Just Friends

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Just Friends Page 17

by Jennifer Sucevic

  Just as I stopped to admire a bag in the window at Louis Vuitton, Reed texted, letting me know that he had returned from his meeting and was at the hotel. The plan for the evening is to grab something to eat and continue exploring the city.

  And then…

  I guess we’ll see what happens after that.

  Earlier this afternoon, Reed must have sensed that my nerves were getting the best of me. He said that what we did was up to me and I could change my mind at any time. Not that I will, but it makes me feel better to know that I’m the one in control.

  “Reed?” I call out, pocketing the keycard as I step off the elevator. “Hello?”

  When I don’t receive a response, I move further into the penthouse. Almost immediately, my gaze gets snagged by the spectacular view of the city. Black and silver skyscrapers spear into the bright blue sky. I’m tempted to pull up a chair and settle in for a while.

  Instead, I turn away, searching for Reed. I peek in the kitchen, dining room, and library with its mahogany bookshelves and glossy marble fireplace that is the focal point of the room.

  When a thorough check of the first floor comes up empty, I head to the staircase. Each bedroom on the second floor has its own bathroom attached to it and at the end of the hallway is a door that leads to a rooftop patio and lush green garden. It’s a little bit of paradise in the concrete jungle of the city. The first room I peek in is the master suite. It’s ridiculously massive, easily the size of my apartment at Southern.

  Attached to the bedroom is a gorgeous, white marble bathroom with a giant soaker tub that’s large enough for two—maybe even three—people. It’s set in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows so the view can be enjoyed while relaxing in a bath. I’m hoping to make use of the tub before we leave on Sunday. I considered using it this afternoon while Reed was at his meeting, but I needed to get out and expend some pent-up energy. Reed will be up and out early tomorrow morning and probably won’t return until late in the afternoon, so there’ll be plenty of time for me to enjoy it then.

  As soon as I step inside the master suite, I realize Reed has been here because his phone is lying on the middle of the bed and there’s a trail of clothing that leads to the bathroom. Since the door is open, I don’t hesitate to head inside. The moment I cross over the threshold, my feet grind to a halt and my brain empties.

  With his naked backside toward me, Reed reaches for a towel from the silver rack as he steps out of the shower. Using the plush white material, he wipes his face before running it over his hair. As wrong as it is to stand here and ogle him when he’s unaware of my presence, I can’t bring myself to leave. I’m frozen in place as my gaze licks over every inch of his body.

  Reed and I have been friends for a long time. I’ve seen him lounging around in loose fitting athletic shorts and nothing else. He works hard for his body and half the time, I think he enjoys strutting around, showing it off. Lord knows I’ve teased him about it enough times.

  But this feels different.

  I’ve never seen him stripped bare.

  My gaze slides over his well-defined shoulders to his powerfully built back. The sinewy muscles bunch and flex as he dries himself with unhurried strokes. I’m mesmerized by the movement as my eyes slip to his tapered waist.

  I haven’t even glimpsed the front of him and already I know that Reed Philips is a perfect specimen. There’s not an ounce of fat on the guy. He’s all chiseled strength and toned musculature.

  I really shouldn’t be standing here, drooling over him.

  I’m probably breaking a dozen unspoken friend rules. I should clear my throat or call out his name—somehow alert him to my presence—but I don’t. What I need to do is leave before he notices that I’ve stumbled upon him. Instead of backing away, my gaze drops further. Because, really, how can I not look at his ass?

  It’s so freaking perfect.

  I blow out a shaky breath and stare so hard, there’s no way that every nuance of his backside won’t be imprinted upon my memory. I’ve heard girls ramble about random guys having amazing asses. But I never really got it before. It’s a butt. We all have them. What’s the big deal?

  Well, let me tell you something…I now understand what all the fuss is about. I get how someone’s behind can be all kinds of sexy.

  It’s just so muscular.

  I want to touch him. Maybe knead those perfect globes. At the very least, squeeze them.

