Letting Him In

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Letting Him In Page 6

by Izzy Sweet

  Colt’s grin spreads wider, his bright teeth flashing. He leans against the counter and I straighten. I rub my eyes, blink some more, but he’s still there.

  “Colt?” I ask, stupefied.

  His blue eyes sparkle with amusement. “Hello, beautiful.”

  Oh, god. He is so not here. No. He can’t be.

  This is like a nightmare. My cheeks burn, my heart races with panic. I look around frantically, searching for the hidden cameras, or for Amanda to come back from break so I can escape, but the restaurant is empty.

  Colt’s lids drop, hooding his eyes. His gaze scorches over me from head to toe. I feel my stomach clenching with distress. He can’t possibly find me sexy right now. I’m dressed in an orange and brown striped shirt, a pair of stiff brown slacks, and I have the stupidest, ugliest fucking hat ever invented on my head. The hat is a brown bowl, and has a small orange propeller on top that spins in the slightest breeze. Not to mention I’m not smelling too fresh after my lack of shower last night and all the grease I’ve been working with.

  But damn if he doesn’t look at me like I’m the sexiest thing he’s ever seen.

  “You skipped out this morning without saying goodbye,” he says, his husky voice doing things to me.

  Yeah, I could lie and say I was worried about being late for work—that he looked so damn beautiful and peaceful I just didn’t have the heart to wake him—but that would be a lie. I slipped out because I wanted to escape. It was the only way I could make a clean break from him.

  But now he’s here.

  I swallow down the huge lump in my throat and ask, “How did you find me?”

  I can’t fucking believe this is happening right now.

  Colt straightens from the counter and slips his hand into his pocket, looking effortlessly at ease. I look him up and down. He’s dress in a dark gray suit with a pristine white shirt and a silky looking blue tie. He looks like he just stepped off of the cover of a magazine. There’s not a hair out of place, he looks too perfect. He’s so immaculate, so confident, he just seems to hold himself naturally as if he’s better.

  What the hell is a guy like him doing here? He doesn’t eat this crap, this is what us broke people eat. Why did he come find me?

  “I have my ways,” he answers, and I bet his ways involve Ray or Brianna. If it was her I swear I’m going to strangle her.

  “What do you want?” I ask now and cast a glance behind me. “I’m kinda busy.”

  He chortles. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah,” I frown and look back at him. There are no other customers, no coworkers. I’m all alone out here. But this my job, he shouldn’t be bothering me here. “Are you going to order something?”

  I hope he doesn’t. I hope he just goes. Maybe just the thought of eating this shit will scare him off. Seriously, what the fuck is he doing here?

  Go away and take your sexiness with you.

  I never dreamed he’d show up at my work, tempting me with himself, tempting me with memories. He’s so far away, there’s an entire counter between us, but he feels so close. Like my body, my very being is leaning towards him. I can feel all the little hairs on my arms standing on end and pointing towards him.

  Wasn’t last night just a one-time thing? If he wants a repeat performance I don’t think I can do it. My heart isn’t strong enough to endure another night without feelings getting involved. I’m not even sure I got away as it is unscathed.

  Just seeing him brings up all these weird feelings.

  He was in me, deep inside me. But no, not just with his penis, it was like he was staring into my soul.

  He looks me over without even glancing at the menu. “What do you recommend?”


  He looks like he wants to eat me.

  I gulp. “I can’t really recommend any of it.”

  He tips his head back and laughs. “You’re not the employee of the month, are you?”

  I sharply shake my head. I catch his eyes flicking up, I bet the stupid propeller is spinning on top of my stupid hat.

  “What time do you get off?”


  “I’d like to spend some more time with you.”

  I suck in a sharp breath. I’ve never felt more conflicted.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  He leans forward and he moves so easily, so fluidly as he closes the distance between us he reminds me of a big cat stalking its dinner. “Why?”

