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A World Without Police

Page 31

by Geo Maher

colonialism as form of, 166

  community as antidote of, 155

  community policing. See community policing

  as dismal failure, 217

  emergence of professional policing, 25

  as functioning as linchpin of US capitalism, 44

  imperial policing, 38

  as inseparable from whiteness (white power), 23–4

  militarization of, 31, 32–3, 34

  proactive policing, 42, 65, 74

  as racist, 27–8

  racist policing, 26, 51, 62

  as racket, 215–16

  regional policing strategies, 166–7

  sanitized language of, 36

  society as built around, 10

  as third rail of American politics, 227

  tragic origin story of, 103

  in US as vaster than any other in the world, 31

  US budget for, 34


  law-and-order politics, 22, 31, 43, 51, 54, 102, 111, 183, 219, 221

  police as becoming local kingmakers, 104

  policing as third rail of American politics, 227

  poor communities of color

  as bearing twin brunts of social abandonment and police violence, 34

  Black police commissioners in Philadelphia as heaping disproportionate brutality on, 27

  capitalism as abandoning of to radical vulnerability and early death, 162

  causes of violence within, 30

  criminalization of, 200

  disciplinary function of schools in, 148

  dismantling of access to care and treatment for, 52

  police as exacerbating social inequalities in, 88

  policing of as militarized, 73

  racist brutality meted out by police and vigilantes on, 29

  racist pathologization of, 30

  SROs in, 37

  work of CARA in, 143

  poor whites

  as bought off with wages of whiteness, 44

  as choosing race over class, 13, 24, 55, 103, 194

  as police, 100

  privileges of, 24

  racist policing as conscripting of, 51

  in slave patrols, 23, 200

  as voting for more police, 26

  Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO), 170

  Portland, Oregon

  anti-ICE protests in, 190

  police lieutenant as collaborator with Patriot Prayer, 220

  protests in, 9

  shooting of white supremacist by anti-fascist in, 9

  Posse Comitatus, 20

  Powderhorn Safety Collective, 134

  practical abolitionism, 135–6

  Preliminary Arraignment Reporting System (PARS), 190

  Presley, Ayanna, 91

  Press, Alex, 119–20


  by deterrence, 187

  funding for, 135, 136

  prison-industrial complex (PIC), 15

  “Prison Nation,” 36

  prisons. See also school-to-prison pipeline

  building alternatives to, 11

  Camden, New Jersey, as “open-air prison,” 150

  feedback loop between ghettoes and, 26

  prison-industrial complex (PIC), 15

  private security apparatus, 34, 43

  proactive policing, 42, 65, 74

  procedural justice, as topic of police reform, 74, 80, 87–8, 130

  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), study by, 48, 49


  anti-ICE protests in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 190

  anti-ICE protests in Portland, Oregon, 190

  following police killing of George Floyd, 1–2, 3, 6–7, 20, 63, 84, 93, 99, 112, 129, 130, 134, 147, 151, 178, 180–1, 190, 202, 214, 221, 223, 227

  following police killing of Mike Brown, 42, 83, 177, 178

  killing of protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin, by white supremacist, 9, 221

  military force used against in Birmingham, Alabama, 43, 83, 178

  military force used against protesters in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 83

