Just Friends

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Just Friends Page 12

by Jennifer Sucevic

  “Cherries,” he mutters. “Really?”


  I glance down, unsure what he’s talking about. The significance of my choice slowly dawns on me and my cheeks flood with heat as I groan.

  He yanks his gaze from my body. “I’ll spread the word that we’re dating and it’ll all be good.”

  No, it won’t!

  Doesn’t he get that?

  Us pretending to be a couple won’t solve the issue of my virginity. At this point, I just want to get it over with. And the one guy who has always been there for me isn’t willing to lend me a helping hand.

  All right, so maybe it isn’t his hand I want to borrow.

  Nowhere near ready to give up on this conversation, I open my mouth to argue. But Reed pops to his feet, unwilling to hear me out.

  “I’m not going to change my mind about this, Em.”

  All it takes is one long stride to swallow up the distance between us. He reaches out as if he’s going to take me into his arms before faltering. Instead of pulling me against him like he normally would, he places a hand on each of my shoulders. He pauses before brushing his lips tentatively across my forehead. It’s like he’s kissing a distant relative he’s never met before. I blink and he releases me, taking a giant step back as if I’m contagious.

  Last time I checked, virginity wasn’t transmittable.

  An uncomfortable silence settles over us as he continues inching toward the door. I’m trying to come up with something that will magically smooth over the situation, but nothing comes to mind.

  Relief fills his face when I remain silent. “I’ll catch you later, okay?”

  “Sure.” I jerk my head into a reluctant nod. “Later.”

  And then he’s gone, slipping from the room as quietly as he entered. When the apartment door closes with a loud click, I know he’s gone.

  Just like my chances of having sex.

  As brutal as our conversation had been last night, this was somehow worse.

  With a disappointed huff, I collapse onto my bed and wrack my brain for alternative solutions.

  A few minutes later, Brin strolls into my room with a cup of coffee. Both hands are wrapped lovingly around the container as if the contents are infinitely precious.

  “Are you going to tell me why Reed was here at the ass crack of dawn?”

  “He won’t do it.” No further explanation is necessary. Brinley knows exactly what I’m alluding to.

  One dark blond brow lifts as her gaze sweeps over me. Her lips slowly curl into a smile. “He wouldn’t pop your cherry, huh?” She chuckles at her own joke. “That’s unfortunate.”

  I roll my eyes, fresh out of embarrassment.

  “Nope.” I’m trying to remember what had possessed me to buy these pajamas in the first place. All they’re doing is reminding me that I’m still a virgin with no prospects on the horizon.

  “Hmmm.” She frowns and takes a sip of her brew.

  I can almost see the wheels turning in her head. It’s kind of frightening.

  “Then I guess it’s time we put plan B into action.”

  I sit up in surprise. “We have a plan B?” Well, that’s news to me. Thank goodness for Brin. She’s always there to help a sister out. I’m just curious as to what plan B entails.

  A mischievous smile spreads across her lips. “Of course, there’s a plan B.” She gives me a wink. “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, we’re gonna get that cherry popped one way or another. Just leave it all to me.”

  With enough caffeine, Brinley could rule the world.

  A shiver slides through me. “I’m almost afraid to ask.”

  “Don’t be.” Brinley takes another sip from her container. “The plan is simple and foolproof. Once it’s set into motion, you’ll both have what you want.”


  What does that mean?

  Before I can ask any follow-up questions, Brin disappears through the bedroom door leaving me to ponder what she has in store.

  Chapter Nineteen


  My arm is linked through Brinley’s as we pause in front of the Kappa Sigma fraternity house with its regal white columns and thick ivy clinging to the weathered red brick. It’s exactly the kind of stately mansion you’d envision a fraternity would own near a college campus that had been founded more than a hundred and fifty years ago.

  The only flaw marring its grandeur is that it looks like someone threw up tacky Hawaiian shirts, microscopic bikinis, striped beach balls, and colorful leis over the premises.