  My heart starts to hammer in my chest and I feel trapped by the intensity of his gaze. It’s just like when he was leaning me back on the settee in that red room but now he’s in my work and doing it over the counter.

  If my boss walks in I’m so fucked.

  “Why isn’t it a good idea, Whitney?” he asks and my eyes are drawn to his lips. They’re so soft, so full. I lick my own lips nervously and I’m struck by the sudden memory of his taste.

  The reasons me spending more time with him are endless: Because I’ll get attached. Because it’s too easy. Because I could get use to the money.

  Because he could hurt me.

  Because I want him too bad.

  “I’m exhausted,” I admit and take a quick step back, breaking our connection. “I didn’t get much sleep last night, and I’ve been on my feet since seven this morning.”

  He scowls deeply and I watch his brows knit together. “Then what the fuck are you doing here?”

  I hesitate because he looks pissed, and I’m not entirely sure why. Is it because I turned him down? Or maybe he feels guilty for keeping me up?

  “Because this is my job and if I don’t show up I get fired?”

  “You couldn’t call in sick?”

  I shake my head. “I’m not sick.”

  His eyes narrow. “How many days a week do you work?”

  “Why? What does it matter to you?”

  “Does what happened last night mean so little to you?”

  I jerk back with a gasp feeling like I was just slapped. Did it mean something to him? Is that why he’s here?

  But he couldn’t... I’m just being silly and getting my hopes up. He just wants someone he can buy and discard later.

  “I thought that was just a one-night thing?”

  He shakes his head slowly, his eyes never leaving me. “I was hoping to renegotiate our terms this morning but you were gone when I awoke.”

  “Hey!” my coworker Amanda calls out, walking in from the back door. I guess she’s back from her break. “It’s…” she pulls up short as she notices Colt then her lips spread into a wide smile.

  Colt completely ignores her. “What time do you get off?”

  Amanda looks from him to me, the fake smile still plastered on her face but now she looks confused.

  Shit. I need to get him out of here. Amanda is a notorious gossip, and I seriously don’t want my brothers to get wind of this.

  “I get off at seven.”

  He nods. “I’ll give you a ride home?”

  Fuck, I wish he wasn’t so damn nice. Now I know Amanda is going to tell everyone I left work with some high-rolling stranger.

  “So we can renegotiate the terms of the contract?” I ask, trying to make this situation sound like it’s legitimate business.

  Colt nods and grins. I smile tentatively back at him. I’m totally shooting my foot to spite my leg but I don’t know else what to do. I can’t let Amanda think there’s anything going on between Colt and I. The last thing I need is the entire community— much less my family— believing I’m a prostitute. But now I’ve pretty much told Colt I’m open to renegotiating our terms, no matter what I do it’s lose-lose.

  “Seven then,” Colt confirms, taking a step back.

  I nod. “Seven.”

  He grins and gives me a nod and finally acknowledges Amanda. “I’ll let you get back to work.”

  It’s everything I can do to just stand there and nod without somehow betraying myself. I feel Amanda watching us like a hawk, she must suspect somet
hing is up.

  Colt, realizing the situation is turning awkward, nods once more then turns sharply on his heel and walks out.

  The second the door swishes behind him Amanda rushes up to me and grabs my arm. “Who was that?” she asks.

  I shrug and try to look as nonchalant as possible. “Just a guy who wants to offer me a job.”

  Chapter Seven

  The last couple of hours of my shift at Burger Bell just drag on. At one point Brianna shows up but she’s so “busy” she doesn’t have time to talk. She’s just stopping in to get her clothes from me. It’s the perfect time to confront her over what happened but I just don’t have the heart to do it. She looks even more tired than I feel, and a little strung-out. I know she has a baby to take care of, and I came to her in a time of need, but I still feel like she deceived me. She refuses to look me in the eyes as I hand the naughty school girl outfit over to her, and from the way she’s acting, I almost have to wonder if she’s mad at me? If I remember correctly, she was acting all protective last night while we were in the dressing room. But once we were actually out on the floor she was a different person. She threw me to the wolves. Perhaps I never knew her. Perhaps after last night our friendship really is over? I don’t know. I guess only time will tell.