  My thighs clench and I realize that my panties are soaked.

  A sigh escapes from my lips and Reed swings around to face me. The towel is still held to the side of his head as our eyes collide. His body stills and mine does the same. Although I’ve been rooted in place for at least a minute.

  Maybe more.

  Thick tension crackles in the air. My cheeks heat at being caught watching him. This is exactly what I was afraid would happen. I should have snuck away when I had the chance. Now we’re stuck having this horrendously awkward moment. Desperation fills me as I wrack my brain for something to say. I need to apologize and then get the hell out of here before I self-combust.

  Instead, my gaze falls from his face, raking over his chiseled pectorals and six pack abs that look as though they’ve been etched into his skin, before arriving at his cock which—oh my God—lengthens before my eyes like a party favor. I gasp and glance away as more heat rushes to my already enflamed cheeks.

  Could this moment be any more horrific?

  Reed breaks the stifling silence. “It’s all right if you want to look, Em.”

  I suck in a shaky breath before expelling it painfully from my lungs.

  What am I supposed to do?

  Of course, I want to inspect him up-close and personal. But at the same time, I’m swamped with embarrassment. I feel like a perv who just got caught peeking through some unsuspecting person’s bedroom window.

  “Em,” Reed says calmly, his voice deepening. “Look at me.”

  As conflicted as I am, I force my gaze to his. The first thing I notice is that he doesn’t look angry or embarrassed. There’s a strange expression filling his face but I’m at a loss as to how to describe it.

  Reed holds the towel out to me as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. “Would you mind drying me off?”

  My brows jerk together. “You want me to…dry you off?”

  His lips lift into a sexy smirk. “Is that a problem?”


  I try to swallow but it feels like a lump of sawdust is sitting in the middle of my throat that makes it impossible.

  Breaking eye contact, I squeeze my eyes shut, unsure what to do.

  Walk away?

  Or stay?

  Surprise fills me as I realize how much I want to run my hands over him.

  I crack open my eyes and force myself to put one foot in front of the other until I can reach out and take the towel from him. His eyes spark with heat as I walk around to the backside I had been admiring earlier.

  It seems like the easiest place to start.

  Without his gaze burning holes through me, I can take a few minutes to pull myself together again. I blow out another breath before bringing the towel to his shoulders. With tentative strokes, I carefully wipe away the moisture that clings to his skin. His body contracts and expands beneath my touch. Everything about Reed is so hard and defined. It doesn’t take long for me to get lost in the skin beneath my fingertips. The tension that had been filling me slowly ebbs from my body and I forget the embarrassment that had almost swallowed me whole.

  Reed stands perfectly still as I drag the material over him. There is nothing but silence that stretches between us as I move from one shoulder blade to the other, running the towel over his bulging biceps and forearms before starting on the wide expanse of his back. All those cut lines of definition speak to his physical discipline. I don’t know anyone who takes better care of themselves than Reed.

  Need flares to life in my core. It’s a steady thumping pulse that I can’t help but be awar
e of. My gaze gets snagged by a droplet of water as it rolls down his spine. Without thinking, I lean forward and catch it on the tip of my tongue.

  A deep groan rumbles up from Reed’s chest.

  With every pass of the towel, I gradually inch my way down. It doesn’t take long before I’m at his lower back, dangerously close to the part of him that had held me spellbound. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to trace over the tight curve of him without the towel between us. Jealousy wells inside me for all the girls who have been able to touch him without hesitation.

  I falter at the base of his spine, my bravado wavering. If I dwell on it for too long, I’ll chicken out. I may never get another chance to explore Reed’s body again. I need to swallow down my nerves and take advantage of it.

  The towel dips until I’m able to swipe over the round firmness of his backside. It’s slowly that I slide the material back and forth until not a drop of water lingers. Once he’s dried, I give in to the temptation and trail my fingers over the firm flesh. Heat flares to life in my core and I have to squeeze my thighs together to stymie the need crashing through me.