  #OccupyICE protests in San Antonio, Texas, 207

  in Portland, Oregon, 9

  violence against protesters in Albuquerque, New Mexico, 8

  violence against protesters in Austin, Texas, 8, 223

  violence against protesters in Salt Lake City, 8

  Proud Boys, 221

  Puerto Rico

  creation of survival programs in, 175, 176

  Cure Violence model in town of Loíza, 174–5

  Purnell, Derecka, 91

  qualified immunity, 91, 111, 122

  racial bias, 50

  racial profiling, 49, 219

  racist policing, 26, 27–8, 48, 51, 62, 198

  Raider Nation Collective, 159

  Rainbow Coalition, 139

  Ramos, Manuel, 54

  Ramsey, Charles, 79, 80, 97

  Rangel, Charles, 29

  rape, by cop, 56–8

  rape crisis centers, 143–4

  rape kits, 55, 130

  rapid-response networks, 138

  Rawlings-Blake, Stephanie, 108–9

  Reagan, Ronald, 29

  Real ID Act (2005), 189

  Reclaim the Block, 130, 132


  cops as born from wreckage of, 224

  as dyad with abolition, 12

  failure of, 13, 14, 24, 42

  Red Guards, 139

  Reed, Adolph, 49–50, 52

  Regional Coordinator of Community Authorities (CRAC), 171, 172

  Reinoehl, Michael Forest, 9

  Repeal Coalition (Arizona), 205

  restorative justice, 134, 136, 143, 163, 175

  Restorative Response Baltimore, 144–5

  Rice, Tamir, 21, 41, 177, 215

  Richie, Beth, 36

  Riley, Boots, 71

  Ritchie, Andrea, 57–8

  Rittenhouse, Kyle, 9, 20, 221

  Rivera Cusicanqui, Silvia, 173

  Rizzo, Frank, 6, 104, 141

  Roberts, Dorothy, 147

  Rolfe, Garrett, 84, 113

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 196

  Royal Irish Constabulary, 166

  Safe Neighborhood Campaign, 144

  Safe OUTside the System (SOS) Collective, 144

  salaries and wages, of police, 68, 101, 103, 106, 107, 116, 117, 166, 214, 224

  San Antonio, Texas, #OccupyICE protests in, 207

  San Antonio Police Department, Jackie Neal case, 108

  San Antonio Police Officers Association, 108

  San Cristóbal de las Casas (Chiapas), as self-governed territory, 168

  sanctuary movement, 5, 202, 206, 207–8, 209, 219

  San Francisco Police Officers Association, 98

  Santana, Feidin, 72, 81

  Saunders, Lee, 114

  school police. See school resource officers (SRO)

  school resource officers (SRO)

  history of, 33, 37

  and mass shootings, 66–7

  votes to eliminate contracts for, 5, 145

  school-to-prison pipeline, 37, 148

  Schrader, Stuart, 42, 45, 79, 124

  Scott, Walter, 37, 71, 72, 81

  Scott-Heron, Gil, 93

  Sculley, Sheryl, 108

  Seattle Rape Relief, 143

  security patrols

  in Seattle, 138

  by Zapatistas, 168


  abolition as not possible without, 180

  claims of, 9, 22, 39–40, 82, 86

  self-defense networks/movements, 138–40, 158, 159, 161, 167–8, 173, 175, 179, 181

