Skeletons In My Closet

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Skeletons In My Closet Page 23

by Dynah Zale

  “Is that what this was?” Garrett had to know. “A sign of the times?”

  “Yes.” God replies.

  Chapter 60

  That horrid sexual encounter plagued Blair day and night. He knew that what he did wasn’t right and he was desperate to talk to someone he could trust. His options of choices were limited. He couldn’t tell his dad for fear that he would send him back to the psychiatric hospital. He did trust Mecca, but Garrett was her husband. She would eventually reveal his secret. Then he thought about calling his Uncle Richard. Although Garrett forbid Blair from having any contact with him, Blair knew that was the only person he knew who would understand. He decided to give him a call after school.

  It was lunchtime and the boys were outside playing a game of pickup basketball. Blair couldn’t seem to get away fromDontayé. The boys were still close and although Blair wanted to distance himself fromDontayé, he figured he would act as normal as possible around him until he could talk to somebody.

  “Yo Blair, where you going?”Dontayé shouted from across the basketball courts.

  “I have to use the bathroom. I’ll be right back.”

  “All right, we’ll start without you.”

  Blair was at the bathroom sink washing his hands whenDontayé walked in. “Hey did you start the game yet?”

  “I told them to go ahead and start.”Dontayé ran up to a urinal. Blair walked back towards the exit door. “Why don’t you wait for me?”

  Blair felt uneasy. “I’m sure the guys are waiting for us.” Blair wanted to get out of there.

  “I don’t think they are.”Dontayélooked over his shoulder to face Blair. “Those jokers probably won’t even notice we’re gone.”Dontayé had a dirty look in his eye. “Why don’t you come here?”

  Being bold Blair walked straight up to him and when he didDontayé pushed him in the nearest bathroom stall and closed the door behind them.

  “What are you doing?” Courage oozed out of Blair.

  “Stop acting like a baby!”Dontayé forced Blair to turn his back towards him. “Nobody is going to come in here; everybody is out on the playground. Now pull your pants down.”

  “What?” Blair just knew somebody was going to walk in and catch them and then tell his dad.

  Tired of talking,Dontayé undid the front button of Blair’s pants and pulled them down around his ankles. Then he did the same with his underwear.

  Dontayé came up close behind Blair, “This may hurt for a second, but don’t scream.”

  “Hurt!” Blair tried to turn around but Dontayé wouldn’t release him. “Get off of me.”

  “Look!” Dontayé pulled out a dirty hyperemic needle he had snatched up from the playground and held it close to Blair’s neck. “If you don’t do this, I’m going to stick you with this needle.”

  Blair was terrified of needles. This old dirty needle was bent and looked like it had been lying in the dirt for ages. Scared of catching AIDS from the needle Blair allowed Dontayé to have his way.

  The pain was intolerable. Blair gnashed his teeth together. He couldn’t wait for Dontayé to stop.

  Minutes later Dontayé pulled up his pants as he exited the stall. Blair was still in shock as he sat on the edge of the toilet.

  “See, I told you that wouldn’t take long.” Blair stood at the sink washing his hands. ”I’ll see you back out on the courts.”

  Dontayé left Blair alone with his tears.

  Since then the rapes became more consistent. Dontayé approached Blair at school, after school and also at his home. He couldn’t escape. Dontayé did a good job disguising himself as Blair’s best friend when he was really his worst enemy.

  Chapter 61

  Blair sat with his head in his hands. The same position he had seen his father in when he was faced with a menacing problem. Distraught, he stared at the homework assignment on his computer screen as if it were the problem. Tears blurred his vision. The daily occurrences of rape were taking a toll on him.

  His book report on python snakes was due in the morning. Until now, he had done little research on the topic.

  There was a light rap at his door and Mecca stuck her head in, “Blair,Dontayé’s on the phone for you. He said he’s been trying to reach you for hours.”

  “Could you tell him I’m studying and I’ll call him later?” Blair said.