  If that weren’t enough of a hint that there’s a Hawaiian themed party in full swing, there’s a banner draped across the front door encouraging people to Get Lei’d.

  Here’s hoping, right?

  It turns out that the main components of Brinley’s plan B involve (1) plying me with alcohol and (2) finding a hookup to go home with at the end of the night.

  At this point, what do I have to lose? Desperate times call for desperate measures. Which is exactly what I kept reminding myself during the pep talk on the way over.

  I tug at my thin bikini straps and glance down to make sure the fabric is covering the necessities. The last thing I need to add to my ever-growing list of humiliations is a wardrobe malfunction.

  Brinley insisted I wear the tiniest bikini in my drawer. Even though dressing scantily isn’t my usual style, I caved. I did, however, insist on adding a pair of cutoff jean shorts to the ensemble. There is no way I’m going to strut around this party in nothing more than a barely-there bikini. I don’t give a damn if other chicks are doing it. We all know that by the end of the night, a good number of these girls will be topless.

  The guy manning the front door gives us both the once over before allowing us inside. The music has been turned up high and the lights have been turned down low. It takes my eyes a moment to adjust.

  Most guys have chosen to wear colorful Hawaiian shirts or are bare chested while the girls are wearing their skimpiest bikinis or short floral dresses. The weather has decided to cooperate and the night is warm and balmy. There’s just a hint of a breeze to cool things off.

  Brinley loops her arm through mine again as I take in the sea of revelers. “How about we get a drink to loosen you up,” she shouts over the pulsing beat of techno.

  It takes everything I have inside to gather my courage and nod in agreement.

  “Probably more than one,” she adds with a laugh.

  As I glance around the living room, I wonder for the umpteenth time why I hadn’t gotten drunk at a party freshman year and had sex like everyone else. What was the point of waiting?

  So it could be special?

  Ha! How’d that work out for me?

  Exactly. Because here I am…

  A twenty-one-year-old virgin trolling a frat party, looking for prospective candidates to cash my V-card. I’m not even out for a good time. I’m searching for a guy who looks like he would be willing to sleep with me.

  A shudder of distaste slides through me. I really need to suck down a couple glasses of alcohol otherwise I’ll never be able to go through with this. I have the same feeling in the pit of my belly that I used to get as a kid while waiting in the doctor’s office for the nurse to give me a shot.

  I just want to get this over with.

  The only bright spot is that, if all goes according to plan, I’ll wake up tomorrow morning and all this virginity business will be behind me where it belongs.

  Brin tows me through the crowded first floor of the house and then out the backdoor into the sprawling yard where a tiki hut has been erected. We stop and survey the assortment of available booze.

  Brinley ponders the possibilities. Thankfully this isn’t nearly the production that choosing a cup of specialty coffee is. “So, what’s it going to be?”

  I narrow my eyes. I love a good mixer but they can be strong. Especially when poured with a heavy hand by a frat guy who’s trying to get girls drunk. Before you know it, you’ve sucked
down three tasty drinks and aren’t feeling any pain. There’s a fine line between being pleasantly buzzed and totally shit-faced.

  I point to the silver keg that’s being manned by one of the younger brothers. “I’m going to have a beer.”

  “Excellent choice.” Brin nods her head. “I’ll do the same.”

  As we take our place in line, my eyes wander over the packed yard. There’s a massive inflatable waterslide that people are jumping down before landing in a shallow pool at the bottom. Near the garage is a round blowup pool filled with bubbles. A few guys are throwing themselves across a long yellow Slip ’N Slide in the middle of the yard.

  My guess is that half the university has turned up tonight. Which isn’t surprising. The Kappas are known for their over the top parties.

  Unlike campus this week, no one is staring or whispering. It seems like everything from last weekend has died down. Or maybe these people are just too drunk to notice me. I don’t particularly care which it is, I’m just glad to have slipped back into obscurity.

