Fatal Fiction (Harbour Bay Book 5)

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Fatal Fiction (Harbour Bay Book 5) Page 11

by Camille Taylor

  He found her obsession with height adorable.

  Riley was adorable. Every sassy comment and interchangeable mood. He loved seeing Riley. The real Riley. The whole Riley. Horns and all.

  He also had a fondness for those heels and how long they made her legs appear. Not to mention what they did to her arse which were currently adorned in a pair of dark blue jeans. A hip-length pink T-shirt with a V-neck made his mouth dry, her cleavage on spectacular display. She’d left her hair loose and the red curls framed her pretty heart-shaped face.

  She may not be a sporty girl and despite her foul disposition in the morning, every day he fell a little more in love with her. Every hour spent with her pained him, knowing he could never have her.

  He snagged her arm and prayed he didn’t mess this up further than he already had. Her face was pinched into a mutinous glare, her lips a thin unsmiling line. Yeah, she was pissed. Which wasn’t anything new around him. Except, not of late. No, they’d been having fun and getting along.

  A little too well.

  His mind flashed back to the night before. Would he never stop making mistakes around her?

  “I’m sorry.”

  And he was. He was being a prickly son-of-a-bitch and she didn’t deserve his attitude.

  “I just want to keep you safe.” The alternative wasn’t something he could stomach.

  He released her arm, having said all that he wanted.

  “I know, Nick.”

  He pushed her gently into his chair. He could’ve chosen Dean’s desk, since he wouldn’t be in to use it, but he didn’t want Riley sitting in anyone’s chair but his. He gave himself a mental forehead slap. What the hell had she done to him?

  “Stay.” It wasn’t so much an order as a suggestion. He’d have to try and remember to pose any future demands as such too. He didn’t want a repeat of today.

  Riley’s eyebrow rose. “You want me to roll over and fetch too?”

  Her light tone gave no malice to her words, though she wasn’t pleased with the direction.

  The knots in his belly eased, thankful they were back on even ground.

  “Maybe later, when we’re alone.” He winked, breathing easy. He didn’t want to go back to when he and Riley were strangers. So much had happened between them it seemed like such a waste. She was a unique woman full of sass and dry humour. Nick doubted he’d ever find another woman like her. He enjoyed her company more than anything.

  Leaving her to her own devices, under the careful watch of his colleagues he made his way back to the elevator. He groaned silently as Superintendent Amelia Donovan appeared beside him. She studied him as they waited for the elevator.

  “New recruit?” She turned to Riley who was currently leaning back in his chair, arms crossed defiantly beneath her breasts as she stared daggers at him. He wouldn’t be easily forgiven. Riley would plan to make him work for it.

  Nick ran his fingers through his hair. “Sort of. This is only temporary. I have a meeting in five I couldn’t postpone.”

  He couldn’t be sure Vanessa had bought Riley’s story and whether he’d seen the last of her finally. He didn’t trust she wouldn’t hurt Riley out of spite. Then there was Michelle.

  He knew he was overreacting but dammit someone wanted her dead and he wasn’t about to risk her life. Riley was right. Michelle was loyal to her but in his mind, all it took was for someone to overhear her or hell, even follow her. He just couldn’t get over that irrational fear lingering in the back of his mind that something would happen to her. Something out of his control.

  How could he let her out of sight wondering if he’d see her again? She meant so much to him. Not that she knew that. For the umpteenth time, he imagined a future with a Riley. Did he have the balls to risk everything for a chance at happiness? Did he even have the right to potentially screw up four lives? There was so much to consider and without knowing it’d be a sure thing he knew he would never take the leap. Never hold Riley in his arms for any other reason than friendship.

  And if he was being honest with himself he wanted to be close to Riley. Just being near her soothed him and irritated him and sent desire coursing through his blood. Damn, he loved her.

  The emotion was becoming easier to knowledge and yet his heart squeezed knowing he couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

  “It sounds like you’ve got your hands full. How are you doing? Need me to assign someone else to the case?”