  I lower myself to the floor before dragging the towel over his thighs. They’re thick and muscular from being on the ice six days a week. I sweep over his calves and feet which are firmly planted on the gray and white marble bathroom floor. My belly flutters with nerves at the thought of shifting to his front.

  Once I’ve gathered my courage, I rise to my feet and make a semi-circle around his body until I’m staring straight at the carved lines of Reed’s chest. My breath comes out in shallow pants. Even though I haven’t glanced up, I’m all too aware of the intensity of his gaze. With trembling hands, I use wide strokes over his perfectly formed pectorals. My attention becomes ensnared by the power beneath my fingertips. All I’d have to do is drop the towel and I could touch him with my bare skin.

  The fresh clean scent of the soap Reed washed with envelopes me, making me dizzy with a pent-up longing I never realized was buried below the surface of our friendship. I sway closer until my tongue can dart out and lick one stiff male nipple.

  Reed groans as soon as my mouth makes contact. His hands flex and tighten at his sides as if he wants to reach out and take hold of me. Emboldened by his response, I peek up at him. I’m shaken to find hot licks of need smoldering in his blue-green gaze and his jaw tightly clenched.

  A sigh leaves my lips as I move to the other nipple and flick my tongue over the turgid flesh before sucking it into my mouth. The way his breath hitches before hissing out has need exploding in my core.

  Reed has slept with countless women since we’ve stepped foot on campus freshman year. The idea that I can turn him on simply by running my hands over him is a thrilling concept. A strange sense of power surges through me. I came into this weekend feeling at a distinct disadvantage. Reed is the one with all the sexual knowledge and in comparison, I’m woefully lacking. But that’s not how it feels at the moment. It’s as if I’m capable of bringing him to his knees.

  And that’s a heady sensation.

  One I want more of.

  I move the towel over his ribcage and ripped abdominals. A sharply defined V creates a path that arrows down to the crinkly dark blond hair at his groin. A flutter of nerves takes root in my belly as I think about stroking the towel over his erection.

  My gaze dips to the base of his thick cock. Liquid heat floods through me and my thighs clench at how swollen he appears. With shaking fingers, I slide it over his rigid length.

  This isn’t the first penis I’ve glimpsed or touched. But to be able to study one in broad daylight?

  I’ve never had the opportunity to do that before.

  Just like every other inch of his rock-solid body, his cock is completely captivating. My fingers itch to trace over him. I’m desperate to learn the texture of his flesh.

  With the towel gripped tightly in my hand, I slide it over his dick until moisture beads at the slit of the bulbous head. Reed groans as his hips jut forward. With the edge of the material, I run it carefully over his balls which are heavy and tight against his body.

  I’m tempted to continue stroking him, but there’s only so long I can linger. Instead, I drop to my haunches so I can dry his calves. Once I’m settled in front of him, I realize this position brings me eye level with his penis. Desire floods through me as his throbbing length bobs inches from my lips. I’m struck with the urge to bridge the distance and swipe my tongue across the engorged head.

  Does he taste as fresh and clean as he smells?

  Part of me longs to find out.

  I inhale a shaky breath, tilt my head back, and lift my eyes to Reed. Desire flares inside me before shattering in my core as his lust-filled gaze captures mine. No man has ever stared at me the way he does now.

  His hands rise until they’re able to cup my cheeks. His thumbs gently strum my parted lips as another groan rumbles up from his chest. The guttural sound has my panties flooding with more heat.

  His thumbs slide to the curve of my jaw as I give in to the urge pounding through me. My body strains toward his as my tongue darts out to lap at the moisture beading the tip of his cock. It’s a quick, impulsive movement that I don’t allow myself to think about. The salty flavor bursts on my tongue.

  His hands cradle my cheeks as I swipe over the head of his erection again. One taste isn’t nearly enough. I need more. I want to explore every part of him.