  “Sure.” Mecca got the feeling that something was wrong. “Is everything all right between the two of you? He hasn’t been over here as often as he used to be.”

  “I’ve just been really busy with school.”

  “Okay.” Mecca accepted that answer and went back to her bedroom.

  Dontayéhad been ringing Blair’s phone all day long, but Blair refused to answer. It was no longer any fun hanging out withDontayébecause all he wanted to do was have sex. Blair felt cornered byDontayé with nowhere to run. Everywhere he turned there was Dontayé: in school, on the phone, and even in his home. Now he understood how K’mar was feeling when he said he felt trapped.

  The thought of K’mar made Blair realize something he missed before. The day K’mar slit his wrists, the coach sentDontayé in to go check on him. They were on the swim team together and in the same classes. Blair was sure K’mar was being abused by Dontayé. Then the most chilling statement K’mar said that day in the doctor’s office came to the forefront of his mind. “There is no turning back” when killing yourself.

  Blair glanced at his book report and realized he could end it all.

  Blair began to type out his feelings and frustrations on his computer. He had no one to talk to so he felt like this was the next best thing. It was a relief to finally get it all out of his system. Afterwards, he was ready to take that final step. He printed it out and took the paper downstairs.

  “Hey Blair.” Mecca was up reading her bible in the kitchen over hot coco. “What’s up?”

  He took a seat next to her. “Do you have an envelope and a stamp? I need to mail a letter.”

  She thought for a moment. She dashed into Garrett’s office and handed the items to Blair.

  “Thanks.” He took it and ran back upstairs to his room. Minutes later he was back down stairs with his jacket on. “I’m going to go run down to the mail box on the corner. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay, don’t be long.” Mecca said before going back to her reading.

  When Blair returned home he went straight to his room and opened his bedroom window as wide as it would go. He inhaled the cool autumn breeze. Although it was still early fall, the night temperatures were falling well into the thirties. Blair pulled Jericho out of his aquarium and placed him in the bed with him. He often allowed Jericho to sleep with him. His dad told him not to do that, but Blair liked the feel of Jericho slithering around with him in bed.

  Blair fell fast asleep. The time approached the midnight hour and the temperatures in Blair’s room fell to below freezing. Jericho needed a way to keep warm. He slithered around until he slid underneath the covers with Blair. He wound his body around Blair until he reached his shoulders. Within minutes Jericho coiled itself tightly around Blair, bounding his arms down by his sides. The snake applied intense pressure. Blair awoke to the horror that he was gasping for air. There was no way he could stop the snake or cry out for help.

  The tight compression against his lungs and the loss of all air turned Blair’s face black and his eyes bulged out of their sockets. Jericho kept squeezing until Blair released the final breath of life. His body fell limp. Still coiled around the body, Jericho laid his head on Blair’s chest and fell asleep.

  The following morning the Dunn family got up and went about their usual morning routine. Mecca was up helping Imani get dressed for school. Then she realized it was getting late and Blair hadn’t gotten up yet.

  Imani was on her way to the bathroom to brush her teeth when her mother suggested she knock on Blair’s door to wake him up. Imani did as she was told, but instead of knocking she abruptly swung open Blair’s bedroom door ready t
o jump on him to wake him up. However, when she opened the door the horror inside left her releasing several ear screeching screams.

  Alarmed, Garrett immediately stopped what he was doing and ran to her. When he reached Blair’s room, he saw Blair’s lips and cheeks blue and his eyes balls rolled to the top of his head. He looked frightening. The snake still slept snuggly around its owner. Mecca came running up behind them.

  “Call 9-1-1.” Garrett told Mecca. Imani was crying. Mecca picked her and fled to the safety of their bedroom.

  “Blair!” Garrett hollered, but the boy didn’t’ respond. Garrett stepped further in the room. Jericho looked up and loosened his grip a bit from around Blair. When Garrett realized the snake had its body wrapped around his son he charged downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest butcher knife he could find. He charged back up the steps like a mad man and stabbed the snake repeatedly. He haphazardly swung at the python until it fell dead and Garrett was able to pull its body from around Blair.

