Letting Him In

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Letting Him In Page 15

by Izzy Sweet

  He pushes back up, his head rising above my head. “Look at me,” he growls as I try to turn my face away. “Look at me,” he demands as his fingers wrap around my chin, forcing me to do it. I want to fight it; I want to continue hiding it. “What is it? Don’t lie to me.”

  I don’t know, I want to say, but he just told me not to lie. Honestly, I think I’ve known for a while now what the problem is, I just haven’t been able to accept it.

  I stare into his eyes, feeling him see me, truly seeing me.

  “Why are you so afraid of me?” he frowns. “Why?” Pressing my lips together, I remain silent, and he snaps, “Tell me, dammit!”

  There’s so much pleading in his eyes, so much need to understand, and I know by not telling him the truth I’m just hurting him. The last fucking thing I want to do is hurt this wonderful, beautiful man. He’s given me so much, done so much for me, and what has he asked in return? Only that I be honest with him.

  I’m so tired of fighting it, so tired of denying it.

  It’s time I owned this.

  I close my eyes and it feels like letting go, like falling off the edge as I admit softly, “I think I love you.”

  He’s quiet for a long time before I work up the nerve to open my eyes and peek up at him.

  “You love me?” he asks, his voice barely above a whisper. He stares down at me like I’m the most beautiful thing in the world. Like his arms are wide open to catch me.

  “Yes,” I nod my head and feel tears stinging my eyes. “I love you, and it fucking terrifies me.”

  The corners of his lips quirk up and his own eyes glisten a little bit. I’m glad one of us is finding amusement in this. I’m so twisted up with emotion I feel like I’m about to be sick.

  He leans down and his lips brush against mine in a soft, caressing kiss. “That’s the way love is supposed to feel. And I should know, I’ve been fucking terrified for months now.”

  “You have?”

  “Yes,” he nods and then his lips brush against mine again, easing my uneasiness. The more he kisses me, the safer I feel opening up for him. “I’ve known I love you for months now. I fucking love you, Whitney, and I swear on all that I am I will never hurt you.”

  To finally have the words out there, to finally admit what I’ve been denying is such a huge weight off of me. Such a huge relief. And to know he loves me too. To know that Colton Jackson loves me.


  It’s amazing. There’s no other way to describe it—it’s just fucking amazing.

  I was falling but now I’m soaring.

  “Everything I am, everything I have, it’s yours. All I need is you,” he continues.

  “Colt,” I groan, arching up, my mouth seeking his. He loosens his grip a little, allowing me to move as he meets me halfway in the middle.

  I don’t know how long we kiss, I just know that it will never be long enough. He drags his lips away from mine and nuzzles his nose against mine. We’re just breathing each other in.

  “You will never hurt me?” I ask him softly, needing to hear it again.

  “Never,” he says so fiercely, so adamantly, I feel my heart finally surrender.

  I’m his. Every tingling, throbbing part of me belongs to him.

  Once more I feel tears sting my eyes. I’ve never had someone to protect me, besides my little brothers, it’s always been me, on my own. Parents? Ha. What parents? What family? To have someone else to lean on, to have someone who wants nothing from me but for me to be me…

  “Is this a dream?” I whisper hoarsely, fighting against the tears.

  For once I no longer feel like I’m alone in the world. For once I have someone to turn to.

  I have Colton Jackson.

  Colt rolls his hips, grinding his hard erection into me. “I can assure you this is very much real.”

  One tear escapes, and before I can stop it, another quickly follows. “You’re giving me so much. I don’t have much to give you.”

  “Haven’t you been listening?” Colt growls. “All I need is you.”

  “But it’s not enough,” I argue.

  Colt shakes his head and his hand tightens on my wrists. “I never want to hear you say that again. Understand?”

  I lower my lashes and look away from him. I’m flushing with heat and buzzing with emotion.