  My hands wrap around the back of his thighs as I press closer, sucking the crown into my mouth. His fingers tunnel through my hair as he locks me in place. I love the feel of his thick length filling my mouth.

  Almost gently, he flexes his hips. I haven’t taken much of him inside me, but I want to. Before I can suck him in deeper, Reed pulls his hands free from my hair and gently presses against my shoulders.

  “You don’t like that?” I’ve given a few blowjobs, but not many. Maybe I’m not doing it right.

  He grunts, his chest rising and falling with harsh breaths. “You’re mouth feels too damn good. I don’t want to lose control.”

  “I want to make you come.” My gaze drops to his cock which throbs inches from my lips. Somehow his length seems to have grown and thickened even more. My tongue darts out to swipe at the tip.

  He groans and shakes his head. “This weekend is about you, Em. Not me.”

  Reed may not understand, but what we’re doing has everything to do with me. Only now am I realizing just how much I enjoy exploring a man’s body. I’m fascinated by the contrast between us. To have all his perfectly sculpted muscles flexing beneath my fingertips is dizzying.

  “You’re done here,” he growls.

  “Am I?” Then why does it feel like I was just getting started?

  “Yeah, you are.”

  His hands slide from my shoulders until they can hook under my arms. Silently he lifts me to my feet, dragging me up the hard length of his naked body until his mouth hovers over mine. My lips part in anticipation as need pulses like a heartbeat in my core. I’ve never wanted a man to kiss me as much as I do right now.

  “You have a choice to make,” he murmurs. “We can get dressed and head out to grab dinner—”

  “Or?” As excited as I had been to explore the city with Reed, leaving the penthouse is the last thing on my mind.

  The arousal mirrored in his eyes sends a cascade of anticipation skating down my spine. “Or we can stay in and order room service.”

  Reed was wrong about there being a choice to make.

  “Room service.”

  A wolfish smile settles on his face. “Excellent choice.”

  That decided, he lifts me into his arms and carries me to the master suite.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I cradle Emerson’s body in my arms as I move into the adjoining room and deposit her gently in the middle of the king-sized mattress. It’s a heady sensation to see the lust swirling in her dark eyes. It’s not a look I ever imagined would be
aimed in my direction. As much as that turns me on, it’s the brightly shining trust that has thick emotion swelling in my heart. Emerson has never given herself to a man before and it means everything that she chose me to share this experience with.

  Not wanting to rush a single moment, I stand at the end of the bed and take her in. The sight makes my heart constrict painfully in my chest. She’s so damn beautiful with her ebony-colored hair spread out against the snowy white comforter.

  I almost can’t believe we’re about to do this.

  That she’s really mine.

  It might only be for the weekend, but I’ll take it.

  Her eyes widen as I crawl onto the bed and up her body until her back is pinned to the mattress. Holding myself on my elbows, I press my mouth to hers. A soft sigh escapes from her lips as she opens without coaxing. Our tongues melt against each other before tangling. With my pelvis aligned against hers, I slide my erection across her jean covered pussy using slow, teasing strokes.

  The urge to tear her clothes off and bury myself deep inside her pounds through me. I’m oblivious to everything but the feel of her soft curves beneath me. I inhale a sharp breath, needing to calm my body. It takes every scrap of self-control to slow myself down.

  An image of Em on her knees, staring up at me with her lips wrapped around my cock, flashes through my head and I nearly lose it. I’ve had my fair share of blowjobs over the years, but watching my hard length disappear between Em’s pouty lips is, hands down, the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

  Which doesn’t make sense. I’ve had chicks deep throat me, their muscles constricting around my dick as I spilled my load, and they’ve swallowed every last drop as if it was nectar.

  The girls I usually screw around with are aggressive and like to take control of the situation. I’m more than happy to lay back and let them do all the work. But that’s not what’s happening here and I find, surprisingly, that I like it. I like being the one to seduce Em, to pleasure her, to figure out all the little things that turn her on and make the blood roar through her veins.


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