  Garrett cradled Blair in his arms, “Blair, please wake up.” Garrett begged. “For me son, won’t you please wake up.”


  “I never incurred a loss greater than I did that day.” Garrett turned away from the scene. It was too much for him to look at any longer.

  “Imagine how God feels when millions of souls are lost every day.” Kiel pointed out. “People die without ever accepting the Son for who he really is.”

  “I can’t imagine enduring that amount of pain every single day.” Garrett watched God shed tears for Blair.

  “It hurts to see My children condemned to live in the belly of the beast for eternity.”

  Not willing to voice his concerns Garrett kept quiet but he wondered if Blair made it into heaven or hell.

  “Did Blair ever accept salvation?” God asked. He already knew the answer to His question, but He needed Garrett to recognize the damage he had done.

  Garrett thought back, “I’m not sure.”

  “Do you remember that day in church when Blair asked could he go and receive the invitation to salvation Reverend Tomlin offered?”

  Garrett regretfully nodded his head yes. “I said, ‘God doesn’t like sissies.’” Garrett sobbed uncontrollably. “Because I forbid my son the invitation of salvation he didn’t die just once, but twice and it’s all my fault.” He fell to his knees and covered his head with his hands. “I don’t believe I did that. I should be the one to spend eternity in hell.” He pleaded with God. “Father, please have mercy upon him and allow me to take his place. I’m so unworthy to be in your presence.”

  “What’s done is done. There is no turning back.”

  God helped him up from his knees and they continued on reliving Garrett’s life.

  Chapter 62

  “I can’t believe you’re going to make a spectacle of your son’s funeral.” Mecca took exception to the details surrounding Blair’s funeral. “Politics have made you so cold.”

  That was the last thing Mecca said to him before they left the house for the funeral. Now they were standing graveside.

  Since Blair’s death every newspaper in the country had covered the story. It also gave him an edge in the polls and he gained back the advantage he had lost when he denied Blair as his son. That is why he allowed the media cameras full access to cover the funeral.

  Practically every city government official attended the funeral in homage to Judge Clifton G. Dunn’s grandson. Police officers, judges, the current mayor, Detective Hart and even Lady Lanier came out to pay their respects.

  As Blair’s casket was lowered into the ground Garrett was overcome with grief. The amount of pain cutting away at his heart was unbearable and he cried openly.

  Imani waved goodbye to her brother’s casket then cried in her father’s arms as photographers captured every tear.

  As they were leaving the cemetery Garrett noticed a rush of reporters leaving the scene and gathering around a bunch of officers who had just arrived. Garrett didn’t know what was going on, but just before he climbed into his chauffeur driven SUV he noticed Detective Hart being escorted away in handcuffs. The two made eye contact and Garrett looked away as if he didn't’ care.

  The SUV stopped in front of the Dunn home. Garrett was relieved to see that the news vans hadn’t followed them home. When Imani got out she saw Dontayé sitting on their front stoop. She ran over and hugged him tightly around his neck.

  Dontayé couldn’t help but smile in response, “Hey shorty!”

  Mecca followed and also gave Dontayé a huge hug. “How are you holding up?”

  “Ms. Mecca, I’m all right. I just can’t believe he’s gone.”

  Mecca knew exactly how he was feeling. Although Blair had only been in their lives for a few short months it seemed like she had known him a lifetime. “Why don’t you come in? We have plenty to eat.”

  They walked in the house together. Inside, Mecca laid the baby down for a nap while Garrett talked with Dontayé.

  “Mr. Dunn, I’m sorry I couldn’t make it out to the funeral. I wanted to go, but my mom thought it may be too much.”

  “I understand. She was just doing what she thought was best for you. I’m sure Blair would understand. You were his best friend.”

  There was an awkward pause of silence. Dontayé looked up at the clock, “Mr. Dunn, I better be going. My mom is going to be looking for me soon.”

