Skeletons In My Closet

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Skeletons In My Closet Page 10

by Dynah Zale

  “Well what do you have on you?” He dug in his pocket and counted off three hundred dollars.

  “That’s good enough.” She snatched the money from him and walked away from the house as if she were leaving.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Garrett stepped in her face. “Raquel, I’m not going to keep giving you money and you’re spending it on drugs.”

  “How do you know I’m not going to the grocery store? It’s only six o’clock.”

  Garrett could see in her eyes that she was lying but there was nothing he could do or say about it.

  Raquel walked off feeling like she had just won that battle. When Garrett entered the house he found Blair playing video games.

  “Hey Blair” Garrett greeted him.

  “Mr. Dunn!” He seemed happy to see his dad. “Thanks for coming by, was Aunt Raquel angry because I called you?”

  “I never told her I spoke with you. I figured we could keep that between the two of us.” Blair smiled in agreement.

  “Mr. Dunn.” Garrett turned his full attention towards Blair. “Do you want me to call you dad?”

  Garrett was startled by that question. “Aunt Raquel said that I shouldn’t, but…” Blair paused as if he didn’t know what else to say.

  Garrett’s heart melted. He wanted so badly for Blair to call him dad and felt it would be an honor. In the end he figured it would be all right. Blair wouldn’t come to live with him until after the election and by then everyone would know the truth.

  “I don’t think that would be a problem.” He smiled proudly. “That’s who I am and nothing will ever change that.”

  Garrett reached out to hug Blair causing Blair to lose the game.

  “I’m sorry.” Garrett said once he realized what he did.

  “It’s okay. It’s just a game. I can start it over.” Blair pushed a couple of buttons on his controller. “Do you want to play me?” Blair asked.

  “I’m not that good at video games” Garrett picked up the controller and Blair took it from him and turned it around so that Garrett was holding it in the right direction.

  They laughed together. Garrett felt so comfortable around Blair; almost as if he had been around him his whole life. They laughed, joked and played video games until the clock struck twelve.

  “Blair, it’s getting pretty late. I think you need to go ahead and get ready for bed.”

  Blair got up, walked towards the stairs and stood at the landing as if he were waiting for his father to follow him.

  “Go on up. I’m going to clean up a bit down here and I’ll be up to say goodnight once I’m done.”

  Fifteen minutes passed before Garrett began his ascent up to Blair’s room. When he found Blair, his room was not what he expected. Inside was a single twin bed surrounded by huge boxes. The room was cluttered.

  “What’s all this stuff?”

  “This use to be the storage room.”

  Garrett winded through the maze of boxes and sat on the edge of Blair’s bed.

  “How would you like to go to an amusement park, museum or something? Just the two of us.”

  “That would be great.” Blair said.

  “Good, I’ll talk it over with your aunt.”

  The front door slammed shut downstairs causing a ripple effect to rattle the house. Speak of the devil he thought. “I think your aunt has arrived. I’ll go talk it over with her.” He leaned over and kissed Blair on his forehead. “Good Night.” He turned off the light and closed the door tightly behind him.

  Garrett made it back down to the first floor just in time to see no one. He looked in the dining room, living room and kitchen. Still no one was around. Garrett ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. He walked back into the living room confused. He knew he heard a door open and close. He opened the front door and looked out, but didn’t see anything but darkness. He turned around and went back in the house. He sat down on the couch and glanced at the picture of Reneé. He went over and picked up her picture. “I hope I’m doing right by our son.”

  Chapter 23

  Hours passed, Garrett was fast asleep on the couch. His blackberry sang loudly. The jazz ringtone melody played, stopped then started again. Finally he opened his sleepy eyes and glanced at the grandfather clock set in the dining room. It was nearly three thirty in the morning. He answered.

  “Garrett.” It was Detective Hart. “Listen, I know it’s late and I hate to wake you, but what I’m witnessing right now may be of interest to you.”

  “Go ahead.” Garrett wasn’t fully awake but he was trying his hardest to listen to every word the detective was saying. He hoped it was something important for the detective to call at that time of morning.