  He and Amelia had a tenuous past. What more could he say? Amelia was a straight-laced, get down to business woman. He was a let’s add a little levity joke and a bad taste pun to the tense situation. They had clashed more than once, Amelia not appreciating his humour and now she was his boss. Well, everybody’s boss—the Superintendent of Harbour Bay’s LAC and a damn fine one at that. But, of course, the entire team all knew she would be.

  “No, I’m fine.”

  Light brown eyes looked at him sympathetically. “This has to be hard for you, considering you’ve got the hots for her.”

  Nick looked away from Amelia for a second as he regained his composure. Heartfelt talks with Amelia Donovan were not run of the mill and he needed a second to assure himself he wasn’t dreaming. “Yeah well, you don’t have to worry. I’m keeping her at arm’s length. Although it’s difficult to remain cold and indifferent towards her.” He shrugged, wishing to change the subject but knew she wouldn’t let it drop. “Besides I’m a professional I never get involved with people I work with.”

  Amelia snorted. “Famous last words. Examples A, B and C are sitting over there.” She motioned towards his team. “Even Dean the straight arrow with all the rules. Where is he now? At home with his wife and baby. You’re the last single Detective I have. I don’t want to lose you to a red-headed imp.” Her tone was teasing. “With you going the ranks of the married who’ll do the shit shifts?”

  He skipped over the married comment, not because he was afraid but how it made him feel, his heart pounding with joy. But it would never happen. He hadn’t even kissed Riley yet, not that he didn’t want to, because boy did he want to. If it was up to him, she’d be flat on her back and he’d be buried inside her. He cleared his throat and answered Amelia’s question. “What about Watson? He’s got a good head on his shoulders, not a cocky son-of-a-bitch and is a team player.”

  Amelia’s short shoulder length hair pulled back into her usual tight ponytail barely moved as she nodded in agreement. Dressed in black dress pants and her white button-up blouse, the combination brought her mocha coloured skin to attention. Amelia was a nice package, had all the womanly curves and a die for figure, breasts that were neither small or large, an arse that was the perfect shape. He had to admit even though she never enhanced her beauty she was more than just ‘easy on the eyes’ and if she ever thought he was thinking about her in that way she’d pound him into the floor and step on him with her size seven all-purpose leather boots.

  “Yeah well, I’ve got my eye on him. He’s still young and impressionable. I’m in the process of moulding that sharp mind of his now,” Amelia said oblivious to his wandering mind.

  The doors to the elevator opened and Nick waited for Amelia to precede him. She gave off a prickly feminist vibe but like most women he knew appreciated a man treating her like a woman when the occasion called for it. So long as it had no bearings on the way she conducted her business affairs and didn’t get in the way of doing her job. In a man’s world which was unfortunately, the world Amelia was involved in, being a woman was seen as a disease and the slightest feminine action was seen as a weakness and a reason she shouldn’t be in such a stressful and demanding position. Nick hated men who were concerned about looking bad next to a woman or having one show him up and hated accepting that a woman was just as good, if not, better than him at a job. Every man and woman had their strengths, that didn’t mean they should stick to social acceptance of what they should be.

  “See, you have no worries. Not that I’m about to jump into bed with Riley.” H
e looked over at the woman longingly right before the doors closed.

  Amelia rolled her eyes. “Hit the gym, Doyle before you self-combust. God knows why Matthews sent you to meet with her. The whole team knows you want to sleep with her.”

  Nick grimaced. He didn’t like everyone knowing his business. “Looks like you just answered your own question.”

  The doors opened again and Amelia stepped out holding her hand over the sensor so it the doors wouldn’t close just yet. “Just wait until he gets off paternity leave. I’m going to kick his butt.”

  Nick grinned. “Be gentle with him, Megan wants at least two kids.”

  Chapter 18

  She couldn’t focus. The noise surrounding Riley too loud for her to concentrate on the words before her and she owed her writers her full and undivided attention. She tapped her fingernails against his utilitarian desk in a steady beat.