  After Brianna leaves, I feel like I’m in a stinky funk, and work slows back to a crawl.

  Even Luther and James showing up for dinner doesn’t make the time go any faster. We eat together, and they give me a status update on mom. According to them she hasn’t moved but she’s still snoring. Unfortunately, they can’t stay long, they both have homework that needs to be done and class first thing in the morning.

  As much as I want my shift to end though, I’m seriously conflicted. I’m dreading “renegotiating” the terms with Colt. This is a bad idea. Bad, bad, bad. I need him in my life as much as I need a heart attack.

  But he’s so hot.

  Fuck. I’m so screwed.

  He wants me. He wants me enough to hunt me down and show up at my work to find me. The more I remember it, the more I almost want to believe it was a hallucination brought on by too little sleep and inhaling too much grease. Except that Amanda won’t stop bugging me about it. She’s spent the last two hours trying to pry the details out of me.

  How did I meet him? What does he do for a living? What does he want me to do?

  So far I’ve managed to remain vague and say I just happened to run into the guy, and as to what he does or what he wants—her guess is as good as mine. I’m just going to give him the benefit of the doubt and hear him out, which is mostly true.

  I just hate lying, it’s always hard as hell to keep the facts straight, but I can’t just tell her the truth. I met him at a strip club. He propositioned me, offering me two thousand dollars for the night. We ended up having amazing, mind-blowing sex and I snuck out before he woke up. Now he’s back and he’s ready to make me another offer.

  I have this sinking feeling in the pit of my gut that the offer he means to make me is another offer I can’t refuse.

  I don’t think I’ve ever dreaded my shift ending before, but once seven rolls around I feel like I’m about to be sick. I take my time changing, slipping into fresh jeans and a t-shirt. I brush my hair out and stuff my uniforms in my bag. By the time I walk out the door it’s a quarter after seven.

  Colt’s little red coup is parked just outside the doors; I’ve probably kept him waiting.

  The driver’s side door pops open, but I shake my head at him and rush over to the passenger’s side. He scowls and gets out of the car anyway.

  Dammit. Why does he have to be so chivalrous? The less people that see me with him the better.

  Invading my personal space, he stands closer than necessary to open the car door for me, and I think I feel his hand brush against the small of my back. I have to take a deep, calming breath. I’m so wired-up, my body wants to jump away from him.

  Once the door is fully open, I move forward to slide in but Colt’s hand on my arm stops me.

  “Are you alright?” he asks, his eyes full of concern.

  No, I’m not alright. There’s something seriously wrong with me. Colt is a walking, talking wet dream. He’s chivalrous, attentive, attractive, rich, smart and he’s great in bed. And I’m freakin’ terrified to be seen with him.

  It’s official, I’m insane.

  I open my mouth, not sure what to say.

  “Whitney,” Colt rumbles and pulls me into his arms. I shouldn’t do it, but I can’t help it. I feel myself melting against him as his arms wrap around me.

  I close my eyes, grab at his shirt, and bury my face into his chest. His hands rub up and down my back soothingly. This feels too good, too right—he smells so good I must be dreaming.

  “You’ve had a very long day,” Colt breathes warmly into my ear.

  I nod my head, still unable to speak.

  “Do you want to come back to my place and get some sleep?”

  Yes, I definitely want to do that. But I shake my head. “I can’t.”

  “Why? I’ll make sure you have everything you need.”

  “I have to go home. My brothers are expecting me.”

  “Okay.” Colt says, his arms tightening. “I’ll give you a ride. We can talk on the way.”

  I nod my head and reluctantly peel myself off of his chest. He was so warm, so safe, I could so snuggle up to him all day.