  “Wait I have something for you.” Garrett raced up the stairs and minutes later he returned with Blair’s basketball, ‘I think he would want you to have this.” Garrett pushed the ball into Dontayé’s hands. “He said that basketball was more your sport than his. I think the only reason he played was because of you.”

  “Thanks Mr. Dunn.”

  Before he passed through their front door Dontayé turned one last time and studied Blair’s smiling school picture. He really loved that boy, but this would probably be the last time he ever saw Blair’s face again. Dontayé did not cry nor did he shed tears for Blair because he realized a long time ago that death was a part of life. Blair was just another name added to the long list of friends who would never rise up again.

  Once everyone was gone Garrett no longer had to put on a strong front for the cameras. He relaxed in his favorite living room chair. It had been a long exhausting day and the only thing he craved was a shot of alcohol. He poured himself a tumbler full of Christian Brothers and kicked back in front of an off television screen.

  Today, he couldn’t get Reneé off his mind. He had failed her again. Once when Blair was born and again now that Blair was dead.

  “I am really a horrible person.” The liquor started to overtake his emotions. “I have this insatiable need to succeed that will always rule my life.” Garrett shook his glass to rattle the ice cubes in the glass. “Reneé, your only wish was that I take care of our son.” Garrett’s speech slurred. “I couldn’t even do that right.”

  Mecca watched him secretly from a distance as he finally mourned his son.

  Chapter 63

  Garrett stood outside in the vestibule of a senior citizens center. Joye Anne stuck her head inside the room where Garrett was about to give his last pitch to an audience of five hundred elderly people. She turned back to her boss and straightened out his tie, “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  Joye Anne wasn’t the only person worried about Garrett. That morning, Mecca expressed her concern for Garrett going back to work so soon after Blair’s death. He had just buried his oldest son the day before and now he was back on the campaign trail.

  “Unfortunately, I can’t take any time off. If I do, I’ll probably lose a lot of votes.”

  “If you’re not careful you’re going to overdo it.” Joye Anne took a step back. “You’re already ahead in the polls.”

  “I know, but I feel like people are just giving me the sympathy vote because of what happened to Blair. I don’t need them to feel sorry for me. I need them to believe in me.”

  The next voice they hea
rd was the program’s M.C. giving a brief bio on Garrett’s career and his lineage of ancestors that held office before him.

  Garrett took a sip from his water bottle. He handed Joye Anne his cell phone just in case any important calls came through for him and he was unable to answer. The moment she took the phone, it started ringing.

  “I’ll tell whoever it is that you’ll call them back once you deliver your speech.” Joye Anne put the phone up to her ear.

  Garrett took a deep breath. He didn’t know why, but he was nervous.

  “Okay!” He heard Joye Anne trying to pacify the caller on the other end of his phone. “Hold on for a moment and I’ll see if he’s available.” She placed the phone down by her side. “I don’t know who this is but he insists on talking to you right now.”

  Annoyed, Garrett began to think Joye Anne and his wife were right. He did return to work too soon. He wasn’t in the mood to deal with irate constituents.

  He took the phone from her, “Hello.”

  “Councilman.” It was Detective Hart.

  “I really can’t talk right now.” Garrett couldn’t say too much in front of Joye Anne.

  “I understand, but I need you to come bail me out of here.”

  “I don’t think that’s going to be possible.” Garrett read in the newspaper that the reason Detective Hart was arrested at the cemetery is because the results of the Internal Affairs investigation were in. They hadn’t found anything wrong concerning his arrest of Raquel, but they did find out that he had been shaking down drug dealers for years. Apparently Hart would target certain dealers and take their money and drugs. “I heard about what’s going on and I think you’re gonna have to handle this on your own.”

  “What?” Hart screamed at him through the phone. “So you’re backing out on me?”

  “I know everything that’s going on, and apparently you put yourself in this position. You can’t expect me to bail you out.”


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