  Everything inside her was a mess. From Nick’s disturbing behaviour this morning to how he made her feel. He’d been a real jerk and yet, surprisingly she forgave him. Oh, she still planned on giving him hell or he may just forget this horrid day and repeat the same mistakes. She didn’t want that. What did she want?

  Other than Nick? She wanted more days like the ones they’d been having.

  She had expected to be bored. Rushing to meetings and busting to meet a deadline was what her usual day consisted of. She often had contained energy bursting to get out but otherwise, Riley was surprised—and a little scared how easy she’s eased back and allowed someone else to take the reins.

  She shouldn’t have been surprised. Riley had never planned on being a career woman, but events of her past had made one, chasing away the memories and recriminations with long hours and hard work. Thankfully, she loved what she did. Time had made her forget that fact.

  Unsure what to do next she lifted up Nick’s handset and made a few calls, the first to Michelle to ensure all was running smoothly. Her assistant assured her all was in hand. She should learn to trust Michelle. There was nothing her assistant couldn’t do, all she needed was a chance to prove herself.

  Which Riley’s circumstances had provided. She chewed on her lip. Hopefully, Nick’s mind would not make the same links she just did. Riley trusted Michelle. She certainly didn’t want her protector to alienate one of her few friends and one hell of a loyal assistant.

  Next, she called Megan to arrange her weekly dinner with the Matthews family. Not only was she good friends with Megan and Dean she also wanted to be a permanent fixture in her goddaughter’s life and watching Heather grow into a little lady tugged at her heart.

  As she waited for Megan to answer, Riley looked down at the only adornment on Nick’s desk, a framed photograph from what looked like last Christmas of him and his family. All five Doyle children had matching dark hair and blue eyes, one of his sisters she noticed was pregnant and another had some highlights in her hair. They appeared to have gotten the best of both parents, their mother’s eyes and the girls her body. Nick was built like his father, strong and tall. His mother’s hair was dark brown, stylishly cut that made use of her waves and looked like the perfect mum and grandmother. The kind that sat down after dinner with her children and helped them with their homework. His father had almost black hair streaked with silver and was sporting a large proud smile on his face and Riley could see why. What man, woman or child wouldn’t be proud of a family like that?

  A voice came onto the line and snapped Riley out of her reverie. “What took you so long?” Was something wrong? Megan did sound a little out of breath. A thought suddenly popped into her mind that maybe she had interrupted some mummy and daddy athletics. She blushed and prayed Megan said something, anything but that.

  “Sorry. I just came back from mummy and me classes and Dean’s doing the shopping so he’s not here. I didn’t want to miss the call so Heather and I jogged to the phone.”

  “Oh.” Thank God. She cleared her throat. “I just wanted to know how you are and check that everything’s okay for my night.” The line was silent for a moment and Riley imagined Megan nodding. “Megan? You know I can’t see you right?”

  “Oh yes, everything is fine. We’ll see you here and there’s no need to bring anything.” She yawned. “I’m sorry I’m all tuckered out. The mothers and I have been doing a formulated exercise program with the kids so we can a) stay fit and be healthy and b) bond with our children. But Heather is getting to that age where she weighs a ton and lifting her up and down and side to side is killing me.”

  Riley laughed, placing her feet up on Nick’s desk, crossing one ankle over the other. “Seriously you use the children like dumbbells?”

  “Ah huh. Natalie told me all about it, she did it with Maddie and got Kellie onto it with Cam and she told me she’ll be doing again with the bub.”

  An ache started in her heart. All the feelings she’d tried to ignore since she’d been eighteen rushing back. Love. Family. She was envious of her friend.

  Hating herself, she stamped out her reaction. She had her career. That would have to do. Megan and their friends’ happy families just weren’t in the cards.

  Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them back. She needed a project fast before her pity party became an all-out grand affair.