  I slide into the car and Colt gently shuts the door behind me. I drop the bag that I carry all my crap around in to the floor, between my feet. As I’m fastening my seat belt, I look up and out the windshield. Amanda is staring out of Burger Bell’s window with her jaw dropped, gaping stupidly at us.

  Shit. There goes keeping this on the down-low.

  Colt slides behind the wheel. “Ready?”

  “Yeah,” I force a smile. I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.

  His hand brushes across my thigh before he shifts the car into gear and pulls out. “Where are we heading?”

  “Ashley Grove. Oak Lane.”

  Colt’s eyes flick to me in surprise. Well, I guess whoever told him where I work didn’t tell him everything about me.

  Ashley Grove is the bottom of the bottom, the kind of neighborhood you only live in when you have no other choice. The streets are neglected; the buildings are decrepit. It would be the perfect backdrop for one of those post-apocalyptic movies. The few well-meaning residents that reside there are all that keep it from completely rotting away. There have been some revitalization attempts recently, but the hustlers always run the do-gooders off. The only reason I live in the area—in a tiny two-bedroom apartment with my brothers—is because my mother got us evicted from every other affordable place. If you don’t live in Ashley Grove, you only go there if you’re looking for certain things. Things such as drugs, weapons or loose women. It’s not the kind of place you head to just to hang.

  “You know where it is?” I ask, testing him. Will he play stupid or act polite?

  His jaw clenches and he nods his head. “I do. I’ve been there a few times.”

  “You have?” I ask, and now it’s my time to be surprised.

  “Yeah, back in high school. A few guys on the team lived there.”

  “What team?” I ask, relaxing against my seat.

  Colt grins. “I played football in high school.”


  “Yeah, and in college. I almost went pro, everyone expected me to.”

  “Almost?” I ask and turn in my seat until I’m facing him. Mostly, he keeps his eyes glued to the road, but every few seconds his eyes slide over to me.

  “Yeah, I got hurt. Tore my ACL. Took a year to recover. That year gave me a lot of time to do some serious thinking. Ended up deciding I rather be involved with the sport through the business side of things.”

  “So you got hurt and decided to be an agent?”

  “Yeah, that about sums it up.”

  There’s a moment of quiet, and I could let it be. I
could just sit here and completely enjoy myself, staring at him until he’s ready to renegotiate that contract with me. Colt is focused on driving, so I’m watching all the different colored lights play across his face. But I’m curious about Colt. I want to know more about him.

  “What position did you play?”

  His eyes swing towards me, laughing. “You’ve seriously never heard of me?”

  I shake my head. “No.” Should I know who he is? Is he famous or something?

  “I played quarterback.”

  “That’s the position my oldest brother plays.”

  “Does he play for Washington High?”


  “So you’re Luther’s big sis, eh?”

  My blood chills—how does he know my brother? Is he a crazy stalker or something?

  Stopping at a light, his eyes roam over me. “I don’t see the resemblance to be honest. No offense…”

  “We have different fathers,” I croak out. In fact, all three of us do. Three deadbeat fathers between us, and there would probably be more if my mother was able to have more babies. “How do you know my brother?”

  “I wouldn’t be a good agent if I didn’t scope out the local talent.”

  I let a relieved breath hiss out between my teeth. “You’ve looked into him?”

  “Yeah, he’s got a great arm. He’s caught a lot of eyes. Where’s he going for college?”

  “He’s going to State, they offered him a full ride.”

  “They’re lucky to have him. If he plays it smart, he’ll make it to the big league. Has he met with any agents?”

  “I don’t know…” I’ve been too busy with work to keep up with Luther’s football stuff. I helped him with his college applications, but most of the stuff was worked out between him, the recruiters, and the coaches.

  “Probably not. Is this the right street?” he asks, the car slowing.

  We’re here already? I peek out the window, and sure enough, we’ve made it to my street. “Yeah, it’s the second building on the right.”

  The car slowly rolls up to my building. He parks us at the curb but leaves the car idling.


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