  “I’m serious,” he insists, grinding into me again with a smooth roll of his hips while nudging my chin with his nose until I’m looking back at him. “Don’t talk about yourself like that. When you do, you’re insulting me.”

  “I’m sorry,” I sigh not necessarily agreeing with him but not wishing to have an argument after everything we just shared. “Here,” I roll my hips back, rubbing myself against him. “Let me make it up to you.”

  Colt groans deep in his throat, pressing his body down. Letting all his weight drop onto me. “Fuck, I love you. I need to be inside you.”

  “Please,” I pant, feeling the strongest need to be joined and connected with him. I can’t help myself, I can’t stop myself from rolling my hips, from rubbing my throbbing sex against him. I need relief, I need some kind of stimulation. “I want to feel all of your skin touching my skin.”

  With a guttural groan, Colt pushes off of me and practically rips down his pants. I hear stitches popping and fabric ripping. Then he’s tearing off the remains of my skirt and blouse until I’m completely naked.

  “You are so beautiful. So fucking exquisite,” he says, his gaze scorching over me with desire, lingering on the rising and falling peaks of my breasts. I’ve never felt more beautiful the way he looks at me. He looks at me as if I’m perfect.

  He lowers back down, completely covering me with the size of his body. I feel so small, shadowed beneath him. He could snap me like a twig.

  “Open for me, love,” he requests, his knees nudging at my knees.

  I suck in a sharp breath as I spread my legs and the tip of his cock meets my soaked lips.

  Colt curses and stiffens. I can feel the muscles in his thighs flexing against mine as he tells me, “You’re so damn wet.”

  I arch up, writhing beneath him and rocking my hips so that his cock slides through my lips. “You’re so damn big.”

  Colt curses and I can hear his teeth grinding together as his jaw clenches. “Don’t tease me, dammit. I won’t be able to hold back.”

  He didn’t let me hold anything back…

  “Don’t you hold out on me,” I narrow my eyes up at him and lift my butt off the bed. “I want all you.”

  “Fuck,” he growls as he slowly begins to sink his length into me.

  “All of you, Colt,” I sigh, arching up. “All of you, my love.”

  “I love you,” he rasps, filling me up with every velvety inch.

  He just holds himself there, seemingly content to stay like this. I can’t take it anymore. I squirm but he doesn’t get the hint. I’m throbbing, my walls are pulsing. I wrap my legs around his hips and dig my heels into his ass.

  “Colt,” I whine. “I love you. Please… you’re torturing me.”

  “You just feel so good. So warm, so tight… so damn wet.”

  My fingers flex when he still doesn’t move, my nails trying to find purchase on his restraining hand. “Colt!”

  Finally, he moves. Pulling back his hips, sliding out of me until I flex my thighs, trying to bring him back in. “Whose body is this?”

  Fuck. Is he seriously going to do this?

  He pulls almost all the way out, until I’m left with just the tip.

  “Whose?” he demands more forcibly as I just pant up at him.

  “Yours,” I answer.

  “And don’t you fucking forget it,” he grunts as he slams himself back in.

  The sensation is so sudden, so sharp, I cry out with my head falling back.

  He pulls back out just as fast, and before I have time to process what is happening, he’s slamming into me over and over again.

  “You’re mine. Mine, dammit,” he grunts an
d huffs between his thrusts, aiming his hips in such a way that he keeps connecting with my clit. Sending me quickly spiraling towards my orgasm.

  “I’m yours, yours,” I moan in encouragement, and he just seems to snap. His hand releases my hands, and then he’s grabbing me by the back of the head.

  He stares into my eyes with his fingers curling in my hair, ensuring I don’t look away from him as his cock pounds me into oblivion.

  “I love you,” he professes with such honesty, with such vulnerability in his baby blue eyes, my body trembles with the first hint of my orgasm.

  “I love you too,” I cry out as I explode. My world flooded with intense sensation and warmth.

