on?” Crystal asked, adding raw, organic honey to her tea.

  I pulled a protein bar from my desk drawer, thinking about her performance over the last week. “I really c
an’t think of anything.”

  It was the truth, too. Crystal was doing an outstanding job, and I was just about ready to assign her a class of her own. “Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

  “Thank you so much for letting me work here with you,” she said. “This is, like my dream job… to be able to teach yoga for a living and use my holistic training. I am so stoked to be able to start helping people.”

  “Don’t forget everything you learned in school,” I reminded her while sipping my tea. “I’m sure you have all types of tips and tricks to help our clients out.”

  She nodded while sipping hers, too. “It amazes me how people just want to take a pill for everything. On the one hand, Western medicine does an awful lot that natural medicine can’t do. But that doesn’t mean that people should eat junk food and avoid exercise.”

  I couldn’t agree with her more. It was one of the many reasons that I opened up my yoga studio, and why I wanted to have a line of holistic healthcare products eventually. Taking care of myself made me feel good, and I wanted to encourage people to treat their bodies the same way.

  “I’m right there with you,” I said. “Although I could go for some fried chicken right now.”

  “You’re so bad,” Crystal said between giggles.

  I shrugged my shoulders and took a bite out of my protein bar, silently wishing that it tasted like chicken.

  “So, what are your plans for the rest of the day?”

  “Let’s see,” I said while glancing at my planner.

  “Well, I have to leave in a few minutes to meet Julianna. Today’s her final wedding gown fitting.”

  It seemed like only yesterday that she had gotten engaged, and here she was trying on wedding gowns.

  “Oh, that’s right,” Crystal said. “Time flies by so fast. I bet it’s gorgeous!”

  I told Crystal all about the gown, and how my sister had a knack for making just about anything look beautiful on her. “Well, I’m going to head on out and meet her for the fitting. And who knows? Maybe pick up some fried chicken on the way.” I lifted my eyebrows a few times at Crystal, and she laughed while shaking her head.


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