  “That girl Raquel. The one you wanted me to do a background check on. Well, she’s out here on the corner of Louis and Sheridan Streets trying to trade a PlayStation video game for a couple vials of crack.”

  Garrett sat straight up. “A PlayStation.” His eyes darted towards the floor in front of the television. Blair’s PlayStation was gone and so were all his games.

  “Those game belong to my—” Garrett rethought his words. “They belong to someone I know.” He jumped up and grabbed his trench coat. “Where is she? I’m on my way.”

  “Garrett.” The detective spoke quickly. “If you want I can take care of this for you.”

  The mischief in the detective’s voice danced around in Garrett’s ear. “What exactly does that mean?”

  “It means I can arrest her, take her down to the station and book her.”

  “That won’t do me any good. She’ll be out in less than an hour and back on the corner bargaining for more drugs by the time the sun rises.”

  “Garrett, trust me; I can make sure that Raquel Kendricks will be charged with enough drugs on her that I’ll have no choice but to charge her with intent to distribute. There are a gazillion open drug cases. All I have to do is pick one and pin it on her.”

  There was no doubt in Garrett’s mind that life would be a whole lot easier if Raquel were gone, but what the detective was suggesting was illegal, and although he believed the ends justified the means, he couldn’t go through with it.

  “Councilman, I can fix it so that she won’t ever see the streets again.”

  “Ever?” That last sentence caught Garrett’s ear and wouldn’t let go. That proposition was a deal maker. He was in. “Go ahead, but you have to make sure Raquel is never free to walk the streets of Camden ever again.”

  “That’s a promise I can keep.”

  A broad smile stretched across Garrett’s face. He knew that he was now a part of a conspiracy to frame someone and that was illegal, but the thought of not having to deal with Raquel ever again lifted a heavy load off his back.


  Like a spectator Garrett watched his life unfold. He was very remorseful over the numerous mistakes he made with Raquel. “Father, I was wrong for having Raquel set up and arrested under false pretenses. I don’t know why, but I felt threatened by her. I felt like at any time she could stop me from seeing my son.’”

  “This was a selfish decision on your part.” God’s voice roared like a lion ready to eat its’ prey. He sounded so angry that Garrett was sure his chances of getting into heaven were diminishing by the minute.

  “There were none of Satan’s demons around to influence you on this one. You did what you did because you had the power to do it and you figured no one would ever find out. You thought that it would be another skeleton thrown in the closet never to be seen again.”

  Garrett looked up through watery eyes as another skeleton stepped forward out of formation. Garrett fell to his knees weeping.

  “If I could go back and change what I did I would.” Garrett spoke so low that only God could hear his whispers.

  “Garrett, at this point in your life I felt like you were playing the part of God. You scripted the play and moved people like pawns at your will.” Kiel assessed.

  “That’s not true.�
�� Garrett tried to convince God that wasn’t his intentions.

  “Yes, I believe it is. You wanted Raquel to leave you alone so you made her disappear.”

  “I was only trying to do what was right.” Garrett defended his actions.

  “You’re contradicting yourself.” God said. “You did one thing, but now it’s your plea that it wasn’t your true intention to set her up.”

  “I just wanted to stop her.” Garrett confessed.

  “One thing you need to keep in mind is she is not your child and you are not her father.”

  Chapter 24

  The following morning Blair came down stairs for breakfast to find his dad still there. Sprawled out on the couch snoring. “Dad.” Blair lightly tapped his father on the shoulder, but he didn’t budge. This time Blair leaned down into his father ear and yelled loudly. “Dad!” Garrett jumped up and looked around, evidently having forgotten where he spent the night.

  “You’re still here? Blair said. I thought you left last night.”

  “I…uh...” he stuttered. Memories flashed through his mind of the events that transpired the night before.

  “Aunt Raquel never came back home?” Blair assumed as he looked around and towards the kitchen, checking to see if she were around.