  Colors dance in front of my eyes as my muscles lock up, but through the haze I can still see him. All of me is connected to him. We are one. Two pieces that were always meant to fit.

  Above me Colt jerks with a grimace, losing his rhythm. I can feel him swelling up inside me as my walls milk and squeeze him. He was already big, but now he’s filling me up to the point where I’m afraid I might burst.

  “God,” he groans with a shudder, and collapses on top of me. Spent.

  He’s heavy but there’s something about the weight of him. It feels good, and too right. Somehow I don’t feel squished.

  “Are you okay?” he asks after we catch our breath.

  I still haven’t found my voice yet so I just smile and nod my head.

  He doesn’t appear to be convinced. With a frown, he wraps his arms around me and takes me with him as he rolls onto his back.

  “Mmm, that’s better,” he murmurs softly.

  He strokes my hair tenderly and I feel myself begin to drift off as I snuggle up to his chest.

  I love this man. Oh, how I love this man. It feels so silly now that I tried for so long fight it. I can’t believe I almost missed out on this.

  “Whoever compared an orgasm to dying was an idiot.”

  It takes a couple of minutes for his words to finally sink in.


  “Yeah,” he says, looking down at me with a grin. “Losing myself inside of you is the best damn moment I’ve ever lived.


  One week later

  * * *

  “Are you ready yet?” Colt asks impatiently, checking the watch on his wrist again.

  “Yeah, just a minute,” I smile at him and throw a couple of extra pairs of panties in my bag.

  Colt scowls at the panties. “You won’t be needing them.”

  I just roll my eyes, but I know with Colt’s love of tearing clothing off of me most of these panties probably won’t be making it back. This is my first trip. I’ve never traveled before, never taken a trip anywhere. I don’t know exactly what I need, and I don’t want to be caught unprepared so I’ve decided to just pack two of everything.

  After all the stuff that happened last week, Colt, my brothers and I are finally moving into together. We signed three days ago on this four-bedroom luxury condo on Mockingbird, and ever since everything has been moving so fast. Yesterday, the movers brought the stuff my brothers and I wanted to keep from our last apartment. And today Colt’s things arrived. So I guess we’re officially all living together. We’re seriously doing this.

  “If you forget something, we can just buy it for you.”

  “Oh, yeah?” I ask, glancing up at him. Yeah, maybe I’ve packed a little too much. I’m squishing my clothes down into the bag with all the strength I have in me so I can get it to zip. “Now that you’ve given me everything, I’m worth what? A couple million?”

  Colt’s eyes dance with mirth as he approaches to help me with the bag. He leans over me, pushing my clothes down so I can pull the zipper. “You’re worth a little more than that,” he breathes into my ear.

  “Oh?” I ask while yanking hard on the zipper. It budges, a little.


  “How much more.”

  “Take a guess.”

  “Ten million?” I ask, thinking that’s just an absurd number as it is.

  Colt shakes his head, “More.”

  Holy shit.


  “Keep on going.”


  He chuckles. “I’ll give you a hint—you’re going to need to add at least another digit.”

  No freakin’ way.

  I stop yanking on the zipper just to gape at him. “If you’re worth a hundred million dollars why are you working as a sports agent?”

  With one hand, Colt keeps my clothing compressed while he tugs on the zipper for me. Of course the stubborn zipper zips for him. “I like what I do. I like helping the green kids just out of high school or college so they don’t get taken advantage of.”

  That makes more sense. But still, “One hundred million?” I repeat in disbelief. “Is the agency really so lucrative?

  “No,” Colt laughs and lifts up my bag. He grunts with the effort and gives me a look I pretend I don’t notice. “After I made my first million a buddy of mine convinced me to invest in some fitness tracking software he was developing.”

  “Those fitness bracelet things that guilt you into moving?”

  “Yeah,” Colt smirks. “Them.”

  “So you’ve made a hundred million dollars from a lucky investment?”