  self-deportation, 194–5, 206

  self-managed security collectives, 3, 134

  self-organized experiments, in Latin America, 167–8, 169

  Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA), 99, 214

  Serpico, Frank, 76–7

  sexual assault

  by on-duty officers, 56–8

nbsp; police as not preventing or often investigating, 55–6

  sexual minorities, and police protection, 59–60, 146

  sex workers

  complex realities of, 146–7

  and police protection, 60, 143

  Shakur, Tupac, 213

  Sharecroppers’ Union, 139

  Sharpton, Al, 72

  The Shock Doctrine (Klein), 175–6

  sick-outs, 103, 213

  Silvercorp, 44

  Singh, Laibar, 205–6

  Sinn Féin, 163

  Sista II Sista, 144

  Sistas’ Liberated Ground, 144

  Sister Souljah, 188

  Slager, Michael, 71, 72

  slave patrols, 23, 25, 200


  abolition of, 11–13, 154

  police forces during, 23

  prisons and police as carceral heirs to, 14

  Smith, Mychal Denzel, 229–30

  social police, 35

  Somin, Ilya, 114

  South Africa

  alternatives to police in, 176

  makgotla (community courts), 163–4

  street committees in, 163–4

  Spook Hunters, 140

  Stamper, Norm, 56

  stand-your-ground laws, 86

  Stanley-Jones, Aiyana, 93, 177

  statues, defacing and removal of, 6–7

  Steinbeck, John, 127

  St. Louis County Police Department, 222

  Stoughton, Seth, 67


  formation of, 160

  as fundamentally inseparable from police, 160

  as metaphor for defunding the police, 159–61

  Surowiecki, James, 98, 110

  Taller Salud, 174

  Tanner, Joe, 214, 215

  Taser International (now Axon), 83

  Task Force on Twenty-First Century Policing, 78–9, 80, 87, 89, 149

  Tate-Brown, Brandon, 79–80, 124

  Taylor, Breonna, 5, 93, 227

  Taylor, Keenga-Yamahtta, 28, 29, 51, 151


  and ICE, 202

  law enforcement units in, 120

  recruiting of cops by, 102

  1033 program, 32, 83


  Austin Police Association, 124

  Austin Police Department budget cuts, 94

  #OccupyICE in San Antonio, 207

  police attack on Black teenagers in McKinney, 21

  violence against protesters in Austin, 8, 223

  Texas Rangers, 38–9, 40

  “thin blue line,” 41

  Thirteenth Amendment (US Constitution), 12

  Thomas, Kelly, 54

  Three Percenters, 221–2

  Tilly, Charles, 215–16

  Timbs, Tyson, 217

  Tom Joad (fictional character), 127

  “to protect and serve”

  coining of phrase, 62

  police as not legally required, 66, 67, 128

  police as protecting and serving property, not people, 202

  police as protecting and serving themselves, 69

  use of phrase, 47

  training, for police, 3, 67, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 84–5, 86, 112, 130, 222

  transgender people, and police protection, 59–60, 62, 63, 162, 210

  transit police, 4, 34

  Trumka, Richard, 118

  Trump, Donald, 4, 9, 44, 48, 49, 50, 88, 100, 111, 124, 185, 188, 189, 190, 191, 195, 196, 201, 202, 207, 219, 223

  Truth, Sojourner, 14

  Tubman, Harriet, 14

  Tulsa Police Department, police killings by, 49

  Turner, Nat, 14

  Uhlmann, Natascha Elena, 189–90, 193–4, 207

  UndocuBlack Network, 208

  Uniform Crime Reporting database (FBI), 32

  United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW), law enforcement units in, 120

  United National Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, on rape and sexual abuse by police, 57

  US Border Patrol

  agents deployed to George Floyd protests in Portland, 202

  calls for abolition of, 202

  domestic violence by, 59

  endorsement of Trump by, 219

  establishment of, 199–200

  as grown out of informal, white supremacist mobs, 40

  as upholding racial divisions, 201

  US Bureau of Labor Statistics

  on risk of being police officer, 68

  statistic on private security offices, 34

  US Capitol, storming of (January 2021), 222

  US Constitution

  Eighth Amendment, 217

  Fifteenth Amendment, 12

  Fifth Amendment, 102, 109

  Fourteenth Amendment, 12

  Fourth Amendment, 102

  Thirteenth Amendment, 12

  US Department of Education, statistic on school-based arrest, 33

  US Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

  calls for abolition of, 193

  Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), 189

  right-wing militias as helping, 220

  tech budget of, 204

  US Department of Justice (DOJ)

  Center for Policing Equity, 90

  Civil Rights Division indictment of Ferguson Police Department, 78, 84

  on police abolition, 16

  survey of campus police, 33

  US Supreme Court

  Gardner v. Broderick, 109

  Garrity v. New Jersey, 109

  Graham v. Connor, 83

  Mapp decision, 102, 109

  Miranda decision, 102, 109

  on police not being held liable for not protecting the public from a private, third-party actor, 66