  Garrett moved farther down on the couch and made room for Blair to take a seat.

  “Listen, Aunt Raquel had to go away for a little while.”

  Blair cast his eyes down, “She’s in jail isn’t she.”

  Garrett hated to be the one to tell him this, but he had to tell the truth. “Yes, she is.

  “So, who’s going to look after me while she’s gone?” For the first time the reality of Blair’s question made Garrett think about the consequences of his actions. It never dawned on him who would be responsible for the boy while Raquel was gone. “Am I coming to live with you?”

  Blindsided, Garrett was speechless. “Of course.” He stuttered.

  “Whooppeee!” Blair squealed with glee. “This is the best day of my life. I’m going to go live with my dad. I’m gonna run upstairs and pack my things. Okay!” He excitedly ran up the stairs.

  “I’ll be waiting right here. Garrett called home. When he got Mecca on the phone he said, “I goofed.” He told her that Raquel was in jail, but conveniently left out the part about him having anything to do with her arrest. “Now, what am I supposed to do?”

  “The Lord works in mysterious ways.” Mecca chuckled.

  “This is not funny and now is not the time to be quoting scripture at me.” Garrett was in a state of panic.

  “Garrett, you have no choice but to bring your son home and embrace him as a part of this family.”

  Garrett hated to admit that she was right. An hour later Garrett brought Blair home to meet the family.

  When they stepped in, Mecca greeted them first, “Hello.” She smiled at him.

  Garrett introduced them. “Blair, this is my wife, Mecca.”

  Blair stuck out his hand, but Mecca leaned down and gave him a big hug, “I’m sorry but we give hugs around here. Are you hungry?” she led him into the kitchen. “I just made some chocolate chip cookies.

  “I like cookies.” He replied.

  Garrett pulled his wife into the living room. “Blair, eat as many cookies as you like while I talk to Mecca for a moment.”

  “What’s going on?” Mecca asked.

  “Did you tell Imani about Blair?”

  “No, I figured it would be best if it came from you, but she’s upstairs waiting for you to come home. So I suggest you hurry up before she comes downstairs. You know she’s a busy body.”

  “That’s what I wanted to talk with you about? I found a temporary solution. We could tell everybody that—”

  “Who are you?” Imani arrogantly stood in front of Blair clutching tightly to a pink sequined microphone.

  Garrett was interrupted by Imani’s outburst.

  “I think you should go introduce them.” Mecca said.

  “Daddy, who is this in my kitchen eating my cookies?” Imani snatched the plate of cookies away from him.

  “Imani, stop being rude.” Mecca snatched the plate from her and placed it back on the table.

  Garrett stooped down until he was eye to eye with his daughter. “This is…” Garrett looked from Imani to Blair to Mecca and then back at Imani. “This is your cousin Blair. He’s going to be staying with us for a while.”

  “Cousin?” Imani and Mecca both said it at the same time. It was obvious Blair was confused by the way he looked at his father.

  “Where you come from?” Imani looked at him as if he didn’t belong.

  “Imani, go upstairs and see if your little brother is up, and if he is, call me.” Mecca ushered her up the stairs before turning to Garrett for answers.

  “Blair, I didn’t mean for it to happen like this, but with you coming to live with us caught me off-guard. I’m still trying to figure out how I explain having a ten year old son.”

  “Garrett, you’re disgusting.” Mecca could barely stand to look at him.

  “Look, I’m trying the best I can to make this transition as smooth as possible.”

  “Dad, I understand.” Blair spoke softly. “If anyone were to find out about me then you might not get elected.”


  “That doesn’t make it right.” Mecca said.

  “But the boy said he understands.” Garrett turned back to Blair. “Son, I promise you that once the election is over, I’ll make this up to you.”

  Imani raced back down the steps, “Mommy, he’s awake.” Mecca disappeared up the stairs to get the baby. Imani pulled up a chair next to Blair. “Do you like Beyoncé?” He nodded his head yes. “What about Alicia Keys.” Again he nodded his head yes. “Good, I have all their CD’s later we can go up to my room and listen to some music. I listen to Beyoncé all day long. I’m going to be just like her.” The little girl lifted her head to the sky, “A Superstar.”