  “No,” he shakes his head and his eyes soften. “I had a gut feeling and I trusted it.”

  “Just like us?” I ask, lifting up on my tiptoes to give him a quick kiss.

  “Yes, just like us,” he smiles and we head for the door but then he just stops. “But you still haven’t guessed correctly.”

  I’m just about to ask if he’s worth two hundred million as we walk into the living room, heading for the front door, but I’m brought up short as we stumble across Luther and Elizabeth kissing.

  I gasp before I know what’s happening and the two jump away from each other, both of their faces flushing red.

  My mouth moves, and all that comes out of me is a lot of sputtering. I want to say something, but I don’t know what to say. Colt moves me forward with a stern look on his face and firm hand on my back.

  “Shouldn’t we…”

  “Keep on moving,” Colt presses.


  “They’re adults.”

  “But she’s supposed to be supervising them.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she’ll do a lot of that,” Colt laughs.

  Damn him. I smack at his arm, but I feel myself finding the humor in it. Luther and Elizabeth are both adults and my brother is a good guy.

  I let out long breath and do my best not to glance back. “I can trust him.”

  “You can,” Colt agrees popping open the trunk on his car and throwing my bag in.

  “I can trust James too.”

  After helping me into my side, Colt slides behind the steering wheel.

  “Ready, love?”

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I smile over at him.

  Colt starts the engine and pulls us away from the curb. Just as we’re merging onto the highway, leaving behind all the rush hour traffic, he says, “You still haven’t guessed correctly.”

  I’ve got nothing better to do but to stare out the window until we get to the airport so I guess I’ll give it another crack. “Two hundred million?”




  “Five hundred million?”

  He shakes his head and hits the gas. “You’re getting closer…”

  By the way he keeps smirking and chuckling, I get the feeling I’m going to need to add another digit.

  * * *

  The End

  * * *

  Continue reading for previews of other works by Izzy Sweet

  Also by Izzy Sweet

  The Pounding Hearts Series

  Banging Reaper (Chase & Avery)

  Slamming Demon (Brett & Mandy)

  Bucking Bear (Max & Grace)

  Coming Soon, (Alexand
er and Christy)

  * * *

  Letting Him In

  Stepbrother Catfish

  * * *

  Dark Romance

  Keeping Lily

  About the Author

  Izzy Sweet hails from Cincinnati, Ohio where she lives with her husband, two wild boys, and two fuzzy Shih Tzus. Izzy Sweet is the Contemporary Romance alter ego of Paranormal/Science Fiction Romance author Sara Page.

  * * *

  Want Izzy’s books for free? Join her ARC team: http://dirtynothings.com/free-books/

  For more information:



  [email protected]

  Banging Reaper

  Also by Izzy Sweet


  I like to hurt. I fucking love to cause pain.

  Punching someone hard in the face isn't much better than sticking my hard cock into some tight little cunt, but it sure comes damn close.

  I love the feel of my body slamming into another body as hard as I can. I like locking them up in an unmovable position and making them submit to my will. Hell, I like doing that with women just as much as I do an opponent.

  Although I don't hit women, and I’ll fuck up any piece of shit I catch doing it.

  I dodge quickly to the left as I stick out a couple of jabs at the shadow on the wall in front of me. I can already feel my skin slightly sweating, my body slowly loosening up from all the tension that’s built up from the last week or so. Instead of tensing up I loosen up and feel the energy that flows into me. It’s a heady mix of anticipation and adrenaline. If I could bottle up this feeling and sell it I would be the world’s wealthiest person.

  I've never tried drugs, but I wonder if they can even come close to the feeling right before and during a fight.

  “Remember Chase, this guy has had pushovers to get to this point. He's never had a straight ground and pounder coming at him,” Dale, my trainer says. He’s as close to a brother as I can imagine having. I don’t exactly come from a big family. It’s me and Dad and maybe some cousins off in the distance.


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