  As soon as we have our drinks in hand, Brinley raises her cup. “Let the de-virgination begin!”

  I shake my head as laughter bubbles up in my throat and tap my beer against hers.

  We down our drinks in one chug. As soon as we finish, a girl wearing a bikini saunters by with a tray of green and orange Jell-O shots. Brinley grabs two as the tall blonde continues on her way. We cheers again and slurp them down.

  The gelatinous concoction is delicious. You can barely taste the alcohol.

  Brinley takes off after the girl and grabs two more small plastic cups. Once those have been gulped down, my bestie yells, “Let’s hit the dance floor!”

  We push our way back inside the house to where everyone is writhing in the middle of the spacious living room. Furniture has been pushed to the perimeter. We manage to carve out a small space for ourselves before throwing our hands up and singing along with the songs, shouting the lyrics in each other’s faces and laughing hysterically.

  This is exactly what pleasantly buzzed feels like. No matter what happens tonight, I’m going to have a great time. Maybe I’ll end up losing my virginity. And maybe I won’t. At this point, I’m not going to worry about it.

  A cute guy catches my attention and I realize that he was in one of my math classes last year. We make eye contact and his lips lift into a smile before he pushes his way through the crowd toward me.

  Once we’re close enough, he says, “Hi.”

  I return the greeting with a small wave. My heartbeat picks up its tempo and I have to remind myself that this is just a conversation. I’m going to take it slow and have fun and let nature take its course. If it happens, it happens. If it doesn’t, there’s always tomorrow night.

  “We had Adler’s class together last spring,” he shouts over the music. “I’m Andrew, by the way.”

  I press my hand against my chest. “Emerson.”

  “I remember.” He flashes a grin and looks around. “This party is wild.”

  “It’s totally out of control,” I agree.

  The conversation melts away as our bodies fall into a rhythm on the dance floor. A little spark of attraction flares to life in my belly. Andrew is definitely cute. I could do a lot worse. Plus, I haven’t seen him around campus this semester, which hopefully means if we sleep together, I won’t run into him around every corner. That would be awkward.

  After a couple of songs, Brinley shouts, “I’m going to use the bathroom. I’ll be back in a few.”

  “Do you want me to come with you?” We usually stick together and use the buddy system when we’re out and about. I hate the idea of her taking off on her own.

  She shakes her head and waggles her brows. “Nah, you stay here. Don’t worry, I won’t be long.”

  Brin flashes me a discreet thumbs up before disappearing through the crowd. That’s her way of giving me the green light to proceed with Plan B.

  And you know what?

  I think that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

  Chapter Twenty


  “Dude, can you do something about the look on your puss?” Alex grumbles. “Your crap mood is scaring away all the hotties.”

  I tip the beer to my lips and take a long swig before snapping, “Maybe you should consider standing elsewhere.”

  Alex is right, I’m in a shit mood and there’s not a damn thing anybody can do to pull me out of it. Instead of checking out the Kappa party, I should have sat my surly ass home and played video games. Maybe after I finish this beer, I’ll take off so I can stew in private.

  From the corner of my eye, I watch Alex elbow Colton in the ribs and jerk his head in my direction. “What crawled up his ass?”

  “Couldn’t tell you.” Colton shrugs, but a knowing smirk has settled on his face. I don’t like it one damn bit. “My advice is to keep chipping away at him. I’m sure you’ll get your answer.”

  If Alex insists on yapping at me about my piss poor attitude, he’s going to get more than he bargained for. There’s a whole lot of pent-up agitation bubbling beneath the surface.

  In true McAvoy fashion, he ignores Colton’s comment and says instead, “I think Philips needs to take the cure.”

  Our goalie quirks a brow. “The cure?”

  “Yeah. It’s an old family recipe. You down a shot of whiskey and then eat some pussy.” He grins. “Works like a charm every time.”

  Colton shakes his head and gives Alex’s shoulder a shove. “And you wonder why you can’t get a girlfriend.”