  Garrett intervened. “Imani, he’s going have to hang out with you later. I have to register Blair for school and I’m hoping I can get him into Uncle Richard’s class.”

  “Oh! You are so lucky. Uncle Richard is the best.” The little girl boasted. “When I’m old enough I’m going to be in Uncle Richard’s class.”

  “Okay here we are.” Mecca returned to the room carrying the baby. “Where are you two going so soon?” Mecca sounded disappointed.

  “I called the office and told them I wouldn’t be in today. First we’re going down to city hall so that I can get temporary custody of Blair transferred over to me today. Then I’m going to take him to the school and the recreational center to meet Richard. I want Blair in his class.”

  “Can you pick up dinner on the way home?” Mecca asked.

  “Sure, what would you like?”

  Mecca thought for a moment. “Why don’t we let the newest member of our family choose?”

  Everyone’s eyes landed on Blair. Blair burst out in a wide grin, “I like pizza.”

  “Pizza it is.”

  “I’m going to like having you around.” Imani said.

  Chapter 25

  The cities only indoor pool was housed at the Clifton G. Dunn Recreational Center. "This center is named after my father, your grandfather.” Garrett pointed out to Blair as they entered the pool area.

  "Whoa!" was Blair's first reaction when he saw the rec center's pool was. "I've never seen a pool this big before.”

  “This pool is an exact replica of the kind they use at the Olympic Games.” Garrett boasted. Durable multi-colored rope divided the pool into several lanes and at the opposite end of the pool, elevated starting blocks sat waiting for use.

  Each time the coach blew his whistle another pair of competing swimmers would dive into the pool. Blair watched closely how hard each boy fought to be the first to finish.

  “Come on K’mar.” Their coach pointed to the stopwatch. “Your time keeps on slipping.” The boy looked up at him fro
m inside the pool. “Every time I’ve timed you today you’ve fallen behind by a couple more seconds.

  “Coach, I’m tired.” K’mar complained.

  “Stop making excuses.”

  “I’m not making excuses.” The kid yelled back at the coach. “I'm sick of you pushing. Why don't you just give it up? I'm not going to qualify for the meet next week so why should I try?” The kid climbed out the pool, grabbed his towel and stormed through the doors that led to the locker room.

  “K’mar, I don't care if you want to hear this or not! You’re good and I know you’re better than this. I refuse to allow you to give up on yourself! Do you hear me?” By then the kid was long gone. The coach turned around to find the entire swim team watching him.

  “Dontayé,” Why don't you go make sure that knucklehead is okay? And the rest of you give me twenty laps before you hit the showers." Dontayé hopped out of the pool and ran to the lockers while the other boys started the laborious duty of finishing off their laps.

  "Hey my man, how is everything going?" Garrett called out to his best friend.

  “What brings Camden’s future mayor here today?” They gave one another a soulful hug.

  “You seem a bit stressed.” Garrett pointed out.

  “It's that kid. He's the best I got on the team and lately he hasn't been acting like himself. He's been missing practice and coming in late. When he is here, he isn't focused. His grades are falling. I've tried talking to him, but he just says, “Coach it's nothing”.

  "Don't worry. The kid will come around; give him some time.”

  Richard climbed a set of bleachers. On the top level there was a video camera taping that afternoon’s practice. Richard stopped the recording before he began disassembling the tripod stand.

  "Yeah, I guess you’re right." Richard looked past Garrett and for the first time he spotted Blair. "Hello, I'm Coach Richard." He turned to Garrett, "Is this one of the kids from around your neighborhood?"

  Garrett chuckled. "Does he look familiar to you?" Richard stared at the boy for a moment.

  Suddenly, a lot of loud laughing and screaming drifted from the locker room. “Why don't you guys follow me into my office? Without any adult supervision, these guys can get pretty wild and out of hand."


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