  A cold shiver ran down her spine. She had to do something. She couldn’t just sit around and hope for the best. Not when hers and another innocent woman’s lives were at stake.

  But she was an editor, what the hell could she do to help? She’d already done her best, answering all the questions Nick fired at her, adding in things she felt were pertinent but they were still no closer to finding him. Their only hope was finding the other target before he got his hands on her. Maybe she could shed some light on the matter. Riley’s stomach twisted with fear and concern and also helplessness. She’d hadn’t believed she’d ever feel that way again yet here she was, reliving the same emotions she had when she was nineteen.

  If anyone understood her feelings, it would be Megan.

  She pushed back against her fears and focused on her anger.

  At some point, Matt, James and Darryl had returned and spoke in soft tones in front of whiteboard a few meters away. Despite them being so close, she’d never felt more alone. Only one man appeared to be able to fill that void. The bastard. She so hadn’t forgiven him.

  “How’re things going with you? Nick driving you crazy yet?”

  Megan didn’t know the half of it. Crazy to strip him down. Crazy to the point she wanted to pull out her hair…or shoot him.

  “He’s dragged me to the LAC. Something about not trusting me alone. Overreacting much? He’s overbearing, unreasonable, dictatorial, arrogant, stubborn, and I don’t like it one bit.”

  While what she said was true, mostly she was listing his annoying qualities to remind herself.

  “Sounds like you’re describing yourself, Ri.”

  She made a sound indicating what she thought if that.

  “You just don’t like it because Nick is one of the few people you can’t boss around or intimidate. Hell, even my husband is slightly terrified of you and your threats.”

  She leaned back in the chair and put her feet up on the desk.

  “I think that’s more the registered handgun in my name.”

  “Or what you promised to do with it, should he hurt me.” Megan chuckled. “Now back to you and Nick.”

  Riley’s lips flattened. There was no her and Nick. And with the way the irritating man was manhandling her she wondered why it bothered her so much.

  Megan’s voice interrupted her thoughts. “You like situations you can control. But Nick, he’s a real man. You have to learn to compromise.”

  Her back stiffened in outrage and with a whip of her legs, had them flat against the floor.

  “What about him? I’ve compromised plenty. I’ve practically given up my job. My apartment. My freedom.”

  The last one was the worse. She didn’t like being confined. It wasn’t in her natur

  “He’s the problem. He challenges me at every turn.”

  Megan made a sound suspiciously like a snort.

  The hairs on the back of her neck raised a fraction too late. In the next instant, a shadow crossed the desk and she stared into his baby blues. She tried swallowing, her throat dry and found she had trouble.

  “Ah, Megs. I have to call you back.”

  Nick’s gaze drilled into her. She smiled brightly at him.


  “You can’t stay out of trouble, can you? Haven’t we just gone over this?”

  Her smile faded away and she barely resisted to roll her eyes. “Calm down, it was only Meg. I wasn’t calling the Tribute to place an ad in the paper.”

  A muscle ticked in his cheek. She could tell she was pushing his buttons. Good. He did the same to her.

  He grunted at her answer. “Let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?”

  Nick pinched the bridge of his nose. “Must you question absolutely everything?”

  “Well, yes.”

  After the last time she’d gone along for the ride, she’d learned to ask questions before agreeing.

  “Someplace safe.”

  She glanced around the office. “As opposed to here?”

  “You can’t stay here all day.”

  “And if I refuse?”

  Huffing out a breath, he leaned down and rested his palms on the armrests, effectively caging her in.

  “Just give me an excuse to hurl you over my shoulder.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “You wouldn’t!”

  “Test me and find out.” He pushed away and collected her coat from the back of his chair and held it out to her.

  She knew better than to push him any further and quickly stood to allow him to assist her.

  His fingers brushed against the back of her neck, sending a sizzle of awareness down her spine. The intimacy of him helping her into it pierced her heart. He treated her gently, reverently. She felt cherished.

  Silly heart. Who gave it permission to become so foolish and romantic?


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