  Alex scoffs. “When did I say I wanted one of those?”

  “The last time you were shitfaced and crying in your beer about not being able to find a nice girl who likes you, small dick and all.”

  “Fuck off, Hayes,” Alex grunts with a scowl.

  For the first time all night, a hint of a smile curves my lips. There’s nothing more that I enjoy than watching Alex get his balls busted. If there’s any guy who deserves it, it’s him.

  If this were any other Friday night, I’d be scouting the party for talent, looking for a girl to hookup with. After my conversation with Emerson this morning, that’s the furthest thing from my mind.

  It’s doubtful I’d be able to get my cock to cooperate and I don’t think I can deal with limp dick-itis for the third time in little more than a week. So, I’ll be passing on any sexcapades for the time being. It doesn’t sit well with me that all I have to do is conjure up an image of Em and I’m giving a five-star salute.

  And those freaking pajamas this morning…

  The mental snapshot alone is enough to have me pitching a tent. I grit my teeth and will down the growing erection before it gets embarrassing.

  Maybe I won’t be getting laid tonight, but I will definitely be getting tanked. I need some liquid assistance in order to forget just how sexy my best friend looked in a body-hugging tank top and tiny shorts that left very little to the imagination. And don’t even get me started on the cherries. I’m liable to come in my shorts.

  How fucking embarrassing would that be?

  This whole situation has gone sideways and I have no idea how to fix it so Em and I can move past it.

  A flash of blond hair catches my attention and my gaze zeros in on Brinley as she maneuvers through the drunken crowd. No matter where Brin goes, she attracts male interest. But I’ve never felt any particular pull toward her myself.

  Colton on the other hand…that’s a different story.

  I give him a bit of side-eye wondering if he’s caught sight of her yet.

  By the possessive look that has settled on his face, I’m guessing that he has. Colton thinks he’s so smooth about keeping his feelings under wraps, but he’s not. The dude wants her something fierce. She’s just not having any of it. Which is hilarious because Colton can have any girl he wants on this campus.

  With the exception of this one.

  “Hey, Brin!” I yell, trying to snag her attention, but it’s so freaking loud in h
ere. When she doesn’t turn, I shout her name again, louder this time, until her gaze coasts over the sea of faces before locking on mine. Impatiently, I wave her over. Colton’s posture goes from relaxed to high alert in two seconds flat.

  I’m dying to give Colt a little shit, but I’ve got bigger fish to fry at the moment.

  As soon as Brin is close enough, I yell, “Where’s your partner in crime?”

  Those two normally stick together like glue. I’ve pounded it into Emerson’s head to always use the buddy system. If she’s not with me, then she needs to stay with Brinley. I’m all too aware of what happens to girls who don’t travel in packs.

  And none of it is good. Especially at a frat party where the alcohol is flowing freely.

  Brinley doesn’t spare Colton a glance as she points to the writhing bodies that are packed together like sardines in the next room. “She’s busting a move with a prospective candidate.”

  “A what?”

  A sly smile curves her lips as she repeats in a louder voice, “A prospective candidate.”

  “What the hell does that mean?” I bark.

  She lifts her shoulders nonchalantly. “If you’re not willing to help her out, there are plenty of other guys who will be more than happy to oblige.”

  “What!” The floor drops out from beneath my feet.

  Is she fucking serious?

  If the smug smile on her face is any indication, then Brin knows exactly what this news does to me. I growl before pushing my way past her and stalking to where everyone is gyrating en masse.

  “And goodbye to you, too!” Brinley shouts at my retreating back.

  I’m tempted to flip her off. The girl is damn lucky I don’t strangle the life out of her.

  I scout the vicinity but don’t see Em anywhere. The room is shrouded in darkness and there are too many bodies crammed together. Just as I’m about to lose my shit, my gaze lands on Emerson’s dark head. People shift and I catch snippets of her. My breath hitches, getting clogged in my chest, until it feels like I can’t breathe.


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