  and special rights for police, 111

  Timbs v. Indiana, 217

  Vallejo Police Officers’ Association (VPOA), 214–15

  Vargas, Karina, 72


  communal councils and communes in, 178–9, 181

  demand for community control in Caracas, 157–8

  mercenary action in, 44

  police reform in, 180

  revolutionary movements in Caracas, 157–9


  of abuse by SROs, 145

  by bystanders, 2, 5, 8, 9, 20, 53, 54, 72, 80, 81, 97

  surveillance video, 21

  use of body cameras, 81, 82


  American Legion as, 100

  history of, 19–21

  killing of Ahmaud Arbery by, 5, 19

  killing of Jordan Davis by, 21

  killings of homeless people by, 54

  Kyle Rittenhouse as, 9, 20, 221

  Michael Dunn as, 21

  Taxes Rangers as species of hybrid “police vigilantes,” 38

  uptick in attacks by, 8

  violence by in wake of Hurricane Katrina, 22

  Zoot Suit Riots, 40

  Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act (1994), 29, 32, 188

  Vitale, Alex, 38, 84, 86–7

  Vollmer, August, 38, 75

  vulnerable communities

  how police view, 61

  and police protection, 55, 57, 62, 146, 162, 210, 230

  Wafer, Theodore, 21


  impact of migration on, 195–6, 197–9, 203, 210

  and salaries, of police, 68, 101, 103, 106, 107, 116, 117, 166, 214, 224

  of whiteness, 24, 26, 44, 103, 200

  Walia, Harsha, 206

  Walker, Samuel, 109, 110

  Walker, Scott, 115–16

  Wall, Tyler, 35, 57, 89, 90, 107

  Wallace, Walter, Jr., 53, 125

  The War on Cops (Mac Donald), 48

  “war on drugs,” 29, 31

  “war on police,” 41, 68, 126, 218, 224

  Warren, Scott, 207

  Watts, Ronald, 218

  Wayfair, 203

  Welch, Ryan, 32–3

  welfare institutions/programs

  budgets for, 34
br />   lack of as cause of racist brutality meted out by police and vigilantes on poor communities of color, 29–30

  need for reimagining of, 147

  Reconstruction as pioneering, 12

  role police played in (1930s), 76

  Wells, Ida B., 55

  WhatsApp (app), 134

  white fear, 21, 23, 103, 106

  whiteness, 19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 41, 44, 45, 51, 103, 154, 165, 178, 198, 200, 201, 223, 226

  white-on-Black crime, 29

  white people

  killed by police, 51, 52

  media treatment of after Hurricane Katrina, 22

  and police protection, 47–8

  resistance by in police killings, 49

  as underrepresented in police killings, 48

  white power, 23–4, 28, 31, 154, 201

  white supremacists/supremacy

  abolishment of as necessary for abolishment of police, 45

  Bill Clinton as appeasing, 188

  complicity between police and, 8, 45–6

  as determining who can be killed or abused with impunity, 88–9

  killing of protesters in Kenosha by Kyle Rittenhouse, 9, 20, 221

  police membership in organizations of, 20

  presence of in military, 223

  presence of in police departments, 222

  struggles against, 4

  tearing down monuments to, 6–7

  Wickersham Commission, 75

  Williams, Kristian, 101, 103, 105, 118, 120

  Williams, Patricia, 82

  Williams, Robert F., 139, 158

  Williams, Seth, 80

  Wilson, Darren, 4, 21, 50, 78, 88, 98, 118


  Act 10 (Wisconsin), 116

  killing of protesters by white supremacist in Kenosha, 9, 221

  police brutality against Jacob Blake in Kenosha, 9, 20

  Women Organized against Rape, 143

  Workers United of Upstate New York, calls to expel IUPA from, 113

  The Wretched of the Earth (Fanon), 5

  Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE), calls to expel IUPA from, 113

  Yates, Travis, 49

  Young, Rickia, 125

  Young Lords, 139

  Young Patriots, 139

  Zapatistas, 159, 168, 186

  Zetas cartel, 180

  Zibechi, Raúl, 173

  Zimmerman, George, 20–1, 86, 141




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